The portal opened and Linton appeared in Makima's office at the Metropolitan Police Department. The situation at the Metropolitan Police Department is slightly better. The entire building did not collapse. Maybe it was a special disaster prevention treatment.

Machima was still the only one in the office. Linton looked around when he walked out of the portal. It was really strange. At this time, Hayakawa Akira, who was in a trance, walked out of the portal, looked at Makima in front of him, and showed a confused expression.

"You're the only one? That's not good." Linton said, "I wouldn't mind calling more people."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Makima asked strangely, holding her chin in her hands.

"You're too bullied in a one-on-one fight. I'm going to beat you ten times." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Huh? You want to fight me?" Makima asked.

"It's not you who asked me to come, expedition team." Linton said.

"You don't... think that the person I want to attack is you." Makima suddenly chuckled, "Why do we suddenly want to attack you? Didn't you just help us kill many killers from all over the world? "

"No...isn't it?" Hayakawa Akira here seemed to suddenly come back to his senses. Yes, the previous phone call did only talk about the expedition team, but he did not say who he was attacking. Could it be that Captain Kishibe didn't report to him? What happened before Makima reported?

"Did you do anything to feel sorry for me?" Makima asked with a smile.

"Then the expedition team is..." Hayakawa Akira asked.

"Of course it's the expedition against the Gun Demon." Machima suddenly said with some seriousness, "The Gun Demon has enough meat, so its location has been basically determined, so I'm here to inform you. , the Metropolitan Police Department will start preparing for the crusade against the Gun Demon today, and of course the Special Class must participate."

"So...that's it!" Hayakawa Qiu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, the answer is..." Makima asked.

"Of course, I will participate." Hayakawa Qiu replied immediately.

"Then, in three days, the crusade troops will gather at the designated location." Makima said, "After Denci and Pava go there, I will go back and inform them. I think you also know how dangerous this operation is, so Please get ready."

"I understand, Miss Makima." Qiu Hayakawa said immediately.

"Okay, the official announcement is over. What you just talked about..." Makima asked.

"No, it's nothing, he's just joking." Hayakawa Qiu said immediately.

"Oh..." Makima smiled, "By the way, Qiujun, I heard that your apartment also seemed to have collapsed in this big earthquake. I have contacted Denci and Pava before. They plan to stay at my place for two days today. How about you, do you want to stay in my apartment for a few days? It will also take a few days to contact the new apartment."

"Where's Miss Makima?" Hayakawa Qiu was stunned for a moment, but quickly shook his head, "Sorry, Miss Makima, I'm planning to go to Hokkaido in the next few days."

"That's it." Makima nodded, "Consultant Linton, what about you? Are you going to visit Qiujun's grave with you?"

"Grave sweeping?" Linton was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Hayakawa Qiu was going to visit the grave in his hometown in Hokkaido. "No, I'm going to go to the bank to grab a ticket."

"Huh?" Makima and Hayakawa Akira were both stunned, and Hayakawa Akira shouted directly: "What do you want to do, you bastard?"

"Sorry for the wrong wording, I am going to destroy some demons and help justice." Linton said.

"What does this have to do with banks?" Hayakawa Akira asked.

"Do you understand the metaphor?"

"I have never heard the devil be compared to a bank." Hayakawa Akira said.

"It's not the devil, it's hell," Linton said.

"Anyway, Mr. Linton will also participate in the crusade in three days, right." Makima quickly interrupted to prevent the two from getting further apart.

"Of course, after all, my nephew is also participating." Linton said, "By the way, I heard that the gun demon is very strong. To be on the safe side, I would like to ask Miss Machima to find more helpers. The lion is fighting the rabbit with all his strength. Well, although I am invincible, it is better to be safe."

"Don't worry, those participating in this crusade are all the most elite candidates from the Metropolitan Police Department." Machima gave Linton a strange look, but still said.

"Okay, okay, then I'm relieved." Linton nodded, "The cause of justice is quite busy, so I'll go to work first."

After Linton finished speaking, he didn't give the two of them a chance. He opened a door next to him and walked in.

"Wait a minute..." Qiu Hayakawa wanted to stop Linton, but it seemed that it was too late.

"Then, Miss Makima, I think he should show up in three days." Hayakawa Qiu thought for a while and said.

"I believe you, Qiujun." Makima nodded, "By the way, you seemed to want to ask me some questions just now, right?"

"Miss Makima, I think... forget it, if I can come back alive during the Gun Demon Crusade in three days, I hope Miss Makima can answer a few questions for me, okay?" Hayakawa Akira hesitated. After a while, he still said this.

"Of course it's no problem." Makima said with a smile.

Seeing this smile, Hayakawa Akira here also smiled. Wanting to protect this smile was his original idea. But when he thought of this, Linton's words suddenly appeared in his mind again, like a nail.

"If I can come back alive, I should have answers, but can I really ask any questions?" Hayakawa Akira thought as he left the Metropolitan Police Department.

Three days passed in a flash, and Hayakawa Akira, who had just returned from Hokkaido, was heading to the gathering place of the expeditionary force. Because he had always acted alone before, he did not go with anyone else. In short, he had to gather at the target location first.

As he was walking, a light flashed next to him, and Linton appeared directly next to him.

"You actually disappeared for three days?" Seeing Linton's side, Hayakawa Akira was very angry. "Where have you been? You can't even contact me on your mobile phone?"

"Hell." Linton said, spreading his hands. It is true that Linton has been in hell for the past three days. He had said before that he was going to hell to gain points, but Linton never stopped during these three days.

In three days, Linton probably figured out that the hell in this world seemed to be a special space, not a planet. This space is really huge. Even Linton can't find the edge and doesn't know if there is a boundary. And this space doesn't seem to be very stable. It's not the kind of situation where you can keep going left by walking to the left, or you may suddenly come to the right after passing somewhere.

In short, no matter what the place is like, as long as you have points. In three days, Linton penetrated the entire hell and trampled on all the demons he saw. Linton also figured out that there seemed to be some kind of home field factor when the demons were in hell, and they were generally stronger. There were very few of the miscellaneous fish demons he had seen before, and it was possible that the fittest had been eliminated and the weak had long since disappeared.

All in all, I saw quite a lot of demon points. Linton really made a fortune this time, with an income of more than 8 million points. Yes, Linton himself didn't expect that he would be able to score so many points this time, far exceeding his expectations. However, after three days of grinding, Linton also encountered some problems, that is, the speed of scoring points gradually began to slow down.

He didn't know whether it was because the slain demons would not be resurrected, resulting in fewer and fewer killings, or whether these demons began to avoid him intentionally, etc. Linton relied on his vague aura perception to look for demons everywhere, and his efficiency began to increase. Low, some demons obviously felt the aura nearby, but they didn't see it. Could it be that they were hiding in some space crack?

In short, he may have become famous in hell. When several demons saw him, they turned around and started running away without saying a word. On the first day, Linton could still meet the demons he had found, and they were all with very high scores, but starting from the second day, he was the one looking for people all over the map.

However, although it is difficult to increase the points, Linton is already very comfortable having received more than 8 million. In addition, there is probably a lot of income today.

"You... forget it, we are almost at the meeting point." Hayakawa Qiu wanted to continue to get angry, but one night passed in front of him, and the two of them came to a seaside pier. This was the gathering place for the expedition team notified before.

"Is there no one there? Are we the first to arrive?" Hayakawa Qiu looked at the time. It was still a while before the gathering time. Indeed, they had arrived a little early. Hayakawa Qiu is the kind of person who doesn't want people to wait, so he came early, but he didn't expect to be the first one to arrive.

"The first one to arrive?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Hey, nephew, you don't really think that we are here to defeat the Gun Demon this time, do you?"

"Huh?" Hayakawa Qiu was stunned.

"I...why are you so naive? I've told you a lot of things, but you still haven't figured it out yet." Linton said, "The target of the crusade is of course me. Is the demon with a gun as big a threat as me?" ? Let us come here just because we need time to gather my people to attack me."

"But Miss Machima..."

"Let me tell you one more thing. Makima has another ability, which is to manipulate small animals to detect intelligence. Makima must have heard our previous conversation in front of the apartment. She just used you to arrange for me. It's just easier to get started here. But I didn't intend to dodge in the first place, so I told her to prepare slowly and call for more people." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Don't you understand yet? Machima has known for a long time that you have begun to doubt her, but she doesn't want to say anything to you at all, because it's not important. She can already fully control you, so even I don't expect you to wake up. Linton spread his hands and said, "It's just that you are always living in a dream, which makes me uncomfortable. Before you are completely controlled, let me ask you, this crusade, will you stand with me or on the opposite side?"

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