I really can't control myself

Chapter 110 Surrounded

"Damn it, the ice wall is broken, and their ship can escape at any time." The navy became a little nervous when they saw this situation.

"Can't the surrounding wall be raised yet?" Akainu asked. Now that Sengoku was missing, Akainu consciously took over the command.

"It's not good yet. It's probably stuck by the ice cubes from before." A soldier next to him said.

"Hurry up and find a way to activate it." Akainu said, "Aoji, hold them back and don't let them leave. I'm going to catch the criminal."

"Can you stop it?" Qingzhi looked at Whitebeard who had already attacked. Facing the most angry person in the world, he certainly felt a little weak, but this was not the time to talk about it, so he hurriedly faced him.

At this time, Whitebeard's touching dialogue had relieved the doubts of his pirate group. The simple words "you are all my family" moved everyone. They thought the same thing. Whitebeard had always treated them equally, and it was impossible for him to make a deal with the navy. This was definitely a treacherous plot by the navy.

Some people were temporarily confused before, but they soon realized their mistake, and their self-blame made them fight harder.

"Hold on a little longer. As long as Ace comes back, we can leave here. Victory is ours!" the pirates shouted.

The increase in morale and Whitebeard's attack caused the pirate group's attack to suddenly become fierce. The navy felt like they were retreating. However, the retreat was a defeat, but the navy's retreat was a bit strange. Most of the navy retreated. When they arrived on the coast, instead of on the sea that had just been frozen by the blue pheasants, they blocked the coastline and defended it desperately.

Such strange movements also made some people on Whitebeard's side feel a little strange, as if something was wrong. But the most important thing now is to open a way, because Ace and Luffy are still behind the naval encirclement and have not joined the large force.

Just when it seemed that the situation was tilting towards the pirates, a voice suddenly came from behind the naval force: "Stop them and hold the battle line!"


"It's Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Garp. They're fine!"

Yes, the navy soldiers knew it was their marshal when they heard the sound. However, Sengoku is not okay. A closer look shows that both of them are in worse condition. Garp is helping Sengoku. Both of them are covered in seawater and blood. They must have just climbed out of the sea. Of course, Sengoku is capable. He probably almost drowned, but was saved by Garp.

Judging from the condition of both of them, the injuries were serious, especially the Sengoku side. It was obvious that the whole body could not move. Garp was slightly better, but his whole body was also covered in blood. It is estimated that it is impossible to continue the battle, but without them fighting, as long as they show up alive, it can bring a huge morale boost to the navy.

Of course, Linton also saw the two people appear alive. Unexpectedly, these two people were quite resistant and survived. The previous top Kahiro did hit both of them perfectly. At the critical moment, Sengoku took most of the attacks, so his condition is much more serious than Garp. It is estimated that he may fall down at any time, but he will still come back if he holds on. Yes, the will is firm enough.

What Linton cared about was the keywords of "holding the front" mentioned by the other party. It seemed that the Navy had other plans. He really couldn't remember what the navy's plan was in the original book. What he remembered was that a lot of masters were fighting each other. Linton didn't pay attention to strategic matters at all, so he really couldn't remember it.

After looking at the current situation, Whitebeard had already led the team in the direction of Ace and Luffy. Although he also saw Akainu heading there, he should be able to catch up. Return some demons on your own side, and then take away the three generals in one wave, and then deal with as many of the Shichibukai as you can, and the rest is to wait for Blackbeard.

Just when he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a strange noise, and then a metal wall suddenly rose up on the sea in front of him, followed by a second wall, a third wall, and soon, a wall of metal rose up. The wall forms an entire wall.

Linton looked at it, and saw that there were walls rising not only in front of them, but also behind them. Soon, these walls formed a circular encirclement net, directly surrounding all the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"What's this?"

"We're surrounded!"

The pirates suddenly became nervous. No wonder the navy retreated repeatedly before. Now they understood clearly that the people surrounded now were all from the pirates' side, and the navy was outside the siege wall, just separated from the two sides. open.

With a "boom" sound, a pirate tried to attack the wall with a cannon. However, after the smoke passed, the walls remained motionless, not even leaving any traces. It was obvious that this was not an ordinary metal wall, but probably a super-hard alloy. It seems to be Vegapunk's masterpiece again.

Similarly, this wall also blocked Whitebeard's attack route. They were originally prepared to meet Ace, and they could start their retreat by taking them back to the ship. However, the appearance of these walls now not only isolates Ace from the outside, but also blocks the pirate group's retreat. As a result, the pirates are suddenly at a disadvantage again.

With a "boom", another blow hit the wall, and this time the person punching was Whitebeard. However, what everyone didn't expect was that even Whitebeard's attack only dented the wall and did not destroy the entire wall. It seemed that the Navy was really prepared. Knowing Whitebeard's ability, it was probably Made targeted designs.

"It's so hard..."

"What should I do now?"

"Wait, look, there is a gap over there!"

Suddenly everyone discovered that there was really a section of the wall that did not rise, and this section that did not rise was the section where Oz JR fell down before. It was probably because he was too heavy and pressed down on the wall that was about to rise. , as a result, there were only so many holes in the encirclement network.

"Get out!" Seeing hope, the pirates hurriedly tried to break through, but it was obvious that the navy would not allow them to break through easily. The pirates who rushed out were immediately attacked by concentrated firepower and suffered heavy losses.

"Meteor volcano!" Suddenly a large number of magma meteors appeared in the sky and crashed directly into the encirclement net. Because they were surrounded, there was no place to run. In an instant, all kinds of magma exploded within the surrounding wall, and the interior directly turned into a purgatory on earth.

The first is the melting of the ice surface. This ice surface was frostbitten by Aoki Pheasant before. As a result, it was melted by the attack of magma, and a large number of pirates fell directly into the sea. But it is not safe in the sea, because the magma also heats the sea water, causing the sea water to become like boiling water. When it goes down, the whole land wails.

The bigger losses were the pirate ships, which had no place to hide. In an instant, a large number of pirate ships were hit, and several were sunk on the spot. Several more also started to catch fire. Among the sunken ships was the Whitebeard Sea. The flagship of the thieves, the Moby Dick.

Fortunately, there was no one on the flagship at this time, and all the pirates followed Whitebeard to attack. Uh...it doesn't seem like there is no one at all, for example...

With a "bang", a black giant broke through the sea and appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm drafting it, sir. Can't I just calmly return to the demon on the boat?" Linton stood on Susanoo's head and shouted.

"It's Linton, the black devil is back!"

"Asshole, who is looking for death and still calls this dog a nickname?" Linton turned directly to the pirate troops next to him, causing the group of people to shut up quickly.

"Why can this guy appear from the sea?" Qing Zhi here looked at Linton who appeared with a strange expression. Just now he saw clearly that Linton came out of the sea. However, how could this be possible? Could he? Not a capable person?

However, before he could figure it out, a huge fist hit him. Yes, Linton's current target is the three generals. Although the devil took a while, it was almost enough. It was his performance time again.

"Ice..." Aokiji instantly raised an ice wall to prepare for defense. However, the next second, the wall was shattered by Susanoo. A punch landed directly on Qing Zhi's body, sending him flying away.

"Artillery attack!" At this time, Linton was standing in front of the encirclement wall, and a large number of cannon holes soon appeared on the encirclement wall. It turned out that there were cannons inside. In an instant, dozens of cannons fired at Susanoo. Fire.

"Boom, boom, boom" various explosions sounded. Of course, Susanoo was fine. The damage was not high, and it could be repaired at any time, but repairing it cost mana, and Linton did not have much mana.

With a wave of his hand, a huge black sword appeared in Susanoo's hand. Linton controlled the Susanoo sword and waved it directly at the defensive wall in front. A giant black sword energy flew towards the surrounding wall, and there was a loud "boom". Everyone looked towards the surrounding wall and saw that the surrounding wall was split into two pieces from the middle.

"Breaking... it's broken!"

"The wall has been broken! It can be broken through!"

The next second, the pirates suddenly burst into cheers. Unexpectedly, Linton could actually break through the wall surrounding the wall. This was a wall that Whitebeard had not been able to break before. Seeing this solid wall being broken, the pirates' originally panicked hearts calmed down and stabilized again. situation.

"Damn it, that guy..." Warring States in the distance had just returned to the command podium with the support of Garp. When he saw this situation, his face darkened. This plan was all disrupted by this guy. If the pirates were really allowed to escape from the wall, their plan would all fail.

"I'll go..." Garp said through gritted teeth.

"What can you do in your current situation?" Warring States said. Of course he knew how seriously Garp was injured.

However, just when they were worrying about who would stop Linton, a figure appeared in front of Linton.

"Yes...it's Hawkeye, the world's best swordsman!" The pirate next to him said in surprise when he saw this figure.

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