I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 226 The Curse of the Sharingan

The next day,

"Dear audience friends!"

"After intense competition, the top eight of the men's and women's kendo competition have been born!"

"Let all of us give them the most sincere applause, blessings, and cheers--"

Boom boom boom boom,

Two hundred thousand people burst out with deafening waves at the same time, and the whole Koshien was boiling.

Some people clapped for their relatives, cheered for their classmates, and cheered for their own county. In this warm atmosphere, even ordinary audiences would not be stingy with applause: no matter what, the 16 contestants off the court deserve their respect for being able to come here.

"It's simply a miracle,"

Xiao, who never thought he would stand on this stage, couldn't help but sigh.

I hope it won't be no, my parents and Li must be watching my silly face in front of the TV, right?

But that's it.

Xiao has a clear understanding of his own strength. Although he doesn't know why his strength has inexplicably increased recently, this is not enough to support him to continue: those who can stand here are all kendo masters with top skills, strength, and mentality.


Just deal with it casually and admit defeat.

However, what Xiao doesn't know is that his "relaxed" attitude is simply unsatisfied in the eyes of others!

Can't even get excited for the national competition?

This bastard who "plays pig to eat tiger"!

Every game is deliberately difficult. Is there any killer hidden?

It's no wonder that they think too much, because the other side of the women's group came from the same place and the same school as Xiao:

The other female high school students who participated in the competition, either with hidden fear, or with high fighting spirit, or with serious vigilance, all fell on the girl named "Dokushima".

Obviously, she looks like a traditional "Yamato Nadeshiko", but anyone who has fought with her... no, as long as you have watched her game, you will understand that this is an extremely dangerous opponent! Even with full body protective gear, several players were sent to the hospital immediately after fighting with her.

She is simply an evil demon!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would almost suspect that there was a man under the protective gear.

". Then, let us wish all the players here to achieve the ideal results in their minds!"

After the host finished his impassioned words, the players who finished their appearance left the arena and returned to the rest area to prepare for the next game.

The sword competition was ranked first, and the preliminary round was completed yesterday with a one-game winning and losing method; today the final will be a round-robin tournament to determine the top three. Then tomorrow is karate, followed by archery, and finally horse racing.

Under normal circumstances, the most popular events should be put at the end for ratings.

However, the dignitaries of the island country wish no one would pay attention to them, so they show their skills in horse racing - unfortunately, with the current attitude of the whole world towards the extraordinary, horse racing will also attract countless people's attention, which can be said to be repeated with a magnifying glass and at the level of body hair.

In this situation, it is extremely difficult to play some tricks outside the board.


A crisp voice sounded in the player channel.

A girl with shoulder-length hair took the initiative to walk over and stretched out her right hand.

"I am Miyuki Sawashiro,"

The other party is obviously a high school student, but she has an old-fashioned name from the 'last century'. It is obvious that her parents are more conservative.

But the name doesn't matter. The reason why she took the initiative to greet is:

"I am your opponent in the next game."

The short-haired female high school student's face was serious and eager to try.

"I will defeat you!"

If it were someone else, most people would think she was here to provoke.

But from her generous expression, it was more like a dignified declaration of war.


Dokushima also stretched out his right hand and smiled slightly.

"See you on the court."

What youth~~X2

Xiao next to him was full of emotion, but he didn't know that an invisible 'shadow clone' next to him also made the same emotion.

Well, it's almost time to start.


In the locker room,

"Sawashiro Miyuki is a good opponent."

The corner of Dudao's mouth slightly raised as he sorted out his equipment. It was another hearty battle.


? !

The strange voice suddenly sounded behind him again,


While turning around suddenly, the bamboo sword in his hand stabbed out like lightning; the sharp sound of breaking through the air proved that this attack was already full of effort!


However, Dudao's full-strength attack still missed.

"Who are you?"

"A dignified and extraordinary existence, can you only hide behind a weak woman and play tricks?"

"Humph, I don't bother to dress up as any ghost or god."

"I am the great demon of the island country!"

The voice behind him snorted coldly, and then said:

"As my bloodline, you follow the rules, which is ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Great demon?

Combined with the words of the other party yesterday, 'killing the people for the king, killing the king for the people', Dudao, who was on guard with a bamboo sword, understood clearly.

"You are Emperor Sutoku?"

Emperor Sutoku was the 75th emperor of the island country at the end of the Heian period. Emperor Go-Shirakawa Masahiro was his half-brother.

Emperor Sutoku had no other characteristics except that he liked poetry.

It's a pity that he had a terrible father.

He succeeded to the throne at a young age, and the power was always in the hands of his father 'Toba'.

Later, because he had no heirs, his father directly gave him his 'younger brother' as his adopted son.

Then this 'adopted son' was actually the 'younger brother' who became Emperor Konoe. It sounds extremely confusing.

Father Toba is the actual biological father of Emperor Konoe, and still holds the power; Sutoku, the elder brother and godfather, has the kindness to raise him, so he is respected.

As a result, the frail and sick Emperor Konoe died first, and then Toba, who was already the 'Emperor', also passed away the next year. Shutoku looked at it and thought, well, he finally has his day!


Before his father died, he passed the position to his other half-brother.

That is, Emperor Go-Shirakawa, who was unwilling to see Shunde for the last time even to the point of death, which made Shunde's mentality explode on the spot.

When he was young, it was his father who made all the decisions, and when he grew up, it was his father who made the decisions again; the two emperors were his 'brothers', and his eldest son was simply picked up!

Damn it!

It turns out that the poet rebelled and made you laugh.

In short, Chongde quickly fell into a disadvantage and had to choose to surrender.

Theoretically, after surrendering and becoming a monk, you can receive favorable treatment and spend the rest of your life; however, Chongtoku not only has a terrible father, but also a terrible younger brother: the ruthless Emperor Go-Shirakawa refused his surrender and sent him away. Exiled to Sanuki Country.

During his exile, Chongde hand-copied five scriptures and presented them to Heianjing as a plea for his release.

However, he was still rejected by his younger brother and returned the scriptures: Chongde, who was completely desperate, bit his own tongue and wrote on the returned scriptures with blood, "I wish to become the great devil and disturb the world." Use the five Mahayana sutras to return to the evil path! ’

Angrily, he threw himself into the sea. From then on, the island country suffered from natural and man-made disasters, and people were in panic.

A few years later, Ping brought his sword to the palace and started a rebellion in the Wu family. He completely emptied the royal family's rule and avenged him.

Well, according to legend, Emperor Sotoku became the famous Emperor after his death——



A pair of huge wings spread out in the locker room,


Busuda, who turned around with his sword, finally saw the opponent's figure, and unexpectedly


Except for a pair of wings behind him,

He looks like an elegant middle-aged man.

Regardless of his status as emperor, the other party is indeed a famous poet. No, he should be called a singer.

"Since you have seen your ancestors, why don't you worship them?"

? ?

You are an ancient man who is thousands of years old, who wants to worship you? !

"Emperor Sotoku, your enemies have long since disappeared."

"As for me, even if I am your descendant, what do you want to do?"

"I said, let you release your nature."

The elegant middle-aged man spoke calmly,

"My bloodline is destined to turn this island nation upside down——"


Even Busuda, who pays attention to his manners, almost spits out fragrance.

What does your hatred have to do with me?

"Sorry, I just want to go to the game now."

Faced with Busujima who refused on the spot, the big tengu who called himself "Chongtoku" was not angry at all.

"You have my blood flowing in your body,"

"Only after I die will I know why my father treated me like this——"

As he spoke, the dark pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank and turned into three rotating magatama!

At the same time, blood filled his pupils and turned red.

"It's all because I awakened his bloodline,"

"Su Zhanwu Zun."

As for why the island nation’s royal family awakened to this bloodline, that’s another long story.

? ? ?

What is this?

Can you not involve me in your grudges that have lasted for thousands of years, or even from ancient times?

"Do you think you can stay out of it?"

Seemingly seeing through Busujima's inner thoughts, the Great Tengu Chongtoku glanced at her coldly, with three magatama slowly rotating in his eyes.

"Suzhanwu Zun once made a big fuss in Gao Tianyuan, and eight million gods all complained about it!"

In other words, you can't beat Susano'o.

Otherwise, with his character, he would have been beaten to death long ago!

As someone of his bloodline, you are destined to be spurned and cursed by the gods.

Dong dong dong,

"Bujima-senpai, it's time to go on stage."

? !

Suddenly he came back to his senses. How could there be any big tengu in the locker room? Emperor Sotoku?


Impossible, if there was a possibility of ‘auditory hallucinations’ yesterday;

So what happened just now was definitely not as simple as 'vision': she hadn't eaten raw mushrooms recently!

"Come right away."

No, you must report to the ‘Extraordinary Countermeasures Section’.

Even if it turns out to be just her 'delusion', the most she can do is go to a mental hospital for treatment.

Well, let’s go as soon as this game is over!


"Long wait,"

"The quarter-finals of the women's group are about to begin!"

"The two participating parties are Busushima-san from Higashi Izumo, and Sawashiro Miyuki from Tokyo Bunkyo High School!"

"Audiences who follow kendo should be familiar with Busujima-san. She won the 'Jade Dragon Flag' women's championship last year! She is the undisputed favorite to win the championship. By the way, Takashi-san in the men's team is also from Yudong. Izumo High School is a place of outstanding people.”

"As for Miyuki Zecheng, she also has a family background. Many of her family members have relatives who work in the military or police circles, and they are all known for their bravery."

As both parties took the stage, only two small figures walked up to the huge venue.

And after the audience cheered, clapped, and cheered,

They all put on glasses and headsets.


The extraordinary people naturally don't need these equipment. On the rostrum, the old man Tokugawa Mitsunari rested his arms on his knees and tilted his head slightly to ask You.

"Who do you think will win this game?"

"It's hard to say,"

"Hahaha~~ It seems that You Jun doesn't have much experience in these 'low-level' battles."

The old man loves fighting. Although he couldn't play in the past due to physical reasons, he has trained a pair of venomous eyes after watching for decades.

"That little girl named Busujima will definitely win!"

"The only question is, how long will it take to win?"

You didn't comment on the old man Tokugawa Mitsunari who was very excited and muttered words like ten moves and twenty moves.

If it is true under normal circumstances, but -

With the intervention of the 'Great Tengu', how can it develop normally?

"The game begins!"

With the referee suddenly waving his hand downward, under the gaze of 200,000 live spectators and more than one billion online viewers, the women's swordsmanship quarter-finals kicked off.

"A beautiful parry!"

"Miyuki Sawashiro has launched another test"

On the ring, two fully equipped girls fought back and forth, and the bamboo swords in their hands made a clashing sound. Whether it was the moves or the steps, they all had an inexplicable charm. Even for laymen, it was pleasing to the eye.

"A wonderful uppercut,"

"Miss Busujima's move just now almost ended the game"

The two figures suddenly separated, and the person who retreated staggered a little. From the commentary, we knew that Busujima had the upper hand.


"If you let go, the sword just now would have taken down the opponent."

The voice behind him sounded again, causing Busujima, who suppressed his instinct, to frown.

Yes, she knew that she had a very strong tendency to violence and knew her bloodthirsty nature; but she had been trying to suppress all of this. The education Busujima received made her understand that this is a society ruled by law, and she should also be a good person. Well, at least try to be a good person.

But the voice behind him:

"Good man?"

"Eight million gods will not let you have an easy life. Your life is only about fighting and killing."

"Shut up!!!"


Sweeping back by the sudden burst of the sword of the Busujima, the opponent, Miyuki Sawashiro, was confused under the helmet.

What happened? I didn't say anything.


Busujima-san is so powerful!

The girl did not retreat because of the defeat, and rushed forward again with the sword.

"I let you--"

? !

The manic Busujima on the opposite side suddenly rushed forward, and the irresistible force hit him, and his hands were numb.

The sword was knocked away!

Before the high school girl named 'Miyuki Sawashiro' could react, her vision was spinning, and then her back was numb.

What am I. Falling to the ground? I must stand up immediately--? !

However, before she put her thoughts into action, a figure holding a bamboo sword appeared in front of her.

Through the metal bar of the helmet, Miyuki Sawashiro saw a distorted face!



The girl shuddered as she opened her mouth subconsciously.

She could no longer speak.

Because the wooden sword passed through the bottom of her helmet and pierced through her neck!

"I told you to shut up!!!"

? ? ? ?

In an instant, the venue of 200,000 people fell into silence.

In the eyes of all the audience, the bamboo sword in the hand of a contestant sank into the neck of another contestant who fell to the ground.

From the remaining part of the bamboo sword, it was pierced through!


Before everyone could react,

dark ink flew over, rolled up and wrapped around, controlling both of them.

"It shouldn't be,"

Yu rubbed his temple with a look of "what's going on" and looked at the Osaka official who was stunned beside him.

"What are you still standing there for? Go and ask the Inari God's shrine maiden."


PS: The Japanese "Wakan Sancai Zuhui" mentioned that Susanoo turned into "Tenni Meiji God" with a breath of evil, a very rebellious goddess. She absorbed the evil energy of Takamagahara and gave birth to Tengu and Amazaki. So the Gundams of the Uchiha family are all in the image of the Great Tengu~~

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