"You evil beast, why don't you show your true colors soon!"

Chen Lin's figure flashed and appeared in a familiar place.

Familiar people, familiar surroundings, and familiar voices.

However, the scene before him made him look deeply horrified!

Why is this old monk with a long nose still here?

When he came in last time, this old monk had obviously ascended to heaven. He also got the Buddhist beads that were his relics. Why did he show up again?

Could it be that this place will be refreshed every time you come in?

Chen Lin was a little confused about the rules here, and this was not the case in other scenes.

"Okay, you still have accomplices, the monster is not dead yet!"

The old monk's lines did not change at all, his nose turned into a sharp sword, and he rushed forward.

Chen Lin hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to try the power of the Soul-Destroying Finger, but he thought that this time he was here to explore the Demon Suppressing Tower with Zhenjun Wanmeng, so it was not appropriate to cause unnecessary complications.

So he followed the method last time, clasped his hands and said, "My Buddha is compassionate and saves all sentient beings. Master, I'm here!"

The old monk's body suddenly stopped.

"Sin, sin, sin..."

Just like last time, the other party backflips all the way into the inner courtyard with a look of repentance.

Even after experiencing it once, Chen Lin still felt ridiculous about this rule setting and wondered if there was any special meaning in it.

"Boy, I remember you!"

While Chen Lin was thinking, the wooden chicken next to him suddenly spoke,

This made him stunned again.

This is not what this chicken said last time, and the other party actually still remembers him, which shows that this scene has not been refreshed and is still consistent with the last time.

But what happened to that old monk?

"Boy, don't think that just because your cultivation level has increased a little, you can show off to Grandpa Jiji. Let me tell you, even those Buddhas have to be honest when meeting this chicken. Your cultivation level is still far behind. Woolen cloth!"

Seeing Chen Lin ignore it, Muji suddenly became angry.

Chen Lin glanced at the other person. His appearance seemed to be the same as last time, and his temper was as grumpy as ever.

After hesitating for a moment, he tentatively said: "Lord Chicken is so powerful, how come you have been trapped here for so long? That old monk seems to be able to shout at you, and I haven't seen you do anything to him. ?”

After speaking, he looked at the other party's reaction.

The last time I came here, the other person spoke incoherently and his thinking was very confusing.

But this time I can actually remember him. Either he was pretending last time, or something changed here after he left last time, which made the other party regain his normal sanity.

"Boy, let me tell you, your Grandpa Chicken, I am a magic chicken who has lived for tens of thousands of years. Hurry up and lead your way to me, otherwise don't blame your Grandpa Chicken. I'm not polite!"

Muji did not answer him, but threatened him angrily.

But Chen Lin found that the other party still did not move from his original position, and he felt relieved.

The restriction of staying put is still there, and it seems that there is no way to move without a guide.

That's good, otherwise, even if he knew the other person was bragging, he wouldn't dare to communicate too much with the other person.

However, the other party actually remembered that he had a guide on his body, and it seemed that his mind had really become normal.

"Why should I lead the way to you? I can't give it away for free. What benefits can you give me?"

The other party was able to communicate but could not move. Chen Lin was not in a hurry to join Wanmeng Zhenjun for the time being, but wanted to see if he could get some benefits from the other party.

There are not many creatures in the Nightmare Realm that can be communicated with, so the opportunity cannot be missed. If you come in next time, maybe things will change here again.

When Muji heard this, he sarcastically said: "Huh, what good does a dead person want? It's a waste if you don't give it to me!"

Chen Lin instantly became alert, stepped back, and was ready to activate the Soul-Destroying Finger.

"What do you mean? Do you want to kill people and seize treasures?"

Not knowing the truth and falsehood of the other party, he did not dare to take the initiative to attack, in case the other party deliberately provoked him.

"Tch, your Grandpa Chicken is too lazy to kill you, but your hall is darkened and your life is rising, so you won't live long."

Mu Ji glanced at him in an anthropomorphic manner and said something that made Chen Lin stunned.

This is not a magic chicken, but a magic stick, and he actually looks up to him!

"Why should I believe you?"

Although he didn't believe what the other party said, Chen Lin still felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, he was about to explore the Demon Suppression Tower in the backyard with Zhenjun Wan Meng, and the possibility of encountering danger was very high.

"Haha, believe it or not, Grandpa Chicken, I have already warned you. Don't blame me if you die. It's just a pity that you lost a road guide!"

Muji showed an expression that made you believe it or not, and then stopped paying attention to him, looking like he was playing hard to get.

Chen Lin frowned, not knowing whether the other party was being cryptic or if he really knew something.

After thinking about it, he said: "That's good. The road guide on my body is still useful. If you know anything, tell me first and I will buy you a new road guide next time I come in."

"Boy, do you think I'm a fool?"

Muji turned around and glared angrily.

"No, what I said is true, and you haven't been able to find a way out for so many years. You still can't find it after waiting for hundreds of years. Why not give it a try?"

Chen Lin turned his back on the guest and tried to persuade the other party.

Muji was silent for a while, seemingly moved by Chen Lin's words, but immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"No, who knows if you will lie to me. If you want me to provide you with information, just show me the way now, otherwise there is no need to talk!"

Chen Lin shook his head helplessly. This wooden chicken was stubborn enough, and it was a waste of words.

Lu Yin must not be given to the other party, and he does not want to waste time here anymore. He plans to go to see Zhenjun Wanmeng first and discuss with the other party to leave here for the time being and come back in a few days.

No matter what the other person says is true or false, it never hurts to avoid it.

Turning around, Chen Lingang was about to do a backflip, but suddenly thought of something, turned his body back again, faced Muji and took out the amulet that Niuniu gave him.

"Little wooden chicken, do you know this thing?"

If the other party doesn't trade with him, he doesn't have to be polite to the other party anymore, and Master Chicken becomes a little wooden chicken.

When Muji was about to get angry when he heard such a call, his eyes fell on the amulet, and then he stood stunned on the spot!

Really dumbfounded.

After a long while, it said with an incredulous look: "Princess's amulet, how do you have the princess's amulet, where did you get it!"

Muji seemed very excited and his tone became louder and louder.

Chen Lin looked surprised.


Is Niuniu actually a princess, or did the other party admit it wrong?

"Tell me, how did you get this amulet, and where is the princess?"

Seeing that Chen Lin was silent, Muji immediately started urging him.

Chen Lin looked at the other party, then smiled faintly, put the amulet away, and said, "Why should I tell you!"

Regardless of whether the other party knew Niu Niu or recognized the wrong thing, he was not going to ask further questions. It would be more beneficial to him to leave the matter in suspense.

To his surprise, Muji was not angry because of his actions, but still looked extremely excited.

"Haha, no one can force the princess to weave the amulet, then she must have given it to you. The princess is still alive, hahaha, hahaha..."

Muji was so excited that he almost fainted.

After a long while, he stopped smiling, looked at Chen Lin and said: "Since the princess is still alive, I won't leave in a hurry. If you can get the princess's amulet, you are one of my own. I will give you a careful divination!"

After saying that, in Chen Lin's surprised eyes, Muji opened his mouth and spit out three dusty tags!

Just listening to the other party's mutterings, the three hanging tags suspended in the air began to tremble. Finally, the middle one released a layer of fluorescence, while the other two slowly disappeared.

The wooden chicken opened its mouth and pecked it, then held the luminous tag in its mouth, closed its eyes and sensed it on the spot for a while, and then swallowed the tag.

"When it comes to the first of three choices, and when it comes to the last of four, the seven stars are conjoined, all the way to the east, let's go!"

Muji said a few incomprehensible words, and then seemed to have exhausted his energy, standing there motionless, and his eyes lost their luster.

Chen Lin was confused and didn't understand the meaning of these words, but it was obvious that the other party could no longer answer him.

But he still kept these four sentences firmly in mind.

The other party gave him this trick because of Niuniu's amulet. Maybe it was really useful to him. Moreover, judging from the superficial meaning of these four sentences, it seems that they do not only correspond to the scene of the Demon Suppressing Temple, because there is no such thing here. Without stars, there would naturally be no scene of seven stars conjoined.

Is it possible that the other party can even figure out what happened to him in the outside world, and is there danger outside?

If this is the case, then there is no point in leaving here.

Chen Lin was disturbed by Mu Ji's operation. It took him a while to calm down, and then he backflips into the inner courtyard.

Just when his body had just crossed the courtyard gate, the sound of the wooden chicken appeared in his ears again.

"You won't die if you do as I say. When you see Her Royal Highness again, remember to tell her that Qingtou is still alive and waiting for her call!"

Chen Lin stood up straight, thought about the other person's words with a strange expression on his face, and then looked around.

The bird cage is gone!

The other scenes are similar to last time, with no changes.

In this case, the place is not refreshed every time you come in, but the old monk is special, or the other party did not sit down at all last time, but went into hiding.

With doubts, he walked around the courtyard first, and then walked directly into the main hall without stopping.

"Don't kneel down when you see the Buddha!"

As soon as they entered the main hall, an old voice sounded, and then they saw the long-nosed old monk kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, but it was not the same Buddha statue as last time, but another one.

He hesitated for a moment, but still answered as he had last time: "Food and wine have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart. Master, why should you stick to these details? You are obsessed with it!"

"Don't kneel down when you see the Buddha!"

What surprised Chen Lin was that the same conversation had no effect this time!

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