I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 220 Special Guests

Kumamoto City,

Located in the center of Kyushu Island in the island country, it is the third largest city on Kyushu Island. It is the seat of the county office of Kumamoto Prefecture and the largest city in the prefecture, with a population of approximately 750,000. The streets in the city are neat and lined with buildings, which are full of modernity. "Kumamoto Castle", one of the three castles in the island country, is located here.

This place is not far from Nagasaki and is also a metropolitan area. Although it was unlucky to encounter two 'Yellow Spring Crack' attacks, fortunately, the reinforcements were a lot more powerful this time.

"Fusion Secret Technique·Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!"

Yuluo, who was wearing a wide robe, big sleeves and long flowing hair, raised his hands.

Above the city where the cold wind was howling, huge ice crystals solidified out of thin air, surrounding them like a sphere, wrapping up the cracks in the sky.

At the same time, the "Onmyoji" of the Isotani family collectively cast spells, causing the rapids of the Kuma River to surge forward, rising towards the huge ice ball in the sky until it touched the huge ice ball:


The ice spread downwards along the river, and under everyone's gaze, a majestic ice tower was soon formed to hold up the ice ball.

"It's truly spectacular,"

Under the black stand-collar windbreaker, there is a traditional Onmyoji costume.

Looking up at the icicles towering in the city, the black-haired young man Hanakaiyuan Ryuji couldn't help but sigh.

"My sister is too strong, and I, as a brother, have a lot of pressure."

Looking at the mature sister floating down, wearing a white onmyoji robe and long hair, the man couldn't help but murmur.

"It's just an obscene move,"


Next to him, Kaikaiyuan Mo Meiliu glanced at Long Er,

I really wanted to complain about his "sister is getting married" loser look, but after thinking about it, I still didn't say it.


Floating to the ground, Youluo released the "three fusion" state with Lian Zhen, Po Jun, and Lucun, and instantly shrank, from an indifferent big sister to a flat junior high school student.

This is right, how can my sister be so mature!

"Thanks for your hard work,"

While cursing inwardly, Hanakaiyuan Ryuji stepped forward with a smile and handed the towel to his sister.

"Huh~ The three fusions are still too forced."

The girl who had returned to her appearance as a junior high school student wiped her sweat and looked up at her 'masterpiece'.

"With the ice crystal blockade, the evil spirits cannot come out in a short period of time, but -"

"I understand, leave it to us to arrange the barrier."

Huakaiyuan Long Er patted his sister's head lovingly,

"You go and rest first."

"Then I'll leave it to you, brother Long Er and brother Mo Mei Liu."

Yuluo didn't insist and handed a scroll to his brother Ryuuji, letting them set up the barrier.

This is a seal scroll made by the master. As long as it is unfolded and injected with spiritual power, it will automatically unfold. It can be called a fool's operation mode.

"Thank you for your help,"

Facing Yuro who came over and saluted him, Igaya Dai shook his head slightly.

"We are just starting, you are the one who really seals the evil spirit."

Although the Isotani siblings were also working hard to train and fight during this period, they were still far behind Yura, who had become stronger like a 'cheat'.

"I just rely on secret skills,"

After the union was released, Yuluo, whose strength dropped rapidly like a dive, revealed his shortcomings.

"It's impossible to maintain the power of a 'big demon' for a long time."

Already very strong.

Regarding Yuro's honest words, Igaya Dai was noncommittal.

Although Yuluo's strength in normal state has only just reached the tiger level, once it is fused with the three shikigami, it can explode into the strength of the ghost-level 'big demon'; and it seems that there are no sequelae. This is a great match for countless No, for countless extraordinary beings, it is a secret skill that is coveted.

Not to mention that there are no sequelae, even if there are huge sequelae, there are still many people flocking to it.

For extraordinary people, when they encounter an enemy that is far stronger than themselves, they are willing to accept any desperate price!

As long as you can live, you still have a chance; if you die, everything becomes vain.

"Take a rest and then rush to the next city."

When the government official next to him heard this, anxiety subconsciously appeared on his face.

But in the end, she didn't say a word, and she bowed and waited patiently for the onmyoji to finish.

This time, the 'Underworld Fissure' broke out over several cities, but now the island country does not need to guard against the 'Nine-Tailed Forces'. In addition, many extraordinary people are becoming stronger one after another, and the expansion of extraordinary special police and guardian spirit troops is no longer a problem. The previous embarrassment of having too much money was barely enough to cope with it.


Kochi Prefecture, Kochi City.

"Uranium light wave fist and heavy artillery bombardment!"

A group of 'human figures' flying vertically and horizontally, punching and punching in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom~~

An endless ball of light exploded over Kochi Prefecture.

While tearing apart a large number of evil spirits, it also dyed the sky a deep blue, making Takagi Miwa, Hattori Hanzo, and Koga Joao's faces turn green.

Because they owed Yagyu Onoda a favor, they participated in the operation of 'assassinating' the American garrison. Although the matter ended in nothing, in the face of the government's recruitment, several people with ulterior motives cooperated very actively.


"If these guys continue to fight like this, will there be people living in Kochi City in the future?"


The young samurai Takagi Sanwa crossed his arms and thought about his answer.

"The 'nuclear radiation' they produced was just a brief burst incidental to the attack and would soon decay and disappear."

That being said, whether there are any sequelae: it depends on whether the people in the city below will have various pathological reactions.

"It's hard to say,"

Hatsutori Hanzo couldn't help shaking his head,

"This is the 'nuclear radiation' that combines extraordinary power,"

"In the future, there will be two-headed snakes and three-legged toads here."

These are all normal things.

But no matter what, it's better than dying now.

"Everyone, let's do it too."

The Extraordinary Countermeasures Department in the sky bombarded with a 'radiation fist', and there were still many evil spirits that escaped and scattered.

Seeing these fleeing evil spirits, Koga Takeo drew out his ninja sword, and his figure disappeared in a flash, and he entered the 'invisible' state.

A vague figure can still be seen during the action, which is not as sharp as the real 'transparent escape', but it is already very good to be able to achieve this level.

The other people also drew their weapons and greeted the evil spirits.

Their task is to control the number of evil spirits and wait for the Yin-Yang master of the 'Hanakaiin' family to come and seal the cracks.


Tokyo, Adachi District.

"So, why are you here again?"

Yuu, who put down his teacup, couldn't help but sigh at Director Takeya's visit again.

"Director, you shouldn't be so idle, right? Although the 'Yellow Spring Crack' this time is not as harmful as the first time, it cannot be underestimated."

The Yellow Spring Crack appeared 'without any sign'. Even if the island nation reacts quickly, a large number of evil spirits will pour into the world: even if the extraordinary arrives, these evil spirits can't beat them, won't they run away?

Facing extraordinary people whose strength far exceeds their own, the evil spirits will flee in all directions or sneak into the ground.

The impact brought about afterwards is long-lasting and continuous.

"I heard that many mountainous areas have been occupied by a large number of evil spirits?"

In response to Yuu's question,

Director Takeya answered without concealment.


"In sparsely populated areas, there are a large number of evil spirits lurking."

"The government has gathered most of the villages into towns, and may even continue to gather people into cities in the future."

For a small number of humans, evil spirits are deadly and dangerous: once surrounded by three evil spirits, even ordinary people who muster up courage can easily be eaten.

Who dares to say that they have always been brave and fearless in the face of evil spirits that are eyeing them?

If you encounter high-level evil spirits, simple bravery will lose its effect and there is only one way to die.

"Humans are social creatures after all. If the number increases, courage will naturally increase."

Director Takeya took a sip of the teacup. Although this is equivalent to giving up a large piece of land on his own initiative: God knows what kind of monsters and demons will breed in these barren places. But for the safety of most people, it is also a helpless move to concentrate people in the city.

"The only good news is that with the productivity of modern society, people will not starve to death."

"Why don't you deal with these things?"

Seeing that You turned the topic back, Director Takeya was not annoyed.

"Because there is another thing, Youjun should have heard about the recent 'Island Country High School Student Martial Arts Competition'."

"Of course,"

You is still in school, so of course he knows about this matter.

"We want to invite Youjun to be a special guest to Koshien."


"There should be many people willing to do this kind of thing to get noticed."

"They are all busy clearing out evil spirits. The only one who is relatively free at the moment is Youjun: the main reason is that this conference is of great significance, and a strong person must be in charge."

The island country held a 'Martial Arts Competition' at this time, of course, not just to select geniuses from high school students and become extraordinary people.

It also has the significance of demonstrating national strength and stabilizing the people's hearts.

It is easy to understand that stabilizing the people's hearts can divert the attention of the entire island people on the one hand; on the other hand, it is also a kind of intuitive propaganda: as long as you work hard enough and get an excellent ranking in the competition, you can become a superior person.

As for showing off the national strength,

other countries are fighting for the highest-level ‘supernormal potion’, but the island country has taken out 8 at once!

Such ‘wealth and power’ has attracted the attention of many countries: the highest-level supernormal potion, after drinking it, is the ‘strong dog’ level, that is, E+; while the secondary supernormal potion, after drinking it, can only be regarded as the standard dog level, which is classified as E in other countries.

As for the ‘third-level supernormal potion’, it just breaks through the limit of the human body and is called the ‘weak dog’ of E-level.

Except for some ‘geniuses’, under normal circumstances, it takes a year of unremitting efforts to train from a weak dog to a dog level.

To upgrade from a dog to a ‘strong dog’, experts speculate that it should take two years of continuous training. Of course, a faster way can be chosen: go to the battlefield.

As the island country with the deepest research on supernormal, after collecting a large number of experimental samples, it was found that it is easiest to break through on the battlefield.

“Life and death can certainly be improved by leaps and bounds, but the risks are also.”

Director Takeya didn’t say it, but Yuu understood it without saying it.

If you don't have a bit of a 'protagonist halo', you will most likely die directly if you try to break through between life and death!

This method that relies entirely on luck is obviously not suitable for the improvement of most extraordinary people.

Even if the island country now has ways to improve such as 'Buddhist practice', 'Onmyoji secret technique', 'Samurai breathing method', and even the 'Uranium Light Wave Fist' with considerable side effects, why not do it if you can get ahead of others at the starting point?

If there is an extremely lucky person who finds the ‘Hundred Ghosts’ and is willing to sell it, it will be truly priceless!

Of course, the greater possibility is murder and robbery.

“I understand,”

You nodded,

“You want me to be responsible for security,”

The contestants are all ‘ordinary’ high school students, what tricks can they play?

But the island government has given out so many extraordinary potions as rewards, not to mention other countries are salivating, I am afraid that even the internal chaebols and extraordinary forces are secretly coveting them.

In this case, there is no strong person who can control the situation; halfway through the competition, it is discovered that the potion has been stolen or robbed. That would be a lot of fun.


You finally agreed,

After all, it is a ‘grand event’ participated by all high school students in the island country. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to join in the fun?

By the way, see if there are any good-quality cattle and horses. Ahem, talents.


Higashizumo Junior High School,

The gymnasium is full.

No, it should be said that the seats were full: almost all the students of this school were crowded in the gymnasium, resulting in no place to sit.

The stands on the second floor were also so crowded that people could not help but frown, fearing that a collapse accident would occur in the next second.

All the students held their breath and stared at the center of the gymnasium, regardless of whether they could understand it or not:

Two high school students wearing full protective gear were fighting with bamboo swords!

The so-called "bamboo sword" is naturally made of bamboo pieces: select the laurel bamboo that has grown for more than three years, select the pieces, balance the weight, correct, plan and polish; then use the processed cowhide, strictly follow the rules of making bamboo swords, wrap the hilt and other parts, and connect the cowhide with very tough nylon rope.

Although the lethality is not as good as that of real knives and imitation knives, if it hits the vital point, it will still cause serious injuries or even death!

The two players in the field are testing each other,

The swordsmanship in their hands is quite methodical, and they both look like people who exercise regularly.

After several rounds of fighting, the tall one finally couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed forward with a roar.

In a kendo match, shouting loudly not only makes you move forward, but also intimidates your opponent: not everyone can remain calm when facing an opponent who is roaring and rushing at you.

However, his opponent is just such a person.

He raised the bamboo sword in his hand, and his eyes under the protective gear were fixed on the opponent's shoulder, and then:

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

In a series of bamboo swords clashing, the tall player rushed and hit fiercely, with the momentum like a tiger coming down the mountain. Just listening to the sound of the clash, it shows that he showed no mercy at all!

This is an opportunity to become extraordinary and ascend to heaven in one step, how could he hold back?

Such a violent momentum made the surrounding students tense and look unnatural.

The boy who had threatened in the morning, "Why don't you dare", subconsciously took a step back, attracting dissatisfied eyes behind him.

How many people can remain calm when facing the bamboo sword that is chopped with all its strength?

Unfortunately, his opponent was obviously a calm person.

After a long time of attack, the tall player finally showed signs of fatigue, and his movements were half a beat slower.

Right now——

The bamboo sword stabbed forward, and when the opponent subconsciously raised the sword to block, it suddenly changed direction and went straight to the back of the opponent's hand.


"The winner is Xiao from Class 2, Grade B!"

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