I really can't control myself

Chapter 1007 Farewell

"I see, there is such a collection." Linton is now going through Machima's "collection" one by one. He has quite a lot of demons or demons in his hands, some of which Linton has seen before. Uploaded ones, such as the Bat Demon, and even Santa Claus were recovered by the Metropolitan Police and dominated by Machima after being defeated by Linton.

However, there are also some that Linton has not seen before, which are probably Makima's previous collections, such as Punishment Demon and Zombie Demon, which Linton has not uploaded yet. All in all, the harvest is still very rich, and the time is not wasted. However, Linton still feels a bit drained by buying a time gem with more than 8 million points.

Yes, Machima finally cooperated, but there was really no other way. Linton was not doing human affairs, and she couldn't find any way, so she could only cooperate now. But while Linton was picking demons to gain points, Makima continued to talk to Linton.

"Since you are not from this world, you will have to go back one day." Makima asked.

"Yes, and don't worry, this day will come quickly." Linton said.

"So...what are you going to leave to this world?" Makima asked.

"To be honest, what I thought before I went back was to just wipe out the world. This world is already sick enough." Linton said, "If you think about it, human fear can make demons more powerful. In terms of balance, human faith or goodwill can also give birth to something, such as gods, guardian gods and the like. This is balanced, right? However, this world must be based on bad things. , infinitely magnifying the dark side.”

After Linton finished speaking, he looked at Machima: "This world is already disgusting enough, but you are still using your own power to infinitely lower the disgusting limit of this world. To be honest, if I were the creator of this world, If a human being exists, I would like to slap this defective product away, but don't worry, I am not. Although it is not difficult to destroy this world, but after thinking about it carefully, this world is quite useful to me. "

"Do you mean research?" Makima asked after looking at it.

"Yes." Linton nodded, taking care of the last demon that was not uploaded, and walked to the opposite side of Makima, "It's your turn."

"What are you going to do with me?" Makima asked.

With a "pop" sound, as soon as Machima finished speaking, Linton slapped Machima on the face. The opponent's head spun three times without actually flying out. Of course, Machima was not dead either, and looked at Linton with a questioning look.

"Say 'woof' to me." Linton said calmly.

"Woof." Machima was stunned for a moment, but she still yelled very cooperatively.

"Be obedient." Linton nodded, "Come on, choose a model of rice cooker."

"Huh?" This sudden situation made it difficult for Machima to keep up with Linton. Before she could react, she saw Linton opening a portal from the side and taking out a few things from it. . Makima looked at it and saw that it was really a rice cooker.

"There are quite a lot of types of rice cookers now. This one is more modern and looks pretty good. But I think you should mainly look at the volume. These 2L ones are obviously not as comfortable as the 4L ones." Linton said .

"Why did you choose this?" Makima asked.

With a "pop" sound, Linton slapped her again. Makima's head rotated from three counterclockwise turns to three clockwise turns: "Say 'woof' to me."


"Well, it's probably like choosing a place for you to live, and you choose a house or something like that." Linton said.

"That... woof." Of course, Machima still didn't understand. Just when she was about to continue, she saw Linton's raised hand and immediately changed her words.

"Yeah." Linton nodded, and then directly picked up one of the white rice cookers, "Okay, let me check it out for you. This one seems to be easier to use. You can see that it says microcomputer control on it, ensuring warmth in winter and coolness in summer. "

"..." Machima finally understood. This guy had no intention of asking her opinion at all. It seemed like he was just looking for a reason to slap her.

"Are you ready to move?" Linton put the rice cooker in front of him after putting it away. Before Makima could react, Linton pushed the opponent with both hands, "Magic Sealing Wave."

Although she already felt that something was wrong, Machima still did not avoid the beam of the magic sealing wave. It quickly turned into a green beam, spinning and flying into the rice cooker in front. As soon as he entered, the rice cooker here vibrated, but Linton stepped forward and affixed the talisman paper.

As the other party was sealed, Linton quickly received a lot of prompt information. In addition to the reminder of valuables that he had expected before, Linton also unexpectedly received a reminder that the investigation was completed.

Yes, Linton didn't expect to receive a prompt that the investigation was completed at this time. After all, this world is not someone else's world that he took over, but a world that Linton investigated from scratch. Moreover, this is Linton's first time to investigate, so this is Finished exploring? Does this Makima actually have such a high score in exploration?

After thinking about it, it seems to make some sense. After all, this is not a very large exploration dungeon, because the story of Chainsaw Man is not very long. Even if the impact of the plot on the investigation is not 100%, he has fought a lot of demons here. In short, Linton did not expect that this investigation was so smooth.

If he had known that he could achieve 100% detection in one go, Linton would have taken over the task of exploring a whole world before, and now he could still complete it at the same time. However, at that time, Linton did not feel that the task could be completed, and gave up without even hesitating.

Although he did not complete two tasks at once, of course there are still gains. The 5 million points for completing the investigation have been received. In addition to the 1.7 million points provided by Makima here, Linton directly used the time gem in this trip. The points were all earned back, which made him at least a little bit better off.

Maybe it's because Machima was sealed, and Hayakawa Akira next to him seemed to have ended his control state, but now he is still a little bit unrecovered. The amount of information received during the confrontation between Linton and Makima just now was really huge, and it made Qiu Hayakawa feel a little dizzy now, and he really didn't know how to react.

Linton next to him should be able to answer his question, but before Hayakawa Akira could speak, Linton directly handed the rice cooker with Machima sealed to Hayakawa Akira.

"I'll give this to you. I'll leave this guy in your care. When you want to let her out, just take this seal away," Linton said.

"Leave it to me?" Hayakawa Qiu was slightly stunned.

"Yeah, I'll leave it to you to judge." Linton said, "You may have heard some of what happened before. Although I really want to say that the culprit of all this is Makima, but in fact, even if Magima is solved Ma cannot solve a lot of problems left in this world at all. Ma Qima only makes this world disgusting, and is not the culprit of everything."

"What... does this mean?" Hayakawa Qiu asked a little confused.

"Machima is somewhat of a deterrent for this country. Those who use her are also humans, but she is a little out of control." Linton said, "I can only say that the struggle between people may never be the same. It will stop, so I don’t know what the world will be like in the future. When that time comes, you can make your own choice."

"You... want to leave?" Hayakawa Qiu remembered what Makima said before and asked.

"Yeah, if I go to hell again and find nothing new, I'm going to leave." Linton said.

"Are you ready to abandon everything here?" Hayakawa Qiu asked.

"If you want me to take care of you, I will just use the deus ex machina." Linton said, "To be honest, there is no hope in this world. Just wait for death and say goodbye."

"I...I don't know what to do." Hayakawa Akira thought for a while and said, "Before this, all I had been thinking about was to avenge my family, eliminate the gun demon, and repay Miss Makima's kindness. . However, with the current situation, the Demon of the Gun may never be eliminated, and Miss Machima has been deceiving me... I don’t know what to do now.”

"Anyway... well... let's survive first." Linton thought for a while and said.

"Survive?" Hayakawa Qiu was stunned for a moment. Linton was not the first person to say this to him. "It's too cunning. This is the most difficult thing."

"Read more books and experience other lives, maybe you can find a reason to live." Linton said, "It is precisely because this is a difficult thing that you need to become strong, no matter it is Physically or mentally. Accept the perfection and imperfection in life, and then become calm. You really can’t drink more chicken soup.”

"chicken soup?"

"Uh, isn't there such a saying in this world?" Linton touched his head, then stretched out his finger and tapped Hayakawa Qiu's forehead. Yes, he was imitating Itachi's movements. "This can be regarded as a curse on you, forgive me. , this is the last time.”

As he spoke, Linton directly opened a portal. Yes, although the exploration level has been maxed out, valuables can still be uploaded. Linton still has some time and is ready to go to hell to visit again and see if he can receive some more points.

"Can we still meet?" Just when Linton was about to enter the portal, Hayakawa Akira couldn't help but ask.

"Uh... see you later." Linton didn't even look back. He simply waved with his back to Qiu Hayakawa, and then walked into the portal. Only Hayakawa Akira was left holding the rice cooker, and the person lying on the ground next to him.

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