"Hahaha, what a surprise!"

"Have you seen it? The famous sword did not fall into the hands of those veteran extraordinary beings, but was taken away by this bandaged boy-"

Armed with the world’s most advanced live streaming equipment, jointly presented by multiple countries, the extraordinary blogger ‘KYG’ moved sideways down the mountain while broadcasting live.

Mount Fuji looks magnificent and magical from a distance, but when you actually climb the mountain, you will realize that the higher you go, the more desolate it becomes, with no scenery to speak of. In addition, going down the mountain is more difficult than climbing. Without tools, if you are not careful, you will roll hundreds of times. meters, so there is a saying of 'never climb a second time'.

If an ordinary person speeds down the mountain on this kind of terrain, the final outcome will definitely be to become an "invincible hot wheel", roll hundreds of meters, and fall into a pulp.

But for everyone who was fighting and running at the same time, this terrain factor was not a problem.

[Three minutes, I want information about this boy! 】

[Brother is so handsome——]

[Come on, my face is covered with bandages, can you tell whether she is handsome or not? 】

[Wow, the Hattori family is really jealous. Whether these three people can escape is a question]

"Knife, my knife!!"

Just as the barrage in the live broadcast room said, Hattori Hanzo looked like a madman, with all kinds of kunai and shurikens roaring out, carrying the power of an anti-equipment sniper rifle, and shooting towards the escaping trio.

Ding ding ding ding,

However, the 'decapitating sword' in Xiao's hand is originally in the shape of a door panel. He only needs to turn it sideways to block it, and it becomes a perfect shield.

One is chasing and the other is escaping.

Everyone has arrived at the mountainside of Mount Fuji.

The surroundings are no longer covered with gravel like the top of the mountain, but have become lush and green, with patches of woods appearing in front of you. besides:

Hiss, hiss,

When the black suits and ninjas behind them chased into the woods;

He was immediately caught off guard by a poisonous snake that suddenly jumped up from the grass and jumped from the tree.

"A snake?"

"Something's wrong, this is..."

"Be careful, these snakes are supernatural beings!"

Given the skill of the pursuers, ordinary snakes could not hurt them at all.

However, these snakes not only eject quickly and have strong armor and sharp teeth, but once bitten, they will immediately cause heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and weakness in limbs.

"Damn, these snakes are venomous?!"

"Save me, save me——"

"Drag people out"

In the blink of an eye, the extraordinary beings chasing into the woods were in chaos, and a few unlucky ones were even bitten by a group of snakes and fell to the ground in the grass.

"Hahahaha~~ Any veteran extraordinary person is nothing more than this!"

While swimming quickly, Jiukong shook his love into a snake and laughed wildly.

This is not meant to be sarcastic, but:

From the heart.

As soon as he left the house, he was almost defeated by a certain champion of the "Boxing Wish Club" without any injuries, which made Jiu Kong Yao Ai couldn't help but doubt his life.

Now it seems that ordinary extraordinary people are only at this level;

She just had bad luck and met a top expert.

"Eight grids——"

The only one left chasing closely was a certain person whose teeth were almost broken.

Using the short sword in his hand, he slashed horizontally and vertically, slashing away the poisonous snake that was coming towards him. At the same time, Hattori Hanzo once again took out the scroll on his back with his backhand, but:

Only one left


With both hands raised, dense shurikens shot towards the three people in front.

"Mr. Black Wolf, hide behind me!"

Holding a broadsword, Xiao took the initiative to go to the rear and set up a beheading sword as a shield.

But Jiukongyao didn't bother to look at it because the other party's attack was not enough to hurt her.


Takashi sounded a loud warning behind him, but unfortunately it was already too late.


An armor-piercing bullet was thrown by Hattori Hanzo like a 'kunai'; it drew an arc in the woods and rushed toward the giant snake from the side!

Gun Fighting·Empty Hand Version


Because Xiao and Heilang were guarding him, he didn't expect the attack to come from his side, and so fast! The giant snake only had time to twist its body to dodge, and the fire and smoke from the explosion rose into the sky beside her.


After being hit by an armor-piercing bullet, even if he transformed into a snake protected by scales, Jiukong Yaoai cried out in pain on the spot.



One move severely damaged this 'snake extraordinary'. Hattori Hanzo was just about to rush forward and hit the target when a cold light came into his eyes.

"You lucky kid, get out of here!"

Facing Takashi who was blocking his way with a 'decapitation sword', Hattori Hanzo impatiently waved his sword to meet him.

This bandage-headed boy was only at the dog level, and he relied on a sneak attack to injure Takagi Miwa; and while Hattori Hanzo and Takagi Miwa were fighting, he took away the extraordinary famous sword in the chaos. It’s just shitty luck——


The two swords clashed, and Hattori Hanzo's pupils shrank.

The short sword in his hand had become full of gaps in the series of battles. The young man wielding a large sword in front of him finally couldn't bear it anymore.


I didn’t expect that the weapon wouldn’t be able to withstand it at this time.

The short sword broke and the figure retreated suddenly! Although Hattori Hanzo escaped the danger of being disemboweled, he was stabbed again in the chest.


Unlike Hattori Hanzo who was injured again, the sword in his hand absorbed the opponent's blood. Takashi took a deep breath and new power poured into his body.

"Come again!"

Xiao, who was shocked, waved his sword,

The two-meter-long 'decapitation sword' was used to make a fierce move; one was going down, the other was going down, and in turn it was chasing Hattori Hanzo to chop!

? ? ?


After calming down after being injured, Hattori Hanzo remembered that the 'blood-sucking enhancement' was exactly the characteristic of this 'famous sword'.

No, my spiritual power has been exhausted, and my injuries are too serious.

If the fight continues, he will become a sacrifice for this famous sword.

"Kid, I remember you!"

Finally, his eyes fiercely 'gouged' out Guo Xiao's whole body, and Hattori Hanzo jumped back.


The figure quickly faded in the woods and finally disappeared.


brush brush brush,

His eyes swept over the fallen bushes beside him, and Xiaohou reacted belatedly:

"Did you run away?"

Okay, let’s take a look at the eldest lady first——

"Ahem, this time, my internal organs almost exploded!"

On the other side, protected by the black wolf behind him, holding the wound on his waist, the 'little' Jiukong shook his love and leaned against the tree trunk.

"Miss, what are you doing?"

Seeing his "shrunken" boss, Xiao, who was striding over, paused in his steps.

"What are you doing standing still?"

"Hurry up and carry me back, it's not safe here!"

As soon as the little girl spoke, Xiao was immediately sure: this tone was indeed that of the boss.


Although there are some doubts about why the eldest lady turned into a 'little lady', Chaofan's appearance is not unexpected: if the eldest lady had not transformed into a giant snake to resist, and summoned a poisonous snake to ambush, the three of them would not have escaped at all. possible.

"I'll carry you."

"I don't want it!"

"I told you to carry it: isn't your knife a stretcher?"

After hearing the little girl's words, Xiao Congshan put down the 'decapitating sword' like a door panel.

The total length of this knife is 2.5 meters, the blade is 1.8 meters, and the width is 64 centimeters. It can be used to lift a little girl easily: and there is a circular hole at the tip of the knife, which can be reached into and grabbed.

So: the freshly baked ‘decapitation knife’ turned into a stretcher.

He was lifted up by Xiao and Hei Lang one after another, and quickly walked through the woods with Jiukong Yaai who was lying on the knife.

"it's over,"

At the top of Mount Fuji, Director Zhuya pushed up his flat-light glasses.

If possible, the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department would of course want to take possession of this weapon called the 'Decapitation Sword'.

But with all the major forces eyeing it, the government's probability of seizing the knife has plummeted: if others take it, it will only be 'the one who can take it'. And if the government takes it, other forces will definitely attack together: Who makes the government nominally the "biggest"?

If the government is too strong, life for the extraordinary people will definitely not be easy.

These bastards—

Director Zhuya turned his head slightly and glanced at Koga Joio and Takagi Miwa who were simply treating their injuries under the protection of their respective family members.

Both of them were seriously injured by Hattori Hanzo, one almost lost his life, and the other lost his hand.

This alliance between enemies and the Wu family is gone.


Find out the identities of those three people and then win them over.

After all, the cabinet government actually controls the island country and has the means to get what it wants.

"Director, there is news."

The Metropolitan Police Department has the authority to mobilize all citizens' information. Fuji Seiko quickly came over and reported in a low voice.

"Among the three, the identity of the martial artist has been found."

"His name is 'Black Wolf'. He was born in a sports family and is a master of armor karate. After participating in the boxing meeting, he achieved a record of 32 consecutive victories. After winning the third-level extraordinary potion, he relied on his own efforts to exercise Strong dog level.”

"Their special move is to use the toes strengthened by 'part training' to kick out the 'Mikazuki Kick', which is no less powerful than an ordinary sniper rifle."

If such a person continues on his path, there will probably be no problem in becoming a wolf.

"He originally belonged to Watanabe Heavy Industries,"

"But we found out that 'Watanabe Heavy Industries' has just been acquired."

"The acquirer is that snake-like extraordinary girl?"

Hearing Director Zhuya's words, Teng Shengzi nodded.


"Our people also found out that she is the person behind the Chiba Shipping."

"But...the clue ends here."

Chiba Shipping is a shipping company in Chiba City, but there is no such eldest lady in this company: in fact, even the internal data of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department does not contain the other party's facial data.

You must know that in this society, there is almost no one who has not left facial features information in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"It doesn't matter,"

Now that he knows that the other party is the person behind the "Chiba Shipping", Director Zhuya can visit him openly.

No matter who gets the extraordinary sword, they can be used by the government. and:

That sword doesn't seem to be as strong as imagined?

"Where's the bandage boy?"

"Feel sorry."

The young man was wearing ordinary clothes without even patterns;

With his head wrapped in a bandage, the Metropolitan Police couldn't find out his details for a while.

"Maybe the 'Fisting Wish Club' knows, but..."

The president of the Boxing Club is a good friend of Yujun's sister. She is also very powerful and has no ambitions. She just wants to 'become more than human beings': plus the 'Fist Club' organized by her has attracted a large number of top chaebols to join. This kind of Without the approval of high-level officials, the Metropolitan Police Department would not dare to investigate rashly.

"Is that so?"

Forget it, as long as you are in the island country, you can always find it!


at the same time,

Izu Island, Atami City,

Speaking of Izu Island, most people will think of "The Dancing Girl of Izu". In the novel written by the Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata, two young people met, got to know each other, understood each other, cherished each other, and parted. Although there was nothing earth-shattering and no oaths were made, a poignant love was drawn here.

However, in modern times, there are also high-rise buildings here.

The "dancing girls" who once traveled around to make a living have become "forbidden delicacies" that only big men can enjoy.

"Isn't this"

In an ancient courtyard,

there is a girl like Yamato Nadeshiko, staring at the picture on her phone in a daze.

The live broadcast has ended, but the barrage is still full of speculation about the identity of the "bandage boy".

Some say he is the offspring of a high-ranking member of the Metropolitan Police Department, some say he is the heir of a chaebol, and some say he is the disciple of a famous teacher who has left the world.

Others don’t know who this ‘bandage-headed boy’ is, but as an opponent he once sparred with, Busujima recognized him at a glance from his swordplay movements and body steps:


What’s going on?

Didn’t he win the third place in the Koshien Kendo Competition?

Looking at the message on the phone, jumping into the sea and escaping, crossing the sea to Izu Island ‘opposite’ Yokohama, the tall female high school students were stunned.

It’s only been a few days, how did that somewhat passionate, somewhat stubborn, and somewhat dull junior brother

run to the top of Mount Fuji to compete for some extraordinary sword?

This is not normal.

According to Busujima’s idea, Takashi should have ‘returned home in glory’, rising rapidly in the Metropolitan Police Department of Shimane City, and become a respected policeman guarding a place: just like his father, this is also his ideal.

But within a few days,

In the live broadcast room, many extraordinary people took the famous swords and fought their way out.

This world is too magical!

"But, the extraordinary swords?"


As a 'swordsman', Dudao is naturally interested in 'swords'.


Are you going back to that place again?

Last time he was chased and jumped into the sea to escape, this time he will never be so embarrassed.


Lightning jumped on his hair, and Dudao stood up.

Let her see what's so magical about that extraordinary sword!


Tokyo, Ota District,

"Miss, your injury?"

The scarred bodyguard who came over saw Jiukong Yaoai covered in blood in the park as soon as he got off the car.

"I won't die!"

Answering nonchalantly, Jiukong Yaoai released the palm of his hand pressing on the wound on his waist: the wound has scarred and is constantly repairing.

In pursuit of 'eternal life', Orochimaru developed a series of 'Orochi Ryu' ninjutsu. Almost all of them are trying to survive, and rapid self-healing is just an insignificant one. Later, there is also the "Big Snake Style Substitute Technique" that directly refreshes all states: the new body crawls out of one's mouth. It is a bit scary, but it can heal all injuries.

"They are my new subordinates,"

Jiukong Yaoai, who has returned to the appearance of a little girl, raised his hand and gestured to the side and ordered.

"Take us to the dock."


The scarred bodyguard nodded and took the order, and at the same time glanced at the two newly recruited "colleagues" of the young ladies.

Among them, the young man with clear muscle lines wore a vest on the top and a pair of "three-quarter pants" on the bottom. His bare feet were covered with dried blood, and his body was full of traces of battle.

Another young man was ordinary, with bandages wrapped around his head, holding or leaning on a two-meter-and-a-half-meter sword.

All of them are extraordinary people.

"You two, please come this way."

More than half an hour later,

A sedan and a commercial vehicle stopped at a dock.

Tokyo has a huge geographical advantage of being close to the sea. Ota, Shinagawa, Minato, Chuo, Koto, and Edogawa all have a large number of docks.

And this dock is an industry under the Jiukong family: with one order, the entire dock warehouse was immediately vacated.

Click, click, click,

The huge roller shutter door rose with the sound of machinery.

The little girl Jiukong Yaoai walked into the warehouse with Xiao and looked around:


The warehouse was full of large pools.

The densely packed sardines swam around in the pool, so crowded that it seemed like the subway after school. Looking around, a piece of scales flashed.

"Go, cut it."


"What? Isn't this knife supposed to suck blood?"

In Jiukong Yaoai's eyes looking at him as an 'idiot', Xiao scratched the bandage on his head and walked to the pool.


The huge beheading sword swept across the pool, instantly chopping dozens of sardines in half.

"My strength has increased a little."

Closing his eyes and feeling it, Xiao clenched his fist.

"Very good!"

"Kill all the fish in these warehouses first. If it's not enough, I'll have someone send more."

The little girl waved her hand excitedly.

"Let me see where the limit of this knife is."

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