I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 98: The Book of the Emperor's Classics is published, and the monument of the forbidden

"I pretend to be a divine calculator in a fantasy world New ()" Find the latest chapter!

Before heading to another Huayue Valley, Su Li had actually calmed down completely. Then, he completely rethought the series of experiences he had experienced in the past month countless times.

Finally, he finally understood some extremely important causal connections.

In the beginning, others didn't plan on him at all - because he was nothing!

But Mu Yuxi accidentally discovered his existence, so she wanted to take care of him, brought him to Wanli Holy Land, and introduced him to Yun Wanchu - because Yun Wanchu is a true and respectable Holy Master with an open heart. Be aboveboard and aboveboard, the key is to respect talents!

He has rescued many children in need and cultivated many extraordinary geniuses.

But Mu Yuxi never expected that Su Li's performance was so incredible, and that even after losing the soul of heaven and man, he still mastered the peerless deduction technique, and even had the ability to peer into the soul!

Moreover, his abilities even surpass those of Zhuge Qingchen!

He even calculated the soul-suppressing monument.

Then it’s okay!

Either deprive him of his abilities, seize his body, or use him to detect the specific information of Mu Qingya in the colorful crystal coffin, and whether there is any ulterior motive in pursuing Mu Qingya and Su Xinghe. Purpose.

He even tried to investigate whether the secret of the soul-suppressing tablet, the usage of the soul-suppressing life key, and even the deeper secret soul stone were hidden in his mutated soul of death.

Therefore, there was also the scene where Meier peeked into the forbidden area deep in his memory!

Then, when they found that these methods were still not very effective against him, Su Li, and even planned to interrupt and collapse several times, they became cruel and prepared to harvest his life energy and use him as the next black man of the soul-suppressing monument. The coffin-killer!

In this way, he was actually an insignificant pawn, but because of his 'deductions' time and time again, they figured out their plan, and then they tried to get rid of him, a little fly, and the result was that his whole body was affected... …

After Su Li figured it out, he also vomited blood.

What a bummer.

This is so speechless.

What's even more speechless is that, based on the final exchange between Zhuge Chunqiu and Su Ho, Su Li came to an even more shocking conclusion - that is, their real purpose was to suppress the 92nd block. Soul monument!

The ninety-second soul-suppressing tablet has been born long ago, but where is it?

There is no relevant memory in his Feng Yao's memory!

It can be seen that the ninety-second soul-suppressing tablet may have been intercepted before it was born, and then sealed in a very mysterious place!

So, where can the town be sealed, and where can the soul-suppressing monument be sealed?

Su Li quickly thought of a place - the memory restricted area.

Because, Mei'er once entered the restricted area of ​​​​memory to open the door of his memory!

Mei'er's methods are really very skillful!

So skillful, as if he does this kind of thing often!

So, if Meier often does this kind of thing, then who is she doing?

Who has Meier been influencing? Who has been controlling?

The answer is ready to come out - that must be Yun Qingxuan!

So why does Yun Qingxuan have to learn the technique of "Specialize Qi to Tenderness", which is a method of ruthlessly abandoning love?

Because feelings will definitely cause the memory forbidden area to go out of control - so it is possible that few of Meier's previous words were true!

Or, every word she said was true, but when put together, it turned out to be a lie.

Su Li recorded all the information on the system panel, sorted it out, combined all the clues, deduced it in reverse, and even combined it with the real derivation and hexagram techniques to analyze. Finally, he came up with such an incomparable conclusion. Amazing results.

So, this result is undoubtedly very, very close to the truth.

Therefore, it is even very possible that Zhuge Ranyue was used by someone without knowing it.

Why is that Meng Siyun important? She is born with a physique that invades the forbidden area of ​​​​memory!

Zhuge Ranyue, Tiansheng’s special infant soul, is extremely good at invading memories and dreams!

In addition, Yun Qingxuan came to this mysterious Huayue Valley inexplicably!

To say that this was not a 'deliberate' set-up, Su Li was unwilling to believe it even to death!

And, more importantly, this place, that ‘Yu Su’, has an existence that cannot be deduced. This is simply ridiculous!

So, what Su Li wants to do now is to infer this round based on the results - for example, to alert the enemy? !

He wanted to try it and see how these people would react!

Of course, there is actually another situation that is slightly better, that is, Zhuge Chunqiu, Su Ho and others are decorating the ninety-second soul-crushing monument.

However, she never expected that Yun Qingxuan had already noticed it, and even took the initiative to find Huayue Valley to join Su Li.

But Zhuge Ranyue was thrown into the turbulence and took Meng Siyun and others away.

In this way, the core of their plan will be contained, and they will become extremely passive from being active.

If this is the case, what happens next?

That Mei'er will definitely appear again, and besides Mei'er, there will also be others who will appear, either with emotional attacks, or through unexpected encounters, or through various opportunities to get to know him and introduce him into the game.

Then who could this woman who met unexpectedly be?

For example, this ‘Yu Su’ in front of you?

That ‘Soho’ that hasn’t appeared yet?

Or is it Su Youru? Li Muxue? Hua Ziyan? Feng Qianwei?

Meier Qingshuang might even continue to look for him.

Su Li deduced all this information, then reorganized it, and recorded it all on the pages of the system panel with thoughts.

In his mind, all relevant information disappeared.

In this way, even if someone breaks through the restricted area of ​​memory, nothing will be exposed.

At this time, Su Li made Yun Qingxuan confused with his shocking words.

She widened her eyes in disbelief and stared at Su Li, as if she wanted to see through Su Li completely.

After a while, she took a breath of cold air and looked at Yu Su, Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun inexplicably, her delicate body trembling slightly.

At that moment, her body arched, her legs trembled slightly, and she was obviously on the verge of running away - in her opinion, her mind was exposed at once, and even others knew more than her, and it was even more terrifying. The first reaction is that I have been tricked and I have thrown myself into a trap!

But after a while, her nervous state gradually disappeared.

Instead, as if she had figured something out, she immediately relaxed completely again.

At this time, Yu Su was still confused, as if she didn't understand anything.

Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun were not idiots after all. They had either experienced or witnessed the complete process of the matter with their own eyes, so they naturally understood what Su Li meant.

Therefore, Zhuge Ranyue's originally smiling and relaxed pretty face froze.

Then, her face became quite ugly.

The smile that was still on her face was uglier than crying.

"Su Li, you said you, you said you - alas!"

Zhuge Ranyue let out a long sigh, then walked over, picked up a pink fist, and punched Su Li hard on the back.

This punch was not heavy, but it still made a 'bang' sound.

"I really want to knock you to death!"

"I discovered that once I got involved with you, it would be a fatal disaster, and I couldn't escape! I thought I would escape from the turbulent flow of the void and hide in the Flower Moon Valley. I would do nothing but eat and drink every day. Is it okay to just eat and wait for death?

In the end, you tell me, we are already in the layout?

And the stage is set up and waiting for us to perform?

You say, should I beat you to death? "

Zhuge Ranyue really collapsed.

Having personally experienced what happened to the Ancestral Dragon Demon, how many of them can withstand a deeper killing situation?

In particular, Yun Qingxuan, the core killing figure at the moment, was inexplicably mixed in among them - it was in vain that she could have joked with her before.

Zhuge Ranyue's mood was simply indescribable.

"It would be too cruel to beat me to death, why don't you just kill me!"

Su Li joked.

He was no longer very concerned about such things.

Because now, he is no longer the powerless person he once was.

Even in such a chess game, he is fully capable of playing the game.

The effects of the Marrow Cleansing Pill and the two Hidden Dragon Pills had been fully exerted to their extreme after he woke up and got rid of the 'file copy' effect.

His current wisdom is no less effective than three Hidden Dragon Pills.

Coupled with the system's series of skills and abilities, he has the confidence to be in control of any killing situation that follows.

This kind of belief is no longer just as simple as self-confidence.

Su Li's actions are still the same as the past, and they are still the past style.

It's just that he changed from Feng Yao to Su Li.

Zhuge Ranyue not only did not dislike it, but instead spat lightly and said, "Wait, it will be really safe after this is done. Let's see if I can't suck you to death, you weakling!"

Su Li choked for a moment, and then became quite speechless.

Also, if Zhuge Ranyue is really fierce, he must be very crazy.

Su Li couldn't help but think of his original physique, facing Mu Yuxi's thirty seconds of embarrassment, and for a moment, his mood was a bit complicated and difficult to understand.

"Su Li, let's cooperate."

Yun Qingxuan said with an extremely serious expression.

She has figured out one thing at this time - she may not be smart enough, but Su Li is definitely not stupid!

Since Su Li dared to announce such a shocking secret so bluntly, he must have a back-up plan!

To be honest, even though Yun Qingxuan thought of all the possibilities, she never thought that Su Li would be able to enslave such a fierce being as Feng Yao!

This is the real old fox!

When working with people like this, what else do you have to worry about?

Haven't you seen that even Zhuge Chunqiu and Su Ho, who are against the heavens, have such a difficult time winning?

In fact, if Su Li is included, then they actually lose everything!

Because in the end, Zhuge Ranyue, Meng Siyun and Yun Qingxuan were unable to suppress or control her!

This is already very powerful and heaven-defying!

"No, I can't trust you. Because, in your restricted memory area, unless you are charmed, you are invincible.

Not to mention, even if you are charmed, I still can't trust Mei'er.

When she reverses the pressure on you and we all die, then their plan will be completed perfectly and they will truly catch us all. "

Su Li directly stated his concerns.

This is a fact, and it is indeed the most concerning point.

Sometimes, no matter how glamorous the process is, if you think carefully about the final result, you will find that no matter how perfect the process is, it is vulnerable.

There is no absolutely perfect plan, ever!

Those who set up the trap may also be set up - not to mention that this trap has been set up by others, and they just jumped in without losing.

Yun Qingxuan was silent for a while and said: "Actually, if it is true as you said, I should be very confident."

Su Li said: "There is no if or should. The so-called certainty is just your inflated illusion."

Yun Qingxuan frowned and said, "Can't you trust me again?"

Su Li said: "I have believed in you many times, but the results every time are extremely disappointing!"

Yun Qingxuan gritted her teeth and said, "As long as you promise, I can promise you anything. This time it's really true."

Su Li took a deep look at her and said, "What do you think you look like in my eyes now?"

Yun Qingxuan remained silent.

Su Li didn't speak either.

At this time, Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun did not interrupt. It was obvious that she did not want to participate in such a thing.

After a while, Yun Qingxuan said: "Su Li, do you want to save Mu Yuxi?"

Su Li said: "I don't want to."

Yun Qingxuan's breath was stagnant, and when she wanted to say something in her throat, she held it back.

Su Li said: "To understand with reason, to move with emotion? Are you qualified to use this trick?"

Yun Qingxuan's breathing became rapid and she said, "I really have a way to save her!"

Su Li said: "Do you think you are out of Mei'er's control? Do you think you have really abolished the "Special Qi Zhirou" technique? Do you think you can really do many things? Yun Qingxuan, You have failed so many times and you still don’t know how to use your brain to think about it?”

Yun Qingxuan was confused again by Su Li's words.

She froze in place, falling into deep self-doubt.

Su Li shook his head and said: "What you think is what Mei'er made you think! You thought you could rise up and kill Gongcheng Tiansheng, did you kill him?"

Su Li said, thought for a while, and used the seventh function of the condensed system - the chaos of heaven.

Chaos of Heaven's Secret: Consume the Heaven's Secret Points to brand the viewed 'Control the Future' Heaven's Secret files into 'Deduction of Illusion', and pull the living body into the illusion to experience the illusion and understand the future's Heaven's Secret.

Su Li looked at Yun Qingxuan and said, "Close your eyes."

Yun Qingxuan's beautiful eyes lit up at first, and then she closed them without hesitation, leaning forward slightly and raising her head slightly, as if she was waiting for something.

The key is that after she gently closed her eyes, her long eyelashes continued to tremble slightly.

Her pretty face was a little red, and her snow-white neck was also dyed a light pink.

What are you thinking about?

Su Li was also unable to complain - if I kiss you, I will vomit myself, okay?

Although you are beautiful, in my eyes, you have lost all the senses of passers-by, okay?

Su Li discovered that no matter how beautiful or busty a woman is, when he hates her in his heart, he really has no intention of getting close to her at all.

Even though, this woman looks particularly attractive.

Meng Siyun in the distance looked at this scene with some inexplicable expectation, with a hint of longing and curiosity in her big eyes.

Zhuge Ranyue, on the other hand, stared with wide eyes with both contempt and curiosity.

Then, when they saw that Su Li not only did not kiss him, but instead used a finger to generate some mysterious divine power and touched Yun Qingxuan's forehead. Then Yun Qingxuan's whole body trembled slightly and her expression began to become painful. A look of deep disappointment.

Su Li turned around and saw their disappointed looks, and his mood was extremely strange.

What are they thinking? What exciting scenes do you want to see? What are you disappointed about?

Su Li withdrew his finger from poking Yun Qingxuan.

Although it was only a short time, it gave Yun Qingxuan an unforgettable memory for a lifetime, the kind that is unforgettable and penetrates into the soul!

Therefore, this Tianji Chaos function is really useful.

He spent 10,000 secret points on the 'Control the Future' secret file that he had previously inspected, and branded it into 'Deduction Illusion', and in one fell swoop he pulled Yun Qingxuan's consciousness into the illusion, and experienced that illusion , and let her realize the secret of the future.

Is this a good intention?


Because the future of Yun Qingxuan deduced for the first time will end in such a miserable way!

Perhaps, he was picked up and refined by Gongcheng Tiansheng because he wanted to completely transform her into the Ancestral Dragon Demon and forcefully take the soul-suppressing tablet!

But the subsequent scenes are no longer there——

However, this in no way prevents Yun Qingxuan from figuring it out on her own!

After Su Li retracted his finger, what happened in just a moment to him was nothing short of an extreme shock to Yun Qingxuan.

Moreover, Su Li also used this to let Yun Qingxuan know that Su Li's deduction skills are so powerful!


He is no longer afraid!

When you are strong enough, will you be afraid of betrayal by others?


Is Zhuge Chunqiu afraid of Meier's betrayal?

It doesn't matter!

Is Meier afraid of Sun Chengfeng's betrayal?

It doesn't matter!

Is Gongcheng Tiansheng afraid of betrayal by Zheng Tianyin, Wang Wenyuan and others?

It still doesn’t matter!

Because some of those people are too weak, and some, betrayal or not, cannot affect the overall situation at all.

At this time, Su Li gradually had such a mentality.

Su Li waited quietly. After more than ten minutes, Yun Qingxuan woke up again.

This time, she was extremely shocked.

"This is my deduction technique, do you understand? I deduced the past, so I reversed the future and let you survive.

If you were in my shoes, how would you treat Yun Qingxuan? "

Su Li's eyes were calm.

And this calm but distant gaze pierced Yun Qingxuan's heart in an instant.

At that moment, it would be false to say that I had no regrets, but more importantly, it was a deep feeling of powerlessness.

She had always thought that Su Li was weak, but before she knew it, she realized that the weakest person was herself. She had been played by Meier all the time, and she thought she was out of control every time.

So, now that she thinks she has abolished "Specialize Qi and Tenderness" and jumps out again, is she out of control again?

And then, he still continues to be controlled by Meier?

She has completely lost her confidence.

She met another mysterious Su Ho, who came with unprecedented confidence, but at this moment, she was completely shocked.

Then, she really felt that she was still controlled by Mei'er and had never broken away.

"Master Su, save me, save me, I am willing to give everything, everything. I just ask for my mother to truly recover - because, in the colorful crystal coffin in the ninety-second soul-crushing tablet, is me. Mother rides on a blue butterfly."

"Master Su, if you don't save her, she will be completely hopeless."

"Master Su, Qingxuan is willing to do anything. She is really willing to do anything. Please be sure to trust Qingxuan again. I beg you."

Yun Qingxuan gritted her silver teeth and knelt down in front of Su Li with a 'pop' sound.

Kneeling three times and prostrating nine times, his attitude is extremely pious.

Su Li said nothing and ignored him.

Then Yun Qingxuan kept kowtowing, and soon her head was bleeding, and her forehead was all bloody.

Zhuge Ranyue watched quietly, with a slightly complicated expression.

Meng Siyun was thoughtful, then sighed softly, but did not interfere.

After nearly a hundred breaths, the ground was completely dyed red.

Su Li looked at the system panel.

The function of 'conquering people with virtue' allowed him to harvest 30,000 divine points from Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan was shocked by the ‘Chaos of Heaven’s Secret’, and she immediately settled 80,000 Heaven’s Secret points.

The total is 110,000 fortune points.

This time, the secret value of ‘conquering people with virtue’ has reached the upper limit of 30,000.

In other words, Yun Qingxuan's sincerity in kowtowing was genuine.

But at the beginning, the sincerity of Mei'er, Qingshuang and Zhuge Qingchen in kowtowing was also true, and it was also worth 30,000 days.

However, Meier is still in the midst of calculations.

Therefore, it does not mean that kowtow is sincere, it must be full of sincerity.

This kind of operation is like an inner monologue. You think it is true, but in fact the person doing the monologue thinks it is true, but the real situation is false.

Yun Qingxuan was still kowtowing.

Su Li looked at the system and found that he had consumed 10,000 and obtained 110,000. He now had a total of 1,077,226 points.

However, the system still has not been upgraded.

Su Li really hoped that the system would be upgraded.

The system upgrade means that his trump card is even more powerful.

But one million has not been upgraded yet, and it is very likely that two million will be needed to upgrade.

After reaching one million Tianji points, another function of the system appeared with a bright red luster - that is 'True Void Realization'!

This means that he can use the 'True Void Realization' function again.

But this ‘True Void Realization’ function starts with the consumption of Bai Wantian’s machine value!

Although the harvest was amazing, Su Li had no plans to use it for the time being.

Because his current background is too thin.

He needs to further enhance his abilities.

On the other hand, the current time point is 17:32:43 on September 14, 3030 in the Yunhuang Calendar.

At midnight tonight, a new round of Tianji Mall items will be refreshed again.

At that time, you can buy and buy.

"Yun Qingxuan, please be quiet for a while and wait a few days before talking."

"We'll have a good talk after that Su Ho shows up."

"In addition, these days, you are always in a state of being unable to stop thinking. Try to think about all your experiences, and then consider what state you are in now.

After you figure it out, when Su Ho comes back, you and she come to me together. "

"These days, I won't go anywhere, I will just stay here in Huayue Valley."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't leave this place, there won't be any big problems with the 92nd soul-crushing monument."

Su Li glanced at Yun Qingxuan and said indifferently.

Yun Qingxuan lowered her head, and the large amount of blood on her forehead made her originally beautiful appearance look particularly ferocious and terrifying.

She pursed her lips, ignoring the blood on her face, and shook her head: "No, that's not the case! The passages in the soul-crushing monuments are interconnected! They have ninety-three and ninety-four soul-crushing monuments, so they will definitely pass through the special Passage, forcibly entered the area where the ninety-two soul-suppressing monuments are located!

Therefore, they will definitely find them in this way. We must be fast, we must be fast! "

Su Li shook his head and said: "Don't worry, it won't happen! Things are not that simple! If it were that simple, they would have succeeded long ago! The ninety-two soul-suppressing tablets originated from eighteen years ago!

Ninety-three soul-suppressing tablets, ten days ago!

Ninety-four soul-calming monuments, just today.

It is indeed getting denser, but this is an illusion. In fact, the ninety-three pieces were suppressed and then delayed until a few days ago.

Therefore, your worries are useless. We have to wait for a good opportunity.

They have set up a game, and if you get in first, you will lose everything! Because as long as you strike first, they will grasp all your intentions and you will fall into passivity.

In the same way, if they make the first move, they are in our game.

This is not an evenly matched battle, but the core elements are in our hands, so whoever strikes first will definitely lose!

However, they must be more impatient than us. Now, do you understand?

I am not afraid that Meier will hear everything I say to you, because I know that Meier must have heard it, and you must still be controlled by her.

But, this is what I think, now, we insist on it openly.

Of course, you can also forcefully erase it directly, but if that's the case, I will destroy the chessboard directly. "

Su Li said, smiled at Yun Qingxuan, and then sighed, "Mei'er, why bother? With your ability, what can make you so obsessed? I'm afraid, the Heavenly Secret Soul Cleansing Technique is basically useless. I can't really cleanse your soul!

Meier, come to me, I am your real husband, and I am still willing to accept you.

My woman, I am willing to pamper her into a real little princess. "

Su Li took a deep look into Yun Qingxuan's eyes and said softly.

Such words made Yun Qingxuan feel overwhelming envy and jealousy in her heart.

In fact, an indescribable sourness filled my heart, making it difficult to calm down for a long time.

However, in the end she found that she was crying uncontrollably.

"Sorry, I will consider it. I know you are using me too, but I... really will consider it."

After Yun Qingxuan said these words uncontrollably, Yun Qingxuan was shocked and her spirit collapsed on the spot.

In the distance, Zhuge Ranyue turned pale in shock and instinctively took several steps back. She was obviously extremely shocked!

Meng Siyun also opened her eyes wide, with shock in her beautiful eyes!

At this moment, Yun Qingxuan is still controlled by Mei'er. Isn't this terrifying?

Is this Mei'er actually so strong?

At the scene, the girl Yu Su still looked cute and ignorant, as if she was reading a fantasy story, with a confused and naive look on her face.

The rest of Zhuge Ranyue and her five companions were so shocked that they almost separated from each other!

Su Li actually saw through it completely!

At this time, in their hearts, they truly admired Su Li extremely!

Whether it was the previous revelation of their hidden plan, or the current betrayal and conspiracy, it really made them feel as if they were witnessing a wonderful battle without gunpowder smoke. They were hearty and deeply shocked at the same time.


After a while, Zhuge Ranyue took a deep breath.

She suddenly felt a little frustrated - she was involved in the confrontation between the two parties over the crystals. It was estimated that the two parties would sell the crystals back and forth ten times, but she would feel honored and happy to help the other party count the money.

This is not of the same magnitude!

Are these people so sophisticated?

You Yun Qingxuan, you are a being who can transform into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, but you are a being with a soul-suppressing monument in your head, and you are controlled by Meier?

And you, Meier, are so weak that a gust of wind can blow you to death, your ghost flickers in and out, you are obviously about to die, and you always look haggard and desperate, but you are actually the strongest one?

What's even more terrifying is this Su Li!

Eighteen, for God’s sake!

This man was a real eighteen-year-old, with no clones or substitutes. He was actually able to reverse his control of Feng Yao. After using Feng Yao, who had previously abused and scolded him, he used a borrowed knife to kill people and cause a huge disaster. As a result, the real Feng Yao took the blame. .

Poor real Feng Yao didn't do anything but offended you, Su Li, and ended up being suppressed in the Seven Dragons Altar of the Souvenir Monument, unable to survive or die!

Nowadays, you can still play such a game and be so defiant...

The more Zhuge Ranyue thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became——

If you follow this kind of person, you won't have all kinds of plots against you. You should be grateful!

If he plotted against me, I might not even be able to fly!

"Mom, I miss home. I don't want to practice anymore. This world is too scary."

Zhuge Ranyue's heart collapsed, and her sorrow was beyond description.

On the other side, Yun Qingxuan also collapsed and lamented.

She never thought that she was still controlled.

As a result, now she can't even make herself speak.

Not only was she frightened, she also felt powerless and sad.

After a while, she gradually came out of the extremely despairing and sad state of mind, and showed an extremely bitter smile.

That smile was really uglier than crying.


Yun Qingxuan was still speechless. The one who spoke was Mei'er.

"You have not wronged anyone, so there is no need to apologize. On the contrary, I am very grateful to you for your reminder. I just want to tell you that if you have no choice, then choose me. At least, no matter what, I will not abandon you.

With your ability, is there anything that you can't overcome or deal with? "

Su Li said in a deep voice.

His tone was sincere.

What he said was true.

Mei'er's strength was ignored by everyone.

However, Mei'er was the only one who had backlash after his deduction.

Therefore, if you can instigate rebellion or take her over, it will definitely be a great help!

Moreover, Meier really has some bottom line and conscience.

Let's talk about the situation, if Mei'er has really been scheming, many clues will not be revealed.

Some things may seem unintentional, but in fact, they simply cannot withstand scrutiny.

Since Mei'er is so smart, how could she leave flaws in some small details?

Similarly, when Meier did this, some people knew that it must be the Qingshuang Sword.

Qingshuangjian's so-called recognition of its master is actually surveillance.

Then, the meaning of Mei'er's current apology is very clear - there are some things she cannot say clearly.

"I have thought about it - if one day I am desperate, I may not come back. Because at that time, there is no need for me to live.

And when there is a way to go, I have no way to choose yours.

I can only say that if the person I met for the first time was you many years ago, maybe Meier would be the carefree Nangong Meier instead of the current Meier. "

When Mei'er spoke, the word 'Nangong' paused slightly.

Su Li noticed it, but pretended not to notice it.

"If I have the ability to cross the river of time in the future, I can go back in time to marry you and kill Zhuge Chunqiu. In that case, you will be my true Taoist companion."

Su Li said seriously.

Yun Qingxuan shook her head and sighed: "No, even if you can do it, the dead self will only be the dead self, not the present self. The present self will still become the future self in front of the past self. nothingness.

In other words, the past you save will always exist in the past after all.

And I will still suffer the pain of losing myself in this side of time and space.

What can be changed is never the past.

Su Li, you know the secrets of heaven better than I do, so don't think about changing the past, but change the future!

There is no hope in the future, but after you appear, I believe there will be some hope! "

Mei'er said, suddenly coughing.

Yun Qingxuan's body began to tremble violently.

Then, he coughed up a large amount of blood.

Upon seeing this, Zhuge Ranyue rushed over immediately, took out a holy blood pill, and fed Meier to drink it on the spot.

"Ran'er, when you have ideas and opportunities, cherish them. Otherwise, if you miss the opportunity, you will only regret it for the rest of your life.

This feeling can be remembered later, but at that time..."

Meier's voice said as she coughed up blood again.

The same six mouthfuls of blood.

"...already at a loss."

After Mei'er finished speaking, she continued: "The artistic conception of this mysterious runic language is really beautiful, but it's just too...sad."

"Ranyue, you didn't see that scene, but if you did, you would definitely like this mysterious rune language."

Zhuge Ranyue remained silent.

Mei'er didn't say anything more, but instead sighed softly and said: "Whether it's a plan or not, there is no way to escape this round, because everyone is involved in it and there is no way out."

"I thought about their course of action."

"They will definitely start targeting the 92nd soul-suppressing tablet, because the soul-soothing person of the 95th soul-suppressing tablet cannot be matched - if the woman is Li Muxue, the man must be Ming Qian.

Ming Qian is dead, and Feng Yao or Su Li may be able to replace him, but this is not a good match because it is not perfect.

If the woman is Meng Siyun, the man must be Meng Siyan.

If the woman is Yun Qingxuan, the man must be Zhuge Qingchen - there is already a 90% chance of this pairing, and there is no room for struggle.

Therefore, if it were really this pair, it would be extremely miserable.

So, who are the last couple? If the woman is you, Zhuge Ranyue, then the man must be Su Li!

Therefore, there is no escaping it.

In addition - the object of the ninety-two soul-suppressing tablets has been blocked by the woman for many years, and that is Gongcheng Qingdie.

So, do you know who the man is? "

Mei'er's words made Su Li's heart sink slightly.

He actually thought of part of this matter, but it was by no means as thorough as Meier mentioned!

What we need to be wary of and take precautions about is that Meier is also attacking her heart and using her tricks!

Su Li was not afraid of Zhuge Chunqiu or Su He, but he was actually very afraid of Meier's methods!

Because he can take precautions against other people's methods, but if Mei'er's methods are really used, it will be difficult for him to resist.

Mei'er's strength lies in her deep and terrifying thoughts.

But no matter how scary it is, she does have some bottom line, and she is indeed very sad.

This is a very contradictory existence.

Su Li was silent for a long time. He couldn't think of who that person was.

In other words, who else could that man be?

He thought carefully about all the people he had ever encountered, but to no avail.

Moreover, the ninety-two soul-crushing tablets appeared eighteen years ago. Who could that man be?

Su Li had a vague idea flashing across his mind, but he couldn't catch it.

Su Li didn't answer.

Mei'er, or rather Yun Qingxuan, didn't give an answer.

"I will retreat first. The Qingshuang Sword is still my weapon. When I see you, I will hand her over to you."

Meier specifically mentioned it.

Su Li thought that he was no longer stupid now, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of Mei'er's words.

He nodded.

At this time, Yun Qingxuan returned to herself.

Then, she sighed, lowered her head in great frustration, her eyes were gloomy and sad: "Master Su, I'll go over there first. When Su Ho comes back, I will come with her to visit Master Su."

As she spoke, she bowed again and said respectfully: "Master Su, thank you very much for the 'deduction of the illusion' earlier. In the future, Qingxuan will show enough sincerity and no longer rely on her mouth to repay Master Su. ”

Su Li nodded and said: "If you are sincere enough, you still have a chance. Let's see how you perform next."

Yun Qingxuan nodded silently and left sadly.

Su Li, on the other hand, just looked at Zhuge Ranyue. There was something he wanted to say, but he still didn't say it.

Then, he called Yusu and returned to his small courtyard in Huayue Valley.

Next, everything is quiet.

Midnight to early morning.

The system is finally about to be refreshed.

"Qinglan, I want something that controls destiny, something that defies heaven and mystical magic, and is worth less than a million!"

Su Li is obsessed with interfering with the refresh of Tianji Mall.

Because he suddenly discovered that he was very passive and powerless when facing Mei'er!

So, this time, he was cruel!

If you can't deal with Mei'er, you have no chance of winning this round!

Because this is a clear game!

The system Tianji Mall refreshed itself.

In the mall, there are not many kinds of things, but only one kind - "Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu"!

(ps: The second update has 10,000 words~ The third update is estimated to be after 1:30 in the evening~ Everyone will read it tomorrow morning~ I will continue to cry for subscriptions, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, bow and thank you~)

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