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I have to say that this game is really good at mobilizing players' emotions. If Suxi planned to play it slowly and slowly before, now her urge to unlock points with krypton gold has reached its peak in an instant!

Who can stand Zai Zai standing in front of the table in silence for a moment, walked to the threshold of the firewood house, brushed his clothes and sat down, resting his elbows on his knees, propping up his stuffed face, looking at the silent and empty courtyard alone , the setting sun, with a lonely face——? !

Suxi's heart is broken, really.

She quickly switched to the area where the kitchen masters lived in King Ning's Mansion, and decided to complete as many side tasks as possible as soon as possible, and to unlock 100 points as soon as possible after exhausting herself.

Of course, what she didn't know was that Lu Huan was sitting in front of the door, with no extra emotion on his face, just frowning and thinking.

Although the person came here this time, although he did not answer his question, it could at least explain one thing, the time of the other party's appearance was indeed regular.

If you can grasp this time rule, you can somewhat take the initiative.

But, of course, Lu Huan knew that the man was extremely vigilant. If he pretended to go out and then suddenly returned halfway, he might have disappeared as soon as he appeared in the bamboo forest.

This is not a good way.

In addition, Lu Huan noticed that everything the other party has done so far has a clear purpose.

Whether it is repairing the roof or sending birthday noodles, it seems that they are all concerned about him and beneficial to him. And this kind of reply to his question seems to be regarded as meaningless by the other party, so the other party ignores it.

...Of course, these are just Lu Huan's guesses.

That person is too mysterious, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end, leaving very few traces. It is difficult for Lu Huan to get any useful information, so he can only guess through every clue.


So, now, if I want to know the identity of that person, what I have to do is - find a way to let that person leave clues.

Although the man would not reply to his note, what if he tried it in other ways?

He wants to find that person.

He also didn't know why his thoughts were so strong.

After all, it was because the other party was in the dark and he was in the light. This passivity made him feel insecure.

Or because—he just wanted to know, the one who took care of him during the snowy night when he had typhoid fever, gave him the first birthday gift in his barren life, from charcoal boots to sewing animal skin robes for him, gave him There are so many people, who are they, what they look like, what clothes they wear, what they wear, what they like...

Or maybe it was just because, deep down in his heart, he was afraid that the other party would just come at will, and after a while, he would leave in a hurry like misty green smoke.

If the other party suddenly disappears one day and never comes again, but he can only wait until that day before he realizes it belatedly.

Then he...

Lu Huan curled his fingers involuntarily.

He looked at the rabbit lamp under the eaves that he had poured in new lamp oil and hung up again, his eyes were dimmed by the candlelight, and many hidden emotions were bottomless.


Suxi found Master Ding in the side mission [Let Master Ding be used by the protagonist] on the map.

From the side door to the stream are the houses of the fourth aunt's other aunts, and there are several walls and a garden in the middle, and then to the right is the place where the servants who are a little more respectable live. Fortunately, they were unlocked last time. Suxi can click in directly.

This is the room of several post-cooks. On the bunk, only the master Ding is lying.

He was a dry and skinny stick figure, lying on his side dying on the bed, looking very bad.

There was a bowl of medicine next to him, and a lot of soup and medicine were sprinkled on the ground.

Suxi nodded him.

The interface pops up immediately.

Character: Master Ding. Current status: blood bar 20%, physical strength bar 5, suffering from severe typhoid fever. Due to the underdeveloped medical treatment in ancient times, once the typhoid fever is too severe, there is almost no cure, and we can only wait for death. This is true. Yes, typhoid fever was quite serious in ancient times, and the wives of the princes may be fine, so you can invite the imperial doctor.

But this Master Ding was wearing tattered clothes, and the little medicine he drank seemed to be taken by a quack doctor, and he might have spent all the savings he had accumulated in Prince Ning's Mansion over the years in order to see a doctor.

Two servants from the kitchen suddenly came in from outside. When they came in, they saw the master Ding still lying on the bed, and scolded: Why haven't you left yet, you bastard? Didn't the butler tell you to pack up and get out?!

Master Ding Gan was so skinny that his veins were popping out, and he said angrily, I didn't steal anything from the housekeeper. Even if I resign and return to my hometown, he must first clear me of my innocence! Yes, hurry up, otherwise what will you do if you infect us with your tuberculosis? We also have the old and the young! The two servants strode forward and grabbed Master Ding's arm and With a strong pull on his leg, he was thrown out of the room.

Master Ding fell into the snow, coughing violently, like a dying dog, unable to get up.

This paragraph was like a background introduction of the branch line, and it was quickly played in front of Suxi. Suxi was stunned, and he didn't even have time to help the old man.

Fly over there from the side door

A person rushed over, quickly helped Master Ding up, and stared at the two with righteous indignation: You will not have good retribution! You were still apprentices before, and my adoptive father took care of you a lot, but now you are so ungrateful!

It was the guard C who went out to sell eggs for Zai Zai earlier.

It turned out that the two were righteous father and son.

Master Ding coughed and shook his head, and said, Don't cause trouble, help me to your place first.

Guard C is a very strong and honest game villain, he can see his six-pack abs through his clothes.

But seeing the blood coughed up by his father, the fierce man was so anxious that he almost cried, wiped away his tears, and said, Okay, Dad, don't worry, I will find a way to cure you. The doctor can't do it, let's change to another doctor. Master Ding said with a wry smile: Oh, but, the savings of the two of us in Prince Ning's Mansion for so many years are almost exhausted, how can we have money for medical treatment...

Guard C helped master Ding to walk to another courtyard, frowning for a while, then suddenly said: Why don't we go to the third young master to find a solution!

Father, do you know that among the eggs that the third young master dragged me out to sell today, there were several eggs with double yolks! As a result, the selling price was several cents higher than usual!

Double yolk eggs?!

Double-yolk eggs symbolize wealth and wealth, and almost all of them are provided to the royal relatives in the capital, and the selling price is much more expensive than ordinary eggs.

Master Ding was shocked when he heard what guard B said.

He knows the whole capital's agricultural products like the palm of his hand, so he finds it even more incredible!

It's winter now, it's freezing cold, and the chickens in all the farms outside are dying and getting sick. The only eggs in the capital are all sent to the nobles' houses. It can be said that the production of eggs is very low. Can't even buy it!

As a result, the price has gradually risen from six cents to almost eight cents——

But the third young master just bought a few chickens and raised them casually in his firewood yard. How could it be possible to raise more than 190 eggs in a few days? !

This is too far-fetched!

And the son also said that there were double yolk eggs in those eggs!

I sold those eggs for a total of three taels of silver and eighty renminbi today. Guard C said bitterly, I've never seen so much money at once in my life! Dad, if we raise chickens, we can lay so many eggs, and what's the point? Why don't you have money to buy medicine?

The father and son sighed and returned to the residence of the guard C.

Suxi looked at the two pitiful people from the side, and sighed for them.

However, seeing Master Ding coughing violently, she suddenly thought of how to complete this side task and win the hearts of the two of them together for Zai Zai.

She opened the mall and quietly left a package of things in Guard C's residence.

Moreover, he imitated the handwriting on the note that Zai Zai left for himself.


But when the father and son returned to the house, the guard Bing was about to help the adoptive father to sit down and pour water for him, when he suddenly saw a few doses of typhoid medicine on the table.

He was startled.

There is also a note next to it, which describes the method of decoction in detail, but it is not signed.

As for the handwriting - Guard C has read books and knows some characters, but he thinks that the handwriting is so smooth and neat, it looks like the words left by someone with status, and it is definitely not something that ordinary servants can write.

Guard C was stunned, these few medicines add up to half a tael of silver, how could someone be so kind? I was worrying about not having enough money to buy medicine to treat my father, so someone brought me the medicine. Could it be that my father has been cured?

Weeping with joy, he went to shake Master Ding: Father, look, is this sent by a kind person?

This is it? Master Ding opened one of the packs of medicine, smelled it, and found that it was medicine for treating typhoid fever. Help?


After Suxi finished tossing around here, before she had time to go to Zai Zai's side to take a look, the inspection line was up to her.

The nurse was urging her, so Suxi quickly put down her phone and went in for a checkup.

But on Lu Huan's side, he never expected that these hens would actually lay a lot more eggs than before in the next few days.

The first time he asked Guard C to sell it, he earned three taels of silver and eighty cash back. He only put three taels of silver into his purse, and gave the other eighty cash to Guard C. After all, if you want someone to work hard, you have to give him some benefits.

This guard C was downcast because of his father's illness, but afterward, it seemed that his father's illness had suddenly improved.

In the next few days, they continued to take eggs to sell, and raised the price by taking advantage of the winter. After repeating several times, Lu Huan already had ten taels of silver in his hand.

This is only a few days?

He put these silver taels into his purse, and only waited to save the first sum of money with the help of these eggs, he went to Ning Wangfu to rent a farm.

In addition, the leeks, zucchini and other crops that Lu Huan carefully tended to have begun to show signs of growth. He wondered if that person left something in that small fence that night when he replanted the crops for him. , It actually made these plants grow faster than I imagined.

In the past few days, Mrs. Ning's side has been temporarily calm, as if waiting for the day of hunting.

Lu Huan nodded the silver in his hand. Originally, there were only three taels of silver, but after purchasing materials, tools and seeds, there was not much left, but now he earned twelve taels just by selling eggs. He originally planned to spend five taels of silver to buy birch and feathers, but

Today, he suddenly changed his mind.

He went to the street market and bought some other things.


It took some time for Suxi and Su's mother to go through the discharge procedures and tidy up the things on the hospital bed. After she leaned on crutches and got into the taxi with the support of Su's father, she quickly opened the game interface.

Su's mother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw that she was playing games every day, so she got angry and snatched her mobile phone: Xixi, are you still playing games in the car? Do you know it hurts your eyes?

Suxi was speechless and choked, so he had to get out of the car and play again.

After getting out of the car, Su's father and Su's mother entered the unit building carrying things. She leaned on a cane and jumped and followed into the elevator.

After getting the money from the lottery last time, Su's father and Su's mother planned to change to a new house, and this matter has been put on the agenda. Suxi thought, if they knew that it was her luck to play games that they could live in the new house, would they still be able to stop her from playing games? !

When I got home, Suxi finally didn't have to smell the hospital's disinfectant, and felt much more relaxed.

She lay down on the sofa and turned on her phone.

As soon as the screen was turned on, Suxi went straight to Zai Zai's house. When going through the hospital procedures, she logged in from time to time, so she also knew Zai Zai's whereabouts in the past few days.

The number of eggs harvested in the upper right corner has been soaring, indicating that Zai Zai has been working hard.

And the guard C and the master Ding may be too stupid to realize who the benefactors who helped them are, so Suxi plans to go online to mention something.

In addition, she found that Zai Zai was trying to make a bow and arrow, and she planned to spend money to buy him one.

Zai Zai is not in the house again, he should have gone out.

But when Suxi was about to switch the interface, he suddenly found that this time, on the table in the house, there was another note with writing penetrating through the back of the paper——

She was a little anxious all of a sudden, wasn't she, Zai Zai sent another text message? ! Then he still can't go back this time, wouldn't he be unhappy again?

But Suxi couldn't help but lean over to see what was written on it this time.

—— I chose Li, I hope you like it.

The handwriting paused slightly at the end, as if he was meditating on something.

present? what gift?

Suxi's eyes lit up swish, and he was so excited, what is this? Zai Zai made his first money and bought a gift for his old mother? She suddenly had a feeling of being rewarded—it was like playing a game and thinking that she would only get gold coins and rewards for completing tasks, but she never expected that a secret treasure was suddenly revealed!

What's more, Zai Zai's words were written too plainly. She was so excited that she didn't expect to be given milk tea by stinky boys at school.

She suppressed the trembling of her hands, turned over on the table, and sure enough, she saw two exquisite and small carved boxes next to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Inside one of the boxes was a pearl belt exuding a faint luster, which should only be worn by men.

In another box is a delicate hollowed-out silver hairpin. Under the light reflected from the snow outside the house, the brilliance flows and is extremely beautiful. It is only used by women.

...Holy shit, they all look so good!

Suxi was so excited that tears streamed down his face, and he pressed his fingers on the two gifts, almost committing hesitation in choosing! ! Why can't this gift be taken out only in the game?

No, if she can't take it away, she has to find a way to take it away!

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