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On the archery field, the three who competed with the cubs in archery also jumped onto the horses.

The three horses chirped at the same time and hurriedly hovered over the field, their hooves making a da-da sound.

The sound of horse hooves was like drumming, and Su Xi was immediately distracted, and she looked over there nervously.

I saw that the first among the three was the middle leader of the third rank, who had a leopard tattooed on his black robe. This man had a rough stature and a star-like eye. Not only was his official rank the highest among the three archers, look. It also seems to be the most powerful of the three archers.

The most powerful one was dispatched first, indicating that the three were still a little wary of the cubs.

The man was unsmiling, glanced at the cub, and when his legs were sandwiched between the horse's belly, he jumped up from the horse's back with a drinking sound, and then stood on the horse's back with ease, with a stable body. when.

Suxi off-screen:  …

Are there so many archery tricks for ancient generals? !

I saw the leading horse in the third rank galloping away.

At the same time, he stood on the horseback, narrowed one eye, stared at the bullseye 100 meters away, and drew the bow.

Only to hear a sharp sound from the arrow suddenly in the air.

No surprise, hit the bullseye.

Some of the soldiers and officials who had gathered outside the archery range suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers.

I have to say that when the horse is moving fast and the center of gravity is unstable when standing on the horse's back, he does have two brushes. Even if Suxi was on the cub's side, he had to admit that the leader of the middle had some skills.

However, if you don't have the skills, it is impossible to become a third-rank general in the army.

After the leader hit the bullseye with an arrow, he immediately turned his horse around and looked back at the cub.

The other two archers also looked at the cubs, and the sarcasm in their eyes was self-evident.

In this case, Suxi couldn't help at all.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, it is impossible for her to hold the arrow and fly to the target. In that case, I am afraid that the entire military camp will witness ghosts, and it will also bring bad consequences to the cubs.

She saw the cub grabbing the horse's belly without hesitation, letting the snow-white horse step forward slowly, and then pulling the bow——

Everyone watched this scene with bated breath.

Suxi's heart was also beating wildly, almost jumping out of his throat.

Seeing that Cub Cub's face was calm, her dark eyes were calm, and she seemed to be confident, she felt relieved a little.

But in the next second, the arrow that flew out of the cub's longbow, less than fifty meters away, swayed in the air, and with a sud- sound, it fell to the ground top-heavy.


Suxi: ...? ? ?

Wait, cub, aren't you confident?

Knowing that the arrow will fall to the ground, what is the matter with the cold and arrogant but aggressive appearance that he was not hurriedly pulling the bow to shoot the arrow? ! Is it just for grandma to see? !

The archery range was stunned for a moment, then a burst of sarcastic ridicule erupted.

The four generals glanced at the cubs and curled the corners of their lips contemptuously. And the soldiers outside the archery range didn't dare to laugh at the fifth-rank soldier, but the gap in the first test was too big, so they couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh wildly.

Could it be that this young man has no power to hold the chicken, and the top spot in the hunting of Qiuyan Mountain just took advantage of the loophole? In fact, there is no real material at all? !

Su Xi's face turned red, but the cub still looked calm.

Suxi couldn't help but look at the arrow on the ground, and saw that the arrow just used by the cub was a broken arrow with an extremely blunt and heavy arrow. , it is impossible to shoot too far away. It can be said to be the worst and most unwinnable of the three arrows. Suxi originally thought that according to the lack of the three arrows, the cub would use the sharpest arrow to compete with the third-rank general, and use the inferior arrow without a feather tail to compete with the fourth-rank military guard. Arrow competes with the sixth-rank guard. But I didn't expect the cubs to do the opposite.

Suxi immediately reacted to Zaizai's intentions:!

Isn't this Tian Ji's horse racing?

There is no such history in the history of Yan State. These generals in the army may not know a few big characters, and it is definitely more unexpected.

It seems that the hard study of those days, the cub really smashed the Historical Records and mastered a lot of tactics.

Suxi was so worried just now, but now she immediately felt that her cub had the chance to win.

And on the tall building in the distance, behind the screen, General Zhenyuan's face turned blue, and he said angrily to the Minister of Military Affairs on the side: This is the person you think is suitable?! You don't even have the strength to draw a bow, how can you lead an army? fight?!

The Minister of War was yelled at by General Zhenyuan and wiped the spit on his face, and reluctantly sat a little further away.

He glanced at Lu Huan from a distance, shook his head, and sighed: General, if your subordinates hadn't deliberately made things difficult, the three arrows handed to him are all useless and discarded arrows, I'm afraid he may not know lose.

General Zhenyuan said angrily: One of the three arrows is clearly intact, but he was defeated in the first match!

Although the Minister of War could not see exactly which arrow Lu Huan used in the archery field in the distance, but

Seeing that the other generals were being touted by the soldiers next to the archery range, the young man was still quietly fiddling with the remaining two arrows on the horseback. For some reason, he felt that this young man would definitely not lose today. .

He couldn't help but refute General Zhenyuan and said, General, I'll bet with you today that if this member of our military department wins, you have to take my advice.

What if you lose?! General Zhenyuan snorted coldly: I also heard that this young man managed the Second Division of your Ministry of War in an orderly manner. There are indeed some strategies, but I am afraid that this person is only suitable for staying in the imperial court. Playing some tricks and tricks. Swords don't have long eyes on the battlefield, so it's not that people from Ning Wang's mansion can play small tricks. I don't know why you attach so much importance to this third son of Ning's mansion. Today, I even called Han Yueqian. Come!

Han Yue, the youngest daughter of the Minister of War, sat in the back and looked at the archery range in disappointment, not hearing the conversation between her father and General Zhenyuan.

The Minister of War pondered for a while, and smiled: If I lose the bet today, the calligraphy and painting in the study will be left to the general to choose. But if the general loses the bet, I need to make a statement.

The conversation behind the screen of the tall building in the distance could not be heard on the archery range, but all popped up on the screen in front of Suxi.

She was already very nervous, and she was even more nervous when she saw that this win or loss would also determine whether Mission 7 could be completed.

Just as all the cartoon soldiers on the screen were waiting to see the good show, they surrounded the four generals one after another, while the cubs rode their horses and were alone on the side, and the second match began.

In the second competition, the sixth-rank guards of the three archers were listed.

Probably because the third-rank leader just now won, so the few people over there relaxed visibly, and directly let the last archer of the three kill the cubs in seconds. The sixth-rank guard who came out was also very lighthearted, and glanced at the cub with contempt, and the pride in his eyes was self-evident.

He threw the whip on the horse's butt and drove away.

At the same time, the cub finally began to move, like a galloping horse, almost riding a horse to keep pace with this man.

This man disapproved. When he pulled up the longbow, he distracted and glanced at the cub beside him. When his arrow was fired, all the cartoon characters on the screen, together with Su Xi outside the screen, held their breath. , if this arrow had no accident, it should have hit the target. But looking at the arrow's track, it shouldn't be able to completely hit the bull's eye——

However, the strength of this sixth-rank escort army should not be underestimated. If it is on the march to fight, it can also accurately hit the enemy's vital points.

However, at this moment, the scene on the screen suddenly changed.

I saw that a sharp arrow suddenly flew in the volley. The arrow lacked a feather tail, which caused it to shoot quickly and quickly.

Although Yuanwailang's arrow looked completely different from the first arrow shot just now, and the accuracy increased several times, everyone still thought that this arrow could not reach the bullseye.

But who knows, this arrow collided with the arrow of the sixth-grade guards just now in the volley——

Then, snap-- The arrow that intercepted the sixth-grade guards was intercepted across the waist, and it pierced through the two-thirds of the tail of the arrow!

And after the two arrows were separated, Lu Huan's arrow had an extra feather tail on the tail!

And the arrows of the guards, after the waist, were cut off together with the feather tail and taken away.

Everyone's expressions suddenly froze - Mom, can you still do this? !

The guard's arrow, which lost its feather tail, was deflected and stabbed to the ground before shooting far. The other arrow was like a shooting star, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and hitting the bullseye.

After the second match, the audience was silent.

Suxi saw that the cub threw the glue used to stick the chicken coop mold into the pouch on the horse's back, she: ...

After this competition, the expressions of all parties on the screen have changed. The soldiers and villains are not sure what will happen next, but the expressions of the three archers have changed slightly, and they are all ready to stand up.

Just now, they went to look down on that kid, but they didn't realize that when the kid was leading the rank three, he used the worst and most unlikely top-heavy blunt arrow to win. When the sixth rank appeared, it was the remnant arrow without a feather tail.

In other words, the arrow left in the boy's hand is the one that is intact, sharp arrow? !

In this way, between him and the fourth-rank Wuwei Army, there is no advantage or disadvantage in arrows, but only the skill of drawing a bow and archery.

The action of piercing the arrow just now was too amazing. The last fourth-rank Wuwei Army who had not yet appeared was already a little flustered, but he tried his best not to show it, but he still stood up arrogantly and said please to Lu Huan.

And here, above the tall building, General Zhenyuan frowned, and his expression changed slightly.


The last arrow.

The Fourth Grade Wuwei Army was defeated again.

When there was no deliberate mischief on the arrows, everyone could really see the disparity between these people and Lu Huan.

Needless to say, the Sixth-Rank Guard Army is hundreds of times behind Lu Huan, and has long been a defeated general.

As for the fourth-rank Wuwei Army, although he also hit the bullseye, the young man beside him shot an arrow with a bow, but with a fluttering arrow, he truly pierced through Yang with a hundred steps and penetrated the bullseye.

Lost without a doubt.


Until this time, the expression of General Zhenyuan on the pavilion changed again and again, and he and the Minister of War also knew the quiet strategy of the boy on the archery range in this competition.

The following is right

, the middle to the lower, the upper to the middle.

The first round was so sloppy that the three generals took it lightly, while in the second round, they attacked directly and took the enemy's arrow feathers with the help of external forces. In the third game, the outcome is settled!

These three generals are all good players in General Zhenyuan's army, and each of them can be used on their own, but they are defeated by this young man!

If there were only a few archery competitions today, then General Zhenyuan might only recognize this young man as an excellent archer, but this young man has shown extraordinary fortune-telling and intelligence. I looked at him with admiration, but on his face - General Zhenyuan's face was a little unsightly, and he said, This old man has lost.

Although the Minister of War has never been in contact with the prince of Ning Wangfu, he doesn't know why, since the way he has rectified the Ministry of War in the past one or two months, he feels that he is definitely not in the pool. Therefore, today's result, the Minister of War is not so unexpected.

He stroked his beard with a mocking expression, and said to General Zhenyuan, What did the General think about last night's proposal?

General Zhenyuan looked at Lu Huan on the archery range again, happy in his heart, but still reluctant on his face, he coughed, and reluctantly said: Forget it, as you said, this son can cultivate one or two. .


After the last arrow, there is almost no need to compare the fourth game with the fourth person. If according to what General Zhenyuan originally said, if he can win two games, then Lu Huan will win, then today, Lu Huan has won the game. win.

The situation of the fourth person is very embarrassing now - if you don't compare, you will lose face, if you are compared to a fifteen-year-old boy, wouldn't it be even more shameful? !

Fortunately, soon, someone from the tall building came to invite him and said to Lu Huan, I also invite the heir of Prince Ning's family to take the seat.

Lu Huan glanced down at the man, then retracted his bow and jumped off the horse, with long black hair falling behind his back. He handed the horse to a guard who came with him, and let the man take care of him, and then he went with that man. Before going, he didn't forget to look around, as if to signal someone to follow.

After he left, the archery field made the sound of gasping one after another.

Various dialog boxes of A, B, C, and D kept popping up on Suxi's screen.

Just now the third game was won too fast, I didn't even see it clearly, what happened?!

What's really surprising is the second game. How could Young Master Lu cut off the tail of our escort's arrow?!

It's over, the guards and their faces are all blue. I'm afraid it will be another exercise/practice when they return to the camp today.

Who just called Yuanwailang away, is the Minister of War? I heard that the young lady who has not left the cabinet is here.


Su Xi looked at a few generals with ugly expressions, while those soldiers and officials were arrogant and crazy about the cubs. In front of the screen, he smiled so stupidly that the pride of the old mother in his heart came out spontaneously. Today In this mission, she didn't help the cubs throughout the whole process.

It seems that in the past two months, Cubizai's days and nights of piling, archery, swordsmanship and push-ups have played a big role. Cubizai's martial arts seem to have improved a lot compared to Qiuyanshan.

She also planned to enjoy the amazement of these cartoon soldiers for a while, but the cub who had followed the guards to the long ladder of the tall building couldn't help but look to the side frequently, his dark eyebrows twitched, as if he was thinking about her Why haven't you followed up.

Suxi had no choice but to pull the screen over and tug at the cub's sleeve.

The cub's brows loosened.

She was still in a very excited state because she witnessed the whole process of Zizai's victory. After pulling Zizai's sleeve, she couldn't help but tug at the longbow in Zizai's right hand.

Her cubs are so handsome!

Zizai seemed to have guessed why she was so excited, and the corners of her mouth lifted up a little smugly, but when she looked over, the corners of Zizai's mouth quickly pressed down again as if nothing had happened.

The pavilions and pavilions above the tall buildings do not belong to the barracks, and Suxi cannot be unlocked for the time being.

After she sent the cubs in, she let the interface stay on the long embankment and wait.


From the removal of the Shangguan Bachelor from Yunzhou, to entering the Second Department of Remediation of the Military Department, to today's contest on the archery field, almost all of the strange fights she and Zizai have been fighting for so long are all to pave the way for Mission 7, and now Zizai is finally able to get close to General Zhenyuan , Suxi felt that the cubs would definitely be done soon.

And sure enough, within ten minutes of Suxi's side, a message popped up quickly on the screen:

[Congratulations on completing the seventh main task: mastering better martial arts, art of war, physical strength, and gaining the appreciation and support of General Zhenyuan! 】

[Congratulations for getting the gold coin reward +500, the point reward +10! 】

Holy crap, this task is completed, and the points have been increased by 10? ! Outside the screen, Su Xi almost didn't jump up, she quickly looked at the current points, it was already 54, and the newly obtained points could unlock 5 sections.

And the screen also reminds to jump out of a current state interface again:

[Money and Assets]: The emperor's reward and the old lady's reward are like boxes, the outer city house, and two farms.

[talented subordinates]: long-time worker E, bodyguard C, master D, worker x30.

[Befriending Heroes]: Zhong Ganping (the tenth wealthy businessman in the capital), Minister of the Household (grey), Old Lady (grey), General Zhenyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, Fifth Prince (grey).

【Make Friends】: Yun Xiupang.

[Reputation and Prestige]: Mysterious young genius doctor, 9th grade companion reading, from the 5th grade member Wai Lang.

[Expandable Harem]: Hanyue, the daughter of the Ministry of War.

Suxi swept down line by line excitedly. Among the heroes of friendship, the gray ones should be those who use each other, but can't completely stand on the cub's side, while the ones without gray should be completely on the cub's side, which can be regarded as own people.

In addition, the state this time has one more line than the last time - the expandable harem.

What? ! Suxi's eyes lit up off the screen, can this game really be accepted into the harem? !

She was suddenly very excited.

But then she thought of what she said to her before she shot arrows, I want to grow old alone, and she wilted again. Forget it, this kind of thing is left to chance.


In the game interface, the sun was about to set, and the cub came out with two guards. Although Suxi didn't follow him in, he knew what was going on inside.

However, when he came out, there was a cartoon girl with the same steamed bun face behind him eagerly to send him off. I don't know if it had appeared in the conversation between General Zhenyuan and the Minister of War, but the girl A already had a name and became Hanyue two characters.

Han Yue twisted her handkerchief, did not dare to look up, and asked in a low voice shyly, I don't know how Mr. Lu will get back to the city?

The implication of this is whether we can go back together. Although Su Xi off-screen was not very satisfied with this daughter-in-law just now, but at this time the sun was setting and the scene was very beautiful. She was like watching a cartoon idol drama.

She was just about to see how the cub would answer, whether she would blush, but she saw—

The bun-faced cub in a strong suit was attentive, and his eyes were all on the horse that was led by the guards in the distance. When the horse came over, he hurriedly strode down the steps, and disappeared without a trace in a while. Hanyue raised her head again, and there was nothing but the cold wind around her.

Hanyue is messy in the wind: ...

Cub didn't hear-

He really didn't hear-

After he got on his horse, he looked anxiously towards the void beside him, and asked Su Xi in a low voice, Are you still here, why didn't you follow?

Suxi hates that iron cannot become steel:  …

Cub, look in the mirror and see if there are four big characters Uncomprehensible written on your bun's face? !

Su Xi pulled the cub's sleeve, and Lu Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he knew that she wanted to push him to the daughter of Shangshu, he was very angry in his heart, but he couldn't do anything to anger her with someone who didn't matter. In addition to her, he couldn't have a second person in his eyes.

What's more, she may not be angry - not only will she not be angry, but she may be sincerely happy for him.

Lu Huan thought of this, pursed his lips, and was splashed with cold water again...

However, General Zhenyuan's attitude towards him has changed a lot today. His words seem to recommend him to enter the military camp and go far to the north. This is one step closer to the goal he and she had planned before. Su Xi excitedly stood in front of the table. Counting the points, Lu Huan was also happy.

The two returned to the official residence together.

There were many people on the road, and it was inconvenient to talk. After returning to the official residence, Lu Huan poured a cup of tea and quenched his thirst, and then he pondered how to speak to her.

When she was not by his side, he checked a lot of books and found some solutions, but he didn't know whether it was feasible or not, and he had to take her to find the magician...

And of course Suxi didn't know that the cubs had made progress so fast, and she had already found a way. She was still thinking about the loneliness and old age that cubs said before, whether it was the rebellious period or whether she really planned to be a widow. It's a very annoying problem.

Lu Huan looked into the void, and his heart was full of emotions - if she could really appear in front of him, then one day, perhaps those desires in his heart would not be so difficult to explain.

All he asked and thought was to see her once in his lifetime.

He was about to speak when someone suddenly called outside and said, Muanwai Lang, someone is bringing you something.

Lu Huan's thoughts were interrupted, he frowned, and said to the ghost beside him: I'll go get it, wait for me, don't go.

He got up and went out. Before going out, he looked back in the distance again, and he warned again uneasy: I will go back when I go. It's half a stick of incense, don't leave.

Suxi swept his sleeve down funny, motioned to him: go quickly, don't go.

Lu Huan stood at the door and looked back at her, a bit helpless and hesitant in his brows. He stopped for a while before going out. Yes, he thought, the reason why he wanted so much for her to appear physically beside him was that he couldn't see her, couldn't touch her, couldn't touch her, and didn't know when she would disappear. It's like a torture that never ends...

Suxi waited in the house for a while, couldn't hold back, and followed him to the outside of the hospital, only to see two face-to-face servants standing in front of the cubs, holding something in their hands, saying that they were hand-stitched by the lady of the Minister of War. Sachets made-

Suxi: ! ! !

However, in the next second, the cub closed the courtyard door, as if very impatient, with cold brows, the two of them were turned away.

Suxi:  …

Su Xi secretly complained that once the door of the cub was closed, I was afraid that his fate with the daughter of the Minister of War would be completely broken.

Sure enough, she opened the status in the upper right corner of the screen to take a look, and found that in the harem column, Hanyue was gradually darkening, and then disappeared in that column.

Zaizai's harem was obliterated by his own hands again, and it became an empty blank column.

Suxi:  …

Zaizai closed the courtyard door and walked back, as if he also noticed that she was coming out.

The indifferent expression was slightly relieved, and he looked towards the void. The candlelight under the eaves fell on his brows, which seemed peaceful and soft.

Suxi looked at the change of expression on Zizai's bun's face, and suddenly felt that Zizai seemed to be able to let go of her guard only by being in front of her. She thought like this, and her heart suddenly became soft, and she was too lazy to complain about Zizai's steel straight man. Yes, I held the hand of the cub in the past.

Lu Huan led her back, knowing that she had just seen that scene, perhaps because she was unwilling to give up, he looked at the sleeve on the left slightly blown by the wind, hesitated, but still asked: You... ...I have already refused, do you still want the daughter of the Minister of War to be with me at this time?

The girl was nice, but the cub obviously didn't like it. Suxi pulled the cub's right hand, don't force it if you don't like it.

The cub seemed to be in a better mood at last, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and asked, Why? Why don't you want to let it go?

There was a bit of expectation in his voice, but how could Su Xi express such a long list of expressions.

So Suxi:  …

Knowing that she couldn't express herself, Lu Huan asked another question: If another daughter appears again, do you still want to talk about matchmaking and push me over there?

Suxi off the screen suddenly felt that this little cub was too vengeful, and he just meddled in his own business once today. Does he want his grandmother to admit his mistake?

She slapped Zaizai's right hand in disgust and said, No, I don't care about your marriage anymore.

The cub's hand was a little red when she patted it lightly, but the cub raised his hand to look at the back of his hand, and the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't be restrained.

He tried his best to hold back, but there was still a bit of light in his eyes.

He put his hands behind his back, stood in the courtyard, raised his eyebrows, and continued to torture Su Xi: Is it because I heard me say that I want to die alone, no longer insist, or...

The cub seemed a little nervous, looked away, lowered his head, kicked the stone on the ground with his toes, his ears were slightly red, and asked in a low voice, Is there another reason?

Su Xi tugged at his left sleeve, indicating that it was the first reason.

Lu Huan's body froze, and some of the hopes that rose in his heart were suddenly quenched by cold water. He was inevitably a little disappointed, barely raising the corner of his mouth, looking into the void - he shouldn't even look where, he couldn't see she.

He said dumbly, Really?

Then if one day, I meet a good woman who is knowledgeable and reasonable, and if I like that person, do you still hope that I can get married and grow old with other people?

Of course Suxi hoped so, but she noticed that the cub looked a little lost, and she didn't know whether he wanted to answer yes or no to this question.

——No, why does this cub keep throwing a lot of deadly questions to himself for no apparent reason recently?

She didn't answer, and Lu Huan tacitly accepted that her answer was yes.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, his shoulders slumped, the light in his eyes disappeared, and he walked silently into the room.

Suxi looked at Xiao Tuanzi's lost back: ...

Not happy again? Not happy again? !

Cub, have you come to Uncle recently? !

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