I practiced with a cheat

Chapter 40 Ninth Grade

The memory crystal is a purple crystal.

Like the things Zhou Heng had drawn before, it exists in his mind.

It can be summoned with just a thought.

After closing the door.

Zhou Heng began to read the information in it.

Then, scenes of light and shadow flew in front of him, and also contained various information such as sound and text.

Since this is only part of Feng You's memory, the information is presented in a somewhat intermittent and incoherent form.

Zhou Heng barely sorted out some clear threads until he had read most of the information contained in this memory crystal, and could connect the messy and intermittent information.

Fortunately, this part of the memory does contain some information about ghosts.

The ghosts in this world are not born from the souls or spirits of people after death as Zhou Heng had thought before. At first, they were "yin spirits" born in the natural yin turbid air.

Based on the law of natural aggregation of yin and yang, this kind of yin spirit will naturally desire to absorb yang energy and devour yang energy.

This is instinct.

It will never fade away.

When they completely devour the first living person, they will have their own intelligence and thoughts, become a real ghost, have different special abilities, and acquire almost immortal characteristics.

However, generally speaking, ghosts in the "yin spirit" state cannot directly interfere with reality. They must attach themselves to people and use their bodies to exert their abilities.

It is not easy for ghosts of the lower three grades to possess living people.

They must first lead out the loopholes in the dark side of people's hearts before they can take advantage of the opportunity and initially gain some control over this body.

At this time, the consciousness of the "host" and the "ghost" coexist, and the power that the ghost can exert will also be limited.

If you want to further control this body, you must fulfill the host's wish.

And this wish is based on the mental loopholes caused by the ghost's possession.

As the wish is fulfilled step by step, the ghost will further suppress the host's will and gradually control this body, thereby exerting a more complete and powerful power.

In this process, the host's mental will may counterattack, causing the mental state of the entire body to lose control and do some strange things.

When the ghost finally devours the original host's will, it will complete the possession and truly control this body, and can fully exert the various abilities that the ghost has.

Possession, control, possession!

This is the whole process of a ghost controlling a body. After completing all this, it can continue to pursue yang energy, devour yang energy, and strengthen itself.

Before the complete possession, although the ghost can still devour yang energy, there will be some loss and it cannot be completely absorbed and digested.

When Zhou Heng read the memory crystal to this part, he couldn't help but think of the two ghosts he had encountered.

One is Yu Shang who possessed Chen Hanyu, and the other is Feng You who possessed Qian Zhanggui.

The former once said that he satisfied Chen Hanyu's wish to obtain a peerless appearance and make all men in the world admire her, which just fits the characteristics of the ghost.

The latter is the same.

Due to his incomplete memory, he did not fully understand the specific situation when Feng You possessed Qian Zhanggui.

However, some guesses can be made.

Feng You probably took advantage of Qian Zhanggui's unwillingness and resentment when he possessed.

Then, by fulfilling Qian's wish to take revenge on He, Zhao Yuan, and even Liu Changsheng, he gradually took control of this body.

"When he first infected He with ghost energy, Feng You should have only been in the initial stage of possession, so he could only use ghost energy to infect him quietly." Zhou Heng pondered in his heart, and said secretly:

"After completing the revenge on He, it should have initially entered the 'control' level, and could exert stronger power and special abilities, and then killed Zhao Yuan to further complete the control.

"Then its inexplicable attack on Liu Changsheng in the end can also be understood. This is not just a simple rebellion, but to fulfill Qian's wish and completely complete the possession of the body. "

Zhou Heng finally sorted out Feng You's seemingly confusing behavior before.

This is because it wants to further complete the control of Qian's body, in order to exert more and more complete power.

Everything has a reason.

"However, it stands to reason that Qian's hatred for me should be stronger, why didn't Feng You attack me first? "Zhou Heng was somewhat puzzled, guessing that this might be because Feng You wanted to save his "delicious meal" for last.

After all, Feng You could not completely absorb and digest his Yang Qi before he completely completed the possession.

As for letting Zhao Yuan write "murderer Zhou Heng" before his death and involving Zhou Heng, it was probably because Feng You suffered the mental backlash of Shopkeeper Qian at that time, so he did such a thing.

Otherwise, Feng You could have secretly fulfilled his wish, developed in a low-key manner, gradually become stronger, made a last wave of blood profit, and then withdraw and fly away.

Of course, judging from the fact that Cheng Jiangjian came so quickly, the mansion owner Wu Zongshan was not a vegetarian, and he probably suspected Shopkeeper Qian from the beginning.

Even if Feng You really wanted to develop in a low-key manner, he might not succeed in the end.

In addition, Zhou Heng learned an extremely important piece of information from the memory that Feng You dropped.

Why did the Zhoutian Xunjie Division and the major forces conceal the existence of ghosts?

Because the more people in the world know about the existence of ghosts and the more detailed information they know, the easier it is for ghosts to be born.

In other words: the more people know about ghosts, the more ghosts there will be!

The only people in the world who can kill ghosts below the third level are people from the Zhoutian Xunjie Division.

Moreover, the Zhoutian Xunjie Department has very few manpower, and even now there are many places that are difficult to take care of.

If the number of ghosts increases further, it will be a huge disaster.

Because of this, there are efforts to conceal information about ghosts, and even the existence of ghosts.

In fact, theoretically speaking, it doesn't hurt that a few people know the existence of ghosts, or even know the detailed information about ghosts.

However, people always have the desire to spread "exclusive information". Often if one person knows something, it means that ten, hundreds or even more people also know it.

One pass to ten, ten to a hundred!

If it spreads like this, the consequences will eventually be disastrous.

Cutting off the source of transmission directly at the source and trying not to allow the source of transmission to occur. Although this is the clumsiest method, it is also the most effective method.

However, it is necessary for the prefects of various states and counties, the palace lords of various places, and other forces and personnel who need to assist the Zhoutian Patrol Division to hunt down ghosts, to know the information about ghosts.

This cannot be avoided.

However, since the more people who know the information about ghosts, the easier it is for ghosts to breed, why don't the ghosts deliberately publicize this information?

A question arose in Zhou Heng's mind.

It's a pity that there is no explanation in this part of the memory that Feng You lost.

"Ghost things...evil things..." Zhou Heng muttered silently to himself.

Now he understood why both Cheng Jiangjian and Wu Zongshan were extremely cautious when dealing with ghosts.

This world seems far less peaceful and peaceful than it seems on the surface.

The first level of martial arts can be called "the first level of god", which is called "sacred".

There is more than one divinity in the world.

But even so, it still cannot completely eliminate the breeding of ghosts.

As for evil things, he still knew nothing about them.

Wu Zongshan is worthy of being the head of the first government.

He settled the matter of Zhao Yuanshen's death within two days.

Shopkeeper Qian was naturally convicted of the murder.

To clear Zhou Heng's name.

The truth of the matter was completely buried.

So, after staying at home for two days, Zhou Heng finally returned to the Longxing Martial Arts School that he had longed for.

After all, he paid the tuition.

He has been asking for leave these days, which really makes him feel bad.

Moreover, practicing martial arts outdoors all the time is not an option. Isn’t the martial arts training hall in the martial arts gym nice?

"You are working hard to practice the martial arts "Eighteen Styles of Divine Might" [Level 9], with a proficiency of +5."

"You continue to practice the martial arts "Eighteen Styles of Divine Power" [Ninth Grade], triggering 'Heaven Rewards Diligence', and your proficiency will be +30."

Since Zhou Heng had not yet had time to tell Lin Jiaoxi that he had reached the ninth level, the martial arts school naturally did not make follow-up arrangements for him, so now he could only practice a few ninth-level martial arts that he had learned before.

The Dugu Nine Swords are not suitable for practicing in a martial arts gym.

Although he has practiced the Eighteen Forms of Divine Power to a perfect level and has received the lucky bag reward, as an obsessive-compulsive person, he always has the mentality that he must reach the upper limit of proficiency to be considered perfect.

Even just watching his proficiency increase a little bit is a joy and a sense of refreshment for Zhou Heng.

Practice martial arts safely and gradually become stronger. This is normal life!

It would be nice if this could continue like this and no weird things like ghosts would appear.

This is Zhou Heng's current mentality.

"Hey! You're finally back, kid!" Lin Cang came over and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhou Heng practicing martial arts seriously.

That day, Zhou Heng was taken away from the martial arts gym by Meng Xing. He was worried for a while, and even went to the old gym owner to ask him to intercede.

But before the old owner took action, news came from the Fucheng Yamen that the real culprit had been found, and that Zhou Heng was just being framed and was innocent.

This made Lin Cang feel a lot more relieved, but the dust had not really settled in the past two days, and Zhou Heng did not come to the martial arts gym. He was a little worried after all.

Now that "seeing is believing", he finally let go of his hanging heart.

"Master Lin." Zhou Heng stopped and said hello.

"Well, I haven't seen him for a few days, and my kung fu has improved a lot." Lin Cang felt that he should praise Zhou Heng for not seeing him for a few days, and he just saw Zhou Heng's practice, which was indeed very solid.

"Slight progress." Zhou Cheng said with a smile, while thinking about whether to tell him about his promotion to the ninth rank now.

"Hiss, you are very confident!" Lin Cang suddenly felt that this was just a compliment after we met, which might make Zhou Heng complacent, so he said again: "Come on, Xiao Zhou, let's go over each other again and let me see how close you are. How far is the ninth grade?"

"Ah?" Zhou Heng couldn't help scratching his head when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Well, I am far away from the ninth level..."

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