"Ahem, Master Su is joking. In addition to normal practice, we also have special practice methods. This heavenly practice, deducing cause and effect, is one of them.

And this kind of practice is not divided into ordinary entry-level 'observers', 'celestial masters' who enter the hall, 'mysterious masters' who understand the mysteries, 'spiritual masters' who understand the secrets of heaven, and saints who 'control the secrets of heaven'. Teacher?

Master Su can deduce many causes and effects, so he must have reached the level of a spiritual master who understands the secrets of heaven! "

Yun Wanchu thought his analysis was spot on.

In fact, Su Li is not even an ordinary observer - his deductions all rely on the system.

Without the system, he would not be able to reach even one percent of the level of his father's half-hearted 'observer'.

Seeing how eloquently Yun Wanchu spoke, Su Li felt that the other party might be more professional than him in the 'Tianji Yiyi'.

"No, what this master practices is the special secret way of 'observing the landscape and terrain, searching for the spiritual veins of the dragon's cave, deriving the secrets of cause and effect, and mastering the cycle of life and death'. Therefore, there are no messy things like what you said. As for the arrival of this master, At what level, you will know in the future."

Su Li made nonsense.

"Master, it turns out that you are practicing the ancient way of heaven. No wonder..."

Yun Wanchu suddenly realized, and then, in his mind, he couldn't help but think of a person - the master of Tianji Pavilion, 'Zhuge Wuwei', who was born twelve years ago!

That person controls the secrets of heaven, controls cause and effect, and participates in creation. His power is unfathomable!

However, even this kind of existence is not as relaxed and comfortable as the current Master Su in some deductions.

In terms of background, Master Su may not be able to compare with him because of his young age.

In terms of potential, I am afraid that Master Su is far superior to the Master of the Tianji Pavilion - after all, the Master of the Tianji Pavilion cannot break the fate of the 'goddess' and cannot solve his crisis, but Master Su Li and Master Su can obviously do it!

Yun Wanchu's mind became obviously more active.

At this time, Su Li stood in the Phantom Boat with his hands behind his back, looking like a master from this world.

He didn't respond to Yun Wanchu's speculations and tests, and allowed the other party to make up his own mind.

All Su Li's thoughts were spent on continuing to check Yun Wanchu's 'life file'.

Through Yun Wanchu's past, Su Li found another outstanding saint in Wanli Holy Land, 'Yun Qingxuan'.

Yun Qingxuan is Yun Qinghong's sister. She is twenty-six years old, but has a near-perfect level of cultivation at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm.

Yun Qingxuan is a ruthless person, very harsh on herself and the disciples of the sect. Moreover, this person has a strong sense of the overall situation. Everything must be based on interests and is terrifyingly rational.

These are not the key.

The key is that after Su Li opened this person's life file, he also found that his destiny was 'imminent death'.

Afterwards, Su Li called up the life files of those true disciples who were close to Wanli Holy Land, Yun Qinghong and Yun Qingxuan and looked at them. As a result, most of them also showed that they were "about to perish".

Su Li's mood suddenly became a little heavier.

Is the thigh he worked so hard to hold on to be scrapped?

What will happen in Wanli Holy Land?

Is this the rhythm of death?

"Master, over there is the Yanmen Pass area.

Here, I have secretly activated the killing talisman array, which is spread on three levels inside and outside. If there is an accident like this, then master, don't worry, I still have seven special methods reserved.

At that time, if all methods are used and the solution cannot be solved, master, don’t worry, I still have more than ten ways to escape..."

When Yun Wanchu talked about how to escape, the light beard on his face seemed to be dancing in the wind with excitement and confidence.

When Su Li heard this, he felt very complicated - it seemed that behind every Nascent Soul monster, there must be many twists and turns of the story.

"Master, I have noticed the murderous aura of the puppet death warriors. These puppet death warriors all practice dark skills with bloodthirsty and soul-eating aspects. They are very difficult to deal with! No wonder, with Ah Li's strength and ability, facing the same people Realm practitioners will still get into trouble."

Yun Wanchu's expression suddenly became serious, and then his eyes once again glowed with golden light, looking majestic.

Su Li was beside him, looking around curiously, but he could only see the blue sky and white clouds above his head, the wasteland and valley below, and Hua Ziyan and Hua Ziyan flying with swords in the area above the wasteland. It's raining.

Yes, Su Li was on top of Hua Ziyan and Mu Yuxi at this time.

"Master, look, those puppet dead soldiers are ambushing over there. They are hidden very deep and are difficult to find."

As Yun Wanchu spoke, he raised his hand and touched the void in front of Su Li. A vortex of energy condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a bright screen of light that was clearer than a mirror.

On the light screen, seven black-robed monks, who looked like ghosts and were covered in dried blood, were hidden in the clouds in the void, forming a strange arrow posture.


Suddenly, when Su Li saw this ghost-like thing suddenly appearing in front of him, his heart beat wildly and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Master, don't be afraid. The Phantom Boat itself has a powerful ability to hide and shield Qi. They can't see us. Moreover, this is just a simulated projection of spiritual energy."

Yun Wanchu immediately offered words of comfort.

Hearing this, Su Li breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "Afraid? How can I, the master, be afraid? It's just that the evil skills practiced by this puppet death warrior are too beyond my imagination."

Yun Wanchu nodded, and then looked at Su Li's hands.

Su Li came to his senses and immediately released his hands from under Yun Wanchu's robe - if the other party had been wearing those modern casual shorts, he might have taken them off to his heels by now.

"Are you going to take action?"

Su Li looked around and asked.

Yun Wanchu pondered for a moment and said: "Well, wait for another fifty-seven breaths, and they will prepare a killing blow. I will wait for a critical moment to interrupt their attack, so that they will be counterattacked."

Su Li said: "I already know their situation and can deduce it now. If you want to take action, you can do it at any time."

While speaking, Su Li immediately called up Qianlan, locked on the seven puppet dead soldiers, and checked the life files of these people one by one.

Through the life files of these people, Su Li saw the life files of many practitioners who had contact with them.

So easy to follow...

After some "desperate" deductions, Su Li finally determined that this ambush was indeed planned for a long time.

Moreover, Hidden Shangdongtian was not the mastermind, but was just 'remotely controlled'.

The main culprit is a force called the ‘Sky Blood Ancient Clan’ behind the Hidden Shang Cave.

"Master, how is the situation?"

Yun Wanchu asked while staring at the puppet dead soldier on the light screen with cold eyes.

"These are really just puppets. They basically have no will of their own. They are just war machines.

The person behind these seven puppet dead soldiers is ‘Wu Xuhong’. He is the Grand Elder of Hidden Shang Cave Heaven and is very proficient in Alchemy and Formation. And behind this great elder is ‘Yun Yifan’ from the ancient Tianxue clan…”

Su Li didn't hide much in this regard.

However, as he said these words, Yun Wanchu's face immediately turned very ugly.

"Master, please keep this matter confidential and don't mention it to Ah Li and the others. This matter is beyond the scope of what I can handle, so let's leave it at that. I will report it to Ah Li's father and ask him to come forward. solve."

Yun Wanchu bowed towards Su Li and begged.

Yun Yifan is obviously someone Yun Wanchu cannot afford to mess with!

"Okay, since you've already decided, I won't interfere."

Su Li was naturally not interested in all the grudges and gossip.


Yun Wanchu spoke with a solemn expression.

Then, his whole body suddenly turned into a line of light and shadow.

The next moment, before Su Li could react, the sky shook violently, and then, in the void, there was an invisible gas cloud that suddenly exploded and exploded like a mushroom cloud!

Among them, a blood-colored cloud was immediately annihilated as soon as it appeared.

All this comes and goes even faster.

In the sky, a chaotic and violent aura of terror emanated!

Although Su Li was not involved in it, his mind was strongly shocked and impacted.

This feeling was like witnessing a nuclear explosion happening in front of his eyes. The overwhelming momentum of that moment left an indelible impression on Su Li.

"Is this the killing method used in the Nascent Soul Realm? Seven puppet dead warriors at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm who practiced the Ji Dao Devouring Technique were instantly killed and wiped out in ashes, without the ability to struggle!"

Su Li took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and shock in his heart, and tried hard to calm his racing eyelids and heart.

Later, Su Li called up Qinglan, the life file system.

Sure enough, after the death of the seven puppet dead soldiers, a system prompt message popped up on the light blue system information bar virtual panel.

[Hua Ziyan’s life file changed and she gained 1,200 secret points. 】

[Mu Yuxi’s life file has undergone slight changes, and she has gained 250 secret points. 】

"The secret value has finally increased!"

Su Li looked at the current Tianji value of '2240', and suddenly showed a happy smile like an old father.

Now, Yun Wanchu, Yun Qinghong, Yun Qingxuan and others are all potential customers. If they can solve their 'death' disaster this time, even if it is only a temporary solution to this death crisis, the 'divine value' they can obtain , I’m afraid there are not a few.

As for the 'Tianji Mall', it is obvious that it should be a system mall where things can be purchased through Tianji points.

There is no shortcut to success in the real world. What about in the system mall? There should be some, right?

"Master Su."

Hua Ziyan and Mu Yuxi flew in from a distance. After entering the Phantom Spirit Boat, they immediately bowed to Su Li with great respect.

Afterwards, the two of them saluted Yun Wanchu.

"Well, you-"

Su Li was smiling and was about to say that your crisis was over, but he was suddenly stunned.

Because, when he saw the two of them, Su Li had already instinctively used Qian Lan to lock the two of them again and opened their life files.

In the two people's life files, in the fate column, there were four extremely bright red characters - imminent death!

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