I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 40 God’s grace is like the sea, God’s power is like a prison

"Everyone, please follow me,"

Led by the goddess Mee-e, everyone came to the 'main hall' of the shrine.

Here, the divine body, offerings and coins are usually stored, and it is the place where the gods live; the main hall is the most sacred part of the shrine, and humans are prohibited from entering.

However, since it is the will of the gods, this restriction will of course no longer exist: after all, the entire shrine is the territory of the 'Inari God', and there are naturally no taboos.


The wooden door that has been closed all year round was pushed open,

The setting sun shines into the main hall, painting a layer of golden color.

In this small shrine's 'main hall', there is only a fox mask enshrined.

And even this largest 'main hall', when everyone stepped into it under the leadership of the goddess Mee-e, it seemed crowded.

The next second,

The fox mask suddenly became lively.


The surrounding scenery suddenly changed,

The afterglow of the sunset turned into the scorching sun at noon, and the narrow main hall turned into an endless golden rice field!

"This is..."

"This is not a shrine!"

"Could it be that we have entered 'Takamagahara'?"

Just when everyone was surprised, a series of crisp bell sounds came from the front of the rice field.

Looking up, a blue-black strange beast slowly came: its ears were upturned, its eyes were narrowed, its cheeks were outlined with gold, its four hooves were followed by cloud patterns, and there was a huge bell on its neck, which was the source of the bell sounds heard by everyone.

On the back of this strange beast, a girl was sitting sideways.

The girl was wearing a white dress and a red hakama, dressed as a shrine maiden: but on her white dress, there were faint cranes and pine pattern decorations, and golden decorations on her head, with wheat ears hanging down left and right, matched with her face that was a mixture of gentleness, joy, and happiness, people felt refreshed at first sight.

"He is riding a donkey?"

America's female consultant: that is, Lieutenant Colonel Tina, subconsciously whispered this sentence, and was reminded by Nagisa Ichiha beside her.

"It's a fox."

There are donkeys in America, and the number of wild donkeys is rampant.

The strange beast that the "god" in front of him is sitting on is indeed somewhat similar to a slender donkey.

"Welcome to my kingdom of God, human beings."

The girl riding on a donkey, no, riding on a fox, came slowly. Wherever she passed, the golden wheat waves swayed layer by layer, as if welcoming their creator.

"I guess you have a lot of questions, but before that, I have something for you to see first-"

The girl's words have a strange accent, but when they fall into the ears of everyone, they are clear and obvious. No, this voice echoes directly in their minds. Even the two American consultants who should not understand it can still clearly understand the meaning.

Before everyone asks questions, the picture suddenly changes:


Amid the earth-shaking roar, circles of air waves visible to the naked eye spread out like a hurricane.

The air waves uprooted the trees on the ground and turned them into flying weeds!

What caused all this was:

Boom! !

A huge claw fell to the ground, and the earth trembled.

When the claw was lifted, countless dirt and rocks scattered, and a deep pit as big as a basketball court came into view.

? ? ?

Everyone looked up,

a giant beast as big as a mountain filled their sight.

The size of this beast was so terrifying, the giant trees that were more than ten meters high were just weeds under its feet, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked just by moving. The nine tails danced wantonly in the sky, as if it was a disaster that destroyed the world.

It was not as if, it was the disaster that destroyed the world!

In front of the beast that brought up circles of white air waves just by moving, densely packed "human figures" rushed over.

There were warriors wearing armor and ghost masks, running like galloping horses; there were powerful monks wearing bamboo hats and holding Zen sticks; there were also Yin-Yang masters riding on various "monsters", wearing wide robes, large sleeves and tall hats.

These "people" moved at an astonishing speed,

running at a speed that even modern armored vehicles could not catch up with.

Facing the trees blown by the air waves, the team did not slow down, and swung their swords in the air, cutting these obstacles into pieces halfway!

They were all extraordinary people!

As the two sides approached at high speed, these extraordinary people either chanted or made seals with their hands: spitting out rolling fireballs as big as cars, summoning water dragons with bared fangs and claws, or their bodies expanded out of thin air and turned into armored giants dozens of meters tall.

When the two sides met, the war broke out immediately!

The huge fireball whizzed past, and wherever it went, the ground that was not directly touched was pulled out into a bright and dazzling lava river;

The water dragon clawed and swung its claws, even the hills were knocked down by it, and the mud and rocks poured down like a waterfall;

The giant armored warrior swept across with his long sword, and the forest was broken in half like weeds

It can be said that the intensity is not inferior to modern artillery fire!

However, these extraordinary people still seemed so weak and powerless in front of the giant beast with nine tails: the tail of the mountain swept across, and the flames, water, and warriors were all unable to resist, turning into fragments and debris flying all over the sky.

The beast fought countless extraordinary people with its own strength, and it did not lose the upper hand.

In the fierce battle, the nine-tailed beast seemed impatient and suddenly opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

The dark light condensed into a ball, full of ominous signs of destruction; even the extraordinary people who were fighting fiercely changed their faces and fled in all directions, but it was too late:

The pitch-black ball was spit out by the giant beast and flew into the center of the fleeing 'crowd', followed by:


Endless light is born from darkness!

The whole world seemed to 'light up', and the black ball expanded into a 'sun' with a diameter of more than two kilometers in an instant, covering the entire battlefield:

blazing fire,

Incomparably dazzling light,

Endless high temperature and heat, just like the real sun!

The earth melted instantly under the 'sun' and turned into a giant pit; shock waves came around one after another, like billions of wild beasts flying out, crushing forests, rivers, and mountains! Everything in front of him was turned into ashes.

The dark clouds that were raging above the battlefield all disappeared under the light of the 'sun'; only a blinding whiteness remained in the entire sky. The strong light reflected into the clouds, and the high temperature directly caused the high-altitude clouds to evaporate again.

The shock wave is still continuing, and the cold air has not yet formed a backflow, but the vortex of the clouds above has formed, turning into the shape of a super giant tornado.

With one blow, it was a disaster that would destroy the world!

"Nuclear explosion?!"

"No, this power."

The light of the explosion reflected on everyone's shocked facial features,

This scene is even more terrifying than the 'little boy' and 'fat man' back then!

They are absolutely qualified to say this. As the only 'users' and 'used parties', the island countries and America are well aware of the power of nuclear weapons.



Although many novels and anime exaggerate the beauty of Tamamo-mae while ignoring his strength.

But after witnessing everything in front of them, no one from the island country would have any illusions about this golden-haired giant beast.

Except for the legendary 'white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox', no other existence would look like this.


The surrounding scenes changed again,

The desperate battlefield disappeared, and everyone was in the golden waves of wheat again.

"You should have guessed the identity of that demon king."

The gentle voice of the girl riding on the fox soothed the hearts of the frightened people.

"And I, you should also know."

"Yes, Master Yuqianjin."

Bowing deeply, Zhu Yachun and others were already convinced of the identity of the girl in front of them.

"Excuse me, what was that just now?"

"A war that took place more than a thousand years ago,"

"I know you have doubts in your hearts: because of that... Zizizi."

For a moment, everyone's minds suddenly felt as if a red-hot steel drill had been inserted and stirred, and they all covered their heads in pain.

"Ah, the human soul is too fragile. Just hearing the name of that person almost collapses."

The girl riding on the fox raised her hand to grab it, and a bunch of wheat ears appeared in her hand.

Then she waved the wheat ears in her hand, and dots of light fell on everyone. The severe pain that seemed to be torn into thousands of pieces in the next second disappeared quickly.

"It seems I can only keep it simple,"

"Hundreds of years ago, the human world gradually became no longer 'livable', and beings like me chose to leave one after another."

"However, just as the tide rises and falls, the phases of the moon change. Recently, this world, or as you say, this planet has once again experienced a spiritual tide."

While everyone was listening attentively, the girl pointed downward.

"The spiritual energy tide will be centered on this place and sweep across the world again."

"The first ones to wake up are those monsters that have left behind their 'backup for resurrection'."


Reminiscent of the explosion of the 'Killing Stone' a year ago, the facial features of the officials of the island country were distorted and deformed.

Bastard, why start from the island country, from Tokyo?

"Don't worry, I will protect you just like I did thousands of years ago."


Just at this time,

The American male consultant took a step forward.

"These are just your words, why should we believe-?!"

Halfway through his words, he couldn't make a sound anymore.

His mouth and tongue seemed to be strangled by an invisible force.


"Are you questioning me?"

The girl riding on the fox sighed and lowered her eyes.

"Always so arrogant and arrogant. Maybe I am too kind, which gives you the illusion that you can be equal to me?"

After saying that,

The girl waved the wheat in her hand again.

This time, it's no longer therapy.


America's male consultant suddenly found that his mouth and tongue could move again.

However, he has only one sound left: scream!

The body under the clothes and the hands and face exposed suddenly started to squirm, as if there were countless mice scurrying below, or as if roots were spreading——


With a soft sound, two vines pierced his eyes and grew wantonly!

Then, a thicker vine emerged from his mouth, cutting off his screams.

Then his hands and chest. In the blink of an eye, this 'tree' growing out of his body replaced the existence of America's male consultant.


As the trees continue to grow and unfold, buds sprout from the branches and flowers bloom.

What a lively look!

If it weren't for that broken American military uniform.

? ? ? ?

"Disrespectful human beings,"

The girl sitting on the fox seemed to be bored and waved her hand.

"Maybe I should follow their advice and wait until half of humanity dies before projecting power to this world?"


The next second,

Everyone's eyes blurred again.

"This is"

"The main hall of the shrine,"

"Ah~~~Lieutenant Colonel Mirol?!"

The screams beside him brought the others back to their senses, and what they saw was a blooming cherry tree!

It's just that the trunk of this tree is still "wrapped" with a blond and blue-eyed corpse.

"He still has a pulse,"

Director Takeya spoke first, with his fingers on the wrist of Lieutenant Colonel Mirol, who had merged with the tree.

"Lieutenant Colonel Tina, regarding your personnel's disrespect for our country's gods, I will report to the Prime Minister's Office in person and protest."

After speaking, the boss of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department pointed outward with a gloomy face.

"Now, please leave!"

Damn American beast,

You are used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and you are so presumptuous in front of gods?


PS: God. It’s not easy to write, so just read it as it is. (Guilty)

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