I really can't control myself

Chapter 1145 Registration

Looking along where Yalan pointed, Linton saw a huge stone pillar standing on the edge of the city in the distance. The shape of this stone pillar is a bit strange. After all, the surrounding area is flat, but suddenly there is a stone pillar in this place. There was obviously some kind of building above the stone pillar. Linton looked at it for a while and suddenly connected this thing with what he remembered.

"It seems like a gladiatorial arena." Linton said.

"Arena? This is rare." Yalan said. Yes, there are arenas in the main world, but they are not popular in the Holy Empire of Elan. Even trials by combat have not been held for several years. However, there are many in the Tiyes Empire in the north. Although the Tiyes Empire has now been merged into the Holy Empire of Yilan, Yalan has not gone there to see it. After all, the newly recovered place is more dangerous. What if there is an assassination or the like.

So Yalan has never been to the arena in her life. To be honest, Yalan has been to only a handful of places. She was born as a princess and usually can't go out. The last time she ran out and met Linton was her only act of rebellion, so although The arena was not that surprising, she was still very surprised.

"Want to take a look?" Linton said, looking at Yalan next to him. Linton also just noticed that because he was going out, Yalan here rarely changed into ordinary clothes, that is, the clothes of an adventurer. Compared with the emperor's clothes that he usually saw, he had to maintain his majesty at all times. The clothes look much more friendly, "As expected of my wife, she looks good in anything she wears."

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?" Yalan was a little embarrassed and angry. To be honest, Linton was very out of touch every time he spoke, and he could easily get involved in completely unrelated things.

"Anyway, let's take a walk first, and I might as well ask where this is." Linton said. Although he had some guesses, he still found someone to ask to see if it was what he thought.

After discussing it, the two decided to go shopping. Their goal was the arena they had seen before to see if there were any games to watch there. The main reason was that Yalan wanted to watch it. Soon, the two of them came to the street next to them. In an instant, they were both enveloped in the lively atmosphere.

Yes, the city is big and very lively. At this time, the street seemed to be holding some kind of celebration, and it was very lively. There are lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and the streets are hung with celebratory slogans. At the same time, many people are obviously tourists similar to Linton and the others. They must be here to have fun. While strolling around, they look around and keep exclaiming. , this is obviously not the performance of local people.

"It seems that there is some kind of festival." Yalan also said, "We are very lucky. What is that?"

Yalan was indeed a little happy and was a little surprised by everything she saw. What she saw at this time was a huge marshmallow-like food from a nearby stall. One look at the colorful Linton and she knew it was a dessert. It looked very good and was selling very well.

"Buy it." Linton said directly to Yalan. Of course, Yalan was very happy to take a bunch and started to eat. Linton walked over to the boss and started asking about the situation while preparing to pay.

Soon, Linton knew the location of the two people. As expected, this city is the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, the flower capital Crocas, so the arena on the huge stone pillar that I saw before is also the venue for the big devil's martial arts show, the Dome.

Judging from the current situation, the big magic fight here should be held soon. Otherwise, there would not be so many tourists. These people should be here to watch this game. Of course, this also shows that there is nothing wrong with Linton's time calculation. Of course, it may also be the result of System Ji's help in correcting it. In short, he caught up without any delay.

Just as he was glad that he had got the time right, Linton suddenly froze for a moment, because at this moment, he suddenly remembered something, that is... he had no money.

Yes, although Linton exchanged money in this world before, he gave it all to Gasein for him to take care of. However, the current situation is that Gasein was thrown into another world by himself and did not come back, and the money was also...

Looking at Yalan next to her, she had already eaten half of the food. Perhaps noticing Linton's gaze, the very smart Yalan immediately understood what was going on. Yes, people of their status rarely bring their own money when going out, but Yalan knew that she was going out a few days ago. She was very excited as if she were going out for a spring outing. Not only did she prepare her clothes. She also had everything else ready, just inside her space ring. Of course she also had money.

"You forgot to bring your money? If you don't mind, I'll bring it with you." After saying that, Yalan took out a gold coin and handed it to Linton.

"Although you are very careful, you seem to have forgotten what I told you before. We are coming from another world, and the currency here..." Linton pointed to the currency held by a tourist next to him who was paying. Money, "It's different from our place..."

"Uh... it's really different." Yalan just remembered that this was in another world. To be honest, when she first came here, she felt like she was just in another city, because the difference was really It's not that big, so I didn't immediately react to traveling across the world. If you go directly to a place like Orgrimmar, the contrast will suddenly make you realize that it is another world. The people and things around you here are not much different from those over there.

"What should we do now?" Yalan asked while eating some sweets.

"Here, my husband will teach you how to eat Overlord's Meal." Linton said as he picked up Yalan and ran out to the other side of the street.

"Hey..." Of course the boss here wanted to chase him, but he took two steps without stopping him, and then gave up quickly. Yes, a 100J item is not worth much. If you pursue it, it will delay your business and cause greater losses. Now is the time when the flow of people is the largest and it is too late to do business. Who would use their time to chase a thief for 100J. In the end, I could only curse twice and go back to sell candy.

Linton was indeed just playing around with Yalan. Otherwise, if he really wanted to run away, would anyone be able to see his shadow? Yalan was indeed smiling happily. Whether it was the candy in her hand or the eating of the King's meal, it was a novel feeling that she had never experienced before. The more she thought about the emperor eating the King's meal, the more she wanted to laugh.

Soon the two of them found that no one was chasing them, and Linton also let go of Yalan. Although the people on the street were a little surprised by the two of them, they didn't pay much attention. It looked like an ordinary couple having a fight.

"I didn't expect that I didn't pay for the first meal here." Yalan said, "There seems to be a lot of delicious food here. I want to try it, but it's not good to keep doing it like this."

Indeed, there are some very novel things for sale on the streets. In addition to a lot of food, there are also some jewelry and toys. Even Linton finds them interesting when he looks at them, let alone Yalan. Of course, you can't always grab it openly, right? Linton thought for a while, then suddenly pointed to a huge banner next to him and said, "I just asked about it, there is a competition being held in the arena over there, and the prize money seems to be 30 million J."

"Then... let's participate in the competition?" Yalan instantly understood what Linton meant. This was of course very fun. She originally wanted to watch the competition, but now wouldn't it be more interesting to participate directly? Of course she has never participated in a gladiatorial competition. To be honest, she has never even watched it a few times. How could she, the emperor of the empire, participate in the competition under normal circumstances? Who dares to let her go, and who dares to fight her?

But it is obvious that no one here knows her as the emperor of the empire. This is really very happy for Yalan. She has been the most eye-catching princess in the empire since she was born, and she has always accepted everyone. After arriving here, she found that no one recognized her, which made her very happy.

Although Yalan was asking for Linton's opinion, Linton obviously understood Yalan's expectations. Is there anything else to say at this time? Although Bill Clinton found this boring, it was necessary to participate.

So the two quickly began to inquire about the competition. Under the guidance of a kind passerby, the two came to a competition registration office and received a "competition rule book." The rule book of this game is really just a book. After opening it, it is densely packed with all kinds of messy rules. It is obvious that this thing is not for people to read, and I don’t know who it is for. No one will really read it anyway. Please finish reading this book.

Linton asked the staff and got the three main rules for registration. First, you must be a regular guild with more than five guild members before you can register; second, the guild president is not allowed to participate in the competition, and people without the guild crest are not allowed to participate as guests; third, registration time As of 12 o'clock tonight, all participants must gather at the designated hotel to wait for the game to start.

I have to say that Linton was in trouble in the first step of the competition. It was a regular guild, but the problem was that they were not a regular guild. This dark guild could not sign up. Seeing Linton frowning, Yalan next to him realized that it was not that simple, so he said: "How about..."

"It's nothing. I haven't been able to do what I want to do. I'm just participating in a competition. If I can't do this, how will I meet people in the future." After Linton finished speaking, he patted the registration office next to him. Table: "Come, register, Stardust Guild, sign up to participate in the Great Demon Fight."

"Oh, okay." The staff here was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I haven't heard of the Stardust Guild. I'll check the information later."

"Stardust Guild?" At this moment, a person suddenly ran out of the office next to him and looked at Linton in surprise.

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