
The strong wind outside the window made the trees roar,

The air that rushes through the building drags out a long echo, reminding the tiny humans hiding in the building of the power of nature.

"Sure enough, the wind picked up,"

In the living room, Qiong, who was browsing with a laptop, pointed his fingers.

"Brother, something big happened again."

"The minister sent some photos: This typhoon is not a normal phenomenon, but a supernatural invasion!"

"Oh? Let me see~~"

Yuu, who was in a daze on the other side, leaned over and saw a large number of "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" swimming in the sea from the blurry photos, as well as three extraordinary leaders: Crab Princess, Kujira, and Kai Ninja.

"A large-scale invasion by so many extraordinary beings?"


Qiong replied while sending a message to his minister.

"Currently, we have observed more than 500 low-level extraordinary beings, three high-level extraordinary beings, and——"

“Typhoon ‘Evanni’!”

If there is no extraordinary world, then the typhoon's change of course is just a 'natural phenomenon'.

But when this extraordinary thing appeared, the typhoon ‘Evanni’ was definitely not a natural phenomenon: with so many extraordinary beings following behind the typhoon, how could it be natural?

I just don’t know, what is the true identity of this ‘typhoon’?

"That's it~~"

Yuu had an expression of 'so awesome' on his face.

"But that's all the big shots' problem, we just need to take shelter."

Watching a show by the way: Although on the stage, it’s Yu ‘himself’.


Yokosuka Base,


Suddenly hearing that the typhoon was turning towards him, the white lieutenant general who had been leisurely 'watching the show' suddenly stood up.

"That extraordinary typhoon, why."

Facing his question, Brigadier General Thomas in the room spread his hands.

"General, the problem we are facing now is not why the typhoon is coming to us. It is -"

How to respond?

"Sound the level one alarm!"

"All warships enter combat status!"


The white lieutenant general hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and ordered.

“Typhoon ‘Evanni’!”


I never imagined that one day I would have to lead troops to face the ‘gods’.

Those Christian trash in the country can't even bend a spoon, let alone scold the devil!

"Send the Seventh Fleet to intercept the opponent at sea!"

Although fighting a 'Typhoon' sounds ridiculous, now we have no choice but to bite the bullet.

Unfortunately, the invincible aircraft carrier could not participate in the battle, and the small ships were too risky, so the Blue Ridge could only lead a few cruisers to attack.


As the typhoon approaches,

The waves outside Tokyo Bay are getting bigger and bigger.

The sea is ups and downs like mountains. Just looking at the rising and falling momentum, there is a majestic and irresistible force between heaven and earth.

The small yacht is like a leaf in the wind and waves, floating and swaying in the vast ocean, as if it will be capsized at any time!

"No, we can't go any further!"

“Can turn it over”

The female college student stuck her head out of the cabin and shouted to the deck:

"Xi Ji, we can only send you here."

Don't use clichés, it's good to be able to survive the scene in front of you.


Standing on the deck, letting the yacht rise and fall in the waves under her feet, the still motionless little girl turned around and walked towards the cabin.

"Thank you, big sister, for giving me a ride, then"

Seeing the little girl raise her hand, a group of college students immediately became nervous.

I was afraid that the other party would say "You are useless" in the next second, and then take out a giant hammer and hit each of them.


The little girl did not conjure up a giant conch hammer. There was a pearl in her open palm?


"This is 'Mermaid Tears', it's a very beautiful piece of jewelry."

"It's given to you as shipping fare."

? !

"Ah, Pearl?"

After hesitating for a moment, the leading female college student stretched out her hand and took the pearl.

After all, no woman can refuse such shiny things.

"It's not just good-looking,"

"If you eat it, you can become a 'mermaid'."

"You can change between human and mermaid at will, then I'm leaving~~"

Crab Girl waved her white and tender hand, and the other hand was a giant crab claw. She jumped up, flew out of the yacht lightly, and fell towards the sea.


"Is that it?"

"Capable of becoming extraordinary"

As Crab Girl left, the eyes of everyone in the cabin fell eagerly on the palm of the female college student.



Unlike yachts that can’t even get close to the outside of typhoons,

The "Black Feather" Maya-class destroyer, which has a displacement of 8,200 tons and carries more than 200 people, is advancing through the waves within the typhoon range.

The triangular bow of the ship crashed into the waves, and a large number of towering radars cut out white tracks in the strong wind. That was the rain that came with the typhoon. Even the most advanced destroyers still looked a little inadequate in the face of the power of heaven and earth.

"Kai Nin-dono, keep moving forward."

The bearded captain, who had a broken arm and simply bandaged it to stop the bleeding, endured the pain and spoke.

"You'll be under fire, right?"

A woman dressed as an ancient ninja looks towards the gray sky overseas with one eye.

"People in this era are incredibly weak."

"But in terms of agencies, it has developed to an astonishing level. But -"

Looking up to the sky, the female ninja said calmly:

"The old man is here."



"Damn, this weather fight."

On the amphibious command ship USS Blue Ridge, Navy Captain McCormack, who was almost 60 years old, chewed the pipe in his mouth.

The 'Blue Ridge' under his feet has a full load displacement of 18,372 tons. It is only equipped with two eight-mounted MK25 'Sea Sparrow' ship-to-air missile systems, two MK33 twin-mounted 76mm naval guns, and two Mxl5' Phalanx 'The short-range air defense weapon system's combat effectiveness is simply tearful.

However, it is essentially a command ship, with a crew of 821 and a command staff of 190.

With a displacement of nearly 20,000 tons, it can ignore bad weather and has strong anti-interference and communication capabilities, but——

"This is not the reason for us to fight against Typhoon!"

"Isn't that guy afraid of becoming the second 'Halsey'?"

In the 1940s, when America was still at war with island nations, it dispatched a 38th task force fleet consisting of 7 large aircraft carriers, 6 escort carriers, 8 battleships, 13 cruisers, and 56 destroyers. He rushed towards the non-concierge menacingly, preparing to destroy the island's air and navy.

As a result, the most powerful formation in the world at that time ran into the super typhoon 'Cobra' of level 17. In front of the huge waves, the tens of thousands of tons of aircraft carriers were like toys in the hands of the waves, swaying left and right. Tossing up and down.

After the typhoon, three destroyers of the 38th Task Force were sunk, 13 aircraft carriers and many warships including the battleship USS Iowa were damaged, 146 carrier-based aircraft were destroyed, and about 800 officers and soldiers were killed and missing.

The American Navy suffered huge losses in the Typhoon!

Compared with such heavy losses, the mere "Bermuda" is not even a fraction.

Now we have to face another level 15 super typhoon. The command room is filled with solemnity, and many veteran navy officers are unsure of what to do.

After all, battleships are built to deal with fleets of other countries, not to deal with typhoons: thinking about the goals of these operations, Colonel McCormack felt a headache.

On the other hand, he was confident that he could fight against those 'extraordinary beings'.


"Typhoon has entered our range, please give instructions."

Indicate what?

First fire ten base missiles at the sky, and then fire ten base missiles at the sea?

Even the experienced old colonel was somewhat helpless about the situation in front of him.

Fortunately, they hesitated, but the other party came to the door.


Suddenly there was a huge flash of light in the sky above our heads!

Dazzling lightning pierced the sky, coating all of America's fleet with a layer of luster. At the same time, sharp-eyed sailors shouted:


"There are extraordinary beings——"

? ? ?

The modern fleet relies on radar/optical fire control to lock on targets, which has eliminated the profession of 'lookout', but it still has a visual acuity requirement of no less than 4.8.

So soon someone noticed the figure floating in the sky:

That was an old man, no, no, he was an old man.

He was wearing a sky-blue robe, with deep black under the long sleeves of the robe, as if the sea was rolling in it. His old facial features were still sinister, and his white beard and eyebrows were drifting in the wind. He was busy floating in the sky in front of the America flagship. Angry and self-defeating.

"Human, I am the elder of the Suzukayama family——"

"Hai Ming."

As the old man's voice thundered through the entire fleet, the sea below suddenly surged and boiled, as if to annotate his name:

The sea is roaring and screaming!

"Mr. Haiming, what do you want?"

After a few seconds, the sound of the loudspeaker came from the flagship Blue Ridge, which seemed intermittent in the strong wind.

Don't blame America for being slow to respond. What age is this? Semaphores and signal lights are outdated, and radio waves are the best way to communicate. This kind of throat-splitting communication, even in the roaring wind, is a rare sight in a century.

"My country, the Sea, lost a member of its clan in this sea area."

"Hand over the person, otherwise——"

? ? ?

in the cabin,

A group of American naval officers looked at each other, all black people with question marks.

Are you kidding me, America has always been the only one who has been embarrassed. Well, in short, shouldn’t this kind of ‘finding trouble’ excuse be their usual tactic, right?

Not to mention them, even the Yokosuka Base, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and other important figures who paid attention to this battlefield through various channels were stunned.

Dignified America,

When have you ever been bullied at your doorstep?

"Mr. Haiming. We don't know. People from the Haiguo tribe, please leave!"

As the voice of rejection came from the flagship, there were also:

Puff puff puff puff puff,

The 'Hai Ming' floating in mid-air instantly tore out countless huge gaps. This was the attack of the 'Phalanx' close-in defense artillery.

When used to deal with humanoids, it really feels like a "cannon to kill mosquitoes".

Unfortunately, America is not facing mosquitoes:


The broken ‘Hai Ming’ suddenly turned into liquid,

"Is this your declaration of war? I received it--"

The black liquid suddenly flew into the sky and sank into the clouds, and then:

Boom! ! !

The clouds suddenly "torn" while wriggling, and a huge monster showed its "face" from behind the clouds: white beard and white eyebrows fluttered with the typhoon, and the old facial features were fierce.

"Let me see what progress you humans have made after a thousand years!"

? ? ?


Since the face was torn, America naturally no longer hesitated, and missiles with various signals whizzed out of the silo and whizzed towards the giant "face" in the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Giant fireballs expanded in the sky, even reflecting the entire sky red.

The power of various missiles made by humans is amazing, but in the face of extraordinary:

"Such a single attack really disappoints me."

After the explosion, the giant 'Hai Ming' that covered the sky and the sun was completely unscathed?

"How is it possible?!"

"It's fake, it's all an illusion--"

On the Blue Ridge amphibious command ship, there were officers who couldn't accept it and shouted desperately; but they didn't know that their self-destructive words touched the truth.

The 'Hai Ming' in the sky is of course not a physical entity, but an illusion called 'Mirage'.

It's just that this illusion is realistic enough, and the shadow clone hidden in it,

Continuously perform various ninjutsu to make this 'illusion' vivid.

"Let you see the wrath of the Sea Country!"

The huge Hai Ming 'retreat' backwards, and the whole body merges with the 'typhoon' that is roaring from behind.

The upper body is an old man in a long robe that covers the sky and the sun, and the lower body is a tornado typhoon visible to the naked eye!

Such a posture is like a god or a demon.

"How can this be considered a human being?"

"Are you kidding me? You actually want us to fight against such an existence?!"

In the Metropolitan Police Department, the extraordinary beings summoned from other police headquarters were all in an uproar:

I beat Haiming?

Is this true?

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