I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 266: Batman's crisis! Qitarui assembled!

Everyone lifted their spirits.

Batman's next action verified the words of Arrow.

He jumped into the air, the flying device behind him ejected air currents, and he rose into the air to the tarmac on the roof of the Stark Tower.

There is a corpse and a pool of blood here.

Anton didn't bother to look at it. His eyes fell on the protective position that was like an inverted bowl. The thing in the center of the protective bowl was the cosmic cube that released dazzling blue light and contained endless energy.

"Huh, what is that human going to do?"

At this time, some of the Zetarians discovered his movements.

In the universe opposite the space gate, the stormtroopers who were observing the earth also saw Batman's movements, with an ominous premonition, and immediately notified the leader.

Sitting upright in the universe, the leader of Zetaree, inside the largest biological battleship, saw Batman's actions through the broadcast of the soldiers, his eyes fell on the psychic scepter in Batman's hand, frowned, and shouted: "Stop him!"

As soon as the voice came out, the soldiers immediately spread the leader's order.

Suddenly, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers located on the earth, and the Zeta Swiss soldiers who are pouring into the earth from the universe, ignored the previous tactical preparations, completely ignored the enemy’s offensive, and obeyed the orders of superiors. Turning the direction of the aircraft, he dived towards Batman on the apron of Stark Tower.


At this time.

"...Now, it's time to close the door and beat the dog!"

Not long after the Green Arrow finished speaking, he was fierce and led his companions to rush towards the Zeta Swiss soldiers who surrounded them.

Whether it is a member of the Zhenglian partner, a member of the Special Forces, a member of the New York Police Task Force, or even the only representative in the reunion, Captain America, they are all united to guard the earth.


The Arrow shot an explosive arrow, knocking down a Zita Swiss soldier.

The abilities of the others are also not weak. They broke into the densely packed Zita Swiss soldiers and immediately triggered a series of large explosions of aircraft.

However, just two minutes after they exerted their power, they saw the Zeta Swiss soldiers suddenly turn their aircraft and instantly moved away from their position, seeming to be fleeing in a hurry.


General Hawke was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "They were beaten away by us?"

Not only him, many people are suspicious.

The Space Gate is located above the Stark Tower.

The Zeta Swiss soldiers galloped towards the Stark Tower, looking like they were fleeing.


Captain America, Steve Rogers spoke, looked at the direction of the departure of the Zeta Swiss soldiers, and made a judgment: "If you were them, would you run away at this time?"

Hawke was silent.

Of course he will not run, but will culminate the opponent more crazily, delaying time until the situation is reversed.

"It's Batman!"

Arrow's face sank: "They see the threat from Batman's actions, and their target is Batman!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.


Captain America yelled: "Go and support Batman. Batman must successfully close the space door."


at the same time.

The camera focused on Batman who was flying from the penthouse of Stark Tower to the upper apron, located on the blue beam of light.

Seeing the video broadcast by the camera, countless viewers, including many bigwigs from the military, watched this scene closely.

Batman is on the move!

One after another, the military leaders thought of what John Koehler said at the beginning of the incident.

Batman seems to be not unprepared for the invasion of aliens, and it seems that there is an early way.

According to Batman's past record, once Batman makes a move, it means victory is in sight.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning that these military leaders once again have a clear understanding of the terrifying forces that Batman assembled during this alien invasion.

"Since the battle is coming to an end, there is something you need to know."

"From the information I have, in addition to the official members of the Justice League that we know, Batman's helpers who appeared in this battle, there are also the following people..."

The military's top boss, General Colton looked solemn.

He was the early founder of the special forces that fought in Manhattan this time. Although he has long retired from the special forces, he still has a very high status within the US military.

Nowadays, many generals here are all his juniors, so I dare not make any mistakes.

Therefore, when he opened his mouth, the audience was quiet.

Colton picked up the information in his hand with a serious tone: "After investigation and comparison, we basically confirmed their identities... Reed Richards, Sue Stone, Johnny Stone, Ben Gray M... these four people, you may be relatively unfamiliar, but the next few people, you should be relatively familiar, especially one of them."

"Bruce Banner, Hulk, the subject that Rose once wanted to capture."

"Curtis Connors, Batman’s former opponent, Dr. Lizard, and the Green Devils, are unidentified. They are also Batman’s former opponents... Oh, yes, and that big mouse, his name Print, is the teacher of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

When the words fell, the others glanced at each other, and Qi Qi ignored the big mouse Sprint, who had a very low sense of existence.

"Unexpectedly, Batman actually included his former opponent as a partner."

"How courageous!"

"Hulk was also included by him? It seems that this guy concealed a lot of information when dealing with the Ross incident."

"Don't you and I know this in my mind?"

Everyone's voice gradually became louder.


Upon seeing this, Colton drank the discussion impatiently, and said solemnly: "The reinforcements will arrive in New York immediately. It seems that if Batman can successfully close the space gate, this incident will quickly calm down. Trust Batman. Fortunately, even though this matter was caused by the out-of-control of the Tianma Project, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the first responsible person, and the reunion is even more useless. The enemy actually controls the mind. We dispatched special forces to fight, which is enough to offset this part of the responsibility..."

"If this incident ends smoothly, then the key to us is how to face Batman?"

After a pause, he continued: "Also, put away your senseless pride and ambition now... Replace the Justice League with special forces? You all know that this is not realistic. After this battle, Batman's reputation will reach At the top, no one can replace it."

He said solemnly: "Even though we have a good cooperative relationship with Batman and a community of interests, he is not a member of the military after all. What I want to say is, is there a way to bind him to us? Go deeper?"

"It may not be possible to bind Batman, but we can bind Anton."

Suddenly, the Secretary of Defense, John Koehler, got up and said with certainty: "Anton Jameson is the only person who can communicate with Batman. According to our intelligence, there is a deep connection between him and Batman. The Jameson family that Anton belongs to has passed our strict political review and fully meets the conditions..."

After speaking, seeing that everyone did not understand, he changed his statement: "I mean, we can apply to the president to form a special military department and let Anton become the leader of this department. In this way, Anton Naturally bound to us, Batman will also accept our transfer to some extent because of Anton."

"Form a new military department?"

Colton pondered for a moment and frowned: "In what name are you going to achieve this goal?"


Koehler's gaze is blazing: "Everyone knows that aliens have not appeared on the earth for the first time. As early as the last century, Transformers, Cree people, and various alien relics found around the world have all proved that humans on earth. , Is not the only intelligent life in the universe."

"The world is constantly evolving. Our future is the sea of ​​stars. Sooner or later, we will come into contact with more aliens. It would be better to organize a military department in advance to establish contact with aliens, and even communicate and exchange what you need... …As far as I know, Batman and others have mysterious intelligence channels, and I even suspect that they have established contact with some alien visitors long ago!"

"That's a good idea."

Colton nodded, looked at John Koehler’s gaze, with a hint of appreciation, and then said: “In that case, when this matter is over, we will conduct an internal vote. If it passes, I will immediately report to the president. submit application."

"it is good."

"no problem."

The others nodded.


At this time, someone exclaimed: "All those alien soldiers assembled and killed Batman! Batman is in danger!"


Including Colton, they all breathed and turned to the big screen.

In the picture, the densely packed alien soldiers and the huge biological warship floating above Manhattan all turn around and kill in the direction of Stark Tower.

This scene appeared on the screen, like a cloud overwhelming the sky, attacking Batman in darkness.

Across the screen, everyone saw Captain America and others chasing after these soldiers, launching a powerful attack, knocking down several soldiers, and even knocking down a biological battleship, causing a violent explosion, but still unable to make these aliens. The soldier turned his head.

The Zeta Swiss soldiers on the periphery are completely reduced to targets~www.NovelMTL.com~ to protect the core troops in front, and to kill Batman with the maximum combat power.

"not good!"

Captain America, Rogers looked ugly, he gritted his teeth and said: "It's too late!"

Regardless of Rogers, everyone else is aware of this.

That's too late!

The enemy's movements are too fast, and all of them have aircrafts, their moving speed and maneuverability are far stronger than those of them.

The frightening thing is that the Zeta Swiss soldiers and the biological battleship are all assembled, and perhaps in a moment, Batman has been bombarded with unprecedented ammunition.

If Batman can survive this round of bombing, they will have time to rush to the scene to help Batman out of danger.

But if Batman can't make it, it's over!

It's not just New York that is over!

The earth may also be over!

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