At this time, a large number of soldiers had gathered in the square of the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Edras, and King Faust also appeared on the ceremonial stage in the square. At this time, the long-gestating ETD combat plan has been prepared, and they are just waiting for the cat soldiers of Exstania to enter the encirclement net.

However, faced with this situation, the cat soldiers of Exstania did not have the slightest doubt. They had seen the battle below, but they never thought that this group of humans might rebel against them. After all, they were gods, and humans were just inferior races. How could they dare to resist them.

The long-term self-hypnosis has made the current cat people blindly confident. They really think that they are a superior race. The history of being oppressed by humans has been completely buried deliberately, so how can anyone dare to treat themselves? What about the gods taking action?

Even if something is obviously wrong with the situation below, you may be able to detect some problems even if you just look at the expressions of the soldiers below. But these cats of Exstania had no intention of observing at all. They looked like envoys coming, ready to accept the worship of the humans below.

Soon, all the Extanian cat soldiers had entered the set encirclement net, and all the human soldiers unconsciously looked at their king. Yes, most of the king's soldiers are also skeptical about resisting the gods. They really think that resisting these gods will bring about some kind of divine punishment. After all, they have also brainwashed themselves into an inferior race. Well. But they also believed in the king who could bring them a good life, and waited for his final order.

Faust here did not hesitate at all. How could a god be allowed to exist above the king? At this point, everything could no longer stop. Taking a deep breath, Faust suddenly ordered: "Start the battle!"

After hearing the final order, these soldiers also swallowed their saliva, but without much thought, they started to act one after another. Soon, several fort-like things appeared in the walled city, aiming directly at the cat soldiers in the air.

"What is that?" Seeing this situation, some of the cat soldiers here also felt strange.

"Probably... some kind of welcome salute?" However, it was obvious that their long-standing concepts still did not arouse any alarm. The idea of ​​human beings rebelling seemed to them to be a fantasy.

Until the magic rays here were launched, these people still thought that this was just a welcome ceremony performed by humans to welcome the arrival of the envoy. However, at this time, several beams of light shot into the sky, forming something like a light net. A ball suddenly enveloped all the cat soldiers. Until then, these cat soldiers finally felt Something is wrong.

With a "boom", the huge energy began to erode the cat tribe wrapped inside. In an instant, a large number of cat tribe soldiers were injured. Now they finally knew that this was an attack, not a welcome, but it was too late now. The ball of light immediately enveloped all of them inside.

"Damn it! What is this! Damn humans! What do you want to do? We are gods!" The leader of the cat clan was Guards Captain Er Ye. At this time, it saw King Faust below and shouted directly at him. .

"Goodbye, God." Faust said goodbye to the cats in the sky by clasping his hands together as if praying.

"Damn you guys! Our queen will never let you go!" Erye roared, and the next second, all the cat soldiers turned into a ray of light and gathered together to form a huge magic crystal. Yes, these beams are actually beams that turn people into magic crystals. Just as he expected, the cats in Exstania can also turn into magic crystals.

"Really, let's do it."

"It'll be okay..."

Although the battle plan was successful, the soldiers all heard what they said two nights ago and began to worry. After all, they were attacking the gods, and the Queen of Exstania made all humans a little afraid. As mentioned before, Queen Shaggart has the superpower to predict the time of human death, so she often uses this ability to deceive humans, saying that she wants to punish someone, but it turns out that the person really died not long after, and everyone believed it. Its magical power spreads more and more, and it becomes more and more powerful, and it feels like the other party is an omnipotent god. But now that they are attacking the god, what will be the result?

"There is no god in this world!" Faust's voice came from the podium at this time, "We humans suffer from limited magic power, but Exstania sings about unlimited magic power. Why can't we get close to it?" What about the infinity so close at hand? The era of being dominated is over. My soldiers, please stand together for the future of mankind!"

One call directly woke up the confused soldiers. Faust's speech ability was still good, and he did get the support of the soldiers. Anyway, they have done it now. The soldiers thought about it and were no longer confused. They should follow their king and fight to the end.

"Continue to implement the ETD plan!" Faust yelled.

As mentioned before, the ETD plan is a plan to rebel against the gods. Of course, it is not just a simple attack on the opponent's guards. Faust himself didn't know the depth of the opponent's Queen Shaget, and he was also worried about the opponent's "magical magic", so this problem still needed to be solved.

"But Your Majesty the King, have we still got the magic power of the Dragon Slayer? We can't activate the next step." The chief of staff Bairo said next to him.

Yes, the next plan requires the magic power of the Dragon Slayer, because they have secretly prepared a weapon for confrontation, a weapon called the Dragon Lock Cannon, but that weapon requires a lot of magic to activate, and there is no Dragon Slayer now. The guide extracts magic power and cannot activate it.

"Just use this magic crystal to activate it." Faust pointed at the huge magic crystal turned into by the cat soldiers below and said.

"However, this may not necessarily be..."

"It must work. Let me debug it immediately!" Faust directly interrupted Bayero and said.

"I... try..." To be honest, Bailuo didn't have much confidence. The magic power supply of the previous thing was designed according to the dragon slayer. Of course, they didn't expect to get such a big piece of Aix at that time. The magic crystal that Tania's soldiers turned into. Theoretically speaking, it is all magic energy and should be usable, but who can say that it will definitely succeed?

"As long as we have unlimited magic power, we will have nothing to fear. No matter what gods they are, or invaders from Aslant, they will kneel before me!" Faust said.

Faust has not forgotten about Linton, but in his opinion, as long as his plan succeeds, their kingdom will gain unlimited magic power. In this case, even if the intruder hangs again, will it still pose any threat to them? In short, if the plan is successful, all problems will be solved.

At the same time, Linton had just finished his breakfast and touched his stomach. Linton stretched and said, "It's almost time. Everyone, go ahead. I'll take the time to destroy the world."

"Oh, okay, by the way, the toilet is over there." It was obvious that the Fairy Tail people still didn't take Linton's words seriously. Some people even thought that Linton just drank too much and wanted to go to the toilet, and they were very considerate to help him. He pointed to the toilet.

"Wait!" Lucy here couldn't sit still any longer, so she stood up and said, " can you let this go?"

Linton ignored her, looked at the three people next to him, and then focused on Wendy. Gajeel didn't care about this matter, and Linton was able to convince Garsain that this Wendy was really not easy to handle. After thinking about it, Linton said to Garsain: "Split the troops into two groups. You go and help this guy catch a cat, and I'll go and destroy the world."

"Are you alone?" Garsain asked.

"Yeah, I'm afraid you won't be able to run fast enough for a big move." Linton said.

"Same." Garsain nodded, "I understand."

"Let's go." Linton said and waved his hand, and a portal appeared directly under the feet of the three of them. Of course, it was teleported directly to Xia Lulu.

"What is that? Aslant's spell? It's really different from ours." Seeing Linton's hand, the surrounding Fairy Tail members also became curious.

"That's it. I'm going to do something and I'll be back soon." Linton waved his hand and then said to Lucy, "If you don't want anything to happen, don't leave here. You should be able to survive."

Without waiting for the other party's reaction, Linton teleported directly to Erza's marked point with a flash of white light.

As soon as he arrived here, Linton heard cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami. At this time, Erza was standing a little behind the viewing platform of the palace. Next to her were several captains of the Demonic War Troops, as well as some important ministers of the Kingdom of Edras. Not far ahead of them was King Faust.

At this time, Faust was laughing loudly on the podium. He didn't know whether it was because he was happy to see the soldiers below supporting him so much, or because he saw a bright future. This laughter was really villainous, but the soldiers below didn't care about it and cheered his name with great emotion.

"Is there a party over here too?" Linton's voice reached Erza's ears directly, but Erza hadn't reacted yet. She was still calculating her future plans when she heard someone interrupt. As she was thinking, she turned around angrily and said, "Who is..."

However, the moment she saw Linton, Erza immediately suppressed her words. At the same time, several Demon Sentai captains nearby also saw the sudden appearance of Linton. Of course, they did not recognize Linton, and it was strange for Linton to appear here: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"He... is the intruder." Erza said immediately.


Next chapter is later

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