I practice cultivation cautiously in a strange world

Chapter 1400 Wind Transformation Technique

Chen Lin stretched out his hand and took the colorful fish out of the pool.

After checking it, he suddenly frowned.

Although the colorful fish's vitality was not much left, it was still some distance away from death, which made him puzzled.

With the power of the Seven Stars Shining Sun technique, even if you have just started, it is impossible not to kill even one colorful fish.

According to his speculation, even in the first stage of Banxu, it is normal for a fatal blow to be fatal.

The gap between expectations and reality is too big!


Chen Lin was about to throw the fish back into the pool when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

In his induction, the vitality of the colorful fish was still dissipating little by little.

Although it is slow, it is uninterrupted.

After thinking for a moment, he put the fish back into the pond.

Then use the power of the soul to track and observe.

Sure enough, his perception was correct.

The reason why life disappears is not that the fish leaves the water and remains the same after returning to the pool.

Chen Linruo realized something.

It seems that the energy of this divine star is still very special, and it is not a simple one-time damage.

But it is continuous.

However, the damage intensity is really too weak. At this rate of life passing, this colorful fish may be able to last a whole day.

The colorful fish is a creature of the nightmare world that cannot be lower. In terms of level, it is not even as good as the first-level monsters in the outside world.

It takes a day to kill such a life form. Even if it can cause continuous damage to the enemy, it will not have much effect.

Let alone the semi-virtual realm, dealing with a Jindan level cultivator would probably take years.

Chen Lin shook his head, waved his hand, and caught the colorful fish in his hand again.

Then use the Law of Life to inject the power of life into the colorful fish.

The colorful fish instantly glowed with life and became energetic.

Such a melodrama made Chen Lin frown again.

The lost vitality can still be recovered, so the attack effect will be even weaker.

It's not as good as a normal attack!

After pondering for a moment, he put the fish back into the water and continued to follow it.

Soon his eyes lit up.

The colorful fish that had regained its vitality showed signs of life decline again!

In this case, there are some tricks.

After looking around, I caught a few more fish and shrimps, all of which were attacked with divine star energy, and then compared and observed them.

after one day.

Chen Lin stood by the pool, his expression changing.

After more than a day of experiments, he finally determined that as long as he was attacked by the power of the God Star, the target's vitality would continue to decline, and it could not be stopped by any means.

until death.

But it’s not impossible to resolve.

As long as the vitality is constantly replenished and maintained, there will be no problem.

Therefore, the power of this attack depends on how much divine star energy it can release.

It's of little use temporarily.

Although he had tried it, Chen Lin still felt that such a mysterious technique should not be so weak.

The lethality is too low and does not match the word "Refining God" at all.

"Is it possible that it can only exert its power against Shinto practitioners?"

Chen Lin returned to his previous speculation.

Unless that's the case, it would be too fussy to make a fuss about a star text, a treasure chest, and a golden page.

But now that he can't get out, and there are no Shinto practitioners to test him, he can only suppress his doubts in his heart.

Concentrating his mind, Chen Lin stopped thinking about it.

Whether this is the case or not, you will find out after you leave.

No need to speculate now.

Next, he took out the secret bamboo scroll given to him by Qing Quan.

He sat on the edge of the pool, meditating and continuing to test the power of the divine star.

First I caught a crab.

After attacking with the energy of the God Star, put it back into the water and replenish it whenever its vitality decreases.

He was never allowed to die.

The purpose is naturally to determine whether the effect of the power of the God Star is permanent, and if not, how long it can last.

After fixing the crab in one place, Chen Lin focused on the bamboo roll.

"Wind Transformation Technique."

After unrolling the bamboo scroll, Chen Lin looked at the famous man with a look of surprise on his face.

This method was actually recorded in Taixu script. It seems that Qing Quan gave him this method with great care.

Taixuwen is mostly used by those who cultivate immortality, so the secret techniques recorded in Taixuwen are naturally more suitable for those who cultivate immortality.

Without dyslexia, Chen Lin quickly became immersed in the art.

It took a full hour to sort out the contents of the method.

A look of shock appeared on his face.

"nice one!"

Chen Lin put down the bamboo scroll, stood up and glanced in the direction of Tianji House.

This green partridge really gave him a great gift!

According to the records in the bamboo scroll, this Wind Transformation Technique is divided into three stages.

They are, follow the wind, control the wind, and transform into the wind.

Even in the stage of following the wind, one can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

It is an extremely high-level flying method.

At the wind control stage, not only can you fly, but you can also control the wind.

Whether it is used to fight enemies, or to move mountains and reclaim seas, it can be used.

The power is terrifying.

The most amazing thing is the wind transformation stage.

At this point, you can transform your body into wind, becoming invisible and blending in between heaven and earth.

It is truly turning into the wind, not hiding or manipulating.

It is equivalent to changing the form of life.

Of course, cultivating such an advanced thing will not be easy.

Not to mention the difficulty of the secret method itself, there are corresponding thresholds for each stage of cultivation.

In the Follow the Wind stage, you need to get started with the laws of the wind system.

This is not difficult.

He fits the bill.

But when it comes to controlling the wind, you need to have a small degree of wind law, and to transform into wind, you need to have a great degree of wind law.

So now he can only practice the Sui Feng part.

Chen Lin picked up the bamboo scroll again.

He decided to put other things aside and give priority to practicing this secret technique.

Because the flying spell is exactly what he lacks.

Although there is Thunder Escape Technique, its level is low. With this Wind Transformation Technique, it can make up for this shortcoming.

As for improving the wind law, this is not difficult.

When it stabilizes, just find a way to trade a few copies of the Light of Law. Although the Light of Law cannot make the user achieve great success, it is still possible to achieve small success.

After making a decision, Chen Lin began to study.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.


The originally calm water suddenly rippled, and then a figure flashed and landed on the edge of the pool.

Chen Lin nodded slightly.

The speed of this Wind Transformation Technique was faster than he imagined. It was much stronger than ordinary flying spells just after he started.

Moreover, this technique consumes very little energy and can be activated effortlessly with innate power, making it suitable for long journeys.

After getting started with the technique, you need to hone and improve it in use. The space in the fief is limited, so you can only wait until you get out.

Next, Chen Lin plans to enter the soul nest and continue reincarnation.

The gains from previous reincarnations have almost settled and can be endured a few more times.

The most important thing is that the soul nest does not take up time.

No matter how long you spend inside, it's just a moment outside and won't attract the green partridge's attention.

in addition.

If the law of destiny can be further improved, perhaps the lines for practicing the death gaze can be manifested. In that case, one can try to practice this unique secret method.

The level of this method was the only one he had ever seen in his life. The sooner he mastered it, the better.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin took a step forward and picked up the crab from the edge of the pool.

A strange color flashed in his eyes.

In the past two years, he has been providing it with life force without interruption.

He even injected some of his own life source into it.

But no matter what, it could not completely resolve the effect of the divine star energy.

The vitality of the crab is always slowly declining, and it cannot be controlled no matter what.

Chen Lin imprisoned the crab and threw it into the water.

Soon, a turtle discovered it, swam over, tested it a few times, then opened its big mouth and swallowed the crab directly.

After waiting for a while, feeling that the turtle had finished digesting the crab, Chen Lin took the turtle into his hand.

After some inspection, he threw it out again.

There was nothing unusual about the turtle.

In other words, the energy of the God Star is only effective on the target being attacked and has no transfer effect.

After the inspection, Chen Lin took another look at the direction of Tianji House, turned around and walked towards the cave.

After returning to the cave, take out the soul nest.

Then with a thought, he summoned the grass to return.

Although the soul nest reincarnation does not consume time, it is still better to have someone to guard it.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

"Master, I met a woman named Xu Wuye inside. Do you want to meet her?"

Xiaocao's figure appeared and he spoke immediately.

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