Everything happened so fast. The audience was still looking at the situation on the ring with evil smiles in the last second. It was obvious from Chen Guohan's expression that they could figure out what this guy wanted to do. As for this criminal, do you still miss him? How much martial virtue can one have? And Yumiya Asuka's fear here doesn't seem to be feigned. Isn't this what Linton told minors not to watch in the previous news report?

However, the accident suddenly happened in an instant. There was a loud noise, and Chen Guohan, who was approaching Yumiya Asuka obscenely, suddenly exploded. The expressions of everyone present were frozen on their faces for an instant, and the noisy arena suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Looking towards Chen Guohan's position, everyone realized that Chen Guohan here did not seem to explode from the inside. The current situation was a bit like an invisible big hand suddenly fell from the sky and patted Chen Guohan directly. His whole body was flattened by the slap, and blood and other things were distributed radially around him in a circle with him as the center. Chen Guohan's flattened clothes were actually left on the ground.

"Ugh..." Suddenly a sound of vomiting sounded, and everyone looked at the ring. Yes, Yumiya Asuka, who had witnessed all this, fell directly to the ground and vomited. She was the person closest to Chen Guohan, and now her body was covered in blood spurted out by him, and there were even some strange human tissue and the like. How could she be able to withstand such a situation and started vomiting immediately.

Similarly, Nishikawa Maria on the edge of the stage also wanted to vomit at this time. Although she was far away and did not touch anything, a living person was photographed to death in front of her. Nishikawa Maria could only feel her stomach There was a turbulence, and the huge feeling of fear made her almost breathless.

But compared to Yumiya Asuka, Nishikawa Maria is indeed a little stronger. Reluctantly holding back the thing that was already reaching her throat, Maria Nishikawa took a deep breath and said to the referee next to her: "Referee! Referee! Stop fighting! Asuka's ability is almost out of control!"

The referee on the field was also splattered with blood. At this time, his mind was blank and he completely forgot to announce the situation of the game. Hearing Maria Nishikawa's shout, the referee came back to his senses a little. Looking at Yumiya Asuka who was vomiting next to him, the referee suddenly panicked. Ability to go berserk? Then he is not in danger? If you don't know how to kill people on sight, just kill them.

"Asuka!" Maria Nishikawa rushed directly to the ring and supported Yumiya Asuka who was vomiting. Of course she knew that her companion had no abilities. Linton must have done what happened on the other side, but How she did it, of course she didn't know.

"Maria, I'm so scared." Yumiya Asuka's whole body was shaking, she was really shaking. Hearing Maria Nishikawa's voice, he grabbed Maria's hand tightly, "What should I do? Maria, I don't want to stay here. Can we go back?"

"Let's go down." Maria Nishikawa said immediately.

Seeing that Yumiya Asuka was really frightened, of course Maria Nishikawa couldn't let her continue, so she immediately helped her up and said, "We won't fight anymore, let's go back."

"Wait!" At this moment, a voice from the side sounded. The two turned around and saw that it was Jin Jiapan who turned over and jumped onto the ring: "You can't leave."

Chen Guohan was his disciple. Although Chen Guohan himself never regarded Jin Jiapan as his master, Jin Jiapan really regarded these two people as his apprentices. Now Chen Guohan was killed in front of him. Although it was an arena match, it wasn't like he was going to kill someone like this. Shouldn't he be given an explanation?

"Your Excellency has such ability and can easily win. Why do you want to take my disciple's life?" Jin Jiapan asked.

"Why didn't you come up to seek justice when your apprentice came over with a look on his face just now?" Maria Nishikawa here said immediately, "As for your apprentice, his death was in vain. He deserved it."

Maria Nishikawa said this mainly to alleviate the guilt of Yumiya Asuka next to her. Although Linton was the one who did it, you said that Chen Guohan's death had nothing to do with Yumiya Asuka? Maria knows the character of her friend Asuka, what if she is really depressed? So with that said, Yumiya Asuka should feel better.

But this undoubtedly angered the Jin family Pan on the opposite side. He said that his disciple's death was in vain and he deserved it. A somewhat angry Jin Jiapan walked directly in the direction of the two of them.

"Don't come here!" At this time, the panic-stricken Yumiya Asuka was like a frightened bird. When she saw Jin Jiapan coming over, she shouted out of control. However, the Jin family Pan here will naturally not stop and continue walking in the direction of Yumiya Asuka.

At the same moment, in the mountains on the outskirts of Tokyo, everyone was looking at the fallen bald man in surprise. A member next to him carefully turned the bald man over and checked his breathing. He was surprised to find that the bald man was dead and died quietly.

"Dead...dead." In an instant, everyone was frightened and fell to the ground. What was going on? How could a living person suddenly die without warning? I didn’t see Linton take action at all, and the gun didn’t fire. What on earth was going on?

This unknown terror is scarier than the audible gunfire. The opponent can control the gun with his mind, which is already very scary (actually using Magneto's ability), but now he can take their lives casually? Is it really a devil?

Yes, the death of the bald man was indeed caused by Linton. He actually used the ability to control demons, which is Machima's ability. The effect of the ability is a bit like a remote curse. If a person tells a person's name, he can use the devil's ability to kill him and beat him into a cake. Of course, there is a price, that is, the person who tells the name will immediately be killed. Death, that is, the cause of death of the bald man.

"Okay, there are two more names, who will come?" Linton's voice sounded again, this time it was a bit like a devil's call. Before, they thought that the person who reported the name would live, and they rushed to report it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the complete opposite. The person who reported the name died. This... is even more scary.

Everyone fighting for a way to live is completely different from everyone fighting for a way to die. Although it seems that more people can survive, but who wants to die, you still have to decide to die yourself. This is more frustrating than a dozen people fighting for three chances of survival. Feel horrible. Seeing Linton's smile, everyone felt that the devil was beside them.

"Run!" One of the people suddenly shouted, and several people nearby also reacted. Several people stood up and rushed directly towards the car next to them, as if they were ready to rush into the car and escape directly, but before they had time to step out, One step later, several gunshots suddenly rang out, and the next second, several people who stood up fell to the ground holding their legs. Linton didn't kill them directly, he just shot through their legs.

"Don't you think you can run away?" Linton said with a smile, "There are quite a lot of bullets loaded. I don't have time to torture you one by one. I advise you to push someone out immediately, otherwise I won't Such an easy person to talk to.”

Linton said while watching the TV broadcast. Linton frowned slightly when he saw Maria Nishikawa saying she would not fight, but when he saw Jin Jiapan coming on stage, Linton smiled again.

"Hurry up, next one, I'll give you ten seconds to choose someone." Linton urged.

"Matsuno, go ahead." The little boss here suddenly said to a subordinate next to him. Yes, he was also glad that he didn't rush up to report his name in the last round and actually escaped death. Of course, he didn't want to die. Relying on his identity, he started to push the people below him.

"Me?" The person next to him named Matsuno was confused.

"Now is the time when the organization needs you. Don't worry, we will take care of your family." Seeing the other party's hesitation, the little boss shouted directly, "You will never forget my kindness to you."

It is true that the little boss is really kind to Matsuno, and it is quite a big kindness. In the most difficult time before, it was Matsuno's big brother who helped him. But Matsuno was very confused, this was a matter of death.

"Hurry up!" The little boss saw Linton looking at him impatiently, fearing that Linton would do something to him, so he shouted directly.

"I...I'll do it!" Matsuno raised his hand tremblingly and said, "Brother, you must take good care of my brother."

"No problem." The little boss was overjoyed and assured immediately.

"Come on, let's talk about Jin Jiapan." Linton said directly, regardless of which of them came.

"Jin...Jia...Pan." Matsuno gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Very good." Linton twisted his hands again.

At this time, in the arena on the Han Kingdom side, Jin Jiapan was walking towards Gongya Asuka. Suddenly at this moment, his sixth sense as an excellent martial artist sounded the alarm, and there was some huge danger approaching towards him. However, what surprised Jin Jiapan was that he could clearly feel that the danger did not come from the two girls in front of him, but from very far to the southeast, very far away.

"What on earth is it?" Jin Jiapan looked at the southeast sky in surprise, "What's going on? Is there something else in this game..."

Before he could react, a huge force suddenly appeared from his head. Jin Jiapan reacted very quickly and was ready to jump back to dodge immediately. However, this power was not something that could be avoided. The next second, his body suddenly began to compress.

"who is it……"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jin Jiapan's body suddenly exploded with a "pop" sound, and blood splattered everywhere again.

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