I really can't control myself

Chapter 1051 Visitors

It was actually news about the Sound Nest Organization. Although Linton had speculated about this matter before, he honestly didn't have much hope. The result was actually a surprise. Not many people can name this Sound Nest organization now. You see, Kagura Chizuru has never heard of this organization before, and the fact that these two women know the names means that the other party may really have some information.

Linton was naturally interested. He closed the door of the reception room and started talking to the other party. After some questioning, the woman with red hair here is called Hermione, and the woman with Trunks hair is Anya. Both of their names were very unfamiliar, at least Linton had no impression of them. It couldn't possibly be the Hermione in Harry Potter anyway. Looking at the muscular shape of the other person, he really looked a bit like a mage.

"So you two are members of the Sound Nest Organization?" Linton asked.

"Huh?" The two were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, and Anya chuckled lightly.

"No?" Linton asked a little doubtfully.

"Do you think we are the ones invited by the Sound Nest Organization to invite you?" said the red-haired Hermione, "I believe that the people from the Sound Nest Organization must have paid attention to your power, but they are a very cautious organization. I don’t think they will appear in front of you casually, unless they already have a way to deal with you."

"I see, that makes some sense." Linton nodded, "Then...what organization are you from?"

"We here are indeed entrusted by someone to come to you." Hermione said, "There is someone who wants to meet you. If you can go with us, of course we will know all the information about the Sound Nest organization. Offered. Unlike the people under Hadilon, we know a lot of things."

When the name Hadilon was mentioned, Linton knew it. In fact, Hadilon was the captain of the Fury Team, but he did not participate in the war. Lianna, whom I met before, is Haldilan's adopted daughter, and Ralph and Clark are Haldilan's subordinates.

"Oh, who is looking for me?" Linton asked.

"If your Excellency is willing to come with us, we will naturally find out." Hermione did not answer directly. It seems that the person who is looking for her is also hiding. It is obvious that she cannot reach an agreement and does not want to reveal her identity.

Does Linton dare to go? Of course he dared, so what if it was really a conspiracy of the Sound Nest organization to trick him into entering the siege network? Linton wished that these people would come to him. If it weren't for the trap of the Sound Nest organization, Linton would be a little disappointed. After all, although these two people said that they had information about the Sound Nest organization, how much information did they have? Can they directly help Linton find the person? Therefore, it is best for the other party to come directly.

"It's okay to meet someone, but can I be satisfied with your information?" Linton asked, "If you are not satisfied, I will be very angry."

"Of course, I promise to satisfy you." Hermione here said very confidently, and she seemed to know a lot. Linton felt that the other party was indeed prepared for this performance. In this case, Linton decided to go with them.

Outside, a limousine took them to a private airport in the suburbs. The other party didn't tell Linton the destination, and Linton wasn't in a hurry to teleport there directly. After all... there might be an ambush on the road, so weren't they all waiting for them.

Unfortunately, the journey was uneventful. After arriving at the airport, the group of people immediately boarded a helicopter. This helicopter does not look like a civilian helicopter. Although it is not equipped with weapons, the model is obviously military.

Linton didn't say much, and soon the helicopter carried several people to the east sea. Linton estimated that it should be the east side of Tokyo Bay. Just when Linton thought the meeting place was a small island or something, a huge submarine suddenly floated on the sea below.

Yes, this submarine is really big. Basically, Linton thinks it is the size of a regular cruiser. It seems that the scale of this organization is really not small. Just this submarine can tell the other party's financial resources. . And soon, the helicopter landed on the deck of the submarine. The deck began to sink, and then the top closed up. The submarine actually still had cabin space, and it looked a bit like an underwater aircraft carrier.

The space inside looked bigger. Linton saw that there were even more than one cabin around him. He had to say that the person who was looking for him was becoming more and more mysterious. Linton even felt more and more that the person looking for him was from the Sound Nest Organization. People.

Soon, Linton arrived at a room in the middle of the submarine, following Hermione and Anya who led the way. The room was a little dark, filled with all kinds of strange tubes and other things, as well as some high-tech equipment that Linton couldn't understand at all, and various screens, and the things displayed on them were also incomprehensible to Linton.

Linton's eyes focused on the person sitting on the chair in the middle. The other party's back was turned to him at first, but as soon as Linton entered, the chair here turned around.

"Welcome to my base." The man on the chair said. The other party's voice was a little strange. It sounded like a rich male voice, but it was mixed with some sounds that were a bit like mechanical sounds. In short, it was a bit like a falsetto, like the feeling after the voice changer changed the voice.

Even so, the person in front of him seemed to have no intention of continuing to hide his identity. After the chair turned around, Linton also saw the other party's appearance. This is a tall middle-aged man. Although he is sitting, you can still see that the other person is strong. But now the other party's appearance is really strange.

His body was covered with various tubes, and Linton could clearly see that a large part of the other person's body was made of machinery, a bit like half man and half machine. Even half of the face seemed to be made by machinery. At this time, Linton understood why the other party spoke a bit strangely.

Even with the remaining parts of his body, Linton could see that these parts had been severely injured, with obvious burn marks. In short, if the scars represented a man's story, the man in front of him seemed to have a lot of stories. .

Of course, more importantly, Linton discovered that he actually knew this disabled and strong-willed comrade. Yes, that's right, the man who appears in front of you is also one of the bosses in the King of Fighters series, Lucar Bernstein.

Linton really didn't expect that this person was looking for him. The main reason is that theoretically, shouldn't this big brother die? After all, this eldest brother is actually the founder of the King of Fighters Competition. He organized the first competition, of course with the purpose of "collecting strong men."

This collection is a collection in the true sense, which is to make bronze statues of people and frame them, which is a different kind of collection of figures. Then this eldest brother was naturally dealt with by the protagonist. Kyo Kusanagi beat him to the ground the year he debuted, so this guy decisively blew himself up.

I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to come back a year later. However, what greeted him was the old formula again. The protagonist's halo suppressed him and killed him directly again. So this guy blew himself up again. It is said that he died again. Of course This was before Linton saw him.

It's obvious that this BOSS's hobby so far, apart from collecting figures, is self-destruction and resurrection. Thinking of this, Linton looked around. This submarine is probably Lukar's new toy. No wonder he has the financial resources to build this. This is not a problem for Lukar. Of course, it is estimated that this submarine is also equipped with various self-destruction devices. After all, he is interested in this area and has already blown up an aircraft carrier and an air fortress.

"Ahem..." Seeing that Linton had been distracted, Hermione, the secretary next to him, made a little noise to remind him. At this time, Anya had already come to the machine next to her and started operating it. Linton estimated that these machines were all machines that maintained Lukar's life. After all, the opponent's current situation was obviously not good. Although Linton didn't know any medical skills, he didn't think the other party's aura was very strong.

"Did you turn out to be the one looking for me?" Linton said, "This is indeed a bit surprising. I thought it was a trap set by people from the Voice Nest organization to lure me. To be honest, I quite hoped that the other party would come to me directly. "

"They can't just come to you so innocently," Lukar said.

"Then your consciousness is saying that you are innocent?" Linton said with a smile. Hermione next to her showed a slightly annoyed look, but she didn't speak to the two of them at this time.

"If you have to say it, it is true." There was no change in Lukar's expression, and he nodded very calmly, "As you can see, I can't make a good plan now, I have to take a gamble."

"A gamble?" Linton asked, "You already know what I want, but what do you want from me?"

"The blood of the serpent." Lukar said, "I want to get that kind of power."

"That's it." Linton nodded slightly. Orochi's blood had some self-healing ability for some reason. Linton had also seen this in Iori Yagami. So is Lukar trying to repair his body through this? Maybe you also want to get the power of the big snake?

"But it's a bit of a pity that I don't have that kind of thing in my hand now." Linton said, "You must have met me before you know that I am looking for the Sound Nest Organization. What I want to find most now is the big snake. , if you insist, I will give it to you after I find the big snake."

"Not only that, I have absorbed the blood of the big snake before, but...I failed." Lukar said, "The blood backfired in my body, which is also the reason why I lost to that guy, so I want more than just It’s the blood of the Orochi and the Sound Nest Organization.”

"What? Have you absorbed the blood of a serpent before?" Unexpectedly, Linton was not surprised at all by his great ideal. Instead, he asked about absorbing the blood of a serpent.

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