I really can't control myself

Chapter 1076 Turning point

"Lord Sword Master is indeed a wise man. With your leadership, none of these gangsters can escape." Saikedin here boasted to Linton again, and of course he was sincere. The situation explained by the robber here is exactly the same as Linton's previous guess. Either he said it or he was trying to attract attention. Linton's interrogation method obviously used some ability that he didn't know about. , is it really a saint? Although he couldn't understand it at all, Sekedin felt that it was too invincible. He couldn't hide anything in front of Linton.

"Don't make any noise." Linton was annoyed at this time. He looked at the list of cultural relics in his hand and couldn't find anything "suspicious". Most of the things above are those that Linton salvaged from the lake before. Although Linton has not looked at them carefully, is there any hint of valuables? Why are these important?

Could it be that it is something important to the mastermind behind the scenes, but he doesn’t know the value? But these are just cultural relics after all. Judging from the level of the task arranged by the other party, it is obvious that he may be facing the pursuit of the entire empire, and the other party also knows that he may investigate this matter. The robber just now obviously also Knowing one's own name and paying such a high price is definitely not something simple.

"Forget it." Linton suddenly threw away the list in his hand, not bothering to check it anymore. He said before that his purpose is to let people grab the World Core in his hand. However, although he still doesn’t know what the purpose of this group of people is, it is obviously not the World Core. So Linton really doesn’t want to take care of this matter. .

Of course, Linton was still very angry. Although this group of people didn't know what they wanted to do, but after they did this, it is estimated that those who really want to steal the core of the world would not dare to continue. After all, the exhibition could no longer be held. After going down there, and having experienced something like this, how could they still pretend not to be alarmed?

"You can just ask him directly about his companions." Linton pointed to the robber who was still under hypnosis. Linton's order now was to answer whatever he asked. Although he didn't know who was behind the scenes, We should still know about a few companions, so it shouldn't be difficult to catch them. Everything can be recovered, and Linton has no interest in the black hand, so that's the end of it.

As for the core of the world, Linton could only think of another way. After picking up the World Core, Linton was about to leave. However, at this time, a soldier ran over anxiously.

"Master Sword Master, Her Majesty the Queen urgently calls you back." The soldier who ordered the order said.

"Yalan?" Linton was stunned for a moment. If Yalan had nothing to worry about, she probably wouldn't come to him. It's likely that something really happened. Of course, he didn't bother to care about things here, he could just go back.

There was nothing to say, so he spoke directly to Sekedin. Linton returned to the palace with a flash of white light and found Yalan immediately.

"There's some trouble. There's something wrong with Randall." Yalan said.

"Randall? Where?" Linton looked confused.

"..." Yalan looked at Linton and was speechless, "Over there in the alchemy laboratory."

"Alchemy laboratory?" Linton still didn't know where it was.

"Rebirth potion!" Yalan said.

"Oh, I remembered it." Linton suddenly understood what was going on. The rebirth potion is the potion refined with the essence and blood of the dragon, and it is the thing that allows Garsain to advance to the holy level. Linton made this potion directly by asking the master alchemist who invented it back then, and the place where he is currently assigned is the place called Randall, where there is an alchemy laboratory.

Linton remembers that it was Gasain who selected the place, and of course Yalan was also involved. The reason why it is not arranged in the palace is because the person who is mainly responsible for the potion, Samdo, was pulled up by Linton using the art of reincarnation. If it is exposed, the trouble caused by this matter may not be too small, so it is very difficult. Obviously it cannot be placed in the palace.

Although they were not placed in the palace, the people sent to protect or monitor them were actually people from Yalan. After all, if this matter was exposed, it would not only be a matter of the rebirth potion, but also the reputation of the royal family and Linton. If undead magic has anything to do with it, the matter is very serious.

"Something happened in the laboratory? Targeting us?" Linton asked.

"The target may be the rebirth potion." Yalan said.

"Rebirth potion? Oh, yes." Linton nodded. This kind of abnormal potion that can directly send people to the saint level after drinking it is indeed attractive enough. It's just that this news probably didn't get out. Garsain didn't even get the news that he was promoted to the holy level, let alone what he used to get promoted. Of course, when it is announced later, it is impossible to say that it was the rebirth potion that allowed him to upgrade.

There shouldn't be many people who know about this, especially the rebirth potion. Theoretically, the only person on the mainland who knows to have taken the rebirth potion is Dragon Ball Ignis. How did they know about the laboratory?

"So someone knows about Samdo's existence and wants to kidnap him to obtain the rebirth potion?" Linton asked.

"That's not necessary. They can just grab the finished product." Yalan said.

"Huh? Where did the finished product come from?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

Yalan looked at Linton and said nothing.

"That bottle of yours?" Linton suddenly realized where the finished product came from. Yes, didn't Linton encounter a dragon when he went to the ruins to explore the core of the world? The original plan was to eat dragon meat, but Yalan said she wanted a rebirth potion, so Linton let the dragon go. , and also asked Yalan to sign a contract with the other party, so it was obvious that this was the source of this bottle of rebirth potion.

"That's not right." Linton suddenly said, "It must have been a month since we found the dragon. The potion should have been out a long time ago. I thought you had already drank it."

"In addition to the most important dragon's essence and blood, there are also some other materials in the preparation of the potion. Although it is not as rare as the dragon's essence and blood, it is not an ordinary thing." Yalan said, "What's more, Sam Duo said Because I am a woman, I need to slightly improve the formula of the potion and prepare to do some experiments, so it has not been completed yet, but in the past few days, there seems to be news that it is about to be successfully produced."

"So that's why the potion that was just made was snatched away?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Yalan nodded, "The other party's people rushed into the laboratory, killed our guards there, and then took away the potion. Of course, Samdo and Bogram were fine. After all, they were originally The undead fell to the ground and hid after being stabbed, and the people who came didn't seem to be interested in the two of them."

"So, the group of people who came here know about the potion, but they don't know that I resurrected these two people. I guess they don't even know who they are. They just want the potion." Linton nodded.

"That should be the case." Yalan's guess was the same.

"But Bogram's great-granddaughter Catherine is really dead." Yalan said.

Linton still vaguely remembered this Catherine. She was also a member of the laboratory, but now she was just a helper: "It doesn't matter. Just pull her up later. The body was not taken away by them."

"Yeah." Yalan nodded.

"So only the potion was stolen." Linton nodded. "The purpose is very clear. The other party knows the rebirth potion, which is no longer simple. There are not many people who know this potion, and there are enemy spies around us."

"Yes, I also discovered it." Linton said, "Maybe it's one of the guards I sent. After all, although they know about potions, they don't know about undead magic. I don't know about these things. Tell them. But it is possible to find out about the potion, and about the undead magic, they may not have thought of it."

"This plan is quite thorough." Linton nodded, "I now know why the exhibits were stolen."

"Is it also attracting our attention?" Yalan nodded.

"Same as what the guy who just caught said, their purpose is to attract our attention. If they are the guards around you, they should also know that you seem to be very concerned about the exhibits recently. I guess they also I don’t know which exhibit you are interested in, so I think if I steal them all, it will probably attract your or my attention." Linton said.

"After learning that I had participated in the investigation over there, they decisively launched a plan to snatch the potion. This is not easy." Linton nodded.

"The plan is so thorough, it should obviously be the work of an organization." Yalan said, "It's not a sudden move. It must have been lurking around us for a long time."

"It should be unlikely around me, it should be the situation around you." Linton said.

"Well, I'll investigate right away." Yalan nodded, "Can the potion be recovered?"

"No, how much do you want to stay young forever?" Linton said.

"I just wonder if you can find it." Yalan said.

"Can't I collect dragon balls for you in a few months?" Linton said.

"That's... okay." Yalan nodded, not that she really cared about it. Although the rebirth potion had more functions and could allow her to break through to the Saint level, to be honest, Yalan didn't have any special expectations for the Saint level. On the contrary, eternal youth is more important. Moreover, she was originally a magician, and the rebirth potion seemed to have no effect on increasing her magic power. She did not want to be a swordsman.

"If you want to find it, it will probably be a bit troublesome. Maybe everyone has been drunk now." Linton thought for a while and said, "But no matter what, I will go and check the situation first. I can't just take advantage of others. I also I want to see who is plotting against us."

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