98. Sister

[Episode 97] – Sister

“…Why are you crying?”

“……Who is crying?”

I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand to hide the tears that had flowed without my knowledge. I sighed heavily, feeling frustrated as if my stomach was going to explode, and then glanced up and looked at Snow White sitting in front of me.

Perhaps she felt a little more at ease after telling me what was inside her, but Snow White was smiling more gently than before. However, she seemed a little tired of that smile.

After hearing the story, I couldn’t say anything. Because I had no idea what on earth I should say to this child. Really, he didn’t know how to open his mouth.

The first idea to hear the story of Snow White is that Aurora is a real dog. All she could think was that she had died well. Even animals love their young, so why Aurora…

‘…It was the same here at Aurora. ‘Is it just that the person named Aurora itself is the problem?’

And, after listening to the story, I realized why I could easily recognize Snow White’s face at the ball. Not only because she has the same face as Titania, but because Snow White’s appearance hasn’t aged.

Three years ago and even now, Snow White kept the same face. Snow White was seventeen and said that Titania had come here when she was two, but she looked no older than him.

Is this a side effect of turning into a fairy? To me, it seemed as if Snow White’s time had stopped. Like Snow White in the fairy tale who ate the witch’s poison apple and fell asleep in a coffin.

It is said that you are gradually becoming a fairy, but if so, how much of a fairy have you become now? Now that I think about it, it seemed like three years ago, Brownie asked Snow White if she was okay. Could this be the reason?


I wanted to ask, but my lips wouldn’t move. He was at a loss as to whether it would be okay to ask her this, he didn’t know what to say to Snow White or how to react. The shock was that great.

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As I was foolishly pouting my lips like a goldfish, Snow White looked at me and burst into laughter. Then he gently shook the red thread tied around his wrist and asked me.

“Now it’s my turn. Know?”


Yes, I thought it would be better to ask questions. Because I also needed some time to organize my thoughts. Snow White, who was contemplating while twisting the red thread connected to me with her fingers, shed a sigh of relief.


I was ready to answer truthfully no matter what question I was asked. For example, even the fact that I am not Vivian. No, I thought Snow White would definitely ask about my identity. It was definitely like that…

“…No, that’s enough. “There’s nothing I want to ask you anymore.”

“What? Oh, isn’t there going to be…? “About me or something…?”

Snow White rested her chin and sighed softly, saying there was nothing more she wanted to ask me. Rather, Snow White seemed to be begging me to ask a question, and she giggled and answered me.

“That’s enough. When I told you my story, I felt a little relieved. And…”


“When I saw you crying after hearing my story, I became convinced. After all, you are not the Vivian I know. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you cry because of me.”

“Who, who said he cried…!”

I wiped my eyes just in case, and there were a few tears on my fingers. Snow White, who was watching me wipe away my tears, smiled and continued speaking.

“Just as I and Titania are different, you are also different from Vivian. “I was vaguely aware of that fact, but I didn’t want to admit it.”


“That’s right, the person who killed me dozens of times? Even if that person suddenly changed, how could you easily admit it? “What have I done to you all this time?”

After listening to Snow White’s story, I was able to fully understand why she approached me so maliciously.

Honestly, how can you not hate someone who has killed you dozens of times? It was natural that I couldn’t make a rational decision.

Furthermore, it must have been incomprehensible that Vivian, who killed, tormented, and hated herself, would love someone else here.

I guess Snow White couldn’t understand that while she hated herself enough to kill her dozens of times, she raised her here with love.

“…So, that’s enough now. I’m tired of hating you. Whoever you are, the fact that Vivian has changed is enough for me. “Because Titania won’t go through what I went through.”

After saying that, Snow White sighed as if she was really tired and swept her hands down her face. As if she no longer had the strength to hate Vivian, as if she no longer had the stamina to exert her hatred, Snow White leaned back in her chair and sagged ever so slightly.

Snow White, who was slouching in her chair, opened her eyes round as if something had occurred to her, and then she just rolled her eyes, looked at me, and asked me.

“No. Cancel the fact that there is nothing to ask. “I’ll write a second question.”

“Okay, ask me anything.”

“Why did you name Titania ‘Titania’? “Do you know the meaning of that name?”

In response to Snow White’s sudden question about the meaning of Titania’s name, I calmly gathered my thoughts and explained to Snow White why I named Titania ‘Titania, Queen of the Fairies.’

“Titania. Isn’t that the name of the fairy queen? I know. The reason I gave her that name is because Titania will literally become the queen of the kingdom. Besides, at that time, I was planning to teach Titania about fairies and magic. “I quit because you told me not to.”

“I heard you had no intention of raising Titania to be her witch?”

“Are only witches able to use fairies? They thought that if Titania became queen, the fairies would help her. That’s really why she named her Titania. “She thought it was a good name for Titania, as she was going to be queen.”

Snow White shook the red thread tied to her wrist and confirmed that it was not broken, and snorted, ‘Hmm~’. When I thought about the time when I named Titania for a moment, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

“Then it’s my turn to ask a question.”

“That’s right. “Ask me anything.”

“What if I give you a name?”


Snow White opened her eyes wide at my question and then glared at me. As I was once again looking at him like a wary cat like before, I sighed for a moment and continued speaking calmly.

“It’s not just a day or two that I feel frustrated because I don’t know your name. But you didn’t even tell me your name. “You’re not planning on telling me your name in the first place, are you?”

“That’s right. “I have no intention of telling you.”

That stubbornness is the same as Titania. Who on earth do you resemble to be so stubborn? Aurora? King? I hope it’s not Aurora’s bloodline. I sighed softly and looked at Snow White with a grin.

“Then you should call me by the name I gave you. Isn’t it? How long do I have to call you princess~ princess~? “You’re not even a princess anymore, are you?”

“Just call me princess like you’ve been calling me until now! “What name do you think I need?!”

“Oh, I don’t know, I can’t hear you. As expected, I want to give her a name set with Titania. Since Titania is the fairy queen, how about Oberon, the fairy king? “Oberon is too much of a masculine name, so Oberon… Veron…”


Ignoring the way Snow White was looking at me with a bright red face as if I was dumbfounded, I focused on naming her.

To set it with Titania, the correct answer was the Fairy King ‘Oberon’, but that was too masculine a name. It was not an appropriate name for a girl.

After much thought, I smiled at the name that popped into my head and looked at Snow White. Snow White crossed her legs as if she was annoyed by my unreasonable behavior, and clicked her tongue while resting her chin on the table. There was no complete bully.

“Um… Your name is…”

“Don’t do it, I really told you not to.”

But, I know that if I don’t force it like this, they won’t listen. Besides, I thought that Snow White would secretly like it if she did this. Why did you think that way?

No matter how different Titania and Snow White are, they are fundamentally the same children. If you think of Snow White as Titania who has reached puberty, she is incredibly cute.



“Veronica Snowwhite. How is it? Do you like it?”

For a moment, silence fell. Snow White, who was resting her chin and making no response, soon glared at me as if she were going to kill me and responded like this.

“What a childish name. As for the sense of naming. I really don’t like it. Did I tell you? There’s no need for a name. I just-“


At the moment when Snow White, who had an annoyed expression on her face, was complaining, the middle of the tightly connected red thread broke with a popping sound. The red thread, which was flying softly in the sky due to the recoil of the broken thread, soon landed beautifully on the table.

Clearly, this red thread breaks when you lie…

I suppressed the raised eyebrows and raised her head to look at Snow White’s face. As if she had forgotten the red thread for a moment, Snow White, her face flushed bright red, opened her mouth and was looking for an excuse. But-



Even Snow White would know.

No matter how many excuses you make for this situation, it won’t work.

The reason I tied the red thread on my wrist in the first place, and the reason I asked to answer three questions was all because of Snow White. Is this how he dug his own grave? I held back laughter until the corners of my mouth hurt and asked Snow White.

“I guess you really liked the name I gave you? Please take care of me in the future. Veronica.”


Veronica, her face bright red, jumped up from her chair, and she came towards me and started pushing me. She quickly pushed me to get up from the chair and told me to get out of here, and then she was pushed all the way to the terrace door of my room.

“Get out! Do not come! “I know that because I will never see your face again!”

“hehehe, hehehe. Don’t do that, just listen to my story. Veronica. Huh? “Just listen for a moment.”

“Don’t call me Veronica!!”

Veronica pushed my back with all her might, telling me to get out of here right now, and I was holding on, blocking the terrace with both of her arms to prevent me from entering the room. Fortunately, Veronica and I were able to hold on to the door frame of the terrace as our strength was at the same level.

“Please come here at least once a week from now on. Let’s talk next time.”

“I told you never to think about seeing my face again!”

“Then, do you plan on never seeing Titania again? “I want you to be Titania’s older sister.”

“Huh, sister?”

Well, Veronica stopped pushing me and then she started to worry. Then, I turned my head to look at Titania sleeping in my bed, furrowed my brows, and fell into deep worry.

“I don’t care, so at least be friendly with Titania. “She sees Titania alone and gets used to her loneliness easily.”


“You know this well since you were alone. That she was lonely when she grew up alone. “At least I feel safe if I have you like me…”


I could no longer speak to Veronica’s cold voice. The moment I thought it wouldn’t work, Veronica tapped my back and pushed me into the room. Here she is, worried that if we break up again, she doesn’t know when we will meet again-

“….I’ll come by this time next week, so wait with Titania.”

After Veronica’s last words, the scenery on the terrace changed in an instant. Not to the beach, but to a familiar terrace overlooking the palace garden. When I remembered Veronica’s troubled face with a bright red face, I burst into laughter without realizing it.

“I’m really looking forward to next week.”

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