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The person Zizai wants to take Suxi to meet is a famous wandering Taoist in Yan Kingdom. He was born in Changchun Guan a hundred years ago. I heard that he is over one hundred years old. There are many deeds and legends about summoning back the souls that have been reincarnated.

This wandering Taoist has traveled to various countries in the past ten years, and he has never been able to find him. Therefore, it took only a few months for the cub to find this person through General Zhenyuan.

Zaizai had never believed in the gods and ghosts before, but after mistaking her for ghosts, she began to believe it.

Although I don't know whether the deeds handed down by this wandering Taoist are true or false, many of Yan's books on the question of spiritual life were indeed compiled by him and his disciples.

So, in any case, finding him amounts to finding a silver lining.

And if there is no hope from this wandering Taoist, then there is no way for Suxi to appear in the world.

At this moment, the people under General Zhenyuan are taking the wandering Taoist to Changchun Temple. They only need to go to Changchun Temple and wait before they can see the famous wandering Taoist.


Suxi was outside the screen, watching the cubs ecstatically ordering people to prepare horses, planning to go to Changchun Temple immediately, full of hope, and his mood couldn't help but become complicated, and he didn't know what to do for a while...

Find an excuse to say that I have something to do tonight, so I can't go to Changchun with him? And then not online for a few days, just missed this wandering Taoist?

As soon as this idea popped into Suxi's mind, it was quickly rejected by Suxi. No, no, no, it's so sorry and irresponsible.

Moreover, since I didn't see this Yunyou Daoist this time, the cub will definitely try to find a way to bring her to this Yunyou Daoist next time.

... This matter can be avoided beyond the first day of the new year, but not the fifteenth day.

Since sooner or later, Zizai will know that they are people from two worlds, and she can accompany him until he grows old, but she will never be able to appear in front of him. Well, why don't you let him know tonight. Although he would be sad, Su Xi thought to himself that he still has his own ambitions, and now he has his own friends, mentors, and allies, and he will be fine.


Suxi hesitated for a long time in his heart, but he still pulled the cub's left sleeve and signaled, Okay, I'll go with you. But at this moment, it may be that a new mission is triggered by going to Changchun Temple, and a message pops up on the screen:

[Please accept the tenth main task (intermediate): Find an official with prestige in the imperial court, at least a second-rank or higher official, let him make up his mind to stand behind the protagonist and support the protagonist to ascend to the throne. 】

Su Xi is feeling that this task is impossible to start. There are already a few high-ranking officials in the imperial court who appreciate the cub, but the identity of the prince has not yet been revealed. No matter how much they appreciate the cub, it is impossible to support a Ning Wang mansion. The son of the concubine ascend to the throne of God, this has become a conspiracy to usurp the throne!

Logically speaking, this quest should be a quest that can only be triggered after the cub has recovered his identity.

And just when she thought so, a prompt popped up on the screen.

[Hint: This quest is in parallel with the ninth main quest, and is a subsidiary quest of the ninth main quest, and the point reward is 8. 】

It turned out that, Su Xi suddenly understood, that is to say, when he found the nun in Changchun Guan and let the cub know his own life experience, he also had to get an official of the second grade or above, so that the identity of the ninth prince would also be changed. Knowing to that person——!

So, jumping out of this task now means that going to Changchun Temple tonight will trigger task nine and task ten at the same time? !

Suxi was still immersed in the faint sadness of the cubs not being able to see him, but when he received the task, he immediately became nervous.

At this time, the cub was riding a horse and heading for Changchun Temple. From time to time, he glanced to the side, his eyes were shining, and he told her to follow up quickly, and Suxi tugged at his sleeve soothingly, indicating that he would follow, but In fact, the interface has been secretly transferred to other places.

There are many officials of the second rank and above in the imperial court, but at present, there are only three who can meet the tenth task.

Captain Yun, General Zhenyuan, Minister of War.

The official ranks of these three people are: the second-rank, the first-rank, and the second-rank, and they are all satisfied.

Suxi opened the section of the General's Mansion first, and found that the protagonist was gone tonight, but the General's Mansion was still brightly lit, and many officials were very drunk. General Zhenyuan was rarely happy, and he drank a little more. In this state, there is no way to fork him to Changchun Guan, but he can only give up.

When the screen switched to General Zhenyuan, the screen suddenly jumped out:

Congratulations on completing the eighth task (1/2): becoming the inheritor of the mantle of General Zhenyuan, and initially made military contributions in the suppression of the chaos in the Northland. The previous part has been completed. Get half of the points reward +6.

It seems that this shows that after these few months, the cub has completely gained the appreciation and trust of General Zhenyuan.

In General Zhenyuan's heart, he was already determined to take the cubs to the north for training.

Suxi suddenly didn't know whether to be happy or worried. The happy thing is that half of the task is completed, the points increase, and the cub also got his wish and was promoted from the fourth rank

. The worry is that when we go to the northern realm to pacify the chaos, the difficulty of the task will become more and more difficult, and the cubs will inevitably be injured.

But it's useless to think too much, solve the current task first.

Next was Taiwei Yun, Suxi switched the interface to Taiwei's mansion - he was not there.

He seems to have something to do tonight and is meeting the emperor in the palace.

Suxi was a little anxious, for fear that the three of them would be in trouble and could not complete the task, but fortunately, the Minister of War was sitting neatly in the seat at this time, persuading another official beside him to drink less, he looked sober of.

Just him.

Suxi had to find a way to get the Minister of War to Changchun Guan as soon as possible.

Seeing that the cub had already galloped all the way on horseback and arrived at the gate of the capital city, Suxi was bald for a while, and the cub was too anxious, right? ! Later, the plot of Changchun Guan has ended, and I haven't been able to get the Minister of War!

Wait, there, Su Xi suddenly remembered the first person who appeared in the cub's harem, the girl Hanyue, the daughter of the Minister of War. Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that Hanyue has a name. It turns out that she is a key person who can come in handy.

Suxi quickly switched the interface to the Office of the Minister of War.

At this moment, it was late at night, and Hanyue had fallen asleep in her boudoir.

Suxi had to exchange some hypnotic powder from the mall, sprinkled it in her room, and then rolled her with a quilt, rolled it into an egg roll, and pinched it in her hand.

Then he pushed open the window and deliberately made a very loud clang sound——

When the sleepy maids reacted, they saw that the room was empty with the windows wide open.

A maid quickly screamed: There are assassins, the young lady has been kidnapped!

Another maid rushed outside the courtyard to find the guard, and said to him, Master, hurry up to the General's Mansion and tell the master that the young lady was kidnapped by an assassin!

On the table, what was blown by the wind was a picture left by Suxi, with the view of Changchun painted on it, and a pen was drawn from the pen holder and placed on it.

This Minister of War is very smart and can definitely understand that this is the meaning of letting him come alone, otherwise he will tear up the vote.

After doing all this, Suxi slowly moved the interface a little bit, until he moved to Changchun Temple, found an empty room for a nun, and put Hanyue, the daughter of the Minister of War, who was still asleep, on the bed. She covered the quilt.

She acted lightly, and the Changchun Temple was so big that no one noticed.

Su Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and then waited for the cub and the Minister of War to arrive in tandem.


Changchun Temple is located on a mountain a few miles away from the capital. In the late autumn night, the air is dry, and the mountains are full of the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. Some dim lights can be seen in the distance on the mountain peak, which are from Changchun Viewpoint, barely illuminating the bluestone steps in the mountain road, and it is deserted everywhere.

Zaizai only brought the guard who sent the message. When the two horses reached the bottom of the mountain, they could no longer go up, so Zaizai got off the horse and asked the guard to tie both horses to the tree at the foot of the mountain.

He walked up the bluestone steps, and his robes rolled up the withered leaves on the steps.

His eyes were astonishingly bright.

That night, only Suxi who was off-screen knew that even if Cubzai worked hard for several months, it was impossible to get any results in the end.

Her heart was a little sour, but she still bit her head and watched the cubs stride meteors, climbed the mountain tirelessly, and arrived at Changchun Temple.

Daoist Yunyou has not come yet.

However, there were already two Taoist priests in Changchun Guan who knew about it, and the subordinates sent by General Zhenyuan to find someone informed them in advance, so they didn't sleep at night, and were still waiting at the entrance of Guan Guan to greet them.

Seeing Zaizai and the guard's robes appearing at the gate of the view with a slight chill and frost, they hurriedly saluted.

Su Xi off the screen was startled, and it took a while to react. Now that the cubs are officials from the fourth rank of the imperial court, these Taoists naturally have to salute.

...The cub that I raised suddenly gained power, which is really unbelievable. Please go to the side hall to take a rest first, and we will send someone to invite when the Taoist ancestors come. One of the Taoist priests said.

Lu Huan was anxious in his heart, and he didn't care about these etiquette, so he nodded, walked quickly towards the side hall, took a few steps, he turned his head to the two Taoist priests and the guards beside him and said: You guys You don't have to come.

If he came, he would not be able to talk to ghosts and gods.

Lu Huan walked towards the side hall alone.

Previously, when Suxi switched the interface to Changchun Guan by herself, she couldn't find the NPC that could trigger the truth about her life experience, but at this time, the ... dialog box kept coming from the upper right corner of her screen.

Suxi was excited for a while, dragged the screen around and finally saw two villains in the backyard. One of them was an old man with a ruler in his hand and was berating another middle-aged nun who was sweeping the floor with a broom.

The dialogue that keeps popping up is-

Don't think that you have been a maid in the palace, you are a rank higher than other nuns, and you can be lazy. I tell you, don't use knee pain as an excuse. If you don't sweep the floor well, you will be swept out! Changchun Guan also Not a place to eat for nothing!

Just you, I heard that the newly appointed Captain of the Cavalry is coming tonight, and you still want to go out to meet. What are you dreaming about? Do you want to curry favor with the dignitaries?

The amount of information in this dialogue is a bit large. This nun used to be a maid in the palace, and she is desperately trying to see the cub tonight. It seems that the nun Sasao that was prompted in Mission 9 is her!

Suxi hurriedly went to the side hall, grabbed the cub's sleeve, and motioned him to follow him. quick

hurry up.

Zaizai was waiting for Daoist Yunyou to come, anxious and restless at all. He was walking around in the side hall. Seeing that her sleeve was being grabbed by her, he asked in confusion, Where do you want to take me?

Fortunately, Taoist Yunyou hasn't come yet. Su Xi thought to himself, if he came, he would still be able to take care of that nun in the backyard? Taking advantage of this opportunity, quickly drag the cubs over!

So she pulled harder.

Lu Huan's robe was about to be torn by her, so he couldn't help laughing, and said, Okay, I'll go with you, don't worry.

Zaizai moved from the side hall to the backyard. As soon as he appeared in the backyard, the old nun who taught people a bad voice immediately shut up, and the other nun looked at him with excitement on his face and opened his mouth, like There were thousands of words that he wanted to say, but he didn't say a word. Gradually, the circles of his eyes turned red.

Lu Huan also saw it, the nun had something to say to him, the ghosts and gods dragged him here, did he want him to hear what the nun said?

He then said to the old nun, Daoist Huijing, can you let me have a few words with her alone?

Daoist Huijing left embarrassedly.

In the backyard, there were only Zizai and the middle-aged nun left.

Zaizai looked at the nun and said, Do you have something to say to me? Please make a long story short, I still have important people to meet.

The nun knew in her heart that this was probably the only chance she could tell him about that matter. So she settled down and told a story.

On Suxi's screen, the whole story of the cub's life finally popped up - or rather, the life of the cub as told by the nun.

[All the eunuchs, guards, maids, and even the princes in the palace know that there is a taboo in the palace, and that is not to mention in front of the emperor the ninth prince who died in the belly of the nobles before he was born. More than 20 years ago, the emperor had a favorite concubine, the daughter of the prefect of Yunzhou. The emperor fell in love with her at first sight and brought her into the palace. Since then, he has devoted himself to favoring her, and no longer takes other concubines into his eyes. 】

[But as a result, the noble person has made countless enemies, and her family is not a tyrannical family, and she cannot provide her with any backing. In the palace, she can only live by the emperor's favor. However, although he is an emperor, he cannot protect his most beloved person. Mrs. Qing was pregnant for more than eight months. I don't know if it was an accident or a coincidence. She fell into the pond. After being rescued, she died. 】

[The emperor was in such pain that he held the corpse of the noble man in a trance for three days before he had to bury her in the imperial mausoleum. Previously, he was looking forward to the birth of the ninth prince in the womb of the noble man, but after this, no one in the palace dared to mention the ninth prince of the noble noble who died before the emperor. There was originally only the widowed father of the prefect of Yunzhou in Qing Gui's family. After learning about this, he felt that his life was hopeless, so he hanged himself at home. As a result, Qing Gui's family was completely cut off from the blood. 】

[But what no one knows is that, long before the pond, Mrs. Qing gave birth to the child prematurely on a night of heavy rain, but Mrs. Qing knew that she was in a deep palace and was unable to protect the child. This child may not be She was able to grow up safely, so she asked a palace maid she had helped who was about to leave the palace at the age of twenty-five to find a way to take the child out in the middle of the night. 】

[The nun standing in front of the protagonist is the palace maid at that time. She knew that she couldn't raise the child and grew up. Besides, she came out of the palace and suddenly had a child, which inevitably caused the suspicion of those who killed the nobles and had to find a way to send the child to a safe place. 】

[At this moment, an aunt in Prince Ning's mansion was about to give birth, but she didn't expect that after giving birth, the birth would be a stillbirth. The aunt was afraid that she would give birth to a stillbirth, and would be expelled by Prince Ning's mansion, so she begged those around her. Nurse, find a baby for her to hide from the sky. 】

[In this way, the protagonist entered Ning Wangfu through this nun and the nanny of the year, and became a concubine born by the aunt. The aunt died in the cold winter not long after giving birth, and the nanny also died after barely raising the protagonist until she was a little older. In this world, the only last person who knows the truth is the former palace maid in front of the protagonist. 】


In the process of telling, Suxi always paid attention to the gate of the view, and when the Minister of War appeared eagerly, he led him to the backyard with some slight noises.


The nun said this in a low voice, with tears streaming down her face. For her, Mrs. Qing was her benefactor, and the ninth prince born to Mr. Qing was naturally also her benefactor.

She originally planned to bury this matter in her womb and die of old age, but recently she heard that the newly appointed Captain of the Cavalry was actually the child she brought out of the palace back then.

Although she didn't know who killed the noble man, she was afraid that the king who would assist Lu Huan in the future would have something to do with the murder of the noble man, so she did everything possible to find the captain and tell the truth.


Although Suxi had long guessed that the cub's life experience might be similar to this, after all, in the deep palace, it is almost impossible for a concubine to live well to old age. Although she had already made psychological preparations, at this moment, seeing the tears on this nun's face, her heart was still slightly sad...

But there was doubt on the cub's face, very unpleasant, interrupted the crying nun indifferently, and asked: Do you know that this nonsense tonight is the crime of beheading, what evidence do you have to prove it? What did you say?

Suxi:  …

The nun then detailed the appearance of the nurse in Ning Wang's mansion who raised the cubs, and also said that there was a token left by the nurse.

Zaizai saw the token, and it was indeed the nanny's belongings, but Zizai still didn't believe it: These don't mean anything, maybe you just picked up the nanny's things, and then made up such a story.

The nun never thought that the captain of the capital would not believe it. In the end, she had to take out a jade pendant and give it to the cub, saying: This is what the noble person carried with him back then. It was brought from his mother's house. It should only be your majesty and a few few people. The officials in the palace who participated in the evening banquet when the Empress entered the palace that night have seen it, if your Highness, you hand it over to His Majesty, you will definitely be able to restore your identity!

Zaizai glanced at the jade pendant, as if to consider whether what she said was true or false.

Suxi was in a hurry, and wished he could accept the jade pendant for the cub, this is a token to prove the identity of the ninth prince! Don't you want to restore the identity of your highness, cub?

The cub took the jade pendant and put it in his arms, but his face did not seem to fluctuate, and said to the nun: I will find out this matter, if you are kind to me, I will repay it. But tonight Don't let a third person know about it.

The nun nodded excitedly.

After Zaizai took the token, the message that Mission 9 was completed popped up on Suxi's screen——

[Congratulations on completing Mission 9: Learn about the protagonist's life experience from Changchun Guansa Sau nun! Bonus points +12. 】

Suxi was still immersed in the past story told by the nun and couldn't get rid of his emotions. He subconsciously opened the current state in the upper right corner to take a look, and saw that the number of points had already reached 90, and in the character introduction, the column of the ninth prince, also Finally, the avatar of the cub appeared - wait.

Suxi's mind jumped to another place, and the head portrait turned out to be the original painting. She hadn't seen Zizai's original paintings for almost half a year, and when she saw it suddenly, she was a little stunned by her beauty.


At the same time, the Minister of War, who was standing in the corner and overheard all this, had a solemn expression.

He was one of the officials who had seen the jade pendant of the nobleman at the banquet twenty years ago. That jade pendant is unique, and the pendant hanging below it was also embroidered by the gentleman himself. Lu Huan may not believe what the nun said, but he overheard it, but he believed it eight percent.

No wonder, the imperial physician who was rescued from the pond and cut off the fetus and died in the womb, resigned and returned to his hometown not long after that. It turned out that he also concealed the truth that the fetus had already been born early for the gentleman...

The Minister of War and General Zhenyuan did not completely stand in line with any prince in the court. The two were dedicated to the common people, but had little regard for their own self-interest. Previously, General Zhenyuan thought that among several princes, the prince was too mediocre, the third prince was too lewd, and the fifth prince was too greedy for great achievements. He can also become a good emperor who benefits the country and the people.

However, the previous incident of violence/chaos in the north revealed some of the selfishness of the second prince. He knew that the people were in the midst of fire and water, but he was worried that after he left, the forces in the capital had changed, and he even claimed that he was sick on purpose. Don't go north. At that time, General Zhenyuan was very disappointed with the Second Prince!

And now, if he and General Zhenyuan agreed that the outstanding young man was His Royal Highness the ninth prince who died that year, then...

In an instant, the Minister of War had many thoughts flashing in his mind.


Zaizai turned around and left the backyard, and hurried back to the side hall, and Suxi also saw the Minister of the Ministry of War leave here quickly, to pick up the little daughter he found along with the quilt, and took him down the mountain with a headache. All heard, the chain task ten of task nine should also be completed.

Sure enough, the screen popped up: [Congratulations on completing the tenth task: Let an official with a level of 2 or above stand in line with the protagonist! Mission reward +8! 】

The points in the upper right corner jumped to 98 all of a sudden!

This may be the accumulation of money. The cub managed the farm for a year, and spent countless efforts to get 30,000 stone of grain and grass, and was appreciated by the Minister of War and General Zhenyuan, so he could quickly complete several main tasks one after another at this time.

Suxi still remembered what the system said about being able to communicate with Zaizai at 100 o'clock, and a big gift package. She didn't know what the big gift package would be. She was a little excited, thinking that if she worked hard to complete a side task next, she would be able to open it quickly. New map after 100 o'clock!

Zaizai returned to the side hall, took out the jade pendant and scrutinized it carefully, and asked Suxi in a low voice, Do you believe what this nun said tonight?

There were many doubts on his face.

He didn't believe it. Everything the nun said was incredible.

He believed in the ghosts and gods beside him. When she pulled herself into the backyard, she must have hoped that she knew all this. So, could it be possible...

Suxi pulled his sleeve, expressing that he believed it.

The cub smiled, put the jade pendant back into his arms, shook his head, and said, These tokens can be fabricated completely. I don't believe it at the moment, but, no matter what happens, there will always be some truth to it.

Suxi originally thought that the cub knew his true identity, but he was actually the ninth prince, so he should be happy. Anyone who changed from a concubine of Prince Ning's mansion to the ninth prince in the palace should be happy, right?

What's more, in addition to this, the cub finally knew the situation of his biological mother and father.

However, the cub didn't seem to have any fluctuations in his expression.

Su Xi couldn't help but tug at his hand.

And he looked into the void, thought for a moment, and said to Su Xi: For me, who my biological parents are, I-I want to know, but I don't know, should I know.

I will be an official for one lifetime, benefit the people of one party, and do something intentional.

Righteousness, although it is my desire, but as for the other, I have not thought about it.

The cub's dark eyes are very clear.

He looked into the void and seemed to want to say something, but he opened his mouth and closed his mouth again, just quietly watching what he imagined Suxi looked like. Suxi understood what he meant. Although he stepped into the vortex of power in the capital, in fact, he never thought of being a prince or even an emperor. In other words, he has ambitions and ambitions, but ambitions and ambitions do not lie in power, nor in the struggle for fame and fortune.

For a while, Suxi didn't know whether the cub's thoughts were good or bad.

The emperor is very cold at a high place, and the cub may not want to do it, but sometimes, the fate of a person is already decided at birth.

It was the first time she heard Zizai say this to her, and she was a little confused for a while.

But before Suxi could think about anything, the voices of two Taoist priests came from there: Captain of the Cavalry, the Taoist Yunyou is here.

...this, this is coming? !

The cub excitedly walked towards the door and went to watch the door to greet him.

And Suxi's heart suddenly jumped to his throat!

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