I really can't control myself

Chapter 1010 Hidden Danger

Crossing the southern forest area is almost impossible for ordinary people, but for Linton riding a dragon, it is almost not difficult. The only obstacle is that the travel time is too long.

Linton didn't expect this forest to be so big. No wonder it was a natural barrier that no one could cross. It took Linton several hours of flying to cross the entire forest. The distance was indeed a bit exaggerated. No wonder Dotman said it would be faster to take a boat. Of course, when he said faster, he meant two months of sailing. time.

Yes, the ship from the Holy Empire of Yilan to the Kingdom of Limar takes 2 months to get there. Dortman said that he went there once when he was young, but now he can’t go. The wind and waves on the sea are really exaggerated. He estimates that it will Died on board. If not for this, he would have gone by himself.

Although he was unable to go there in person, Dortman still provided some information about the Kingdom of Limar, but this was information from decades ago. According to him, the Kingdom of Limar is a somewhat special kingdom. This kingdom is composed of a mixture of people from two races. One of them is human and the other is scaly.

This scaly man feels like a race between humans and dragons. He is closer to the human race than dragons and has scales on his body. As for the origin and bloodline, it is not clear because only the Kingdom of Limar has such a race. , and this kingdom is relatively closed. According to Dortman, in the Kingdom of Limar, the status of the scaly people is even higher than that of the human race, because the royal family of that kingdom seems to be the scaly people.

Of course that's what he said. What Linton saw when he arrived was completely different from what Dortman said. After passing through the forest, Linton searched along the coast and finally found the first city. However, when he was above the city, Linton discovered that the city was completely silent and there was no sense of activity of living creatures at all. Not only that, the city seemed to have been attacked, and many buildings were damaged. However, this was not something that happened recently, it should have been some time ago.

After flying around the city in the air, surprisingly, no corpses were found in the city. However, Linton also saw a lot of animals moving around the city. It is estimated that the corpses and the like were almost eaten. .

This situation is a bit bad. The Kingdom of Limar must have been destroyed, and it seems that this situation is not recent. Is there anything else that can be found? To be honest, even Dortman, who has been here, can't tell clearly about the situation in the Kingdom of Limar, let alone Linton. Linton didn't know whether there were other countries besides the Kingdom of Limar nearby. Who destroyed the Kingdom of Limar? Linton didn't know at all. So what should he do now? Linton was at a loss.

After thinking about it, Linton decided to check nearby to see if he could find other cities in the Kingdom of Limar to see what the situation was like there. It might just be that this city was destroyed, and the Kingdom of Limar may not have been destroyed. country. So Linton set off again, moving towards the west, because there was an obvious road extending out to the west of the city, which should be a road to a nearby city or village.

Just after flying out for a while, Linton, who was searching in the air, suddenly noticed the movement below. From a distance, Linton saw a few wolf-like monsters hunting not far ahead, and the object they were hunting looked like a human being. It was obvious that the man who was being hunted was running away, and the wolves behind him were chasing him. The hunting speed was not very fast. It was obvious that these wolves were chasing prey, and they only started to chase him after he was exhausted.

Then Linton must take care of this matter. After finally seeing someone, Linton didn't know who to ask about the situation. Suddenly, a living person appeared. Of course, Linton flew over immediately.

Before the people arrived, the wild wolves that were rounding up the prey had already noticed that something was wrong. They turned around and saw a dragon flying directly towards them. Needless to say, several wild wolves scattered without saying a word. escape. The person being chased seemed to have seen this situation, and was immediately paralyzed on the ground in fear.

After getting closer, Linton could clearly see the man being chased. This was a boy who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was wearing a pair of torn trousers that were almost torn into strips. He was holding a simple wooden shield and a spear in his hands, and he looked like a wild man. Of course, Linton also noticed the scales on the opponent's exposed upper body. This should be the scaly person that Dortman mentioned. It is indeed not much different from humans, except that it has scales on its body, and these scales do look similar. The one with dragon scales, maybe he really has dragon blood?

"Can you speak?" Linton asked directly.

"Huh?" The other party was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't noticed that there was someone on top of the dragon. He didn't realize it until Linton spoke. He looked up at Linton in surprise, and was stunned for a moment.

"Are you from the Kingdom of Limar?" Linton jumped off the dragon, looked at the boy, and asked again. While asking, Linton took a brief look and saw that there were several wounds on the boy's body, but they were probably all skin injuries. The main condition was still some loss of strength, which was not very serious. These scales should have some defensive function, and his body may be stronger than humans.

"Yes...are you, sir?" the boy asked.

"I am from the Holy Empire of Elan in the north." Linton said.

"Holy Empire of Yilan?" The boy looked confused, obviously he had never heard of this name. This is relatively normal, because most people in the Holy Empire of Elan have never heard of the Kingdom of Limar.

"What happened here?" Linton asked directly, "Did you know that the city over there was destroyed?"

"That's where I escaped." Seeing that Linton was still friendly, the boy here relaxed a little and replied.

"Escaped?" Linton asked, "What happened? Was it invaded by people from other countries?"

"It's...the owner of Castle Black," the boy said.

"Castle Black?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"An evil necromancer."

"Necromancer?" Linton was stunned for a moment. Linton had heard about the Necromancer before, and he was almost regarded as a Necromancer. According to what I heard before, necromancy is a taboo spell in the entire continent. Not only the Church of Light cannot tolerate it, but other churches also cannot tolerate necromancy.

Because he was also involved in this aspect, Linton had also inquired about some things before. The Necromancer has disappeared on the mainland for a long time, and many people even think that the Necromancer has completely disappeared, so Linton's previous situation has not been discovered, because not many people would think that way.

Linton didn't expect to find a necromancer here, but after thinking about it, he found that this was indeed a good place for development. The Kingdom of Limar is so remote that it is almost isolated from other countries on the mainland. According to the boy, this necromancer started wreaking havoc in this country a year ago, but the news has not been spread yet, not even to the Holy Elan who is closest to them. The empire has not received any reports, let alone other countries.

If a necromancer needs to develop, the first thing it needs is a large number of corpses, so the current situation is probably that a necromancer has discovered this place suitable for development. After several years of preparation, it has now occupied the entire country.

The boy in front of him is called Reed. A year ago, he was one of the residents of the fishing port city that Linton saw before. However, a year ago, suddenly a large number of undead creatures invaded one day, and the entire city was flooded by the undead army. Only a few People fled the city, and Reed was one of them. He lives in the mountains now and doesn't dare to go back to the city. The only people who escaped with him are six or seven old, weak, sick and disabled people. He is the only one who can go out to hunt, so he goes out to hunt, but Unexpectedly, he would be attacked by wild wolves and almost lost his life.

Judging from Reed's description, the number of the undead army controlled by this necromancer was already very large, to the point where it could wipe out an entire city in an instant. Having reached such a scale, the undead army is undoubtedly already terrifying. What will happen next is likely to snowball, getting bigger and bigger. Linton estimates that the country may have really been destroyed.

Touching his chin, Linton was no longer thinking about cultural relics. What is this necromancer's next plan after destroying a country? According to general assumptions, it is probably continued expansion, right? If it is expansion, where will it expand? Yes, the first one to bear the burden is their Holy Empire of Elan.

Crossing the big forest to the north from here is the territory of the Holy Empire of Yilan. If the necromancer is really serious, the first target will naturally be there. Otherwise, would the undead also go out by boat? Crossing the big forest is indeed difficult for ordinary humans, but for the undead troops, it is not impossible.

The destruction of the city next to it was already a year ago, so this necromancer may have been preparing for the expansion plan for a long time. If he had not discovered it himself, it is very likely that the Holy Empire of Yilan would suddenly face the expansion plan. A large number of undead appeared in the south, and this suddenly became a bit troublesome.

Of course, fortunately, he came over by accident. It was really troublesome when the undead army was already formed, but for Linton, it was not a big deal.

Thinking of meeting the necromancer first, Linton asked Reed where the other party might be, and then Linton learned another surprising situation.

"Flying Castle?" Linton was stunned for a moment, because according to Reed's explanation, the Black Castle controlled by the Necromancer was a huge castle flying in the sky. "This is awesome."

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