I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 392: Merger star

"The three seniors don't seem to oppose these three permissions?" Zhou Heng smiled.

"What is there to object to?" Taizun was surprised at first, then suddenly he smiled: "Are you worried about what the two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, mean?"

"Haha, in fact, it is unnecessary." Tianli also reacted and said with a smile: "For such a new authority that can enhance the cohesion and vitality of the organization, it is too late for the two adults to support it. How can they oppose it."

"The opening of these three jurisdictions will inevitably make the organization stronger, how could the two oppose it." Gou Chen also laughed, and she was in a very good mood.

Although the current Zhoutian Xunjie Division can also release tasks, not every star official can release it freely.

These tasks are actually the two leaders Tianyi and Qinglong integrated the traces of information in the territory of Daqi and the universe, described the specific content by deduction, judged the degree of danger and the corresponding reward, and finally released it.

Basically it can be regarded as an "official release".

Now once this new authority is opened, it means that ordinary star officials can also issue tasks according to their own circumstances and seek help, so that the relationship between star officials can be closer, thereby enhancing the cohesion of the organization.

The free trade of good deeds is even more earth-shaking. Originally good deeds can only be transferred at regular gatherings.

Now it is possible to trade freely, which greatly improves the circulation of good works, improves the currency attributes, and can also increase the enthusiasm of the star officials to participate in tasks, and the efficiency of all aspects can be greatly improved.

These two new permissions are enough to make the already dull Zhoutian Xunjie Division full of vitality again.

Taizun and Tianli, the two great celestial beings, lost their bodies and could only live in the world where Ziwei Palace was located.

Therefore, they have poured all their energy into the Zhoutian Xunjie Division, and if the main organization can grow, they will feel satisfied.

Although Gouchen has only joined the Zhoutian Xunjie Division not long ago, and her sense of belonging is not particularly strong, she is very clear about what benefits a strong and energetic collective organization can bring to her.

Therefore, the three people are very in favor of Zhou Heng's opening of these new powers.

"In this way, I will explain this at the next meeting." Zhou Heng smiled.

With the support of three celestial-level high-ranking star officials, coupled with Zhou Heng's previous powerful methods, the opening of the new authority is basically a sure thing.

"It should be so." Taizun and the other three said in unison.

"Then next..." Zhou Heng raised his head and looked at the sky, his gaze seemed to pass through the world where Ziwei Palace was, and he saw the vast sky area of ​​Sanyuan and twenty-eight nights. Right."


In the Hall of Anxiety, the Five Emperors Neizu had been sorting out mission information. After listening to Zhou Heng's new authority, he suddenly became excited.

As the star officer in charge of task release, no one knows better than him what huge changes these permissions will bring.

Although there are pros and cons, the overall situation is definitely good.

But when Zhou Heng mentioned one thing last, Wudi Neizuo was stunned on the spot.

"My Lord Star, what did you just say?" Wudi Neizu almost thought that he had an illusion, because he had heard it wrong. "You just said that you want me to annex Taiweiyuan's star official position'Five Emperors'. how can that be?"

Wudizu is the high star official of Taiweiyuan, and its symbolic meaning is almost the same as that of Wudi Neizu of Ziweiyuan.

It's just that one is inside the Ziwei Wall, so there is an additional word "内", and the other is outside the Ziwei Wall, and it's just called "Five Emperors".

The symbolic meaning and corresponding inheritance of these two behaviors, and even the Dao Yun Fa principles involved, are almost identical. In theory, they can indeed be merged together.

This involves changing the mechanism of the Zhoutian Star Chart, and it must be in the same celestial area to be able to do so.

But Wudi is the star official of Taiweiyuan, and the inner constellation of Wudi is the star official of Ziweiyuan, and the two are in different sky regions.

Therefore, there is almost no possibility of mutual mergers.

"What's impossible?" Zhou Heng smiled and said, "Senior is thinking that the five emperors are the star officials of Taiweiyuan, and you are in Ziweiyuan, so it is impossible for the two to merge?"

"Well, there is indeed this factor..." Wudi Nezuo nodded, and then his eyes lit up, as if reacting, he exclaimed, "You want to seize Taiweiyuan's Five Emperors star official?"

"That's right!" Zhou Heng nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Since the Southern Jin Dynasty Taiwei Yuan Xunjie Division has invaded before, we naturally don't have to be polite. Taiwei Jun seized our three star officials. We must not only take all of them. When he comes back, there will be two more high-ranking star officials!"

The three star officials who were photographed by Tai Weiyuan in Daqi Ziweiyuan were "Bagu", "Tianhuan" and "Inner Kitchen".

These are just ordinary star officials, not high positions.

And what Zhou Heng wanted to seize were Tai Weiyuan’s "Five Emperors" and "Lingtai", both high-ranking star officials, with extremely heavy weight.

"Master Star Lord just broke through and performed this feat. Will it attract Taiweiyuan's accumulated counterattack?" Wudi Neizuo said with some worry: "The strength of Taiweijun should not be underestimated."

"If they really dare to counterattack, I have my own way to make them come back and never return!" Zhou Heng sneered, and finally said: "Senior, it's up to you now. Do you agree to annex the five thrones?"

"You agree. You have stopped at the top four products for hundreds of years. It's so easy to have a chance. Is it easy?" The understanding will be deeper, and there will be more hope for progress!

"That's right." Tianli also nodded, and said: "You are not too young anymore, there is not much time left. If you missed this time, you don't know when you have to wait next time."

"The two comrades are right. I think so too, Master Neizu of the Five Emperors." Gou Chen also nodded and said: "The merger of the Five Emperors is actually equivalent to the Dao Yun of two stars, right. Your practice must be of great benefit."

"This..." The Five Emperors Neizu is still a little worried. He looked at Zhou Heng and said in a deep voice, "Master Star, is this matter dangerous to you?"

He was worried about Zhou Heng.

On the one hand, Zhou Heng had just broken through to the fifth grade of the Zong.

On the other hand, the merging of the star official position involves confrontation between the heavens, which is absolutely extraordinary. He is worried that Zhou Heng has just broken through and may not be able to control these new powers and be backlashed.

After all, if there is a problem in the process of imposing these permissions, it will definitely be directly fed back to Zhou Heng as the star owner.

"Is the predecessor worrying about me?" Zhou Heng seemed to have seen through the thoughts of the five emperors' inner seats, and smiled lightly: "In fact, it is not necessary. Since I have brought it up, I am naturally confident."


Southern Jin Dynasty, Taiwei Palace.

Mr. Tai Wei, who was closing his eyes and resting his mind, suddenly opened his eyes. He was surprised at first, and then burned with anger.

In the next instant, all the star officials in the entire Taiweiyuan heard his roar.

"So courageous!!"

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