I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 108 Yin-Yang Magic

"In areas where Tengu are rampant,"

"In order to prevent children from encountering 'Kamikakushi', there is a custom of dressing the eldest son as a girl"

"Sister Hainin,"

The curly-haired boy. No, the girl, Dai Igu, raised her hand and interrupted Hainin's serious explanation.

"Actually, this is just our personal hobby."

"I like men's clothes, and Xun likes women's clothes; there is no other reason, that's all."

Spreading his hands, 'Dai Igu, who looks like a completely athletic boy, directly gave the truth.

The quiet long-haired boy 'Xun Igu' beside him also nodded.

"I'm probably a little behind the times,"

The Hainin who closed his eyes sighed with a 'vicissitudes' tone, making the two elementary school students not know how to respond.

Sister, aren't you a supernatural being from a thousand years ago?

"Some estrangement is normal."

"Don't mind, Hainin-sama,"

The soft-spoken 'Xun Igu' opened her mouth to comfort her, looking like a quiet and obedient girl.

"I was obsessed."

Opening her eyes again, Hainin had regained her composure.

"Sorry for occupying your residence."

"Ah, no."

The talkative sister waved her hand,

"Strictly speaking, this is not our place - this is an abandoned shrine, but it is used as a 'secret base' by my sister and me."

"If Hainin sister needs to recuperate, feel free to stay. Anyway, the 'god' here shouldn't mind."


Hainin turned her head and glanced at the stone offering next to her, and spoke coldly.

"It's just a little demon,"

"It dissipated after the spiritual energy was exhausted."

"Is that so,"

Holding her chin with one hand, the tomboy sister 'Isugaya Kaoru' asked with interest.

"Hainin sister, what was life like a thousand years ago?"

"A thousand years ago"

After thinking for a while, Hainin gave an answer that matched her image.

"Eat, sleep, kill."

"Then continue to eat, sleep, and kill."

"In your words, it should be killing 'supernatural beings'."

"Is that so? It doesn't sound that interesting~~"

The tomboy sister clapped her hands,

"How about this, let's tell Hainin sister about interesting things in school."

"Hey? Tell Hainin about school things?"

The long-haired and quiet brother asked back in a low voice,

"Will Hainin find it boring?"


After giving a calm answer, the tomboy sister spoke first.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

"Yesterday, Xiaoyuan teacher"

Listening to the two siblings talking about their daily lives: who plays interesting games, which comics are good, and the 'love, hate and hatred' between elementary school students, Hainin was expressionless, but did not speak to stop them.


"Hainin sister, we should go back."

Taking the brother's mobile phone and checking the time, Igoya Dai, as the elder sister, stood up first.

"Otherwise grandpa will worry, so - see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Hainin-sama."

Facing the siblings who were about to leave, Hainin glanced at the damaged mobile phone next to him.

"Dai, do you really not want compensation?"

"No, Hainin-sama gave us a way out and played with us, that's enough."

As she said that, the girl 'Isugaya Dai' who walked to the door of the main hall turned around, raised her thumb, and smiled brightly, revealing her white teeth.

"Times have changed,"

"Look, people like us who are 'rebels' can now walk on the street openly."

"Hainin-sama, you don't have to find a master."

"You can be your own king!"

"Sorry, Hainin-sama."

Bowing to Hainin again, his younger brother 'Isugaya Kaoru' added.

"Don't listen to my sister's big talk: this is the line in the game we played recently. See you tomorrow~~"

"Interesting kid,"

After the two siblings left, Hainin shook his head slightly.

I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would be 'talked into' by someone, so that's the case.

Then let me see what the scene will be like tomorrow: dignitaries, police, or...


At the same time,

"Hi, do you have any information about Kainin?"

"Yes, this call is absolutely confidential; once its authenticity is confirmed, the relevant rewards will not be less: in the name of the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Hello, this is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, do you have information about Kainin? Please go ahead."

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the phone rings all the time!

Thousands of emergency linemen are constantly busy, and every minute and every second someone reports information about 'Kainin': as for the truth, only God knows.

Not only did the citizens spontaneously call the police, but there were also a lot of:

"This phone number called again"

"Contact the police! Send someone to check. If it's a harassing call, give a stern warning;"

"Ask the mobile operator to temporarily suspend the number."

The entire Metropolitan Police Department has been busy, with countless harassing calls mixed in; it is obvious that no matter whether it is other countries, local chaebols, or even underworld organizations: any force with a little power would like to blow up the Metropolitan Police Department's alarm phone.

The purpose is to hinder the island government, the largest "force", from searching for the sea ninja.

In the case of occupying the "great righteousness", most people in the entire island country are the "eyes" of the government, and the advantage is huge.

"If you have ulterior motives, arrest them!"

Director Zhuya, whose eyes were red, was also angry. All 60,000 policemen in Tokyo, students in the police academy, and even tens of thousands of retired old men and women were urgently recalled. Fully respond to this intelligence battle.

OK, OK, it all jumped out!

Don't let me catch you, or I'll show you the wrath of power -

"Director, several organizations have spread rumors, claiming that the 'Sea Ninja' is in their hands."

A clerk held a tablet and hurried into the office to ask for instructions.

? !

“Sending self-defense government personnel to your doorstep.”

Director Zhuya understands that these organizations are singing the "empty city strategy" and using this non-existent "ace" to scare others.

But even if there was only one chance in ten thousand, he did not dare to take the risk: facing the sharp blade emerging from the shadows in the middle of the night, which dignitary could still sleep?

"Director, there is a new situation, it's from a foreign country:"

As soon as the clerk left, another clerk quickly entered the office.

"In the desert area, the XXX organization announced that the 'sea ninja' has converted to the Lord and is about to launch a jihad."

? ? ?

“Are these guys kidding?!”

The blood rushed to the brain suddenly. Even Director Zhuya, who had become an 'extraordinary', had his eyesight blackened and almost fainted from the anger of these guys.

"We don't have any real information about the sea ninja. How did they find it? Did it grow on their own in the desert?!"

Without the words "take refuge in the Lord", Director Zhuya would still be one in a billion still doubtful.

"Don't bother me with this kind of thing again."

"If it is true, America will take action immediately!"

Thinking of this, Director Zhuya couldn't help but rub the center of his eyebrows vigorously: America, America. This is also a strong 'opponent'.

As long as the sea ninja is willing to join America, the whole country can celebrate on the other side of the ocean! As for the Seventh Fleet, it was just a 'misunderstanding'; besides, what America likes most is the plot of a hero bearing darkness, repenting and serving his country, and Yokosuka's 'billion points' loss is not worth mentioning.

Looking up at the busy police station outside, Director Zhuya could hardly tell how many American dogs there were.

Among those who post national-level jobs on the dark web and offer rewards as tips is America!


Facing pressure from all sides,

Even the extraordinary director Zhuya felt out of breath.

"Hai Nin, Kai Nin, where are you that the whole world is chasing?"


the next day,

In the quiet dilapidated shrine,

"Kai Nin-sama, do you want a Coke?"

Facing his sister Igaya Dai who took out a bottle of Coke from the convenience bag, the sea ninja raised his eyelids slightly.

"While the drink may look suspicious, it is not poison."

Taking the Coke from the girl's hand with one left hand,

As the shadow of the left hand continues to squirm, wrap it up and then:


A series of bubbles appeared in the palm of my hand,


No powerful police officers showed up, it was still just these two children: it seemed that they kept their promise and did not tell anyone else.


"Eating with your arms? So cool~~"

"elder sister,"

The brother next to him pulled his sister's clothes, shook his head slightly, and reminded her to pay attention to her words.

Almost everyone on the island knows that the left hand of the sea ninja was chopped off by the Onmyoji family head because of the "contract rampage": now her three left hands, at first glance, are not "normal" limbs, most of them are some kind of "magic" ''s creation.

"do not worry about it,"

The sea ninja moved his three left arms at will, making different gestures.

"This is a 'prosthetic limb' that I shaped with my shadow. Its flexibility and strength are no less than those of a real arm."

After saying that, the sea ninja glanced at his siblings with 'envy' shining in their eyes.

"Do you think it's very cool?"

nod! X2

"I'll teach you."


"May I?"

My sister Igaya Dai opened her mouth in surprise,

"Kai-nin-sama, this should be something like 'family secret technique', 'bloodline power' or something like that, right?"

The younger brother Kaoru Ikariya asked questions calmly.

"The Shadow Ninja clan has long been destroyed."

The sea ninja gently patted the hair of his younger sister and younger brother, Kaoru Iotani.

"What I want to teach you is the 'skill' of Onmyoji."


My elder sister Igaya Dai held her hands empty and made a gesture of swinging a sword.

"Sister Kai Ninja, aren't you a ninja?"

"Who says ninjas can't use onmyojitsu?"

The sea ninja made her speechless with just one sentence, and then explained:

"The reason why I didn't use Yin-Yang in battle is that I don't have much Yin-Yang talent; on the other hand, for people at my level, ordinary Yin-Yang doesn't have much effect."

After saying that, the sea ninja raised his finger and swiped.

Dark shadows were like ink, leaving traces in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a little bird made of 'ink' appeared, waving its wings and jumping around on the shoulders of the two siblings.

"This is the Onmyojitsu of the Ashiya family: Super Beast Pseudo Painting."

"But I don't have enough talent, so I can only create these small animals without fighting power."

"Then do we have talent?"

Facing the expectant eyes of the two children, Hai Ren patted their heads.

"Of course we do,"

If I say yes, then yes!

"First, I will teach you how to refine demons. In human terms, refine spiritual power."

Let the two children sit in the classic "five hearts facing the sky" posture, and point fingers at their foreheads.


"Clear all distracting thoughts, and pay attention to the movement in your body."

Normal chakra refining is done by ninja students independently: first, you need to sense the existence of spiritual energy, and then let it run along a certain trajectory in the 361 chakra acupoints in the body: in this process, the spiritual energy will be evenly mixed with the physical energy to become chakra.

The key point lies in this "chakra acupoint operation". People who don't have this knowledge will never be able to refine chakra in their lifetime: unless they are blood limit holders.

And ordinary people in this world can't even sense "spiritual energy", let alone refine chakra.

But it doesn't matter--

As Hainin planted two 'chakra seeds' into their lower abdomens, the brother and sister immediately felt a little 'flame' in their stomachs.

Guide this little bit of weak chakra to circulate in the 'chakra acupoints' in their bodies for one cycle, and then another cycle.

"Follow my 'spiritual power' to guide your consciousness, and run this flowing trajectory, remember it."

Retract your fingers, and Hainin continued to say as the brother and sister looked at themselves in surprise.

"In this way, you can strengthen your spiritual power through continuous training."

"Are we becoming extraordinary now?"

The tomboy-like sister touched her whole body in surprise, and then pinched her brother's arm.


Hainin ruthlessly shattered Igoya Dai's idea.

"You only have spiritual power now."

"Just like those 'super police' created by your government, they have spiritual power but don't know how to use it."

"In the eyes of true supernatural beings, they are just 'beasts' with spiritual power."

After saying that, Hai Ren raised his left and right hands.

"Pay attention to my gestures,"

The thumbs overlapped, with the left thumb on top.

"This is the 'son' seal, and the next is the 'ugly' seal"

That's right, Hai Ren is teaching these two siblings the 'orthodox' ninjutsu seal: through the seal, combined with the flow of chakra, you can perform various ninjutsu!

Although he did not use the authority of 'Otsutsuki' to directly grant the convenience of 'jutsu'. But it is no longer limited to the few jutsu granted: Of course, without the chakra flow routes given to them by 'Hai Ren' for each jutsu, ninjutsu cannot be released by hand seals alone.

There are only a dozen seals for A-level ninjutsu.

If you remember the hand seals, ninjas can release high-level ninjutsu, wouldn't everyone have blood-red eyes?

"Remember, this is the hand seal called 'Paper Cutting Nine-Character Protective Method', which is the core of all 'Onmyoji'."

After demonstrating it once, the sea ninja seriously instructed the two siblings by transmitting several low-level ninjutsu gestures and chakra running routes into their minds with the 'Mountain Secret Technique'.

"Don't tell anyone, you can only practice with me, understand?"

"Understood!" X2

Although the two siblings did not know the value of this 'gift', they nodded and agreed without hesitation.

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