I really can't control myself

Chapter 1120 Snatching

"Erza?" Garsain looked at the person standing on top of the creature that looked a bit like a dragon in confusion. After a closer look, it was indeed Erza, but the dress was slightly different, but the appearance was exactly the same. . This made Gasein feel a little dizzy: "What's going on with the people here? Why do they look so familiar?"

Yes, the appearance and name are the same. This is obviously not a coincidence, but Garsain also knows that the Lucy in front of him is not the Lucy they know. The tone of their speech is different and their temperament is completely different. , and Erza is most likely not the Erza they know.

"The world here and the world over there may be somewhat mirrored, so there are some overlaps in the characters," Linton said.

"Can this be repeated?" Gasan raised his forehead, "It's equivalent to having twins who look basically the same between people in this world and people in that world, but there are some differences because of the different environments in which they grew up, right?"

"That's probably what I mean." Linton nodded.

Just as they were talking, the Royal Army's people had begun to surround them, and Erza in this world was also the first to bear the brunt, riding a dragon directly and landing in front of Linton and Gasain. However, after landing, Linton already felt that the dragon-like thing in front of him was probably not a dragon, but just a relatively large flying lizard. From the perspective of breath detection, this thing is really not very good, and its strength is too low. Although the Dragon Clan is not an awesome race, treating this as a Dragon Clan is really looking down on them.

"Damn it... I can't run away." Seeing the arrival of these king's soldiers, Lucy's first reaction was that she wanted to retreat, but it was obviously too late. Soldiers surrounded them from all directions, and Lucy could only temporarily stand with Linton and the others.

"Lucy from Fairy Tail, right." Erza had already noticed Lucy. The members of Fairy Tail were the leaders on the wanted order, so of course Erza immediately recognized her, "I didn't expect that. When I meet you here, does the golden light just now have anything to do with you?"

Obviously Erza and others came here because of the previous incident of destroying the golden light on a floating island, but she didn't think it was done by people from Fairy Tail. After all, if they had that ability, the people from Fairy Tail would People won't be chased around by her, but Lucy's appearance here probably has something to do with her.

Of course, Linton and others were probably regarded as Fairy Tail's accomplices. Although Erza had never seen them, she had no other suspicions.

"It's just Erza, don't think that you can be arrogant in front of me just by changing your tone." Linton took a step forward and said.

"Who are you?" Erza looked at Linton and asked.

"In Lower Linton, the president of the Stardust Guild comes from another world, which is the world you call Eslandon." Linton said.

"Are you from Eslandon?" Erza was stunned, "How did you travel here?"

"Thank you stupid emperor for breaking the dimensional barrier and allowing me to come here." Linton spread his hands and said, "In response to his efforts, I will grant you equal destruction."

"Destruction? You mean you want to destroy our kingdom?" Erza asked in surprise.

"No, no, no...it's...this world." Linton said.

"Hahaha...haha...what you said is interesting." Erza couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You want to destroy the world? You may not know that the people from Eslandon are not at all on our side. Not to mention being unable to use your own abilities, you are the only ones..."

There was a "ding", and before Erza could finish her words, a golden light flashed directly towards her face. Erza didn't react at all, and didn't even know what happened. However, at this moment, a huge explosion sounded from behind.

Erza turned her head. In the sky far behind, a large hole had been punched through a floating island. Under Erza's eyes, the entire island gradually began to collapse, and a huge sound was heard in her ears. , Erza froze on the spot.

When she turned her head again, Erza's eyes had changed. She now understands what happened to the golden light she saw before. At first, she thought it was some kind of giant magic attack weapon, but it was actually released by the man in front of her? Why can this man use magic here? And...why is he so strong? This beam of light can directly shatter the entire floating island. This man seemed to throw it out casually. This is too subversive of common sense.

"Suddenly he stopped talking." Linton said with a smile, "I don't know my own insignificance. This is really the original sin. Are you ready to accept destruction?"

"You...it's impossible...it's impossible to have such an ability. How could you..." Erza obviously didn't believe it, even if she saw it with her own eyes.

"Erza! What on earth did the Royal Capital do?" Lucy here asked directly.

"What did we do? We just robbed Eslandon of his magic power, just like we have always done." Erza said.

"You can be said to be just and awe-inspiring when you steal other people's things. You are really the first one." After Linton finished speaking, he looked at Garsain next to him. "See, do you think this group of people can be saved?"

"That's what I say, but I really don't think she is the first one. Didn't you just steal someone else's guild..."

"Shut up!" Linton interrupted Garsain directly, "Who are you TN working for?"

"Okay, okay...I won't say anything, I'll just listen to you." Gasein held his forehead.

"In short, I haven't wronged you, right? You started the war, right? You don't think we won't fight back, do you?" Linton said.

"War? Just...a few of you?" Erza gritted her teeth, "In that case, there's nothing more to say. Let's do it! Kill them!"

With an order, the prepared guards of the Edras Kingdom's demon squadron immediately surrounded Linton and the others. The soldiers of these Demon Sentai are equipped with powerful magic props. This world mainly uses such magic props to fight. The magic itself is secondary. After all, the world is short of magic power. It is more convenient to store magic power in props for use. common practice.

Although Erza was really surprised by the blow just now, seeing Linton and the others, Erza decided to take action and eliminate these people directly here. Vaguely, she also felt threatened by Linton. This person must not be let go.

"This guy doesn't think he has any numerical advantage." Linton touched his head, "Come on, nephew, I'll give you a minute to deal with these soldiers."

"It's no use." Garsain said and already drew his sword. He was still a little hesitant when Linton said something about destroying the world. Now looking at Erza's performance, to be honest, Linton really didn't say what he said. Wrong, there is no meaning without lessons accompanied by pain. Even if it is really destroyed, it was done by these people themselves.

A sword flashed past, and the entire row of soldiers in front of him was instantly cut into two pieces. The shield formed by the magic props could not withstand Garsain's sword energy at all, and Linton discovered that Garsain's sword skills were indeed stronger than before. Although he often said that this guy was weak, if he really took it seriously, his progress would be real. The kind that can be seen with the naked eye is at least much better than himself. After all, he has always relied on cheats to improve.

The exaggerated sword directly suppressed everyone present, and the soldiers who were about to rush forward were shocked to the spot. Of course, Garsain had no intention of letting them go. He turned around and struck out with his sword again, harvesting a bunch of heads again. People in the main world all know that they should not try to pile up the Death Saints with their numbers. They will only be greeted by unilateral slaughter. However, it is obvious that the people here do not know this common sense.

The battle could indeed be resolved in one minute. Linton looked away because Erza had already rushed towards him. Of course, Erza didn't just let her soldiers go up. She also came up herself, but the person she was targeting was Linton. What Linton was more curious about was the dragon-like monster under the opponent. Could this thing... count for points? Although it's not a dragon, it does look a bit like it.

With a wave of his hand, Susanoo appeared directly behind him, and his huge black palm directly grabbed the flying monster's head. The next second, Susanoo raised his hand, and the entire monster was picked up, turned around, and then hit the ground with a loud "bang".

With a mournful cry of "Ouch", the monster here immediately lost its reaction. But Erza who was standing on the monster disappeared, and she didn't know when she disappeared.

At this moment, Linton suddenly raised his hand and grabbed a spear thrust from the side. Yes, Erza, who was standing on top of the monster before, had already reached Linton's side and launched an attack. The speed was quite fast, but such an attack was of no use to Linton.

"Explosive Gun!"

There was a "bang" explosion. Although the gun was held, a violent explosion suddenly occurred at the head of the gun. This gun is also a magic prop, with a total of ten variations, and the explosive gun is just one of them. The explosion was still very strong, at least Linton holding the gun must have been completely affected.

However, the smoke cleared, and Linton still stood in front of Erza holding the gun, looking at her with a smile on his face. Judging from his situation, Erza also knew that her attack had no effect at all, and the other party didn't even care.

"Sure enough, no matter which world Erza is in, she is always a fool." Linton said, "Since the person has changed, I will do it again as before. That's it?"

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