I really can't control myself

Chapter 1158 Settlement of Accounts

An hour later, in the medical room of the main venue of the Demon Dou Martial Arts Competition, pitiful screams were heard continuously coming from inside. In the room, all the four hound guild members fell to the ground with twisted limbs. The screams came from the mouths of these people, but no matter how loud they shouted, it was of no use, because except for them, Everyone in the entire medical room, including the staff, guards, and medical personnel, were already dead, because Linton easily killed them regardless of their business. Of course, the four-headed hounds were not so good. Simple.

In the middle of the room, Linton sat on a chair and looked at Pacas lying on the hospital bed with a smile. The four hounds gathered here because Pacas was here. What he said before was a hallucination. But at the end of the game, Parkas was still in a state of broken arms. From any medical point of view, this is what really happened. To be honest, when hearing the medical staff say such words, the four heads were stunned. The president of Hounds already felt something was wrong.

Unfortunately, before there was any way to deal with it, Linton came directly to the door. Of course, you guys from the Miscellaneous Fish Guild are obviously no match for Linton. They are still alive now, but Linton just keeps them alive. Again, it's not that simple to die.

"In short, this guy was born in Chokla Village, and your guild's headquarters is in Veraklon City, right." Linton said while recording the information provided by the guild member named Walkley, "His family Do you have a sister? Just a sister? That would be so miserable. You don’t have a girlfriend? "

"I...I told you, let...let me go..." Walkley here said while squirming on the ground and begging for mercy. Although other people in the guild next to him also knew that this guy betrayed their guild members. , but I can indeed understand him, because Linton here is really too cruel.

"What do you want to do? Launch such an attack. Aren't you afraid of the Magic Council?" Goldman, the president here, gritted his teeth and shouted to Linton.

"That's the wrong question. You should ask the people in the Magic Council if they are afraid of my pursuit. Do you, the bastards they raise who claim to be a regular guild, like to sleep with other people's wives? Why don't you all see it today? It makes me feel so good to see my relatives being slept with. Is it true that the Magic Council raised a thing like you and you have the nerve to pursue me? Do you have anything that can send an emergency distress signal to the Magic Council? Where is it? I will hand it to you. How are you? You send the signal and ask them to come, but I want to see if they dare to come." Linton said.


"Oh, you don't seem to be convinced, right? People in your guild think sleeping with other people's wives is normal, right? It's a guild tradition, right? Come on, originally I was just here to cause trouble for Pacas alone. , since you all think there is nothing wrong with this behavior, I will satisfy you." Linton said, "Each of you should report the women in your family. It doesn't matter if you don't report. I have plenty of time to play with you."

After speaking, Linton turned directly to Walker, who had just begged for mercy: "Also, don't beg for mercy. I never said I would kill you. Don't you think this matter will be over once you die? How can it be so? It’s a cool thing, don’t worry, not only will I not kill you, I won’t let you die if you want to, unless you beg me, only those who are sincere can die, do you understand?”

After saying that, Linton stood up directly, pointed to the side, and opened a portal: "Wait a moment, I will find someone first."

After saying that, Linton walked directly into the portal, and the room suddenly became quiet. Realizing that Linton might have really left, one of the members said to President Goldman: "President, help me..."

Everyone is now lying on the ground with their limbs broken, unable to escape even if they want to. Now they can only ask for help from the only president they trust. However, Goldman also had a frosty look on his face. He couldn't even save himself, so how could he save others.

Speaking of this, Goldman thought of Linton. Yes, he remembered the news from seven years ago a little vaguely. What he remembered at that time was that the Fairy Tail Guild headquarters seemed to have been taken away by someone from the Dark Guild. He knew this news mainly because he and Makarov were relatively close friends. They were old acquaintances, but when he heard the news, he didn't care much. After all, he felt that Makarov didn't need his help.

But soon, news of a serious situation came from Fairy Tail, saying that they were attacked by a dragon on Tenrou Island. For a time, he thought that Makarov and the others were dead. Since they were all dead, the news from Fairy Tail later He didn't continue to pay attention, but now that Fairy Tail appeared again, he felt that a strange wave had come.

As for the Stardust Guild, he also remembered that it was the Dark Guild that robbed the Fairy Tail Guild Headquarters, and this guy was definitely not just the president of the Dark Guild. There was something really wrong with his intensity.

Can they be saved now? In fact, there is. Goldman does have something that can contact the Magic Council. The reason why he didn't take it out before was because he didn't believe Linton's words about calling for them. Maybe Linton wanted to You want to destroy this thing, don't you? In short, while the other party is leaving, Goldman must save himself now, that is, contact the Magic Council.

Although the limbs were twisted, the communication tools were driven by magic. After a period of struggle, the news was reluctantly released. The Magic Council should be contacted by him soon. Although there is no two-way communication to tell them the current situation, I believe They should be aware of the danger here.

Not long after Goldman here just sent out the message, the portal in the room opened again, and Linton's voice quickly came out of the portal. Along with him, there was another person who cried bitterly and A female voice screamed. Everyone looked up and saw that Linton was dragging a woman by her hair and pulling him closer to the room from the other side of the portal.

"Ai...Elinka!" At this time, Pacas on the bed became excited. Yes, Linton caught her and she was Pascal's sister. Obviously, after seeing his sister Qian, Pacas was worried about harming his family. He still had no idea. After all, his hometown, Chokla Village, was thousands of miles away from where he is now. Who would have thought that Linton would suddenly bring his sister here.

"Brother? What are you...Brother! This demon, this demon killed everyone in the village. The village is gone!" When Erinka heard Pacas's voice, she immediately started crying hoarsely. .

"You...you guy, what have you done?" Hearing this, Pacas struggled to get up, but his hands were gone and his legs were broken. How could he get up?

"Oh? This is exciting. Can you be a little stronger mentally? I told you what I wanted to do from the beginning. You proposed the bet, and you agreed. After that, you also lost. I will execute the bet. Is there any problem?" Linton said, "Come on, come on, your sister happens to be here too, tell her about the situation at that time. At that time, you were so excited that you wanted to sleep with my wife, weren't you? That heroic spirit It really impresses me. Please tell your sister how heroic you were at that time. Otherwise, if so many people died, they wouldn’t know why they died, and wouldn’t they be unjust?”

"Is it... because of you?" At this time, Erica here realized something. Was this demon brought to the village by Pacas?

"Your village is amazing. There is a hero who likes to sleep with other people's wives. The Guangzongyao clan can even boast about it for a lifetime. It's so majestic, isn't it?" Linton said with a smile.

"You guy!" Pacas yelled.

"What's wrong with me? Did I wrong you? Or did I add some fuel to your behavior?" Linton said, "Did I pick this thing? Let me ask you, have you done it?"

"I...that's all my fault. Why do you..."

"It is true that you are the only one who is wrong, but you are betting on the lives of your whole family, including everyone who knows you, right? I have confirmed with you, you have no objection, right?" Linton said.

"That's just..."

"Don't say it was just a joke and you didn't take it seriously. That's fine. I killed your whole family just as a joke. It's a joke. Who can't do it?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Then I'll continue to joke."

"You...you have the ability to kill me!" Pacas roared.

"I told you, I'm not here to kill you. You think it's over once Tan Shang is dead. Don't worry, not only will I not kill you, I will save you even if you want to die. In the ring, I How many times have I saved you? Forty times, right?" Linton said with a smile.

"Then...that's all true?" Parkas said tremblingly.

"Huh? You still think it's an illusion, don't you? You're a little too easy to deceive. You still think it's an illusion even though you have no hands? You're so stupid that I feel a little cute." Linton said with a smile.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Pacas here was writhing up and down on the bed, but it was obvious that he could only roll.

"Look, your brother is so majestic. Do you think it's worth the death of your whole village? I think it's so worth it. Didn't you see your brother's arrogant look on the field today? He really taught me a lot. Ah, I didn’t expect that it’s just a martial arts competition and you can bet on your own family. How about it, have you started to admire your brother too?” Linton directly picked up Erica and said.

The blow was a bit too great, and Erinka's eyes turned gray here, looking at Pacas on the bed with a blank expression. At this moment, Pacas truly felt his heart breaking.

"Don't be like this, it's just the beginning." Linton patted Erica on the shoulder, "Come on, who's turn is it now to express your opinion? Mr. President, with such a glorious performance as Pacas, your guild should You must be very complacent. On behalf of God, I offer you a great gift for cultivating such outstanding guild members. Just wait."

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