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Lu Huan had never encountered such a situation before, and the curtain suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. He stepped over the broken table and looked around, the sunlight came in through the carved wooden window, only the dust in the air could be seen.

His heart was beating wildly, and he subconsciously said tentatively to the air: Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi...?

He called several times, each time becoming more urgent, but the room was as dead as a tomb, and even the wind that often blew his sleeve robe did not appear again.

No answer.


Lu Huan looked around with a white face, wondering if he was in a nightmare.

This is a scene that only appeared in his nightmares several times.

Just because he wasn't sure when she would suddenly disappear, from the very beginning he was eager to know her identity, to see her, and to go to her world, where she was the only one by his side. Only then will my heart be at ease. But he never expected that what he was most worried about happened.

He seemed to have a premonition in his heart that this time was not the same situation as that time when she didn't show up for the entire eight days. If I can't find her this time, then I may never see her again...

But why did it suddenly happen? !

What happened to her? Or did I push her too hard these days, so she... don't want to... take the initiative to turn off the contact method?

Lu Huan felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Just now the table case fell to the ground with a bang, which alarmed the guards outside. Two guards rushed in, and saw the scrolls scattered all over the ground, being stepped on by His Highness the Ninth Prince, and hurriedly asked: Your Highness, what happened? something?

Lu Huan collected himself, tried his best to calm down, and said solemnly: It's nothing.

Now the curtain has completely disappeared, and she has no response at all. I don't know how long this situation will last. If I can only wait like this, it would be too passive.

What's more, he was worried about what happened to her - the only thing he could do now was to complete the task as quickly as possible according to the task fifteen given before the curtain disappeared. Thinking of this, Lu Huan walked out quickly, ignoring the mess of pens, inks, papers and inkstones all over the floor.

While walking, he said to the guard behind him: Prepare the horse, I'm going to Chengzhou.

But the eunuch from the palace hurried over from the carved corridor, but missed, and could only see the Ninth Prince's robes disappearing in the Prince's Mansion. The eunuchs looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was in such a hurry.


Su Xi squatted at home and used a hair dryer to blow his cell phone for half an hour, but the cell phone still wouldn't turn on.

So she found an old mobile phone that she eliminated last year, spent more than 20 minutes to barely charge it, and then opened the app store in the old mobile phone, but there was no such thing in the old mobile phone. This game, no matter which word in the game is searched, even in English, there is nothing related to it. Baidu is the same, nothing can be searched.

Suxi started to panic a little. She was not afraid that her phone would be broken, but she was afraid that she would not be able to contact Zai Zai's world.

It should be fixed... Suxi comforted himself in a panic, then took the keys and two mobile phones, changed his shoes and went out, planning to go to the mobile phone repair shop.

The sun outside was very hot, and Suxi didn't care about getting a sun umbrella. When he walked to the gate of the community, he happened to meet Huo Jingchuan who had just come back from playing basketball. Huo Jingchuan saw her hurrying out on his bicycle and took her Stop: Suxi, it's so hot outside, where are you going?

When Suxi saw Huo Jingchuan, he hurriedly said, Lend me your mobile phone.

Is the phone broken? Huo Jingchuan noticed that she was holding a phone with a black screen, so he took it out of his trouser pocket and handed it to her.

Suxi operated on his mobile phone as usual, trying to find this game, but it was still the same as that in the hospital, and he couldn't find it on his mobile phone at all-this game seemed to have evaporated from the world.

...Could it be that only my broken phone can have this game? !

Suxi's bad premonition became stronger and stronger, and he threw the phone back to Huo Jingchuan, before he had time to explain, he stepped on his bicycle and rushed out of the gate of the community in a hurry.

There is a mobile phone repair shop two streets away, but because the weather was too hot at noon, Suxi rode a bicycle there and found that the door was not open, so she had to search on the old mobile phone, and found that there were still shops in the two streets. family.

She didn't even think about it, and immediately rode over quickly.

Fortunately, there was no one in the store, so there was no need to queue. Suxi threw the bicycle outside the store, went in sweating profusely, and eagerly handed the phone to the boss: Boss, can you see if this can be fixed as soon as possible?

It depends on the extent of the damage. The boss raised his head from behind the counter and took the phone.

After handing it to the boss, Suxi quickly searched on several trial machines placed in front of the counter, but found that the game could not be found.

In other words, there is only one way to fix it, otherwise——

She almost felt her heart throbbing, she held her breath and looked at the boss: How is it?

The boss fiddled with tools, frowned, and said to Suxi: I'm not sure if your motherboard is broken. If the motherboard is broken, there is a high probability that it can't be repaired. Moreover, even if it can be repaired, your mobile phone I can't find some data formatted in

, I will try my best, try it.

There is a high probability that it can't be repaired? Su Xi was stunned.

Yes. The boss said: Be mentally prepared. But mobile phones are also cheap now, add a few thousand more, and buy a new one...

Suxi didn't hear what he said later, she came out of the mobile phone shop with cold hands and feet, pushed her bicycle back along the road, and as she walked, tears couldn't help but snap down.

The sun scorched the ground scorching hotly. When Suxi crossed the long bridge, her eyes were blurred. She couldn't help but stop the bicycle, sat down on the side of the curb, and rubbed her eyes.

It's not about a cell phone.

There is no way to contact that world in the tens of thousands of mobile phones, and it has no meaning to her.

What if, just because I dropped my phone into the pool, I cut off the connection with his world from now on, what should I do?

What if I never see him again?

And the last time I saw him, I still behaved so badly and said something that made him unhappy.

It is clear that there is no one who does not want to see him, but these days he does not know how to face him, so he escapes uselessly, but makes him mistakenly think that he does not really want to see him——

He also asked himself to visit him tonight if he had nothing to do, but he couldn't keep his promise.

Su Xi was worried, if this mobile phone could not be repaired anymore, then, the first meeting, first acquaintance, companionship, and gradually formed dependence between himself and that world, would he have to plan endlessly this summer? Last full stop?

All this made her feel like she had a long dream.

She stared at the ground in panic, so frightened that she wanted to cry.


The boss said that it would take at least three days to determine whether the repair was done well, so Su Xi had to go home first and fell into anxious waiting.

After Su's father and Su's mother came home, they heard that her mobile phone was flooded. Seeing her lying on the sofa with a sleepy look, they thought she was unhappy, so they planned to take her to buy another one, but Suxi had no intention of going out at all. , just said: Wait a little longer, in case it can be repaired, I will use the old one first.

Su's mother wondered: Isn't it just a mobile phone, buy it if it breaks down.

Suxi gulped down the rice, trying to hold back tears. She had never felt that three days had passed so long.

On the third day, she couldn't wait to call the boss, but was told that the phone was still being repaired, and the motherboard was damaged to a certain extent, which was useless. The technicians in the store were trying to see if they could restore the previous data. Transfer it out so that it can be used in a new phone.

It's useless already? Suxi couldn't believe her ears.

She hung up the phone and stayed alone in the room, her mind was buzzing, and she was extremely sad.

It's all because of her carelessness...

In the past few days, there has been no response from her side. It seems that after her mobile phone died, the curtain on Lu Huan's side should also disappear. Otherwise, he wouldn't stop looking for her.

Suxi hugged his knees and buried his face in them, his mind went blank.

Many scenes emerged in her mind... When she first moved the teacup in the firewood house of King Ning's Mansion, Lu Huan, who was still a stick figure, was extremely vigilant, wondering if it was haunted. Thinking of those, Suxi couldn't help but smile.

And when a little heart popped out of his head for the first time, she was very surprised, and then she couldn't help poking him often to see what kind of bubbles would pop out of his head.

When he first regarded her as a ghost, he tried to hold an umbrella for the ghost to cover the snow... Later, after he also had a curtain on his side, he forcibly changed the cartoons that she could see into his own original paintings .

Although Suxi misses that steamed bun face very much, he didn't want to make Lu Huan unhappy, so he didn't switch back, thinking that the future will be long, and when he doesn't pay attention, he will quietly switch back...

But now... there is no future...

Suxi's tears wet the small piece of her knee.

As time passed day by day, it looked like she was accompanying him, but in fact, when she stayed up late to write papers one night, it wasn't that he was spending it with her.

When she had it, she didn't realize it. When she lost it, she realized that she already had so many common memories, and these memories will come to an abrupt end today. From now on, neither Zai Zai nor Lu Huan will appear in front of her. It was... She was so sad as if a piece of her heart had been ripped out. ...

After seven days here in Suxi, although she ate as usual, she was listless all day long.

Su's mother couldn't help being a little worried. After eating that day, she touched her forehead and said, I don't have a fever. Xixi, why does your complexion look so bad? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow?

I'm fine. Suxi was stunned for a moment, took a bite of his meal, and said, Maybe it's because I slept at home for too long during the summer vacation.

Su's mother was still worried, and said to Su Xi: Tomorrow, your father and I have something to do, and we can't get away. Let Jingchuan and Xiaoqin accompany you to the hospital and see the outpatient clinic.

Su Xi hesitated to speak, but he was afraid that his parents would worry, so he nodded and agreed.

The mobile phone is broken and can't be repaired. Yesterday she bought a new mobile phone and sent it to the boss, who asked the boss to help with the data transfer.

Suxi stared at the old mobile phone, his last hope was gone.

On the one hand, she felt uncomfortable, that she would never see Zai Zai again, and on the other hand, she thought, at least before she disappeared, he had already recovered his status as a prince, and he would be able to live well after marrying a wife and having children to realize his ideal. Live a lifetime, although it may be as sad as myself at the moment,

But after a long time, I should have forgotten myself who only appeared in that world for two years, so it would be a good ending...

But no matter how I tried to comfort myself, my heart was still empty and unsatisfactory. The water entering the phone was so abrupt—so much so that I finally promised Zai Zai to visit him at night, but I couldn't do it.

Suxi was so upset that she wanted to hit the wall, but there was no other way. She had tried her best, and if the phone broke, it would break.


The next day, Su Xi got dressed, washed his face and put on sunscreen. After feeling a little more energetic, he went out to the hospital.

She has been depressed these past few days, Huo Jingchuan and Gu Qin didn't know what was wrong with her, they just happened to have a physical examination during the summer vacation, so they simply moved the time forward and went to the hospital with her.

Suxi felt that he might have a fever and a cold, and his head was indeed a little groggy, so he hung up an outpatient clinic and waited for blood routine checks.

Huo Jingchuan was sitting on her left playing King of Glory, and Gu Qin was sitting on her right watching.

In summer, there were many people in the hospital, it was noisy, and it was extremely hot. She was drowsy, her head was biting, waiting for the results.

She didn't know, at this moment, her broken mobile phone was in the cabinet, and she struggled to turn it on suddenly.

At such a bright moment, a new message popped up on the game screen that hadn't had time to turn off before the crash:

[Congratulations on completing Mission 15 (Advanced): Controlling the Chengzhou flood and bursting the embankment, and getting +18 points reward. So far, the total points have accumulated to 200, and the second big gift package is officially opened——]

[Countdown, three—two—one—]


After the phone turned on for a few seconds, the screen went black.

And in the few seconds when the phone was turned on, Lu Huan, who was in the Chengzhou government office, suddenly reappeared the curtain that had disappeared for 14 days without warning.

His eyelashes twitched, his pupils constricted sharply, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath. He didn't care about waiting for a few officials to reply, so he rushed towards the curtain without hesitation as he did that day.

Last time, in the official building of the Ministry of War, he was completely empty.

But this time, a white light flashed in front of Lu Huan's eyes, and he felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed in an instant.

He held his breath and looked around, only to see that the surrounding scenes were very familiar. Kumamon's bed and glass windows were the starting interface every time he opened the curtain—Suxi's house.

Isn't this a dream?

Lu Huan squatted down tentatively, touched the floor, and then touched the unfinished test paper on Xiasuxi's desk.

When his fingers touched the physical touch, he believed it... unexpectedly, it was not a dream, after two hundred o'clock, he actually came to her world!

Lu Huan's heart beat wildly, and his eye sockets gradually turned red, showing ecstasy.

In the past fourteen days, with the idea that he had no choice but to give it a try, he rode his horse to Chengzhou. Before the flood broke the embankment, he first found out the few people who repaired the dam in Chengzhou that day. Moth officials, and ordered the chief of Chengzhou to be on guard in advance, so as to minimize the loss of the upcoming flood.

While doing this, he didn't have a clue in his mind, because after finishing the work, the curtain still didn't appear as before. At this time, Lu Huan also realized that something might have happened to Suxi, otherwise she would never have stayed away from contacting her for fourteen days.

His heart became more urgent, and he supervised the work with more urgency.


When the officials in Chengzhou realized that she was missing, they would definitely look for her in a panic, but at this moment, Lu Huan couldn't care less. His heart was pounding, and he just wanted to see her right away.

Lu Huan stood in Suxi's room for a while. He was dressed in a bright yellow prince's robe, which was incompatible with this room. He didn't dare to act rashly for fear of being regarded as a thief.

But at this moment, there was no sound at Suxi's house. It should be that no one was at home, and her parents had gone to work during the day.

Lu Huan hesitated for a while, then walked to the door and opened it.

The living room—he was already familiar with it.

After Lu Huan waited for the ecstasy, he soon found out in embarrassment that he didn't know where she had gone.

If she stayed here and waited, if her parents came back at night, it seemed that she couldn't explain why she appeared in her house out of thin air.

He touched his head and walked to the refrigerator. He was very familiar with her family, and he would post a memo on the refrigerator when he knew that there was anything going on in her family.

Lu Huan saw at a glance that Xixi went to the hospital for an examination on Monday.

Why did you go to see the doctor?

Lu Huan's heart tightened, and he immediately thought that she had disappeared with the curtain for a while because of some illness. His eyelids twitched immediately, and he forced himself not to think about it, so he opened the door and rushed out.

Lu Huan walked to the elevator and stared at the iron box for a while. Although he had studied it before, it was the first time he used it and he was still very unskilled.

After a while, the grandfathers of two neighbors walked up to the elevator and wanted to go to the first floor. They gave him a strange look, looked at the clothes he was wearing, and asked, Young man, how about filming? We don't have any movies here. Base, which crew did you come from?

Lu Huan glanced at the two vigilantly, pursed his lips and did not answer.

But following the two old grandfathers, he successfully reached the first floor, and he was relieved.


Lu Huan strode towards the gate of the community.

All the way he walked, he attracted the attention of the aunts and grandmas who came and went in the whole community.

There are two people who like to watch TV

The aunts who watched the drama were shocked, and said to each other: Look, is that an actor? The costume he is wearing? Is he playing the role of a prince?! This costume is so realistic! The young actor now is really handsome , I think he's so handsome, my God, wouldn't he live here?!

Lu Huan was anxious, turned a deaf ear, and ran to the bus stop at the gate of the community.

He carefully studied how to get on the bus, but soon he found a very troublesome problem. He didn't have any coins from this world. He touched his pocket and found that there were only a few silver bills.

For the sake of convenience, he has no silver on him. And when it happened suddenly, he had no time to prepare in the future.

After hesitating for a while, when the bus stopped, he got on the bus with the people in front, handed the bank ticket to the driver, and asked politely, Can I use this to pay off?

All the people in the car stared at him in astonishment, and they exploded: Actor?

The driver glanced at the silver ticket he handed over. It was a little messy in the wind. He wondered if there was a camera nearby. After he looked around and found no hidden camera, he waved to him: I didn't bring any money for filming, right? Want to use props to pay? Why are you thinking so well, don't delay my driving.

It seemed to be the local dialect, and Lu Huan didn't understand it in a daze, but to be cautious, he took a few steps back and got out of the car.

The bus drove away, and all the people in the bus turned their heads to look at him excitedly, and some even picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of him.

Lu Huan estimated the route to the hospital in his mind, so he began... to run.


Suxi is still queuing up to get the results. I don't know that the street outside the hospital has exploded at this moment, and it has spread to the hospital gate. It is said that there is a handsome young actor wearing a prince's dragon robe. Running a marathon on the road (fog...).

A circle of people took pictures on the road, and some cheered him on.

Lu Huan suppressed his displeasure and rushed into the hospital.

Suxi heard the noise in the corridor, and just woke up from the drowsiness when the noise was noisy. He heard a nurse calling his name, rubbed his face, and planned to get up to get the results.

Although the nurse's call was not light or heavy, and the whole corridor was boiling like boiling water, Lu Huan heard it.

The word Suxi.

Lu Huan missed his breath for a second, and suddenly stopped his search. His heart was beating wildly, he held his breath, and slowly looked over there.

He saw Suxi pass through the crowd, yawned, and walked towards the window step by step.

is her.

In an instant, Lu Huan's heart was about to jump out of his throat, he couldn't hear everything around him, everything was silent, his blood rushed to the top of his head, the corners of his eyes and brows were red, and he was full of ecstasy.

It was like a dream, but Lu Huan knew clearly that it was not a dream.

He collected himself, squeezed through the crowd, and walked towards Suxi with great strides.

Go faster and faster.


Suxi took the report from the window, walked to the side, looked down without energy, and found that the white blood cells in the blood routine did have a slight increase, which should be a common cold. No wonder that although he didn't have a fever, he was feeling weak recently.

Go to the outpatient clinic to get some medicine, go home and sleep covered with a quilt for a few days, it should be fine.

Thinking of this, Suxi heard a young lady behind her exclaim something, but didn't pay much attention, and walked back with the report.

However, she suddenly felt that the crowd in front of her seemed to have dispersed a lot, and then, her forehead suddenly touched a chest.

Su Xi was about to say sorry, but the corner of the clothes that appeared in his sight was a bright gold silk robe, with gold ornaments on the waist and black boots, and the black boots were also very familiar. The dragon on the robe, the monstrous nobles...

Suxi's breathing became faster and faster: ...

The young man above his head came running over, his breathing was a little heavy, and Suxi could smell the pleasant scent of clear frost on his body——

and many more.

Suxi's heart was stuck in his throat, and he suddenly raised his head in disbelief.

A face with cold brows and starry eyes and skin as white as jade came into his sight.

It was someone who appeared here and made her wonder if she was dreaming.

The next second, Lu Huan hugged her in front of the crowd, his eyes were red, and he whispered, It's me, I'm here to see you.

I don't know why you didn't come that day. I waited for fourteen days and couldn't help coming to you... Sorry... I shouldn't...

Lu Huan wanted to say that he shouldn't embarrass Suxi at that time, but he opened his mouth and felt that this was not the time to say this.


Suxi's mind froze and went blank.

And the surrounding gasped.

Huo Jingchuan and Gu Qin watched as a boy in costume suddenly appeared, holding Suxi tightly in his arms, stood up immediately, ran over and tried to drag him away: Fuck! Who are you?

Lu Huan's eyes turned even redder, as if he had finally found his beloved treasure and refused to let go.

Su Xi immediately said to the two friends: Don't drag!

The tense expression on her face slowly came back to her senses, and then she became excited and ecstatic—was it a dream, no, it didn't seem like a dream, God, how could Zai Zai appear in front of her! Isn't the phone broken? It's impossible even if it's not broken...

Suxi's mind was buzzing, it was not running fast enough, and it was about to crash, so she decided not to think about it.

Seeing that the two friends were still trying to pull the cub away, so that Prince Lu Huan's robe was almost broken, she felt distressed immediately, and hugged her back like an old hen protecting the cub.

Gu Qin and Huo Jingchuan were stunned and said, Don't touch him!

Gu Qin \u0026 Huo Jingchuan: ...?

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