Although it was only the first round of confrontation, both sides also knew the strength of the other side. Gildarts here destroyed Garsain's weapon in just one round, which was already considered an advantage. However, Gildarts himself didn't think so.

Gildarts could have gained a greater advantage with the previous blow, but it was Garsain who actively avoided his magic, causing him to destroy only his weapon. The opponent probably didn't know his own magic before. It was probably an intuitive dodge, but of course it was actually the use of Haki.

Although the opponent's weapon was destroyed, his magical ability was also exposed. At this time, Gildarts did not feel that he had any advantage. Although the guy in front of him is young, he is very strong and not easy to deal with. No wonder he was able to rob their guild headquarters.

With a "swish" sound, Garsain here waved his hand, and the sword in his hand suddenly "grew" out again. Of course, the sword that grew out was actually his fighting spirit, and there was no time to get a new sword at this time.

Although the sword in Garsain's hand doesn't look very good, it is a very precious sword. It is a treasure collected by the Royal Collection of the Holy Empire of Elan. It can be said that it is a sword that can perfectly display the strength of the Sword Master. Now using fighting spirit as a sword can only be said to be a helpless move. It is obvious that the impact is still there, but Gasein doesn't care. Instead, he feels a little excited, like the feeling of meeting a strong enemy.

With a "swish", Garsain shot out a sword energy with his backhand. This was an attempt at a long-range attack. After all, although he knew the opponent's magic, he had not yet thought of a way to deal with it. Just like what he said, both sides are likely to destroy their bodies, which is of course very threatening.

Gildarts still did not dodge, but turned around and punched out again, hitting Garsain's sword energy directly. What's surprising is that the sword energy here was directly shattered again. It seems that the opponent's magic can not only crush entities.

This situation felt a bit troublesome, but Garserne quickly found his advantage, and yes, it was speed. At this time, Garsain realized that the opponent's speed was not as good as his own. It seemed like he had reacted before, but in fact it should be the advance calculated by the opponent, and compared with the real speed, he was obviously more dominant.

For example, right now, at the moment Gildas shattered his sword energy, Garsain had indeed appeared on the left side of Gildas. It was obvious that the other party did not react at all this time. Garsain directly held the sword and swung it at Gildarts.

With a "swish", blood spattered. This blow obviously hit Kildas, but at the same time, Kildas actually punched Garsain in the same way. This guy may have already known the speed. It's not as good as Garsain. He stayed where he was and never moved, just to strike later.

And he had probably thought about this situation. The plan Gildas used was probably based on the plan that he might be hit. In other words, you can instantly understand the opponent's attack position through the pain location on your body, and then directly punch back. This treatment is really a bit desperate, but the effect is actually very obvious.

Yes, Garsain became the one who gave in first. Although his sword hit Gildarts first, when he saw the opponent's punch coming, Garsain may have been afraid of the opponent's crushing magic, so he chose to retreat. All in all, although the sword hit Gildarts' shoulder, it didn't hit the target.

It was obvious that Garsain's cowardly step was also expected by Gildarts. This guy didn't know whether it was due to his rich combat experience or physical instinct. At this moment, he suddenly took a step forward and bumped into Garsain's arms. The distance between the two was very close, and Kildas directly threw a second punch, directly attacking Garsain's body.

In the current situation, Gasein couldn't avoid it. In a moment, Gasein decided to fight hard. Sheathing the sword was a little too slow, and Garsain directly swung his left fist, armed with color, and collided with the opponent's fist.

With a "bang", the two of them flew towards the back. But before he could fly very far, Garsain turned over in the air, suddenly hit the ground, accelerated and rushed towards Gildarts again. Garsain was very fast. He caught up with Gildas in flight in an instant and swung his sword suddenly.

At this moment, Gildarts here suddenly stretched out his left hand and blocked it in front of his body. Of course, Garsain would not stop. He slashed directly with his sword, preparing to cut through the opponent's hands and others. However, at the moment of contact, Gasein was slightly stunned.

"Prosthetic limb?" Yes, the left hand Gildarts stretched out is actually a prosthetic limb, and it should be made of relatively hard metal. Of course, as a sword master, Garsain certainly has no difficulty in cutting iron, but this thing can still withstand a lot of cutting power.

Sure enough, the next second, Gildarts' left hand was cut off directly, and at this moment, Gildarts' right hand suddenly emitted a ray of light.

"This is the moment I've been waiting for, let me... fly!"

At the moment when Garsain's sword cut off the opponent's prosthetic limb and penetrated directly into the opponent's body, Gildarts here swung a fatal blow. Yes, he seemed to have been knocked away as well. In fact, he had been planning this step all along. He was accumulating magic power and waiting for Garsain to come up. He knew that the other party would not let go of this opportunity, and Garsain did come up as expected. Attack, Gildarts has been charging for a long time.

"Destroy evil and reveal righteousness. One day."

There was a loud "bang" sound, and this blow hit Garsain hard. The next second, the whole person flew directly towards the sky. While his body continued to collapse, the whole person was spinning as if he was about to fly out of the atmosphere. Blood flowers were scattered around like raindrops. This time, the blow was indeed hard enough.

Of course, Gildarts also felt uncomfortable. He was hit hard by Garsain's two swords. Not only were the wounds huge, but a force was flowing crazily in his body. If Gildarts hadn't been It was indeed powerful, and my body had already exploded.

With a "pop" sound, Gildarts spit out a mouthful of blood. He was seriously injured, but Gildarts also knew that he had won. It’s really not easy to win. Are young people today so fierce? I really tried my best to see this new monster appear out of nowhere.

"Deal...solve one, Erza, just wait." Gildarts looked at Linton and said, of course, it was obvious that he had to deal with Linton next.

"Gildarts!" Erza was of course nervous when she saw Gildarts vomiting blood, but the next second, she looked directly at Linton, because Garsain was Linton's nephew. Now that Garsain has been beaten away, Linton won't just go berserk.

Sure enough, Linton's expression was obviously not very good, but Erza was stunned when he opened his mouth: "Hey, this actual combat ability is a little too bad. It is clear that all attributes are suppressed, but he still lost. This must be It’s time to practice in actual combat.”

"Come on, President." Gildarts here was already issuing a challenge to Linton. Although it looked miserable, his momentum was amazing.

"Wait a minute, I'll get my nephew back first." Linton made a waiting gesture, and then turned towards the air in front of him, as if he was turning some invisible switch.

Suddenly, Linton's body flashed with green light, and then a figure suddenly plummeted from the sky. His broken body quickly reassembled in the air, as if it were a shot played backwards. Then the fallen Garserne flew back along the same path, and then jumped a few times beside him. Yes, it was the same path that Garserne had taken when the two of them fought. Finally, Garserne returned to the same situation as at the beginning. Even the sword in his hand reassembled itself from the fragments and became intact.

"You've really practiced TN for nothing, and you ended up like this?" Linton yelled directly at Garsain.

"Uh..." Garsain rubbed his head, then thought about it and bowed to Gildarts next to him, "I lost, thank you for your advice."

"Ah...ah..." Gildarts was a little confused and nodded subconsciously. Yes, what is happening before your eyes? It's obvious that something happened that I can't understand. Is this... time going backwards? I have heard of time magic, but it is very rare, and what Linton used is no longer a problem. What kind of magic can achieve such a situation? This is simply a miracle.

"Sure enough, there are still some shortcomings in actual combat." Gasein also took the initiative to summarize combat experience. It is true that he did not perform well. The main reason is that his Saint level was obtained by taking drugs. He did not fight all the way like other Saints. Indeed, he also knows his own shortcomings. This is what Linton wants to face when he comes out. Are there some such situations? So when Linton scolded him, he didn't say anything. This time, he was indeed the better one.

"I'm sorry, my nephew didn't practice well and made you laugh." Linton temporarily let go of Garsain and said to Kildas.

"Uh..." Gildarts didn't know how to answer. This situation was a bit strange.

"Do you want to fight again?" Linton asked Garsain.

"Forget it today," Garsain said, "I lost."

"Oh, that's okay, you step back and I'll take care of it," Linton said.

Garsain retreated directly. Linton looked at Gildarts here: "It's really powerful. Are you ready now? I'm going to go."

"Come on... come on." Gildas didn't know why he felt a bad premonition, and his whole body started to alarm. This was definitely not a good sign, but he still said immediately.

"Then I...are here." The moment Linton finished speaking, Kildas here suddenly felt a huge force hitting his body directly, and there was no time for any reaction. Kildas Si Zhen flew out like a cannonball, crashing through all the buildings on the street and flying directly out of the city.

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