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When Cub was doing push-ups, Su Xi moved a copy of Hundred Strategies in front of him, opened it from the first page, and asked him to read while doing push-ups.

Many books exchanged from the mall were obviously from ancient times, but the background of the Yan Kingdom in the game did not exist. Cubzai had never seen them before, so these books were very novel to him.

He was very serious and eager to learn, and soon he became addicted to the detailed explanations of the art of war.

At the same time, Su Xi, who was outside the screen, charged his mobile phone, put it on the table, spread out the test paper, and wrote his homework in a rustling manner.

Suxi's room was very quiet, except that Suxi's mother came in to deliver a glass of milk after a while, and Suxi hurriedly covered her mobile phone with the test paper, and no one else bothered.

Lu Huan's Chai Yard was also very quiet, except for the faint sound of the cold wind blowing outside.

The two are doing the same thing across the screen, and accompany each other.

Suxi took a sip of milk, looked up at the cub on the screen subconsciously, and suddenly couldn't help smiling knowingly. She is not very determined. If she was writing the papers by herself, she might feel bored and brush from time to time. Weibo or something.

However, Cubzai is ambitious and patient, and when she does things, she concentrates and pays full attention, as if she was invisibly motivated, and someone accompanies her to do her homework, so she doesn't feel too lonely.

And the cub on the screen also raised his head from time to time and glanced at the empty sky, as if to make sure she was still there.

Without waiting for the cub to ask, Su Xi rubbed his little head with sketches, indicating that he was still with him. Only then did his face show a bit of peace, and he curled his lips and lowered his head. Head over to continue reading.

Lu Huan's slender fingertips landed on the page, turned a page, but his mind involuntarily fell on the ghost beside him. He raised his eyes and glanced at the bright yellow light under the eaves swaying in the wind. The lantern, the lantern fell just like a long warm river, not only on the pages of the book, but also on him.

All sounds are silent.

There was a peaceful smile in his eyes.

She is still there.

This seems to be the first time, in the cold wind wood house, when he was reading at night with the lights on, someone was by his side.

Although I don't know what she is doing in the room at this time, maybe she is leaning on the bed and dozing off, or she is in a daze, or she may also spread a book and read the book in the world of ghosts and gods - but her existence , was enough consolation for him.

He never thought that one day there would be a person by his side who would make an empty place in his heart no longer barren and cold, no longer desolate, but filled with peace and warmth.

At this moment, the air is thick and warm, which makes people feel nostalgic and want to stop time.


Every other night, the two will start their own studies in this way of accompanying each other.

Suxi brushed the papers, and the cub on the screen seemed to understand what the ghosts and gods wanted him to do, so he started to do push-ups, lift buckets, aim at the bullseye and draw bows and arrows, practice swords, and read the books that ghosts and gods gave him one by one. .

He couldn't forget it, he read ten lines at a glance, and he read books very fast. Suxi had to exchange a lot of books from the mall for him.

After reading the more important ones, the following various construction projects, farmland and water conservancy, the appointment and removal of officials, the imperial examination and justice, etc. belong to the knowledge scope of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

In addition, there are many miscellaneous books in the mall, which are books that the country of Yan will not have at all, involving some travel notes, customs and customs of other dynasties.

Suxi saw that the cub was really looking at it too fast, so he had to buy these for him, and he also looked at it with great taste, and even started to read some picture books.

It seems that he is a little curious about what the picture book from the underworld looks like, and wants to understand the world Suxi lives in.

Suxi:  …

In addition to putting on a cloak and going to the farm to visit the greenhouses and crops, the cubs have been studying behind closed doors for the past few days, forgetting to eat and sleep, practicing swords and hitting stakes, and getting up early in the morning.

In this way, the progress is simply rapid.

The heart of an old mother in Suxi has been greatly comforted. What can be more satisfying than watching her cubs read and make progress tirelessly?

It's just that Cub Cub has worked so hard, but the points in the system's skills and stamina haven't increased yet.

System: Push-ups, iron lifts, sword training, piling, each must be done 10,000 times before a point is calculated.

Suxi: ? ? ? ?

Driving a pile for 10,000 times will turn into a pile driver. I think you are making things difficult for my cub.

However, since it is so difficult to increase the points in this regard, Suxi is not in a hurry. Anyway, he didn't let the cub do these things for the sake of points, but so that he would not be injured in the mission of the Northland in the future.

And the cub also seems to have his own plans. Although he doesn't know the task on Suxi's side, he is the person who knows how to work hard to achieve great things.

In this way, ten days have passed in the game. Ten days later, the Spring School of Taiyuan University began.

There are a total of seven bachelors in Taiyuan College. In addition to Taifu, the other six bachelors teach rituals, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and arithmetic.

The Imperial College is the most knowledgeable place in the entire Yan Kingdom, but no matter how well-informed these Taifu scholars are, what they have seen and heard is only from the history of the Yan Kingdom and their travels in other countries.

However, the many ancient books that Suxi exchanged from the mall were never seen by these scholars.

The place that Lu Huan, who was in his early ten years, wanted to step into was the Taiyuan Academy, but for the fifteen-year-old Lu Huan who had read a lot of books, the things taught by the Taiyuan Academy were nothing to say.

On the first day of Zizai's schooling, the old lady sent someone to deliver a lot of things, while Suxi exchanged a sturdy cloth bag from the mall to make a schoolbag.

The old mother watched Cubs go to school on the first day, and was even more excited than Cubs herself. She rushed home early that day and devoted herself to sending Cubs to school. He also gave him a large and small wolf brush, a rice paper inkstone, and so on. It is very generously placed on the table of the cub.

In the early morning, the morning sun first appeared, and when Lu Huan saw these things on the table, it seemed as if a warm sun had fallen on his brows.

Although it is very likely that he will not be able to use it, he still puts these things into his cloth bag, and he does not dislike it at all. After all, that is her intention.

When he was still forced to carry water and do heavy work all day long in Prince Ning's mansion, and when he was accidentally beaten and framed, he also thought that one day he would use his own strength to step out of this quagmire and step into the gate of the Imperial College.

But at that time, his heart was full of biting coldness and gloomy hatred, thinking that even if he stepped out of the gate of Ning Wangfu, he would not have any happiness in his heart, and he was still alone and alone.

No one warms wine for him, no one is happy for him.

He never thought that one day, he would be with someone by his side...

Accompany him to read and write every night, listen to the rustling of the rain, accompany him from Ning Wangfu into the palace and the capital, and face the next whirlpool and dark tide...

Accompany him to realize his long-cherished wish to enter the Taiyuan Academy when he was a child, and feel excited and happy for him, and prepare ink, paper, inkstone and cloth bag for him in advance - she is looking forward to him well, even more excited than himself. .

Lu Huan seemed to have a home in his heart.

He looked at the void in the house, his eyes were moist, and he whispered, Thank you for doing this for me.

Off-screen Suxi is finishing dinner, waiting for the cubs to get up early in the morning to go to school.

Seeing Zaizai carrying a cloth bag and wearing a Feifeng Yinhong brocade from the 9th rank of companion, the big bun's dark eyes are very cute. He hasn't gone to school yet, and he is still talking about something blindly here. He stretched out his hand and pushed him, indicating: school is coming soon, and I will be late later.

Lu Huan was taken aback by her sudden appearance, because she has always come at night lately. And today, suddenly appearing in the early morning, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Are you free today? A dialog box popped up above Zizai's head on the screen.

Suxi pulled his right hand.

Lu Huan immediately understood that she was not free this morning, but probably didn't want to miss her first admission, so she came to accompany her specially.

Lu Huan's heart was moved, and his eyes looking towards the void were pitch-black and translucent.

Two days before entering school, because the weather was fine, they were taught archery. Beside the Yanshui Lake in Taiyuan College, the princes and princes stood in a row.

Lu Huan had made a limelight on Qiuyan Mountain before. After entering the Imperial College, as the fifth prince's companion, he avoided his edge and tried his best to keep the number of shots less than the princes.

However, although it is less than the princes, it is far more powerful than those princes.

The fifth prince has a striving personality and is very satisfied with him. He feels more and more that he is much stronger than his previous companion who can read all day without a chicken, so he rewarded Lu Huan with some things.

Lu Huan casually accepted the reward.

After the princes and sons were crowded around to go to school, he picked up the arrows scattered on the ground, took two steps forward at will, and threw the arrow into the stone pavilion in Yanshui Lake accurately and accurately. In the arrow basket.

The prince has already passed the age of going to the Imperial College, and there is a special Taishi to teach him, so there are only a few other princes in this Imperial College, as well as some heirs of the prince's palace.

The princes and the companions complimented the prince, while undercurrents surging between each other.

The division of power in the capital is more complicated. Although these students are still only teenagers, they already have some hearts.

Although the brothers Lu Yu'an and Lu Wenxiu from Prince Ning's mansion also had the qualifications to enter the Imperial College, they could only sit at the back of the academy, they could not be companions, and they couldn't compete with other princes, so they didn't get along with them at all. The chance to meet the prince.

Now, one of the two has a lame leg, and the other has been rehabilitated from the cold.

Originally, Lu Wenxiu disliked going to the Taiyuan Academy.

Of course, these two brothers are no longer something Lu Huan needs to care about.

When he packed the cloth bag and walked towards Taixuemen, he suddenly heard a few beatings from the clock tower in the corner.

He looked over alertly.

Outside the screen, Su Xi was turning on the screen of his mobile phone and doing his homework at the desk. Hearing the movement, he also raised his head and looked at him.

I saw a few princes leading the way, with a few guards, beating up a boy of about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The boy looked white and fat on the screen, and was about to burst his clothes, but he looked very useless, with messy hair, bruised nose and face, crying

Begging for mercy, he was surrounded by several villains who were much thinner than him, beaten and stomped with his fists.

What's going on? Too college bullying/bullying?

A character introduction popped up on Suxi's interface soon.

It turned out that the one who was being beaten was the youngest son of the Taiwei, named Yun Xiupang.

[Yun Xiupang: The youngest son of the Taiwei. Function: None at the moment. Wisdom: None at the moment. Force: None at this time. Background rights: None at this time. 】

[In the State of Yan, Taiwei is a civilian in charge of the Privy Military Academy, and is a high-ranking official. However, three months ago, Taiwei Yun was derelict in his duties and made a big mistake. He was sent by the emperor to Liuzhou as a prefect, and this position was temporarily vacant. While Taiwei Yun's family remained in Beijing, his two sons became underdogs and were bullied. 】

[Yun Xiupang can develop into a friend of the protagonist. If he comes to rescue, he will start a side quest. Do you want to take this optional side quest? 】

Wait, this Fatty Xiaoyun has nothing, his force value and resourcefulness are all zero, what good can saving him besides messing with that group of princes? ! Are you asking for trouble? !

But this little fat man suddenly had a name instead of his friend A, which made Su Xi wonder if he might be a key figure.

Why don't you just quietly rescue me?

Thinking of this, she pushed the cub's hand.

Knowing that the ghosts and gods were beside him, Lu Huan should have seen this scene, so he lowered his voice and asked, Do you want me to save him?

Su Xi touched his left hand.

Lu Huan didn't refuse, but walked quickly to the entrance of the Taiyuan Academy, picked up a few stones on the ground, and threw them backhand.

I only heard the two guards in the bell tower screaming, screaming in pain, and rushing out after a while with their heads covered.

But Lu Huan had already disappeared with great strides.

After saving the kid, Lu Huan walked to the street market.

Of course he also felt pity for the kid, and before the ghosts and gods spoke, he moved to help him. But the ghost beside him opened his mouth first, which made his heart feel a little unspeakable...

He also realizes that he is extremely selfish - if she helps him, she can help anyone, she is so good, she should do it.

But the possessiveness that grew in his heart made him seem unreasonable, and he didn't want her to look at others, and she didn't want her to give any eyes and emotions to others, even sympathy.

Lu Huan also felt ugly about these thoughts. He was afraid of making her hate it, so he didn't dare to reveal the slightest.

However, she came out with him and wrapped around him, which relieved the possessiveness in his heart.

He continued to walk towards Ning Wangfu.

Today, because Lu Huan came back late, it was already dark, and restaurants in the street market opened.

The two princes who came back from the Taiyuan Academy were walking into the brothel with their shoulders hooked. They recognized him and greeted him with a smile: Lu Huan, the fifth prince's accompaniment, come with us?

Lu Huan also met some people in the Taiyuan Academy. Although they could not be called friends, they were all familiar with the princes and dignitaries in the capital.

Just as he was about to refuse, he felt that the ghosts and spirits around him excitedly grabbed his sleeve!

Lu Huan: ...

Outside the screen, Su Xi has put down his pen, his eyes are too bright, and he is staring at the Fireworks March sign on the brothel. Mom, you can imagine how many beauties there are through the screen. If you can go in, wait. After a few minutes of kryptonite, look at the original painting, it is a visual feast!

However, why did the cubs stick to the spot and not go in?

She tugged at the cub's sleeve and pulled it off the line, but the cub still didn't move.

Fifteen years old, you should be able to enter the brothel in ancient times, even if you don't do anything, can't you go to gain knowledge?

Suxi couldn't help but continue to drag him.

Zaizai lowered his head slightly, stared at his sleeve, his face was calm, and asked in a low voice, Do you want to go in and have a look?

Suxi frantically pulled his little hand on the left, hurry up, take Grandma in to gain insight!

The cub smiled, very considerate, and whispered very gently: I can't go in, if you want to go, just float in, I'll wait for you outside, and it's good to come out in time for a stick of incense. This dialog box popped up , Su Xi was going to loosen his sleeves and cut the picture himself to see what beauties were in it.

But at this moment, a large white bubble popped up on the screen like a swipe, directly submerging the screen.

--you dare.

--you dare.

--you dare!

Suxi: ...

The words on the screen were so big that Su Xi shook her hands, and her heart that wanted to enter the brothel was instantly stunned.

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