I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 50 Nothing to do today

early morning,


Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from the second floor, and the figure of Qiu Riyu, who was cooking, flashed up, carrying lightning and wind - literally flying up the stairs at lightning speed, and suddenly opened the door.

"Qiong, what's wrong?"

The autumn dome that came into view was holding pesticides, spraying them everywhere in panic.

"Wait, wait~~ Stop spraying."

Stepping forward to grab the insecticide from the girl's hand, Qiu Riyu couldn't help but flap her nose.

"How can you use it like this?"

“But, but there are mosquitoes~~”

Throwing herself into Qiu Riyou's arms, the girl pointed to her arm in grievance, and the redness and swelling on her fair skin were clearly visible.

What? !

Damn mosquitoes, watch me scatter you, scatter your teeth! !

Fortunately, Akira Yuu still had sense and did not use ninjutsu in his room. However, summer is here, and it is indeed time to prevent and control mosquitoes.

"Let me handle it."

There was a smell of pesticide in the air.

If Qiong continued like this, it would be unclear whether the mosquitoes would die or not, and Qiu Riyu, who had a keen sense of smell, couldn't bear it anymore.

“Go down and eat first”

Dong dong dong,

Opening the window for ventilation, the two of them went down to the first floor, and there was a knock on the door.


In fact, there is no need to ask. With Qiu Riyu's current strength, even through a door, he knows who is outside.

"Nao, good morning."

The person outside the door was Nao, the squad leader who lived not far away.

"Yu, summer is here and mosquitoes are rampant. This is my mother's homemade lemongrass oil to share with you."

In the monitor's hand, he held a box of yellow-brown essential oil that exuded a refreshing aroma.

"Thank you, that helped a lot."

Lemongrass oil, a commonly used mosquito repellent;

Traditional housewives would cultivate their own lemongrass and extract their own essential oils.

"Want to have breakfast together?"

Facing Qiu Riyu's invitation, the monitor took a half-step forward and then took it back.


"Mom has prepared breakfast, see you later."

"Okay, see you later."

"Qiong, come and apply some citronella oil."

"I do not want,"

In the living room, Qiu Riqiong, who had his head tilted, looked unhappy.

"I don't want to use that woman's stuff."

"Aunt Yiai did this. Don't be willful. Come on -"

She dipped a little sesame oil on her fingertips and gently rubbed the arm that was pressed against Qiuri Qiong. Although the girl said no, she didn't move away.

"It'll be fine soon,"

In fact, Akira Yu has secretly used medical ninjutsu to help Qiong cure the redness and swelling.

If those dignitaries who were queuing up and waiting for Tiannu Ying's treatment knew about it, they would surely shed tears, right?

"Yu, Xiaoqiong."


After eating, I went out, not far from Qiuri's house, where the monitor was already waiting.

"Let's go."

The three of them went to school together,

Just like other ordinary students.

"Summer is here, your swimming club will be open again, right?"

On the way, Qiu Riyu thought of this problem from the mosquito repellent oil that the other party sent him in the morning.


The swimming pool of Hotami High School is open-air. In summer, it is the time when the swimming club is active, that is to say:

"Sorry, there are club activities after school, maybe in the next few months"

We can't go home from school together.

"It doesn't matter,"

Qiu Riyou doesn't care about this.

The focus of the autumn sky next to it is on the majestic peaks of the monitor.

Swimming lessons are naturally inseparable from the classic "dead reservoir water". And that kind of close-fitting swimsuit can best show off your figure.

Comparing the two of them, it was a complete defeat!

Looking down at his chest, Qiu Riqiong tilted his head.



Qiu Riyu scratched his head at his suddenly angry sister.

Is it because of mosquitoes?

I decided to get an insect psychic beast to get rid of mosquitoes.

Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, today is also a peaceful day for Qiu Riyu.


However for others:

Chiyoda Ward, Prime Minister's Official Residence, Conference Room.

The small conference room was full of people, and almost all the executives of the island country who were qualified to know the extraordinary truth were here.

The Prime Minister of the Cabinet, also commonly known as the Prime Minister, was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Chairman of the National Public Security Commission, the Minister of Defense, etc., as well as the Army General (equivalent to Lieutenant General) Oba Akiya of the First Division. .

Of course, in addition to people from the island countries, people from America were also sitting in the conference room, and the leader was Brigadier General Thomas.

So many top people gathered together, of course, for what happened last night.

"Four new extraordinary ones appeared, and an entire regiment of modern weapons and equipment was lost."

Such shocking information made Brigadier General Thomas shake his head after hearing it.

American soldiers are also human beings. Those extraordinary beings can control the island nation's Self-Defense Forces quietly. Naturally, they can also control the American Marines: From the picture on the projector next to it, it can be seen that whether they are facing 'armored warriors' or That 'Mr. Three', ordinary soldiers and policemen couldn't even pull the trigger.

How can we fight this battle!

"What is the other party's ability?"

"Hypnosis, mental manipulation, or physical dominance."

America has made so many superhero movies, so he is naturally very familiar with 'superpowers'. Although he doesn't know what type of superpower the island country has, as long as he knows how it works, he can try to counter it.

"This armored warrior,"

Pointing to the screen, Director Zhuya stood up and explained.

"The soldiers were clearly conscious, but they had lost control of their bodies."

"Our experts tend to believe that the other party has the ability of 'physical dominance', and..."

Although it is said that ‘family scandals should not be made public’, but thinking about the government being penetrated like a sieve, Director Zhuya simply said:

"The other party is very likely to be someone from our Self-Defense Forces."

? !

Da Tingzhao, the general of the first division, was stunned and almost denied the three companies in a classic way.

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

"The other party came straight to the weapons depot, but consciously avoided the cameras on the way. He was very skillful in controlling the soldiers to open the door, which almost shows that they were together."

An insider committed the crime!

Especially that 'extraordinary armor' didn't kill any soldiers. When did youkai become so kind?

However, there are only 800 people who are eligible to visit the Self-Defense Forces. After all, the political relations in the island country are complicated, and many of them are in-laws who look up but never look down. Political marriage has always been the only magic weapon to maintain the family and prevent rapid decline.

"I will be responsible for investigating the Self-Defense Forces,"

Lu General Da Tingzhao took the initiative to take over the task, but he was not prepared to find out anything.

If he really wants to find out the truth, not to mention that the other party may be an acquaintance, but only the equipment and weapons of a regiment in his hand: the casualties caused by the sudden attack are incalculable.

But you can’t really be an ostrich and turn a blind eye, right?

Oh, extraordinary, extraordinary!

For some reasons, the self-defense forces of the island country adhere to the principles of 'quality over quantity' and 'sea and air priority'.

The navy, which has always been well-paid, has even surpassed the old country of England. But the current situation is, should we let the naval guards drive warships into Tokyo Bay, or let the air guards bomb Tokyo?

"We, the Army Guards, need more military spending!"

Everyone present was an 'informed person', and Lu General Da Tingzhao also risked his life.

"UAVs, robotic dogs, and exoskeleton armors are what we need most right now, these are the light weapons that can show off their skills in urban street fighting!"

Be it warships or fighter planes, these things cannot be used against the mainland. Facing the endless emergence of extraordinary beings with terrifyingly high maneuverability, it is still up to the Lu Wei to take over. In this case, Lu General Da Tingzhao naturally took the opportunity to ask for money.

When the cannon goes off, there is ten thousand taels of gold; without money, how can we fight a war?


The prime minister nodded and agreed, it is inevitable that military spending will be tilted.

Even the American aircraft carrier fleet cannot sail to Tokyo to eliminate Chaofan: Besides, with America's style, it is hard to say whether Chaofan can be eliminated, but it is easy to reduce the place to ruins.

In this regard, the American military, which had received instructions early, did not object.

If we don't let the island country's land guards deal with Chaofan, how about letting their marines take over?

What a joke!

The soldiers of the above country are so precious, how can they be used so easily?

As for what happened not long ago when the Black Hawk team rushed to snatch the island nation's extraordinary things, that was done by my predecessor, Nico. What does it have to do with these old white guys?

"To deal with Chaofan, the best one is Chaofan."

Lieutenant General Thomas spoke,

"I heard that there are three extraordinary beings in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department."


Director Zhuya's face was gloomy, the so-called 'internal and external troubles' were nothing more than this.

"Of course, these are all valuable talents of the island country. We in America will not embarrass heroes, so——"

"Extraordinary serum, we want five!"

? !

His vision went dark, and Director Zhuya almost fainted on the spot.

In the secret base in Setagaya District, five extraordinary serums have just been extracted!

Even a place like that has been penetrated like this, hey~~

Not only Director Zhuya, but also other high-ranking officials from the island country all had ugly expressions: Regardless of whether there are "island traitors" among them, at least at this time, their attitude must be shown.

"I can't make the decision. Please discuss it with the Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Director Zhuya squeezed out these words almost from between his teeth.

After hearing this, the Foreign Minister's face suddenly turned uglier, and he had to bite the bullet and speak.

"Five, that's too many."

"Hmph, you already have Tanimura Watari and the extraordinary dog ​​he transformed into your hands."

He slapped the table hard,

Brigadier General Thomas finally showed his face as Lord Shangguo.

"This is just the first batch. The basis of our cooperation is that both parties share all extraordinary resources!"

Since it’s shared, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is still mine!

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