I really can't control myself

Chapter 1136 Pie in the sky

Urrutia's magic looks like a crystal ball manipulated by the mind, but it is actually the arc of ancient magic time. These things that look like crystal balls should be accurately speaking, they are manifestations from the future. It's a bit complicated to say, but the actual situation is that these crystal balls are very difficult to avoid. Under normal circumstances, this trick can be said to be a BUFF that is sure to hit.

Urrutia is also very confident in this. Although she also feels that this move alone should not be able to defeat Linton, but it can give her time to take away Zeref. However, just as she rushed towards Zeref with confidence, a figure appeared directly in front of her like a flash.

Before Urrutia could even remember to see clearly who the other party was, one of Linton's hands had already pinched the other party's face. After reacting, Urrutia raised her right hand and wanted to attack again. However, Linton just waved lightly, and with a "swish", the right half of Urrutia's body and her right hand disappeared directly. It was just that the air flow formed by Linton's air blow was completely cut down.

Before he even felt that his right hand had disappeared, Linton's right foot was already imprinted on Urrutia's body. The next second, Urrutia's body flew out like a cannonball, crashing through the trees and rocks behind. A moment later, it had disappeared in front of Linton and Zeref.

Such fighting power even surprised Zeref, but he was only surprised for a short while. Urrutia was nothing in his eyes. He also believed that Linton didn't use much strength to deal with Urrutia. At this level, there was indeed no reference value. Although Linton's strength was somewhat beyond his expectation, it was not that easy to kill him.

"There should be no one to disturb you now." Linton turned to look at Zeref, who was still kneeling on the ground on one knee, looking seriously injured, "Um...can you be a little more serious? ?Although I think the ending is probably the same, I also hope you will struggle a little bit."

Zeref knew why he couldn't use magic, but he didn't think it was a bad thing. In the current state, Zeref's own wishes are contrary to magic and cannot exert the power of magic. In other words, he can still feel his respect for life, which makes Zeref even feel at ease. However, he did not want to explain the reason to Linton, and he was not prepared to resist. Although he did not believe it, if Linton could really kill him, this would indeed be his wish.

"Come on," Zeref said simply.

There was a loud "bang", and as soon as Zeref finished speaking, Linton's punch hit him directly. The surrounding ground exploded directly, forming a huge crater out of thin air. The surrounding trees and rocks were directly cleared by this blow, and a clearing was directly swept out in the woods.

"Uh..." To be honest, Linton didn't use much force in this blow. If he had really used force, it would definitely not be the situation in front of him. This time he was just trying out the situation experimentally, but the results were somewhat unexpected.

To be honest, this punch was a simple hit. Linton didn't expect it. And it was not just a simple hit. With one punch, a valuable item prompt popped up here. Can you believe it? Yes, with just one simple punch, the battle ended immediately.

But you said Zeref lost here? Although Linton's punch was weak, ordinary people would definitely not be able to withstand it. But there didn't seem to be any problem with Zeref's body. It felt like the magic power in his body automatically resisted the damage, and the opponent was just knocked unconscious.

This gap is indeed a bit big. Linton was prepared to fight Zeref for 300 rounds. After all, the opponent was one of the final BOSS, but it ended with just one tentative punch? This made Linton a little unhappy. Of course, he could clearly see that Zeref had no intention of fighting him at all, and he always felt like he was being looked down upon.

Having said that, since the valuables came out, Linton naturally uploaded them directly. Seeing the scores that popped up, Linton's mood suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny.

"System prompt: Upload successful, 3.47 million points obtained."

Yes, although he had a premonition that the final BOSS would have a lot of points, he didn't expect that he would get 3.47 million points directly. Of course, some of these points are due to the bonus after being promoted, but being able to obtain so many points also shows that its base is not small.

This is the most valuable item that Linton has obtained so far. As for why this guy is so valuable, Linton estimates that many things that happen in this world have something to do with this guy. Not only did he create Those demons, the Tower of Paradise R system, the magic pulse bomb Fez, and even the Gate of Time monster spawning tower that Linton planned before are all related to him. Probably because there are so many related things, the exploration points are so high.

With this wave of income, Linton said that he would be a little more arrogant, for the sake of points. If you don't feel good after that, just continue to fight and that's it.

Although the process was a bit unexpected, in short, Zeref's points and skills were obtained. As a result, the value of the guy on the ground seems to have suddenly decreased a lot. Linton looked at the unconscious Zeref on the ground and began to study the future uses of this guy.

The fact that demons can count points has been confirmed. Unlike dragons, demons are produced by the guy in front of me. So is it possible that this guy can make demons for himself in batches that can earn points?

Linton also tried to mass-produce Devil Fruit before, but the artificial Devil Fruit produced there ended up with fewer and fewer points due to repeated uploads, and the plan failed. However, the ones produced by the devil should be different individuals. Linton is not sure whether they can be used to increase points. Can he try to find a few that have already been produced?

Thinking of this, Linton thought of the remaining guild of the three dark guilds called Hades Gate, whose members were all demons created by Zeref. If you want to test it out, it is most convenient to find people from this guild first. However, the problem is that these people are not easy to find. At least Linton doesn't have any clues now.

Of course, when I say there are no clues, I mean before Zeref appears. Although these guys were created by Zeref to kill him, they were very loyal to Zeref and made up a lot of so-called goals for Zeref to achieve. Yes, just like the Devil's Heart, these guys also felt that Zeref was going to do something big, like destroying the world. In short, they felt like they were helping Zeref through self-hypnosis. In short, if you get Zeref, these people will naturally be found.

Thinking of this, Linton also looked at Zeref on the ground. This guy was really miserable. He is really different from pretentious criminals like Kaido. He really wants to die, but the people below are all lunatics, and they will just destroy the world. They have to throw this pot on his head. Now he couldn't explain it clearly even if he told them in person. I don’t know where Zeref found so many subordinates who like to change themselves.

After taking some time, Linton planned his future plan. At this moment, Zeref, who was lying on the ground, suddenly woke up and murmured "Akunolokia." A black light emitted from his body.

This black light should be the so-called death hunting pulse. It is said that all living things it touches will be deprived of life. However, in the original novel, only one person was deprived of life by this thing, and its other function is to weed. The principle is said to be that the more Zeref loves someone, the sooner he will die, and if he loves all living things, he will take away all lives. However, as his favorite Mavis, his heart did not stop beating even after being hit by this trick. He was just pretending to die. So would this trick be useful to him?

Linton directly chose to try it, but the result was... no response. Yes, the black aura directly passed through his body, without any discomfort or reaction, and the battle girl was not triggered, as if he was not hurt at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Zeref's ability came from the god of this world, God Anxelam. This god seemed to be in charge of the life and death of all creatures in this world. But it probably has nothing to do with me. After all, I'm not from this world. Maybe it's because I can't control it.

"Sure enough, you're still not dead?" Zeref had regained some sense of consciousness at this time. Of course, the one who was not dead was himself. After he finished speaking, he looked around to see what the death hunting pulse he launched had taken away. But at this time, the surrounding ground had been completely cleared by Linton, not even a blade of grass was left. The only living thing was Linton himself, and Linton was fine. Seeing Linton next to him, Zeref was also stunned.

"Are you... okay?" Zeref asked a little excitedly.

"I won't die even if Damn dies, okay?" Linton directly possessed the Zaun people. "Think carefully about your abilities. Are you worthy of killing me?"

"..." For the first time in 400 years, Zeref was stunned when he heard someone talking to him like this.

"Wake up and do me a favor." Linton said directly, "Can you contact the demons you created?"

"Why should I... help you?" Zeref thought for a while and suddenly said, "If you can help me, I can also help you, but you didn't kill me."

"Isn't it easy to die? But if you die, who will help me find someone?" Linton said, "So, you do some work for me, and I will help you die, is it a deal?"

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