A-Laws Outpost 065, which was originally a meteorite mine several hundred meters in diameter.

After the minerals inside the meteorite were emptied by the Federation, A-Laws built it into its current outpost, one of the closest outposts to mining areas in the Middle East.

“Shh~” The hangar in the outpost suddenly sounded a whistle, and I saw an officer standing at the foot of an MS and greeting the driver above, “I went out for a walk this time, but what did I gain?” ”

The MS driver floated down from above, shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s still the same old way, blowing up a few meteorites that they haven’t started mining yet.” ”

“Hahaha, it seems that you can’t do it, you look at me, after going out last time, I left dozens of space mines over there, and blew up several mining ships, although they are all autopilots, but at least they are glorious achievements, aren’t they?”

“Yes, and then you came back and were punished by your boss, which is also your glorious ‘record'” MS driver said jokingly and sarcastically.

“Hey, that’s because the people above are a group of people who are afraid of death, according to me, we should directly showdown with the UNSC guys now, and go directly to fuck him, the Federation is so strong and afraid of Mao.”


Suddenly, a loud noise spread throughout the outpost, and then the entire outpost began to shake violently, causing the two who had not made any preparations at all to be shaken upside down.

Fortunately, this is the universe, there is no gravity, otherwise it is estimated that the nose and face are swollen now.

“How… What’s going on, why all of a sudden…”

Beep~! Rumble!

Before the man’s words were finished, the seemingly solid gate was melted by a beam of light, and without the gate, the air in the hangar instantly rushed out, and everyone in the hangar was also taken out.

Outside the outpost, a UNSC Navy’s Halberd-class destroyer is firing high-energy beams and missiles into this side.

“Almost, directly start the magnetic acceleration cannon, finish fighting early and go back to life early.” The captain of the destroyer ordered.

A few minutes later, the gun port directly in front of the Halberd-class destroyer, after a few minutes of charging, a 600-ton solid iron-tungsten alloy projectile flew out of the barrel at 1% of the speed of light.

The projectile accurately hit the outpost not far away, and the huge kinetic energy impact caused the outpost to fall apart instantly, and in just a few minutes, a meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters turned into hundreds of pieces of different sizes.

After all this, the destroyer slowly left the scene.

An hour later, New York City, Earth Federal Headquarters.

Bang! There was a loud noise in the office of the Federal President, and I saw fragments of glasses scattered on the floor of the office, and the Federal President was standing with several high-ranking federal officials.

The federal president said angrily: “How many times have you said it, don’t mess with them for now, those damn A-Laws troops just don’t listen, now well, the three outposts that cost a lot of money to build are gone.” ”

“Mr. President, I don’t think A-Laws did anything wrong, they just sabotaged the periphery of the mining areas in the Middle East, they didn’t cross the border, on the other hand, the UNSC actually directly attacked our facilities, and we should condemn them.”

“Condemnation? There is a P use in condemnation, have we condemned them less in the past four years? The result? The other side took our words as P. ”

He sat down, covered his forehead, and sighed: “Go and tell Arthur Goodman to take care of his subordinates, and next time if this happens, let him write his resignation letter and come to see me.” ”

“I see, but what about the other thing? The UNSC’s attack on A-Laws outposts is now known even to civilians, and doing nothing will have an impact on the reputation of the federal government. ”

“Then scold them in front of the media, although the UNSC will treat it as if we are farting, but at least it can have the effect of appeasing the people, and this matter will be left to you.”



UNSC lunar base. Lin Ziyun is fiddling with a new coffee utensil, since Lin Ziyun became the captain of the Endless Ship, he likes to make his own coffee and drink it when there is nothing to do, which is one of his means to relieve the pressure of work.

Not long ago, when Wang Liumei returned to Earth, she also happened to know that Lin Ziyun had a hobby of making coffee and drinking, so she brought a set of coffee-burning utensils from Earth back to give him, which is the one he has now.

Lin Ziyun looked left and right at this set of equipment, scratched his cheeks, and said with a distressed expression: “Such a retro thing doesn’t even have a manual, how to get it, I already knew that it would be good to ask Wang Liumei to bring an automated appliance.” ”

While he was still struggling with his utensils, the door to his office opened and Lax walked in with a cute little girl in her arms.

The girl is about 3 or 4 years old, with a small pink mushroom head, and looks almost like Ram, the sister of the popular anime character Reim, but the difference is that the girl’s hair does not cover one eye.

And Lax, who held her, after four years, she became more feminine, and the little girl she held in her arms was simply a perfect wife.

Of course, she would have been a wife now.

That’s right, the little girl in her arms is Lin Ziyun and her daughter, after Lin Ziyun’s continuous efforts, Lax finally became pregnant four years ago, when Lin Ziyun was excited.

After being pregnant in October, Lax was on the moon when she gave birth to her, so Lin Ziyun named her ‘Lin Yue’.

Lin Yue jumped down from Lax’s arms, pulled Lin Ziyun’s pant leg and said: “Dad ~ hug ~”

Seeing his daughter’s appearance of pulling his trouser leg, Lin Ziyun was not light, he squatted down to pick her up, and said with a sip of incense on her face: “Oh~ My little baby is so good, I know to come here to visit my father.” ”

“Mama and I came here to ask Dad to come home for dinner.” Lin Yue said in a milky voice.

Lin Ziyun heard this and looked at the time, twelve fifty noon, he didn’t expect the time to pass so quickly, when he just started drumming these instruments, it was obviously around ten thirty in the morning.

“You, as soon as you get serious, you will forget the time, every time you want our mother and daughter to call you, next time we will not call you like this, directly eat first, too lazy to wait for you.” Lac said with a scolding tone.

Although she said this every time, she still came to call Lin Ziyun every time.

“Eh… Sorry wife, not hungry, right? Let’s go eat now. Lin Ziyun held her daughter in one hand and led Lax out of the office with the other.

PS: I’m going to speed things up.

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