I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 65 You regret my shadow

Tap tap tap,

The girl came down from the second floor with her laptop in her arms and sat next to Qiu Riyu who was in a daze.

"The government openly acknowledges the existence of the supernatural."

"Oh? So fast~~"

As soon as his eyes moved, Qiu Riyu's eyes fell on the laptop, which was playing the island country's 'NHK 7 o'clock news'.

Looking at this situation, it should be that all channels and all platforms are live broadcasting simultaneously.

"Please rest assured that the cabinet will protect everyone's safety!"

On the news screen, the Prime Minister of the island country announced with a serious face:

"From now on, each prefecture, province, and county will set up extraordinary countermeasures departments, which will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Security and under the unified control of Tokyo."

"In addition to earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, fire and other disaster rehearsals, each school has added extraordinary rehearsals"

Except for the prime minister of the island country, all senior cabinet officials stood in a row, with serious faces as a background, endorsing a large number of bills that were about to be implemented.

"The Metropolitan Police Department has established a new 'Extraordinary Countermeasures Section', and the Self-Defense Force has established a 'Special Response Force.' The government is looking forward to warriors who are ambitious and willing to contribute to the protection of the island country to join us."

"The salaries and benefits of the above departments are as follows."

The tone was set, and the police and self-defense forces began to expand their recruitment and significantly increase their salaries.

Then the screen switched to a real battle scene: the earthquake catfish was pushed back continuously by artillery fire and was finally submerged in gunpowder smoke; the giant Rashomon was penetrated by the high-speed rotating tornado of minions and collapsed.

Also interspersed during this period were two dashing female police officers wearing exoskeleton armor and jumping from an armed helicopter;

And Tanimura Watari walked out with two dogs, a serious look on his face, and wearing a special police uniform.

There are also a large number of armored vehicles roaring out and Self-Defense Force soldiers trotting forward!

These pictures have been prepared long ago, and every second and every frame has been carefully edited. What they show is that the self-defense forces of the island country are fighting bravely and fearlessly, and the "super special police officers" of the Metropolitan Police Department are invincible heroes and extraordinary beings. It seems vulnerable to modern weapons and extraordinary SWAT police.

If they wave their hand, they will be eliminated by the government. They can only avoid the iron fist of the state like mice; they are just singing and dancing to achieve peace, but only the insiders know the heavy price.

"If any citizen discovers a suspected paranormal phenomenon or existence, please do not contact them rashly and call the following number immediately."

"This cabinet government once again promises to put the safety of citizens as its top priority!"


Touching his chin, Qiu Riyu spoke.

"This time the 'extraordinary' is directly exposed to everyone's eyes, although~~"

It still has nothing to do with most people.

The 'Hundred Ghosts True Spirit' projected by Qiu Riyu is not false. As long as someone or an animal picks it up, it can become a new transcendent. It depends entirely on luck. Even so, for the island country's population of hundreds of millions, the chance is still one in a million, which is rarer than winning the first-class jackpot.

But Qiu Riyu is not in a hurry, everything is according to his plan.

Take your time and create the extraordinary. It is also extraordinary!

"Qiong, if you could have extraordinary power, what would you want?"

After hearing Qiu Riyu’s words,

The girl next to him rolled her eyes at him.

"Wake up, we are already high school students."

"Furthermore, extraordinary power is a double-edged sword. Obtaining it means fighting."

The girl's slender fingers switched the screen, and a picture of Tanimura Watari falling appeared: blood splattered on his forehead, and his body was in tatters. It was as miserable as it could be.

"I don't want to end up like this, but-"

"If it's to protect you, that's not impossible."

Facing the girl's serious gaze, Qiu Riyu resisted the urge to complain.

Even my own ‘Da Tong Mu’ needs protection, and there is no need for this world to exist.

"Then forget it."

Let’s talk about when the strength will crush the whole world.

After ending the conversation with a pun, Qiu Riyu's eyes fell on the live news broadcast and his eyes moved.

In the corner of the screen, he saw an extraordinary policewoman coming behind the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, whispering something, and the boss of the Tokyo police turned around and left in a hurry.


What else did the Metropolitan Police find?

Asking a nearby crow to fly over, Qiu Riyu became interested and prepared to watch the show.



In the lobby of the Metropolitan Police Department, naked murderous intent and blood were mixed together.

The huge military dog ​​with one leg missing bent down and let out a low growl from its throat. This was its gesture of warning the enemy.

Even if there is its former 'trainer' on the opposite side, it has its own position after gaining extraordinary power.


On the other side, the Shiba Inu, who was also two meters tall, burst into tears and roared!

Even the Shiba Inu, which is famous for its "cheeky" appearance, is a beast that can make countless people retreat in fear once it is as big as an elephant: not to mention that with their "demon power", they can tear an elephant apart with just their claws.

"Ms. Yagi, make them stand down!"

Opposite the two giant dogs were policemen and members of the Self-Defense Forces with various weapons aimed at them.

Even though they were only facing two 'dogs', everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, sweating like rain. The leading section chief was trembling all over, as if he would collapse to the ground in the next second.

Because there are already several corpses lying on the ground!

"Don't even think about it——"

Protected by two giant dogs, the girl fell to the ground holding Tanimura Wataru's body.

With her power, she couldn't even hug her beloved.

Fortunately, there was the extraordinary dog ​​left by her lover.

"Watari is mine! What do you want to do with his body?"


The leading section chief moved his lips, but couldn't speak.

What else can he do?

Of course, dissection, analysis, and experiment. Make use of every hair, every inch of skin, and every drop of bone marrow of Watari Tanimura!

But how could such words be said, even if the girl on the opposite side obviously knew it.

"Ms. Yagi, the dead cannot be resurrected, please accept my condolences."

"With the current situation of the island country, we must study the secret of the extraordinary as soon as possible"

"Shut up!"

The girl on the opposite side,

didn't want to hear anything like "family and country justice".

"Watari is obviously a hero who saved everyone, but you are eager to snatch his body. I won't believe any of your words! Get out of the way, otherwise-"

"Mocha, Mai,"

When Watari Tanimura was dying, he let the two demon dogs obey the girl. This was her only power to resist.

Even if she dies, she will not hand over the ferry to anyone!



Just as the situation was about to turn into a bloody brawl, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open.


The voice filled with anger broke the tense atmosphere.

Everyone subconsciously looked over, and the person who came was the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department: Takeya Haru.

"Put down your guns!"

Amid the roar of the other party, the policemen holding their guns trembled all over, and the weapons in their hands seemed to be hot irons, and they were subconsciously thrown away.

Although the members of the Self-Defense Forces were not so afraid, they also lowered their guns.

They didn't want to get involved in the fight between big men.

Tap, tap,

Quickly came to the leading section chief, and Director Takeya's glasses showed bloodshot.

"Who gave the order?"



The round slap held back the words of the section chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the whole person was slapped and spun to the side, and several teeth flew out.

Grabbing the other person's collar and pulling him back, Director Takeya, with a ferocious expression as if he wanted to eat people, asked again.

"Who gave the order?"

"Yes, yes."

His cheeks swelled up instantly, and blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth. The head of the section chief who had been beaten stupidly was blank and could not say a complete sentence.

"It was me,"

The door was pushed open again, and an elderly man with a gloomy face walked in.

"Minister Matsumura?"

Throwing away the section chief in his hand, Director Takeya turned around.

"You gave the order directly without asking me, the director, what a great official power!"

". The situation is urgent. Now the island country is in turmoil. We don't have so much time to waste."

The elderly man called 'Minister Matsumura' stopped at the door, surrounded by a group of fully armed soldiers, and spoke forcefully.

"The body of Tanimura Wataru must be dissected immediately--"

"Roar!!!" X2

The pupils of the two giant dogs were red, and they subconsciously moved forward, and the saliva on their fangs dripped onto the floor!

It was obvious that they understood what the other party meant: if it weren't for protecting the 'mistress' behind them, they would have started a massacre long ago.

"Minister Matsumura, the Metropolitan Police Department is in charge of all extraordinary affairs. How to place Mr. Tanimura's body is up to me, and you have no right to interfere."

? !

"Take Masaharu, I'm the Public Security Committee Chairman!"

The old man's face showed anger. In theory, he was the superior of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.


"I'm the director!"

Take Masaharu retorted with one sentence.

Theory is theory, reality is reality: the cabinet changes every three years, even if it is re-elected, it is only six years, and the ministers are constantly changing.

But Take Masaharu has been in the position of 'Tokyo Metropolitan Police Director' for 16 years! He has a huge family behind him, and he is not a political 'amateur'. In the field of Tokyo police, it is not a boast to say that the relationship network is complicated!

If he really fights, he will not be afraid even if he is the theoretical superior.


The old man on the opposite side pointed at the other party tremblingly, but could only hold back his anger.

"You will regret it!"

After saying that, the old man turned around angrily.


The door was slammed shut.


Under the gaze of the two giant dogs, Director Takeya passed through the middle and came to the girl holding Tanimura Wataru's body.

"I'm sorry,"

He didn't bow, but chose to half-squat down.

"It was my mistake. I didn't expect the public security to intervene."

"Director, is this another 'performance'?"

Faced with the girl's questioning, Director Takeya smiled bitterly.

"Not really."

"No, you think I'm acting."

At this point, Director Takeya simply sat cross-legged on the ground without caring about his manners.

"At my position, I can't even tell when I'm acting and when I'm sincere."

"But - I'm very sad about Mr. Tanimura's death."

"Just think of it as the loss of a capable subordinate."

With his hands on his knees, Director Takeya looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

"Please believe that I, Takeyaharu, may not be a good person, but I'm definitely not a 'heartless' bastard."

"Mr. Tanimura's body, as long as you don't agree, I will never let anyone touch it!"

"Hero, this shouldn't be the ending."

As a true 'noble', Takeyaharu was excellent in both character and learning since childhood. He easily graduated from the University of Tokyo. After graduation, he started as a police inspector, and was promoted one level a year. In five years, he was promoted to the Chief of Police of the Metropolitan Police Department, and then the Imperial Palace Superintendent, the Director of the Public Security Bureau of the National Police Department, the President of the National Police University, and the Director General of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

In just ten years, he has reached a height that countless island elites can hardly reach in their lifetime.

His life can be described as 'smooth sailing'.

The reason why he has been a director for 16 years is that he can't be promoted any further!

Entering the cabinet, on the contrary, has many restrictions.


"So, I have the qualifications to be willful."

Winking at the girl, the director, who is already fifty years old, stood up.

"Just consider it as my last respect for the hero, but: these two extraordinary dogs will stay in the Metropolitan Police Department, please understand."

"They are treated the same as the chief of police, don't worry about..."

"I will protect Du myself!"

The girl raised her head. In just a few hours, the innocence and immaturity she once had faded away, leaving only determination.

"I want to become extraordinary too, just..."

"Use Du's blood!"

Du, we will be together forever.

Power, authority. One day, I will bring you back!

When the time comes:

"Is that so? But, Ms. Yagi"


Holding the body in her arms, the girl interrupted Director Takeya's words.

"From today on, I am Hoshino Tamura!"

"Okay, Mrs. Tamura."

"About the key to becoming extraordinary"

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