88. Unexpected Guest (3)

[Episode 88] – Unexpected Guest (3)

“Nice to meet you, princess. “Has it been three years?”

When I smiled, Snow White’s face began to turn pale. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even put down the fork I was holding and kept opening and closing my lips like a goldfish.

As I was wondering what kind of reaction she would react to, Snow White’s pale face instantly turned red again, and she put down the plate of food she was holding and turned her head to avoid my gaze.

“…I looked at the wrong person.”

“That can’t be possible.”

I laughed and laughed at the ridiculous excuse.

Even if I looked at other people’s faces wrong, there was absolutely no way I could look at that face wrong. No matter how much she wore a mask, her clearly defined facial features, facial features, and small features such as wrinkles and the location of moles were the same as Titania’s.

And the reason I could clearly recognize it was Snow White’s face, which for some reason did not change. There was no reason not to recognize the face as it was the same as when I saw it three years ago, as if it had never aged. When I tilted my head and looked at her, Snow White sighed and glared at me.

“I told you, you looked at the wrong person.”

“If you wanted to make people look that bad, you should have put on good makeup. Or dress up as Princess Fiona like last time.”


In an instant, Snow White’s eyes became even sharper. But what I said wasn’t wrong. Because all of Snow White’s outfits were ready-made. His makeup was too sketchy to be considered a masquerade ball, and he didn’t even look like Princess Fiona.

As I cautiously approached the side, Snow White’s face was full of annoyance as she glared at me. The princess opened his mouth for a moment to say something to me, but eventually he sighed deeply and wiped his wrinkled face.

“…I put a spell on the mask to prevent recognition. How did you recognize me?”

“Well…? “You just caught my eye.”

“Why don’t you just say you don’t want to tell me?”

Snow White glared at me, asking me to answer straight, asking if that made sense, but what if it was true? I just shrugged my shoulders as the princess glared at me like I was going to kill her.

To be honest, I didn’t have the skills to tell whether the mask was enchanted or not. Ever since the princess told me ‘not to raise Titania to be her witch’, I also have not tried to learn magic.

I really kept magic away from Titania from then on. They didn’t teach me the magic they tried to teach me, and I told them to avoid fairies as much as possible.

Of course, I also stayed away from magic whenever possible and even avoided meeting fairies other than Ainsel. Because it seemed like the right thing to do. A thought suddenly occurred to me, and I answered as if whispering in the princess’s ear.

“I am keeping my promise.”


“What you said. She said don’t raise that child to be a witch. I try to stay away from magic and fairies as much as possible. “The only fairy near that child is Ainsel.”

“…Yeah, I see.”

Snow White looked lost in thought for a moment, staring blankly at the plate of food. She tried to eat so much cake that there was a mountain of different types of cake on her plate. I looked at her and laughed, teasing the princess in a slightly sarcastic voice.

“If you just eat cake like that, you’ll gain a lot of weight, right?”

“…I’m not gaining weight, so you’re worried- no, what are you? Why are you talking to me naturally? “Don’t you remember I said I didn’t like you?”

“Well? “I forgot.”

I did not forget. Rather, how can we forget? The things Snow White said to me and the look she gave me when she looked at me. Disgust, contempt, etc. – I still vividly remember the expression on Snow White’s face as she looked at me with all your negative emotions.

But that’s not really a look at ‘me’, is it? It was ‘Vivian’ that Snow White hated, not me. Wouldn’t the misunderstanding be resolved someday if we talk about it later? I think it might be too comforting a thought.

When I looked at her with a grin, Snow White frowned and looked at me as if I was bewildered. I sipped the drink in my hand and asked Snow White what else I was curious about.

“So? “Why didn’t you come to my bedroom?”


“I asked you to tell Catsy, didn’t you hear? You told me to come to my bedroom at any time, right? “There is also a brownie’s cabin, so you can come visit us anytime.”

“…I’ve heard about it, but it’s even more impressive to hear it in person.”

Snow White sighed as if she was frustrated.

When I tilted my head, wondering if I had made a mistake, Snow White glared at me as if she were going to kill me, as if she really didn’t know. In her frustration, she took a bite of the cake on her plate with a fork, ripped it off, and swallowed it in one gulp.

“I know that your personality is very different from the Vivian I know. But do you know that saying innocent things with that face makes my stomach turn even more? You’re the queen. How can a person called a queen say so lightly that she invites others to her bedroom? Does she know what it means to invite someone into the bedroom?”

I burst into laughter without realizing it when Snow White answered seriously, as if she was giving advice. What on earth is this kid imagining? Certainly, unlike 13-year-old Titania, Snow White seemed to be precocious. She has a strange imagination…

“I’m not the only one in my bedroom, so what does it matter? And you’re not even a man? “Is the child possessed by an adulterous devil?”

“? What does that mean? “You’re not sharing the bedroom alone?”

“? I share the same room as Titania. That’s why I said that the three of us should come and have a conversation together. “What is she imagining?”

Snow White’s eyebrows rose higher.

I let out a small sigh as they glared at me as if asking me to explain right away, asking what that meant. If Titania’s head was a little bigger, would she grow up to be this precocious? Now that I think about it, Snow White had forgotten that she, like Titania, liked romance novels.

“…How old is that child?”

“Now thirteen. “I’ll be fourteen soon.”

“Do you think it makes sense for a fourteen year old to sleep with her adoptive mother…? You’ll soon be an adult, right…? “Fifteen is the age for a debutante…?”

“Then what should I do? “If that baby isn’t sleeping in my arms, he’s having trouble sleeping.”


Snow White bursts out laughing as if it was absurd.

“You really…!”

She tried to say something to me for a moment, but then just pursed her lips, sighed, and began to shovel the cake on her plate into her mouth. I burst out laughing at the sight of him chewing the cake as if to vent his anger. Is Snow White just like Titania, unable to sleep alone?

“Yes, yes. If you can’t sleep alone, come visit me anytime. “The beds are wide enough, so two or three won’t be any different.”

“Even if I die from a disease that prevents me from sleeping, that will never happen.”

I kept laughing at the sight of Snow White clicking her tongue.

Still, I felt fortunate that they didn’t stop listening to my story like last time. If we get a little closer, wouldn’t it be possible to tell my story? Even if I say, ‘I’m not Vivian’ now, I’m sure they’ll treat me like I’m crazy.

I calmly wet my lips with something to drink and tapped Snow White’s shoulder with my finger. He grinned at Snow White’s shoulder response, telling her not to touch him, and whispered in a very low voice in Snow White’s ear.

“It’s really okay to come by anytime. “I want to hear your story, and mine too-“

The moment we continued talking-

I heard a small voice buzzing in my chest. I couldn’t hear properly because I was covered in clothes, so I lowered my head to see what was going on, and burst out! Ainsel’s screaming voice echoed between me and Snow White.

-Vivian!! Spirit! Lean! Come back!! The Great Witch suddenly came to visit!!

The moment she lifted her head and looked at Snow White, surprised by the news that the Great Witch had come, Snow White’s eyes, which had been slightly relaxed until now, frowned again, then clicked her tongue and whipped her head around.

Reaction as if trying to run away right now.

At that reaction, I unconsciously grabbed the princess’s wrist. For some reason, I felt like I would never see Snow White again if I missed it now, so it was an unconscious reaction.

Snow White, who was grabbed by my wrist, glared at me as if she was going to kill me-

Soon, he whispered to me in a cold, subdued voice.

“Let go of this.”

“Now, just a moment! Can you please wait a moment? At least listen to my story…”

Tsk, Snow White clicked her tongue and glared at me.

I tried to strongly shake her off, telling her to let go of my hand, but I held on to Snow White’s wrist tightly and wouldn’t let her go. I just wanted to say the last thing, but it must have upset the princess and she looked at me and frowned.

“Oh, that’s right. You were also a Kirven witch, right? I forgot about it because your skills are terrible. So? Are you going to hand me over to the archwitch? Would you have noticed? “It is me that the great witch is looking for.”

“Oh, no! That’s not it, just tell me my story for a moment…!”

“Or did the Great Witch already know? So how long has she been taking me to the Great Witch? Did she ask you to come find me? Somehow, I thought it was strange that I met you when you were attending a dance like this that you probably wouldn’t participate in. If this is your acting, you’re really amazing. “You were a b*tch who had a knack for messing with people, right?”

“Please, talk to me…!”

“I thought it was strange ever since you kept telling me to go away but you stuck with me without saying a word. Was it the archwitch’s magic that recognized me? “How long do you have to deceive me?”

“Please!! “Listen to me first!!”

When I screamed, it was only then that Snow White calmed down.

But he only became calm for a moment, and it seemed like if he let go of the wrist he was holding, he would run away from here without even looking back. I sighed for a moment, then raised my head and looked at Snow White.

She wasn’t the Snow White she was when we had a brief conversation earlier. Just like last time, I was speechless for a moment when I saw Snow White looking at me with a mixture of distrust, disgust, and other emotions.

“…It’s not really what you think.”


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“I have never met a great witch before, and I really don’t know why she came to visit me this time. Besides, you can use the cabin now and run away right away, right? So, before you run away, let me tell you my story for a moment-“

“I can’t use it.”


“I can’t use magic. If it’s true that the Great Witch is here, it’s natural that the moment she casts her magic, she’ll come to get me. Are you really a witch? This basic common sense-“

Can’t you use magic now?

Then how did the princess plan to escape from here?

… It felt like my mind was turning completely white.

Can I possibly be good?

Why did the Great Witch suddenly come to visit? And, maybe I like Snow White? According to Ainsel’s reasoning, it was none other than Snow White who turned Aurora into a fairy.

And Fran said that the Great Witch had been searching for the culprit for over seven years. In that case, the reason the Great Witch came here was because she wanted to find the culprit, Snow White.

Then, is it right for me to take Snow White to the Great Witch? What will happen to Snow White if she is taken to the Great Witch? What happens if he is really the culprit?

Furthermore, Snow White’s reaction to avoiding the Great Witch showed that the princess was really the culprit of the incident. To judge rationally, the right answer was to take Snow White to the Great Witch.

But, my feelings…

“…Follow me.”


“I will hide you, so follow me. It would be okay to escape by carriage, but since the dance is still in progress, there are no carriages to escape from here. If only one carriage were to leave here, it would be too noticeable. Is not it?”

I forcefully grabbed Snow White’s arm and headed to the corner lounge where there were no other people. The lounge was a place where no one would come in as long as there was a sign saying it was in use, and since food and water were provided, it was an easy place to hide.

“Hide quietly here. I will try to send the archwitch back somehow. And, when the Great Witch returns…”

I almost forced Snow White into her common room and looked at her in confusion as she glared at me. Obviously, this is not the right answer. But, at least-

“When the Great Witch returns, talk to me.”

At least, after hearing your story.

I thought it wouldn’t be too late to make a decision at that time.

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