I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 106 The Lucky One

Homi High School,

"Natural energy is indeed magical."

Sitting in the seat behind the window, Yuu touched his chin.

If it is simply used as a panel 'value', violent natural energy must be the best choice.

It has only been five years since Orochimaru established the Sound Ninja Village. There are a bunch of cursed monsters in the dungeon, all of which are very powerful. Even the four Sound Ninjas who knelt down in the early stage were able to defeat two Konoha Special Jounin in a short time. .

Of course, natural energy also has great disadvantages: if it cannot be tolerated, it will lose control and become a monster.

The same is true for the higher level of 'immortal arts'. The pile of stone toads in Miaomu Mountain are the traces left by countless people who have practiced immortal arts for thousands of years. Longdi Cave is more direct, the loser will become the food of the snakes in Longdi Cave; as for Shigu Forest, I am afraid that after failure, they will become part of the Slug Immortal.

Speaking of which, at this time, it must be late at night in America. I wonder how the little octopus's 'church' is developing?



It's midnight on the other side of the planet,

Even in a developed area like New York State, the number of people on the streets becomes sparse late at night.

Especially with the advent of things like ‘mobile phones’, even Americans who are known as ‘party creatures’ have gradually become less fond of going out.

In the bar named ‘Oyote’, the excitement had dissipated, leaving only a few drunkards. The air was filled with the weird smell of alcohol, sweat, and leaves; on the stage in the center of the bar, several blondes were leaning on the steel pipe, squirming like sloths to kill time.


"Hey girls!"

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged bald white man walked to the dance floor and scattered the bills in his hand.

"Move, move!"

This middle-aged white man looks like a doctor or clerk, and his appearance is a bit too ordinary.

But looking at the colorful banknotes, the girls who were still working as "workers" became energetic and began to twist their bodies hard; the drunken drunkards were also injected with new vitality and gathered around one after another. .

So when the old white guy drinks alone in the corner,

After finding someone sitting down in front of him, he spoke without raising his eyelids.

"Go over to the dance floor—"

"I'm here to see you, Colonel Anderson."

He raised his head and glanced at the other party. The wrinkles on the brow of the old white man who was drinking alone became deeper.

"Dr. Lumley?"

"A person of your status also comes here to spend money?"

The old white man known as 'Anderson' wears a brown shirt with two pockets on the chest. The originally stiff collar has become loose, and the buttons on the chest are unbuttoned. All of them reveal that it is difficult to conceal. of abjection.

Sitting opposite him, the gentle old white man was an academic leader who had won various medals, including the Nobel Prize.

How could such a person come to such a poor bar?

"Hahaha~~Old friend, if you can come, can't I come?"

Facing Dr. Lumley's cheerful smile, the old white man who was drinking just raised the cheap bottle in his hand.

"Doctor, if I hadn't retired yet, I might be called your 'friend'; but now, you see-"

He spread his hands and motioned for the other party to look at the cheap shirt he was wearing: This brown shirt was the style of the American summer military uniform. If it wasn't for a tight budget, no one would go out wearing this shirt.

Of course, being able to get drunk here proves that the "poverty" in America is fundamentally different from the "poverty" in other countries.

"I know I know."

"Your son's business failed and all your pension was lost."

Dr. Lumley shrugged. He was only sorry for the tragedy that had happened to his 'old friend'.

Since retiring, the other party is no longer in their 'circle'; not to mention that the other party has an unfilial son who has repeatedly failed and failed in the shopping mall. He has lost all the points accumulated by his father: Anderson in front of him. 'All in ruins.

But, it’s different now.

"Old friend, I have a job to introduce to you."

"If you are qualified for this job, you will gain status and benefits that are completely incomparable to those before. No, those are completely incomparable."


Putting down the wine glass, the old white man shook his shirt.

"Sorry, I only know how to fight."

"Wait! Ramli, are you asking me to—"

Seeing the "You guessed it" look from the doctor opposite, the old white man in a brown shirt was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"Seriously, I want to thank you."

The old white man pointed to his chest,

"For a moment just now, my heart beat faster."

"You remind me of those sand-eating experiences I had: At that time, I had a group of great guys under my command, and now."

He shook his head. He was an old man in his sixties. Although his body was still strong, he still had to forget about fighting: he was not the doctor opposite, and he relied on his brain power to make a living.

"Old Anderson, follow me."

Dr. Lumley stood up and extended an invitation to his old friend.

"Come on, come on, don't be such a little girl, can I still eat you?"

"Once you see your own 'working environment', you will definitely change your mind a lot, believe me."

".All right."

Unable to resist the doctor's enthusiasm, the old white man stood up and prepared to go with him to see what kind of 'job' it was.


? ?

"Rumley, you actually..."

Raised his hand and pointed to the huge 'octopus face' statue in the center of the church.

The old white man named 'Anderson' hesitated to speak, with an expression as if he saw God playing DJ.

"Put your hands down, old friend."

Dr. Lumley patted the other's shoulder and explained calmly.

"I won't care about your actions, but if old Edgar sees it, he will definitely accuse you of 'blasphemy'."

"Dr. Lumley, you are a Nobel Prize winner."

How could even a scientist like you betray.

? !

"Could it be--"

The former Colonel Anderson paused, and suddenly thought of a possibility:

The extraordinary existence that has been making a lot of noise in the Far East recently!

Tap tap tap,

At this time,

two people also walked into the church under the night.

"Rumley, is this the 'commander' you recruited?"

Old Edgar frowned. He had originally actively expressed that he could win over active military figures, but Ramley said that he already had a target: this made Old Edgar wonder if this guy had made such plans in private before.

Otherwise, why would he be so skilled? !

I heard that most scientists become theologians when they get old. It seems that the rumors are somewhat reasonable.

"This is Colonel Anderson,"

While Dr. Ramley introduced himself, Anderson was also looking at the people coming.

Among them, he had some impression of the elderly white man, who seemed to be a capitalist with a good fortune: but there are many such people in New York, and he can't remember so many.

On Wall Street in that city, a sneeze can cause a world financial shock, although it is a bit exaggerated to say so: but as a company goes public, it is normal to create a group of rich people with a net worth of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ten billion US dollars is just an 'ordinary' rich man;

The richest man has a terrifying wealth of 200 billion US dollars.

Next to the white capitalist was a blond, blue-eyed, quiet beauty.


In this kind of scene, the appearance of a beauty was even more bizarre.

"Is that him?"

The other party spoke, his voice was cold;

He seemed to be uninterested in anything, just asking casually.



Almost at the moment when Dr. Lumley finished speaking, the former Colonel Anderson's body trembled suddenly.

? !

Staring blankly at the tentacles that sprang out from under the beauty's skirt,

he looked down at his pierced chest, and Anderson's mouth opened and closed.

"I, I."

"Don't get excited, old friend."

Hearing the 'comfort' next to him, Anderson turned his head and stared at Dr. Lumley with anger and resentment.

I was stabbed, and you asked me not to get excited? !

Wait, something is wrong.

After all, he was a soldier who crawled out of the battlefield. Colonel Anderson had been stabbed and eaten bullets, so he naturally knew the feeling of a wounded body.

Looking down at the tentacles that pierced his chest, Anderson did not struggle randomly, but closed his eyes and felt it.

There was something foreign moving in his abdominal diaphragm, and--


The tentacle broke off,

The front half drilled into the colonel's chest, and "caringly" helped him to close and heal the wound.

"What is this? Who are you, sir?"

In this situation, Colonel Anderson had already guessed, but he still needed to confirm the answer from the other party:

"Standing in front of you is the great sleeping god, the Lord of R'lyeh, the daughter of our father in the sea: Her Majesty the 'Secret Lady' Ksira."

? ? ?

Looking at the rich man who declared the identity of the beauty with a serious face,

He looked back at the statue in the church, and then turned to look at the doctor who brought him here.

"Are you satisfied with this job?"

I am satisfied, you son of a bitch

Clenching his fists, feeling the power filling his body, Colonel Anderson stroked his chest and bowed to the 'beauty' opposite with a complicated tone.

"Your Majesty, what do you need me to do for you?"



Metropolitan Police Department.


Commander Takeya sat down in his seat after returning to his office;

Torn open his collar, picked up the water cup next to him and took a gulp.

"How is it, Director."

"How does it feel to be on the 'front line' for the first time?"

Faced with the teasing of Iori Ichika who followed him into the office, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department rubbed his brows.

"It's terrible,"

Originally, according to the intelligence collected from the 'Yokosuka Incident', the three people of the Sea Country: 'Samurai' Kujira, 'Ninja' Kainin, and 'Female Family' Kanihime. The strength should be at the 'Tiger' level, which is the 'C-level' of America.

It still belongs to the category that the Metropolitan Police Department can barely deal with.

"The power they burst out in the end should be classified as 'Demon Level'!"

Iori Ichika nodded to the judgment of Director Takeya.

Kujira's 'skeleton state', Kainin's 'ghost transformation', and Kanihime's 'giant' are all fundamentally different from 'Tiger Class'.

It's normal to classify them as 'ghost class', but in this way, the Metropolitan Police Department, which was originally prepared to deal with 'Tiger Class', dared not act rashly and could only watch the three people leave separately.

"Cheer up, Director."

Iori Ichika comforted his boss that their trip was not without gain:

"We got two 'killing stones'!"


Director Zhuya leaned back on his chair angrily.

"But there were five more that were snatched away by 'Ame', one was taken away by Yamatoru, and three fell into the hands of Tanimura Hoshino."

Theoretically, Tanimura Hoshino is considered a member of the Metropolitan Police Department; unfortunately, because of Tanimura Watari, she and the Metropolitan Police Department are limited to cooperation: in this operation, a large piece of the killing stone was crushed by Crab Princess, and she saw the scattered fragments. No, but to others, it is thousands of times more precious than gold!

After the three people from Haiguo left, the Metropolitan Police Department had a battle with the 'Rain Girl'.

The killing stone still retains the ‘demon power’,

That's why they fight.

Toru Yamayama, who has the ability to accelerate lightning, took advantage of the chaos and took away a killing stone, which made countless high-level officials of the island country heartbroken!

That’s all ‘their’ extraordinary!

"By the way, that blogger"

"Forget it."

Iori Ichika interrupted the director,

"He is just a young man who came to Tokyo to make a living, and his relationship with his family is only average."

"Do you think you can control a relative who doesn't call twice a year?"

The greater possibility is to anger this young man who suddenly gained extraordinary powers and take revenge on the island government: in fact, there have been cases where the killing of congressmen and police officers was just suppressed by the island government.

As long as it's not reported, it means 'it didn't' happen.

Speaking of which, Toru Yamama even killed a bunch of high-ranking cult officials.

"That guy has already left a message on his account and will continue to track extraordinary events."

"If anyone wants to stop him, he will do whatever it takes!"

The warning is self-evident.

And the object of the warning:

Island government!

"These 'non-nationals' have gained power without any thought of serving the country!"

In response to Director Zhuya's angry words, Yiori Ichika rolled his eyes and did not refute.

Even she herself is secretly cultivating 'sisters'; after truly gaining power, who would be willing to be inferior to others?

He's not that unlucky kid from Kai Nin~~

"That's right, activate all the police force!"

Director Zhuya calmed down and ordered,

"Collect any information about sea ninjas. If any citizen can provide clues, the Metropolitan Police Department will reward you."

"I've already asked someone to do it, but don't hold out too much hope."

Yiori Yihua also sat on the sofa to rest,

"Now on the Internet, there are overwhelming offers of rewards for information about the 'Seinin'!"

"Someone even offered a reward for a national position on the 'dark web'. You don't need to think about it."

Other countries are also watching.


"These things will give the police a headache!"

Director Zhuya closed his eyes helplessly. Now the entire island country, no, the entire world was playing a ghost-catching game with that 'sea ninja'.

Whoever finds her first will have the opportunity to capture such powerful combat power!

With that sea ninja's terrifying ability to travel through the 'shadows',

Who in this world can stop her assassination?

Even if he is the commander-in-chief of America,

You have to turn on the light at all times while sleeping!

The question is, who will be the lucky one?

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