I really can't control myself

Chapter 1082 Popularity

"I have to say that the food served in this restaurant is really good." Two days have passed, and Linton is now dining in the restaurant of the hotel owned by the uncle he saw before. Although this hotel looks quite shabby on the outside, it is quite clean inside. Especially the lunch and dinner are really delicious as the uncle said. Linton stayed here for two days.

At this time, he was eating at the dining table, and in front of him was Garsain who had just returned. Looking at the leisurely Linton, Garsain here couldn't help but said: "I should have thought that you wanted me to help with the investigation, and that you wanted me to be a coolie."

"Hey, I made the main plan for the exploration, right? Isn't mental work called labor?" Linton said, "Otherwise, if you come, without my plan, you won't even know where to start."

"At least put on a show and go out, and I'll treat you as if you're trying your best, okay?" Garsain said.

"Anyway, has the guild been established?" Linton asked. Yes, in the past two days, Linton did not touch the Fairy Tail Guild. After all, their guild has not been established yet. The matter of building a guild was left to Gasein to do the errands. Of course, Linton didn't know how to build it, so he asked Gasein to find out on his own.

"In short, if you want to establish a magician's guild, the first condition is to be recognized by the guild alliance. I went to the branch of the guild alliance here to inquire about it. The recognition there first requires a guild headquarters. And you have to prove that you have the ability to complete the task. After submitting the application, you have to wait for the guild alliance to send someone to review it before it is officially established, so we don’t have the conditions to be recognized at all now,” Gassern said.

"Headquarters..." Linton touched his chin, "You collected this information after running for two days?"

"If you are not satisfied, go on your own." Gasein said, "What should I do now? The ten gold coins before were the only money I had left with me. Can I buy a guild headquarters with the remaining 6.9 million J?"

Yes, Linton could stay in a hotel, and of course Garsain had to find a way to pay for it. He felt around and found ten gold coins, so he used these "special gold coins" to exchange 7 million J with the merchant he found. This J is the unit of measurement of the currency here. Of course, neither of them knows how much purchasing power this J actually counts, but the seven-day rent and food expenses of this hotel only cost more than 50,000 J, which may seem like a huge sum. payment.

Of course, as for gold coins, Linton still had a lot of them in his bag. He also asked Garsain, but he didn't have the setting to bring his own package. Maybe it was because he was not an official investigator. It's pretty good that Garsain can carry ten gold coins with him when he goes out. After all, this guy spent the first half of his life in a military camp, so there is no place to use money.

However, Linton had no intention of continuing to exchange gold coins: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to do it. What kind of guild alliance? Let's just join the entire Dark Mage Guild."

"Dark Magisters Guild?" Garsain also inquired about it when he was doing business before, and he also learned a little bit about the Magisters Guild. The Dark Mage Guild refers to those privately established guilds that are not recognized by the Mage Guild Alliance. Of course, they are illegal in this world.

"Headquarters and so on, just grab it." Linton continued.

"It's really simple." Garsain held up his forehead, "But won't this cause an encirclement and suppression by that magician's guild alliance? It sounds like it should be a very powerful organization."

"We don't have time to build a guild from scratch step by step. Let the evil sect come as it is. What we need is speed." Linton said, "First step on the guild in front of us and attract the attention of the Mage Guild Alliance. They come on their own, which saves us from having to look for them everywhere.”

"Okay, after all, I still have to find trouble with the Fairy Tail guild, right? To be honest, I've been walking around the town recently, and I've heard all about this guild. I also want to fight with them. "Gasain said.

"Okay, let's go." Linton said and took Garsain out directly. As soon as he reached the door of the hotel, he saw the hotel owner coming back in a hurry.

"Oh no, no, no, something big happened." The uncle said anxiously when he saw Linton and Garsain.

"What's the matter?" Linton asked.

"Something happened to the Fairy Tail guild. It's a very serious matter." The uncle said.

"So what's going on?"

"Do you know what happened to the Fairy Tail guild recently?" the uncle asked.

"You mean they seem to have gotten into trouble with someone recently, and someone was attacked?" Garsain asked, as if he heard about it when he went to inquire about the news.

"Is anyone else targeting them?" Linton looked at Garsain, "Has anyone robbed them?"

"I just heard that their guild seems to have been targeted by someone. Is the problem that serious?" Gaseon said.

"Yes, do you know the Ghost Guild in Oak Town in the north? They are the guild that attacked Fairy Tail this time." The uncle said, "They destroyed Fairy Tail's guild headquarters before. Makarov will The leader chose to be patient and did not argue with the other party. As a result, three Fairy Tail members were attacked by people from the Ghost Guild yesterday. Now President Makarov couldn't bear it anymore and took people directly to the Ghost Guild to ask for an explanation. But It seems that they were pushed back, and I heard that President Makarov was also injured. Now the Ghost Guild and the Fairy Tail Guild have officially started a war. Isn't something big going on?"

"Is the Fairy Tail guild so weak?" Garsain said, "Didn't I hear that they are very strong?"

"What do you know? It's obviously a dirty trick from the Ghost Guild. The members who attacked Fairy Tail before were probably using some conspiracy this time." The uncle said immediately.

"What should we do now? This guild seems to be destroyed by others." Garsain looked at Linton and asked.

"Nonsense, the Fairy Tail guild will definitely be fine." The uncle got upset and yelled.

"The prey we are targeting cannot be picked by others." Linton remembered the plot. When he mentioned the Ghost Guild, of course he understood, "I am attracted to the headquarters of the Fairy Tail Guild. , whoever robs us will be easily destroyed."

"You haven't even seen what their guild headquarters looks like," Garsain said.

"Look at how popular they are, isn't this proof? In short, work." Linton said.

On the other side, the Fairy Tail guild is indeed very nervous right now. They took the initiative to attack the Ghost Guild before, but unexpectedly, President Makarov was knocked down. They could only temporarily withdraw. Now a large number of members are injured and the president has fallen. The Ghost Guild will attack at any time. Come here, can they not be nervous?

"We need bandages over here!"

"Damn it, we must prepare a defense plan."

"Take out all the stored explosive magic crystals!"

"Calm down, everyone." It was Mira who spoke here, "The enemy shouldn't be coming so soon..."

Before he finished speaking, a member nervously ran in from the gate: "It's bad. People from Oak Town have received news that the Ghost Guild's headquarters has grown mechanical feet, and now the entire headquarters is moving towards Let’s come over here, we’ll probably be there in a while!”

"What? The entire headquarters is coming?" Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the other party could do this.

"How much time do we have?" Erza, who had just finished taking a shower, came out and said. As the only S-level mage present, her presence stabilized the military morale a little, but of course she herself was not stabilized. Because of the fall of President Makarov.

"I estimate it will be less than two hours." The person next to him calculated it and said.

"Notify everyone immediately to defend in the northwest direction." Erza thought for a while and said. Of course, they took the initiative to defend the northwest because they didn't want the other party to destroy the town. No matter what, their battle couldn't involve the residents of the city.

"Okay, let's fight them!" Natsu here suddenly jumped up on the table and shouted.

"Fight! Revenge the president!" shouted another member next to him.

The morale in Fairy Tail was quite high, and soon everyone arrived at the northwest side of the town. After all, they learned the news in advance, so they began to prepare for defense in advance. It can only be said that there is still a slight chance of winning in this regard. But after all, President Makarov is not here, and everyone is actually worried. However, no one mentioned this matter at this time and began to prepare fortifications in earnest.

This preparation only took an afternoon. Before, they were worried that they would not have enough time. As a result, the entire afternoon passed like this. Until the sun was about to go down, the person on the opposite side had not yet appeared.

"Marcus, is your news reliable?" Someone finally started to ask about the person who had delivered the news before.

"It should be reliable, they should..." Halfway through his words, two figures suddenly appeared on the horizon in the distance. Marcus pointed directly forward: "Coming!"

"Two people? Didn't you mean that the entire guild came over?" Gray asked.


There was a "pop", and as soon as he finished speaking, one of the two people in front fell down directly, and the other took two steps forward, and then fell directly to the ground.

"Something's wrong, go over and take a look." Erza said.

Everyone also walked forward directly. They were a little cautious at first, but when they saw one of the two people who fell, they were stunned. Yes, they knew this person, the Dragon Slayer Mage of the Ghost Guild, Gajeel the Iron Dragon. And he was the culprit who attacked the Fairy Tail Guild before, but now he was covered in injuries and seemed to be dying.

"What's going on?" Erza stepped forward and asked.

"No more...the Ghost Guild...has disappeared." Gajeel said intermittently.

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