71. Strange Message

[Episode 71] – Strange Message

A brownie’s hut in the mist.

I took the brownie by the hand and returned to the cabin, sat down on a chair, and let out a deep sigh. She had no intention of showing her ugliness in front of her, but in the end she got so frustrated with herself that she even showed her tears.

When I was in front of that woman, my emotions always took precedence over reason.

She knew in her head that the woman was different from the Vivian who raised her, but when she saw that face, she couldn’t think rationally. Besides, she even cried in front of her. It was so embarrassing that she closed her eyes tightly.

But fortunately, the fact that it prevented the ‘princess’ from becoming a witch? Brownies and other dwarfs made contracts with me first anyway, so the princess can’t be the same witch as me, but…

Still, she said to her face, ‘Don’t think of making the princess her witch,’ so she wondered if she wouldn’t have to worry about the princess becoming a witch in the future.

‘Well, I don’t know if that woman will listen to me properly, but she does.’

As soon as I thought of this, I was indignant that I should have just strangled her then. If she had just killed her then, she wouldn’t have to worry about such trivial things.

‘Yeah, she should have strangled her then somehow…!’

From noble mtl dot com

As I was trembling with shame, I remembered the expression on Vivian’s face, who had been strangled by me earlier. The look on her face as she stroked my cheek with a look of understanding, as if she had sympathy for me, made her nauseous and unbearable.

‘…’That woman’ who was already dead had never given me that kind of expression. Was she a woman who could make that kind of expression in the first place? She must be the same person…’

I really couldn’t understand it.

Why is this Vivian so different? Did she come to her senses while raising the princess? Is she that crazy woman? On what occasion? She wondered if the reason she changed was because of me and the other ‘princess’? What the hell…

She didn’t want to think about it anymore, but her head kept filling up with her.

That expression that had never been given to me. An act of not sparing himself for the princess rather than himself. Every time I thought about it, I felt nauseous and nauseous. I felt frustrated because I didn’t know how to define the name of this disgusting feeling I was feeling right now.


– Owner…

As I muttered with a sigh, the brownie watching me from the side widened her eyes in concern. I sat the brownie on my lap and gently stroked his head, telling him not to worry. Let’s pet the brownie like that and get peace of mind-

“Ah, right…”

– Huh?

“I forgot I was Princess Fiona…”

I had forgotten that I had attended the hunting competition as ‘Princess Fiona’. A princess who doesn’t come out well because she lived halfway through seclusion. And, a status that can be used because only a few people in the Silver Ward Kingdom know about it.

Dignity was paid every day in the country, and Princess Fiona had no right to succeed to the throne, so she didn’t have to worry about political battles. Even when she travels to other countries, she feels that she is the king’s daughter, so she has no interference in the country. I didn’t want to lose this kind of convenient status because I rarely had it.

If I didn’t return to the place where the hunting competition was held and disappear, I had to go back quickly because it seemed like something big would happen, but if I went back now, it was clear that I would run into that woman. She broke up like that earlier, and it’s a bit hard to see her again…

As I was contemplating what to do, another ‘dwarf’ fell asleep in my gaze. A ‘black cat’ sleeps on the bed with its stomach open and its tongue sticking out. The cat fairy ‘Cathie’ was sleeping so unknowingly that no one would know who caught it.

“Catsy. Stop sleeping and wake up.”


“…Brownies. Can you wake up Katsy?”

The brownie nodded at my command and stroked the belly of the cat lying on the bed. Surprised by the sudden sigh, the cat opened its eyes and struggled with his hand to punch the cat, but the cat’s hand with his short arms could not reach the brownie.

She eventually twisted her whole body out of her grasp of her brownie, and Cathy looked at her and gave her a quick mandible, vigilant. Whether Katsy did it or not, the brownie put her hands on her hips and snorted at her with a giggle.

-What are you doing! Brownie!

-The owner is calling! Wake up soon!

Cathy, who had just woken up, squinted her eyes and looked at me as I sat in her chair waving her hand. Cathy met my gaze, eagerly washed her cat’s face, then jumped off the bed and landed on my lap. The gorong-gorong sound was a bonus.

– Why are you waking me up when I’m sleeping?

“Um… I want to ask you a favor. Will it be okay?”

-Please? The owner asked me Oh really-

When Katsy tried to get down on my lap with a sullen expression on her face at the request, I quickly grabbed her by the stomach and put her back on my lap. The black cat sighed, saying that it had woken up for nothing, then raised its head and glared at me.

– So…? What please?

“It’s nothing special… Dress up as ‘Princess Fiona’ instead of me and go to the hunting competition. When I go there, there are some people I don’t want to meet. And… You know? The state of my body right now. It’s because I don’t want to overdo it today.”

-Who the owner doesn’t want to meet? Oh, Baba Yaga? I don’t want to meet that witch either… But there are a lot of bad rumors… And I don’t want to get involved…

“Can I ask you a favor?”

-…It is disqualification as a ‘fellow horse’ to ignore the owner’s physical condition… Yes, I’ll listen.

Cattsy sighed for a while, then went down to her knees and washed her face three times with her dainty hands. Then, in an instant, Cat Si transformed into the appearance of ‘Princess Fiona’. Catsy, who had muttered that the human figure was annoying, looked down at me with a frown.

-The owner probably knows, but I’m not good at changing into a human form. Even if Baba Yaga finds out, I don’t know?

“It’s okay if I get caught. Even if she gets caught, she doesn’t think she’ll harm you. You’ll soon find out that it wasn’t me in the first place.”

-Yes? If you don’t have to hide anything, it’s me and I’m comfortable. Then you just have to finish the event well, right?

I nodded, and Katsy raised her hands above her head and stretched out. Then, again, muttering that it was a nuisance, he moved out of the cabin. The moment Katsy was about to leave, I called her to stop.

“Oh, that’s right. Could you tell her something?”

– What do you mean?



The moment I returned to the tent of the hunting competition-

I couldn’t help but widen my eyes in surprise when I saw the person in the tent.

“…Didn’t you go back?”

That’s right, Snow White, who had entered the fog, arrived at the tent before us in the form of Princess Fiona. We parted like that earlier and wondered why did you come back?

The pupils of Snow White, who met my eyes, were torn vertically. For a moment, the sharp, vertical pupils looked like reptiles, but upon closer inspection, they were cat pupils.

-…I am not the ‘master’.

Snow White looked at me with vertically narrowed pupils, covered her mouth with a fan, frowned at him and opened her mouth. For some reason, it seems like I heard a gurg, a gurg sound…

As soon as the thought of ‘cat’ came to my mind, I thought I knew who Snow White in front of me was. Come to think of it, I called the names of ‘Havetrot’ and ‘Catsy’ before Snow White passed away.

Even in the game, there was only one fairy with cat-like eyes and a loud voice. The cat fairy ‘Catsy’, the pet position of the princess. It was clear that Catsy was impersonating Princess Fiona.

-I am ‘Cat Si’. At the request of the owner, she imitates Princess Fiona.

“…Yeah, that’s right.”

When the prediction came true, a smile came out.

As I smiled, Cathy frowned and glared at me in displeasure. Sorry Catsy, but it wasn’t just the cat’s eyes and whining that convinced me that the fairy in Princess Fiona’s disguise was Catsy.

“You hid your ears well, but you couldn’t hide your tail.”


It was because I could see the tail sticking out of the skirt and wagging only at the tip. I looked at the wagging tail from under the chair, and Cathy quickly patted my buttock to make sure it was sticking out.

Katsy, realizing that her tail was actually sticking out, blushed and was busy hiding her tail under her skirt. Titania, held in my arms, must have seen the wagging tail, and her eyes twinkled as she looked at Catsy, who imitated Princess Fiona’s appearance.

As I giggled and settled down next to Katsy, Cathy, who had cleared her throat as much as she did, glanced at me. I asked Katsy with a shy smile at the blatant gaze that went up and down as if evaluating me.

“Why? Do you have anything to say to me?”

-Yes, a message from the owner.

A message from the owner? When I heard that Snow White had sent me a message, I pricked up my ears and listened to Catsy’s voice. After a moment’s pause, Katsy, who spread her fan to cover her mouth, smiled and told me Snow White’s message.

-They said they would kill you if you didn’t keep what you said then.

“…Is that the end?”

-Yes, this is the end.

…Unknowingly, I frowned at the remarkably short message. The ‘things that Snow White said then’ must have been about not raising Titania as her witch. I wondered why such a message was sent, but when I thought that ‘Vivian”s reliability had hit rock bottom, I could only sigh again.

“…Then, I have a message too. Tell your master.”

-…What is it?

…So, what should I say?

Titania told me not to worry? Titania will I raise well? No, it didn’t seem right to say that to Snow White, who had been abused by Vivian.

What should I say…

I thought for a moment while stroking Titania’s head in my arms. Because she regretted not talking. She seemed to be able to clear up the misunderstanding with Snow White if she spoke very little.

‘Well… You can enter the castle at will through the hut. The cabin is no different from a fairy’s path… Then the location of the castle is the problem…’

In the end, there was only one place in the royal castle where I could meet that child. It’s okay not to look at other people’s eyes, and it’s a space where Titania and I can live alone.

I smiled and asked Katsy to deliver her message.

“…I can’t visit him because I can’t go see him… But if you have something you want to say to me, tell him that it’s okay to come over anytime. I’ll wait for you in my bedroom. You can come anytime, morning or night.”


– What?

“What? Did you really say that?”


Hearing the message Vivian left for Catsy after the hunting tournament ended, Snow White couldn’t help but frown at the absurd message.

It was okay to ignore the woman’s request to come visit her anytime, but she doubted that the words could come from a ‘female aristocracy’ after that. No, isn’t it?

No matter how much ‘Vivian”s personality has changed, her foundation is a female aristocrat and queen of a country who has high self-esteem and should value her own honor.

What is a woman at that height? Will you wait in the bedroom? The moment someone discovered that she had told this story, it was a remark that made even John’s mother, as a female aristocrat, plummet to the ground, let alone honor as a queen. Even if she was of the same s*x, it was something she shouldn’t have said.

“What? Are you waiting in the bedroom? What are you talking about…? Aren’t you crazy?”

For a moment, Snow White was very worried about Vivian.

She didn’t change her personality, she just became stupid… She said.

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