116. At that time, Vivian was (1)

[Episode 116] – At that time, Vivian was (1)

The time was again three months before Titania graduated from her academy.

We go back to the day Vivian left the castle.

“It’s been a while. Vivian.”

“It’s been a while, Fran.”

I smiled and looked at Fran who popped out of the closet. How is it that it looks the same as the last time I saw it? Franc had not changed at all since then.

Silver-colored hair that looks like it was made of finely pulled silver, and blue eyes as clear as the clear autumn sky. A maid outfit that shows off her short stature and stubbornness. Really, the franc was still the same.

“I heard it’s an android, so I guess it doesn’t age?”

“Didn’t you know? “Androids are originally immortal.”

“What? Really?”

Is it because they are androids that they neither age nor die? Is this the android Frankenstein? As I looked at Fran in surprise, she raised her arms gracefully and naturally and –

She held out her two fingers to me, making a V shape.

“This is Fran Jock.”

“…It’s really still the same.”

When I burst out laughing as if it was absurd, Fran slightly raised the corner of her mouth. Fran then turned her head and looked around the room, tilted her head and asked me.

“Now that I think about it, why are you alone? “I can’t see Princess Titania and Ainsel.”

“Oh, that’s…”

I first pulled out the chair next to me and invited Fran to sit down. As Fran sat down on the chair, I also sat facing him and rested his chin for a moment, lost in thought. Because I had to organize the story so far.

“A lot happened while you were away. First…”

On Titania’s seventh birthday, I began to tell her the story step by step, starting with what happened after she broke up with Fran. Briefly, except for Veronica’s story.

The story of the promise made to the Queen Mother and the ministers, the story of Titania’s adolescence, the story of Titania’s academy, and the story of how I must leave the castle now that Titania is about to graduate.

While I was talking about the past, Fran quietly listened to the story without any reaction. I guess this part still feels like an android, but I felt uneasy for some reason because there was no reaction.

“…That’s how it happened. “I have to leave the castle today as promised to the Queen Mother and the ministers.”

When I finished the story, Fran, who had been listening to the story, paused for a moment and then nodded. Since his expression didn’t change much, I wondered if he understood, but Fran answered confidently.

“I see. “I understood everything.”


“Yes, I understand why you called me.”

Fran placed his hand on his chest and answered confidently.

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“After you leave the capital, I will find a job for you. Isn’t that what you called me for? “I will help you as much as I can.”

“Huh? Uh… Well, that’s not it… No, is that right?”

The reason I called Fran was not because I wanted a job or anything like that. Although I needed a job to make a living in the future, I had no intention of getting a job introduction from Fran.

I was just staying at Fran’s house and thinking about looking for a job nearby. Ignoring my confusion, Fran nodded his head and continued.

“Fortunately, I know a witch in Kirven who is looking for someone to work for. “She is not far from here, so if she is that witch, she will definitely help you.”

“A place not far from here?”

Just as I was wondering if there was another Kirven witch nearby, a memory popped into my head. A witch from ‘another fairy tale’ who helps ‘Snow White’ only once in the original.

And, there is a witch who lives not far from the forest where the hunting competition was held, avoiding people. The two witches were the same person. Could it be that the witch Fran is talking about…

I am impressed! I frowned and looked at Fran, who nodded her head as if she was the person I was thinking of. Ah, really, that witch is a little…

“No, I really don’t like her…”

“But this is all I can do for you. “You may have been planning to borrow from me, but the place I live is unsuitable for people to live in.”

Now that I think about it, she said that no one lives where Fran lives. Moreover, she Franc was a witch with a special profession called ‘fairy doctor.’ There would be a lot of injured fairies around her Franc, and besides, most of the fairies hated ‘Vivian’.

If I lived in a place where there were many injured fairies, whom the fairies hated, it was clear that it would be a nuisance to Fran and her injured fairies as well. Should I say that I am stupid for only thinking of this now? I couldn’t help but feel a little glum.

‘……First of all, maybe I should go and visit.’

I sighed deeply and had no choice but to nod her head. Anyway, it was the original now, so there was no point in worrying about it. That witch may have changed her personality a bit compared to her original counterpart.

When the story ended, Fran stood up from her seat and held out her hand to me.

“Then, I understand you will do so.”

“…Okay, then.”

I didn’t think there was a solution to the problem if I thought about it any longer, so I stood up and held Fran’s hand. The moment I thought I had to leave-

“I feel dizzy. “I recommend that you close your eyes.”


The world has been turned upside down.

It was literally turned upside down.

My vision began to spin around like a stream of water flowing into a sewer, and I felt incredibly nauseated. I closed my eyes in dizziness, and it felt like the ground was giving way beneath my feet, so I collapsed in place without realizing it.

Just when I wondered when this disgusting feeling would end, I heard Fran’s voice.

“We have arrived.”

“…? What? “Wow.”

As soon as I endured the dizziness and opened my eyes, the nausea I had been suppressing came rushing out and I spit out the watery spit that had accumulated in my mouth. Feeling fortunate that I hadn’t vomited, I raised my head and looked around, only to discover that I was in the middle of a forest that I had never seen before.

Fran patted my back as if to ask if I was okay.

“If you keep going like this, you will find the witch’s house.”

“No, that’s not it, wow…”

“? If you’re worried about your luggage, I took the luggage that was on the bed. Isn’t this it?”

“Oh, no, that’s not really it…”

I gasped in nausea and sighed. Really, it was a magic that was so disgusting that it’s hard to describe. Does Fran always come and go to the royal castle like this? No, more than that now…

I looked up at Fran and cried.

“What should I do if I disappear from the room… I should have at least come out through the main gate of the palace… I’m still going crazy because of the rumor that I’m a witch…”

“Ah. I hadn’t thought of that. It’s a franc mistake.”

I eventually collapsed and lay down on the spot. Fran, who was looking at me lying down on the street, thought for a moment and answered me as if a bright idea had occurred to him.

“Do you want to go back?”

“…Just leave the letter and come back. “I don’t want this to happen twice.”

“I understand.”


After some time passed-

When Wang Seong discovered Vivian’s letter that Fran had transferred, he was shocked.

You went out of this royal castle while avoiding people’s attention? How? Was she really the Queen Mother a witch? Because of the maids’ obsession, the rumor spread quickly like wildfire. But-

“I personally brought Her Majesty outside so you can stop talking nonsense and get to work. “She said she wanted to go out without other people knowing, so she went out to avoid other people’s eyes.”

“”Yeah, that’s right! “I’m sorry!”

The rumor was quickly extinguished by Bank Show.

At first, Bank Show was surprised by Vivian’s sudden disappearance, but he was worried that Vivian’s reputation would be tarnished by rumors if the rumors continued like this, so he decided to lie to everyone.

Vinchot sighed and looked at the letter Vivian left. In response to the letter containing his name and a brief thank you for everything, Bangchot smiled quietly and bitterly.

‘Yes, what if Her Royal Highness is a witch?’

Vivian, whom I have seen with my own eyes for over ten years, is a person who is too simple and naive to be called a witch. She said that even if that person were really a witch, she wouldn’t be such a bad witch.

Bang Chau smiled and folded his letter neatly and put it in his pocket.


Walk along the forest path along Fran for 30 minutes.

I let out a tired breath and asked Fran in a huff.

“Ha, ha, ha…! Not yet…?!”

“Just go a little further.”

“No, you said just a little 10 minutes ago…!”

“Really, really, really, a little bit. Plus, it was 5 minutes ago, not 10 minutes ago. Vivian.”

I felt like my physical strength was at an all-time low after hiking for a long time. After enjoying a luxurious life in the royal castle for over ten years, my physical strength was lacking. I was out of breath after only walking the mountain path for a few minutes.

How many more minutes did I walk like that? Just before my eyes turned white, a sweet smell passed by my nose. It was not a natural sweet smell. Artificial sweet smell, like the smell of butter or sugar.

“We have arrived. “That’s where the Kirven witch lives-“

I knew where Fran pointed with his finger, but it was still hard to believe even when I saw it with my own eyes. It’s so bizarre that you wonder how on earth a house like that wouldn’t attract even one bug.

A house with a design that looks like something out of a fairy tale. The ceiling was chocolate-covered crackers, the windows were decorated with cookies, and the handles were candy. I smiled bitterly as I looked at the house.

“This is a house of sweets.”

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