I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 130 Nightmare Space

"Yes, you are the one with the best quality among the people who came this time."

A cold voice sounded, which stunned the red-haired girl who stood up suddenly.

Across from her, sat a black-haired young man, staring at her with a sneer. The young man was about 24 or 25 years old, looked like an Asian, and looked extremely ordinary, but there were several scars on his face, which was very hideous and terrifying.

After saying that, the other party's eyes swept over the red-haired girl and fell on the other people present.

Following his gaze, the red-haired girl found herself sitting in front of a round dining table. In the middle of the table was an antique candlestick. There were several people lying around the table, waking up slowly.

? !

With a bang, the chair fell to the ground, and the red-haired girl stood up suddenly.

Because next to her, a yellow-robed hooded man just raised his head, holding a bloody dagger in his hand!

"It's you——"

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Without time to think about what happened to her, the girl suddenly rushed over and threw the hooded man who had not yet woken up to the ground.


"Why is it you?"

"Go to hell, cultist!!"

Riding on the confused hooded man, the red-haired girl picked up the casserole, no, it was a fist with brass knuckles, and rained down like raindrops.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

? ? ?

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Call the police, call 119!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, take a deep breath!"

The other people who had just woken up turned their heads and saw the girl beating the old man wildly;

They shouted words of dissuasion, but their bodies subconsciously stood up and retreated again and again.

Should we say that he is worthy of being a man of action?

The one who played the role of "senior" was naturally You's shadow clone, and even the building where everyone was located was the "spiritual space" created by him.

Since it is a spiritual space, it is of course fake, so--


After being punched by the girl,

the yellow-robed hooded man didn't even know what was going on before he was blown into dust.

? ? ?

"This is..."

"You beat him out of the 'trial space'."

The 'scarred man' played by You snorted and took out a Desert Eagle.

"This is the first time I've seen a newcomer who 'died' so quickly."

"Man, calm down, we can talk it out~~"

Seeing the scarred man take out a gun, the black man among the few people immediately raised his hands familiarly.

"There are twenty dollars in my left pants pocket, it belongs to you."


"I'm not robbing, sit down."

He fired a shot at the ceiling and pointed the gun. Everyone present immediately picked up the fallen chair and sat down at the dining table obediently.

Including the red-haired girl who found that she was actually wearing clothes and brass knuckles.

"Think about it carefully. He should have implanted the basic information into your mind."


Hearing the words of the scarred young man, several people first thought about it, and then their faces changed drastically, with surprise, confusion, shock, and ecstasy. It deeply interprets their mood.

This is a game. It is unknown who created the game. Maybe it was a god, maybe a demon, or maybe an alien. In short, they are now a member of the game: after completing the game, they can get "points", and using "points" can be exchanged for a strong physique, or for various strange abilities, and the "spirituality" of activating abilities.

The premise is:

Pa pa pa,

"Okay, okay, rookies."

The sound of applause interrupted their thoughts, and everyone's eyes were focused on the "scarred Asian" young man.

"Congratulations, you won the first prize: Welcome to the "nightmare space"!"

"Why not applaud?"

As the man's eyes swept, everyone applauded, not for anything else, but for the Desert Eagle in his hand.

By the way, there are people who use flashy pistols like the Desert Eagle.

The Desert Eagle looks tough and cool, and is suitable for macho men to show off, but it is just showing off: people weighing less than 160 pounds using this weapon are truly "wrist contusion machines". It is powerful, but unless it is used to hunt wild animals, it is completely excessive firepower under normal circumstances.

The question is, there are professional hunting rifles for hunting wild animals; holding a pistol, do you want to challenge the excitement of dancing face to face with wild animals?

But looking at the casual posture of this scarred Asian man shooting with one hand, he is undoubtedly a macho man.

"Sir, are you..."


"I am a senior,"

"I have accepted the task from 'Him' to explain the basics of space to you rookies so that you won't die inexplicably."

Amid the blank expressions of these people, the scarred man has begun to explain quickly:

"The extraordinary has come to the real world, I believe you all know."

"This space should be a playground created by a certain god or other high-dimensional existence."

"We are gladiators, both toys of 'Him' and soldiers of 'Him'."

"Complete the task and gain superpowers. Once a week, the rest of the time - cheers, rookies, you can use superpowers to do whatever you want, just be careful not to be killed by the police or the army!"

"For example -"

With a snap of his fingers, the scarred young man floated up out of thin air, along with the chair under him.

He looked down at the people around the dining table, and in a trance, made these people feel as if the gods were looking down on them.

? !

After receiving the promise and performance from this ‘senior’, several people were visibly excited, except for the red-haired girl:


“What’s the situation of the guy I just beat away?”

Faced with the girl’s raised hand to ask, the scarred man floating in the air casually raised his hand to answer.

“Of course, go back to where you came from.”

“Don’t worry,”

“The master of this space is very ‘merciful’, he even disdains to deprive you of your tiny life.”

“But when the game fails and you return to the real world, you will live in regret and remorse for the rest of your life when you think of having brushed shoulders with ‘supernatural power’.”

“By the way, you can’t disclose the information of the ‘nightmare space’ to irrelevant personnel in any form; how about it, will it torture people?”


Ah, this

Everyone thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

For Americans, the most feared thing is not the lack of opportunities, but the opportunity slipping away from them, which is definitely a lifelong regret!

I can't even tell anyone about it. Just thinking about it is enough to make people depressed and want to vomit blood.

"Sir, if he returns to reality, then I"

"See you beat him to death directly. You have a grudge in reality, and you stay together?"

Sitting on the floating chair, the scarred man waved his hand casually.

"Don't be nervous, he won't live long."


"This is the 'trial space'. No matter how long we stay here, it's just a moment in the real world."

In the puzzled expressions of several people,

the scarred young man gave the girl a 'I'm optimistic about you' look.

"When you pass the trial mission, even if you only exchange for the most basic 'physical fitness', it will be enough to kill the other party."

So that's it,

"Let's get back to the topic."

The scarred man pointed at several people,

"You introduce yourselves first: name, specialty, etc., after all, you are the 'comrades' who need to cooperate immediately."

"My name is Fiona"


The red-haired girl Fiona just started to introduce herself, and was interrupted by the scarred young man floating in the sky.

"As a senior, I have an obligation to remind you."

"Don't reveal your names to others, because some superpowers are activated through names."

? !

Why didn't you say it earlier?

"You can call me. Um, 'Priest', my specialty is. Fighting?"

As the girl hesitated to say this, the others nodded frantically.

Not only is he good at fighting, as soon as they opened their eyes, they saw this Fiona 'Priest' beating people, directly beating the other party into pieces, and exiting this weird space.

"Then I'll call you 'Lawyer',"

A man in a white shirt and glasses straightened his tie.

"My specialty is eloquence, and I also have some experience in solving puzzles."

"My name is 'Plumber'."

As the people in the room finished introducing themselves, they turned to look at the scarred man sitting on the floating chair.

"I don't need to introduce myself,"

"Because next, it's your 'cat and mouse game'."


He snapped his fingers again,

The invisible wind blew, and the window next to him suddenly opened automatically.


A shrill howl came, which shocked the people.

"What is this?"

"It's a werewolf."

In the ugly faces of several people, the scarred young man spread his hands.

"Yes, it's the werewolf you thought of: a cruel and bloodthirsty butcher; also a loyal and brave warrior."

"Unfortunately, the werewolf is now your enemy. Try your best to escape. As long as you can survive for an hour, you will succeed."

After saying that, the scarred young man crossed his fingers and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Of course, you can also join forces to try to kill the werewolf."

"Your performance will be presented in the form of points."

"This is related to what you can exchange in the end. Fight hard to please the master of this space!"


? !

In a trance, the hooded man found himself standing on the altar.

Surrounded by other believers who were still praying, in front of him was a red-haired girl tied in a "magic circle", as if everything that happened just now was just his illusion.

However, the next second, he didn't think so.

Because the red-haired girl who was being bled suddenly looked at him, with no fear or pleading in her eyes, only anger and.

Murderous intent.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

With the sound of the shackles breaking, the girl suddenly turned over from the altar, like an elegant female leopard.


Before the hooded man finished speaking, his eyes blurred.

The girl had already rushed in front of him, holding his head with both hands, like a lover caressing.


The next second,

The huge force made his vision suddenly rotate.

At the end of his consciousness, he saw the girl who took the dagger and rushed into the crowd of believers like a gust of wind, and the other party's flying red hair.

Damn, this was originally my God's favor.

With a strong unwillingness, the hooded man fell to the ground with his head twisted 360 degrees.

Too slow, too slow!

In the eyes of the red-haired girl Fiona who rushed into the crowd, the actions of these cultists were like a movie in slow motion.

Trying to dodge in a funny posture and taking out weapons from his arms.

But in front of Fiona who has exchanged for "superpowers\

,"he is simply a lamb to be slaughtered!

A life can be ended with just a swipe of the dagger in her hand; any guy who tries to pull out a gun will be dealt with by Fiona first: her figure passes through the crowd like a ghost, followed by the cultists who keep covering their necks and falling down.

However, in just a dozen seconds, more than a dozen cultists have fallen in a pool of blood, leaving only the last instinctive struggle.

"What a strong ability,"

Raised the dagger in front of her eyes, the blood on it flows horizontally like a living thing, and finally penetrates into Fiona's cut wrist.

On the bright dagger, Fiona's pupils with a faint red light are reflected.

Superpower Enhancement-Vampire LV1

This is the ability she exchanged in the 'Nightmare Space', strong dynamic vision, certain blood control ability. Because it is only LV1 level, there are no other abilities, but for Fiona, it is already very satisfactory.

It is with this ability that she can kill these cultists.


The red light in her eyes faded, and Fiona, who felt weak, couldn't help but cover her stomach.

Because she exchanged for the ‘Vampire LV1 Enhancement’, her remaining points were only enough to exchange for the most basic ‘Spiritual LV1’; as a result, she felt weak all over after just using the vampire ability for more than ten seconds.

“Must eat,”

Thinking of this, the girl Fiona glanced at the blood spreading all over the ground, and finally lay down.

Slurp, slurp, slurp~~

Girl, you should put on some clothes first.

On the wall behind the altar, the invisible You rolled his eyes, and his eyes slid across the bare buttocks facing him.

In fact, there is no need to suck blood, just eat normally.

After all, the ability she obtained is essentially the ‘Blood Dragon Eye’ rather than some vampire enhancement.

The Blood Dragon Eye is the blood limit of the Blood Pond Clan in the Naruto world.

Like the Sharingan, it has the reputation of ‘hypnotic eyes’ and is also extremely excellent in the field of illusion. The Blood Dragon Eye can make humans into ‘human bombs’. The Blood Pond Clan can also use blood as a medium to launch various ninjutsu through the Blood Dragon Eye.

The origin of this eye should also be Indra, because the ability and opening method are similar to the Sharingan, and it is said to be comparable to the Sharingan.

Therefore, she was exiled to the Jedi by the Uchiha clan, and in the end the whole clan died except for a little girl.

Hypnosis, blood control

The ability to pretend to be a vampire is perfect.

What? Create a blood servant? When the "human bomb" ability is turned on, it will be a blood servant who will die.

No, how can it be called pretending?

All the abilities in this world come from You. If he says it is a vampire, it is a vampire!

After all, even this "nightmare space" is just a scene for him to practice the secret arts in the mountains.

When the number of "seniors" increases, let them strengthen the church of the little octopus, so that the large number of extraordinary people created by the "Cthulhu" church can only stay at home and rot.

While the world's attention was focused on the island nation, the church of the little octopus had been developing rapidly in secret: wealthy businessmen, high-ranking officials, and officers. Faced with the recruitment of the extraordinary church, they joined almost without hesitation.

For Americans, joining various organizations is a common thing.

As long as there is benefit, there is no need to consider changing beliefs.

Who made the old man "Yahweh" not give the "gospel"? Don't blame them for throwing themselves into the arms of "Cthulhu".

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