"Spare your life, spare your life!"

"I'm just an ordinary church member, I really don't know anything~~"

Exquisite tableware was scattered all over the floor, and bright red liquid flowed on the expensive carpet; the owner of the manor, who looked aloof just now, was held in the air with one hand by the man in black, kicking his legs feebly while pleading with tears.

In the luxurious hall,

The few rich men huddled in the corner felt mixed emotions in their hearts when they saw the ugly behavior of the 'big shot' in their eyes.

At the same time, there is also surprise, fear, and despair.

Battles between extraordinary beings are no longer uncommon.

But he appeared in front of him, and with a crushing attitude, he instantly captured the owner of this manor.

Then them.



"You still have ten seconds to organize your words,"

In the calm words of the man in black, the owner of the manor, whose index finger was broken and pressed against the back of his hand, couldn't care less about the severe pain, and his psychological defense collapsed instantly.

"I said, I said!"

As he revealed everything he knew, the mysterious 'church' was finally unveiled.

This church worships the "Father" in the sea and believes that all life originated from the sea: it is a gift from the Father; at first glance, it sounds somewhat appropriate to "modern science." But then, the style of painting changed:

According to the church, human beings were once interstellar creatures called 'Star Spawn'.

It's just that as the 'Father' fell into deep sleep, human beings have become the frail and frail appearance they are now after tens of millions of years of degradation.

Today, the ‘Father’ in the sea sends His daughter: the ‘Hidden Lady’ to walk in America, and all human beings who have been blessed are the baptized.

If you continue to strengthen according to the special rituals, you will one day be able to become a 'star dependent' again, travel the universe with the awakened 'father', and enjoy eternal life.

"Your father, shouldn't he be called 'Cthulhu'?"

As the other party nodded repeatedly, 'Mike', the former FBI agent in black clothes, was speechless for a while.

As an American, I have read more or less Howard Philip Lovecraft's novels.

Even if you haven't watched it, you have at least played or heard about "World of Warcraft": as the villains of the 'old god' C'Thun who corrupted Azeroth, they have the appearance of the standard Cthulhu myth: However, C'Thun In appearance, Thuun is closer to Kusuun, the owner of the Hound of Tindalos.

Shaking his head slightly, suppressing the thoughts about the game in his mind, Agent Mike, who was holding the other party, spoke again.

“Tell me the meeting place of your church and the relevant people.”

"No, no!"

"Then I'll—"

"Die now or die later, choose!"

Facing the threat of the man in black, the manor owner’s expression changed several times, and finally:

"I I said"

Just when he was about to reveal the 'core' secret, an inexplicable chill suddenly hit him.

? !


Letting go of the other person, Agent Mike in black clothes stepped away.

Because of the 'psionic perception' ability he exchanged, he noticed this guy and suddenly burst out with a 'spiritual energy wave'.


"No, no! I didn't betray—"

The owner of the manor who was released by him just stood up and screamed in horror: However, a stream of flames spurted out of his mouth, interrupting his defense.

Fire surges from within, from mouth, nose, eyes, ears

In the blink of an eye, his entire head was wrapped in flames!

Under the horrified gazes of other moderately wealthy businessmen attending the banquet, the manor owner's facial features were quickly blackened, carbonized, and peeled off in the flames. The flames came and went quickly, lasting only a few seconds.

But in just these few seconds, all that was left of the manor owner's head was a blackened skull.



As the body fell to the carpet,

The neck bones could not withstand the impact, and the smoking skull rolled to Agent Mike's feet.


"Oh God"

The rich men curled up next to them all turned pale, and they all lowered their heads and vomited.

The scene before them was too shocking to them!

This ability

Several wealthy people in the hall were shocked and frightened, but to Agent Mike, it was nothing.

A magic circle with a set 'switch', or a parasitic spell?

As for the triggering mechanism.

His eyes fell on the blackened skull. It was obvious that as long as this guy wanted to reveal any core information about the 'church', the spell would be activated!

It seems like what he said himself, this guy is just a low-level member of the 'church'.

Thinking of this, Agent Mike, dressed in black, glanced at the wealthy people present.

? !

"This gentleman, I am not."


With a flick of his fingers,

A black 'spiked' penetrated the rich man's forehead.

"Sir, I don't."


Before the second person could finish speaking, a black thorn as thick as a thumb and as long as a palm pierced his forehead.

"I'll fight with you——"




Before coming here, Agent Mike had already inspected the manor and had a tour of the "wine cellar" on the bottom line. The "collections" inside made him, a former FBI who had seen many criminals, feel cold in his hands and feet. The owner of this manor can no longer be called a 'person', and these guys who come to flatter him.

It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘kindness’!

Should be killed

"Sir, I know Father George!"


As soon as the movements of his hands stopped, Agent Mike looked at the last person.

It was the Jewish businessman from before.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Father George?"

Father George, how could Agent Mike forget this name!

It was because of the investigation of this cleric that his partner turned against him and shot him from behind.

After spending several missions in the 'Nightmare Space', Agent Mike, who has become much stronger, also tried to investigate from the 'Father George' line first. However, the other party was no longer in that church: even the layout was restored. Became 'normal'.

It seems that he is not, it should be the 'disappearance' of his partner that has aroused the vigilance of the 'Cthulhu Church'.

"Yes, yes,"

Facing this man in black who kills people whenever he disagrees, the wealthy Jewish businessman nodded like a fool.

"My company deals in 'toy' supplies."

"Father George sent someone to customize a batch, so——"

He knew the delivery location, but he didn't dare to take the liberty to visit: with the power of this secret 'church', crushing a middle-level wealthy businessman like him would be like crushing an ant.

A construction truck driven tiredly, a private jet that was not properly maintained, and a "mental patient" who suddenly went crazy.

He even quietly committed suicide in his mansion.

That was his fate.

Even America's richest man, when the fight was at its fiercest two years ago, made a statement to the world that he would never commit suicide.

The implication is that if he 'committed suicide', it must have been arranged by someone.

America is certainly a paradise for the rich.

But only if you have the ability to protect your property.

Otherwise, countless hyenas will pounce on you and tear you to pieces.

Or, join the hyenas and enjoy this world of capital together.

"take me."

Agent Mike, who was originally going to the next wealthy businessman, immediately changed his schedule, picked up the wealthy Jewish businessman, and strode away from this manor that looked gorgeous but was built on numerous bones.

From that Father George,

You should know more about the 'Cthulhu Church'.

Otherwise, Agent Mike will have no choice but to go back and talk to his 'old boss'.


Governor's Island,

This is a building located in upper New York Bay.

An island about 1 km from the southern tip of Manhattan Island.

Hundreds of years ago, a large number of fortifications were built here, and dignitaries lived here, hence the name "Governor".

Later, it was used as a military base, and later, it became a place for people to visit and tour. To this day, this 172-acre island is the largest undeveloped land in New York City: it contains a large number of eighteenth-century fortresses and armories, making it a rare "ancient" building complex in America.

However, in the past two months, the place has been closed and visitors are refused, on the grounds of preventing disturbances caused by the extraordinary.

The actual situation is:

“We live on a peaceful island called Ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean, and we are never meant to set sail.”

"Science. Every science. Strives in its own direction, and therefore does little harm;"

"But sooner or later, some seemingly unrelated pieces of knowledge will come together to open up a terrifying vision of reality, reveal the terrible situation of human beings in it, and we will either go crazy or flee from this fatal light and hide. Enter the new dark age and enjoy the silence and safety there.”

Closing the book in her hand, the blonde beauty lowered her eyes.

"The truth about the world,"

"Where is the end of the universe?"

"Sure enough, the more you know, the more distress you get."

While sighing like this, a tentacle spread out from under the blonde beauty's skirt. She put the "Call of Cthulhu" back on the bookshelf and turned her eyes towards the window.

From here, you can overlook the famous 'Statue of Liberty', and even with her eyesight, you can see the poems under the statue.

"Whether you are homeless,

Whether you are suffering from turbulence,

Give it all to me,

Give it all to me!

Before this golden gate to freedom,

I lift up the blazing light that lights up the dark night. "

Whispering this poem, the blonde beauty stood up.

"Unfortunately, you are just a statue."

Unlike the confused person at the beginning, the blond beauty is now a well-educated person.

The church under his command has developed well, and it’s time to move on to the next step: publicizing the name of ‘Father’ to everyone, so that all living creatures can bathe in the glory of ‘Father’.

This is the meaning of her existence, which cannot be doubted or hindered: not even by herself!

Compared with the so-called freedom, a little octopus who knows how to think needs one more:

Reason for existence!

It’s time for the sunrise plan to begin,

Let those ‘dependents’ play their due role.


"You have recruited another group of members?"

The furious Dr. Lumley broke into the prayer hall of Governor Island and found Old Edgar who was "receiving" several wealthy businessmen.

"I have said many times that we should be cautious when recruiting new members"

"You are too old-fashioned, Lumley!"

The vigorous old Edgar waved his hand impatiently,

"We have already mastered 126 members, more than half of whom have been transformed into "baptized", there is no need to be so timid."

After speaking, Old Edgar raised his hand and pointed at the doctor:

"You are still a mortal,"

"What is your intention to repeatedly interfere with the expansion of the church?"


Dr. Lumley once again felt deeply regretful for saving this guy's life, in short, he regretted it very much.

"We still need to accumulate strength. You should know what kind of power America has."

"Of course I know!"

"But I know even more that the glory of the 'Father' is a hundred times, ten thousand times, and infinitely more powerful than the motionless Yahweh!"

Anyway, with a part of the 'Secret Lady' coexisting in his body, Old Edgar has long had no option of 'turning back'. He is the one in the church who is most eager to overthrow the original order.

Only by completely overthrowing America, which was once built by the 'Yahweh' faith, and replacing it with a country protected by the 'Father' in the sea, can he truly enjoy stability: and by then, he will not be a mere wealthy businessman, but a 'founding noble'.

No, no, no, what is there to care about as a mere human noble?

When the 'Father' returns from his slumber and travels the world with the kingdom of God held high, it will be a great honor for him to serve him!

Part of the church's "holy book" was written by the wealthy businessman Old Edgar; those words of desire came from his mouth: Compared with the vast universe, how could a mere wealthy businessman from America satisfy him?

"Asshole, you disrupted our plan by doing this--"

Dr. Lumley couldn't help but curse,

While he was immersed in studying "Potion Promotion", this guy in front of him absorbed a large number of people into the church:

Members of the parliament, wealthy businessmen, and even celebrities. Although these people all have the church's "forbidden array" on them to prevent these guys from talking nonsense after drinking too much or flying too many leaves.

But that is always the last insurance. The church can control America quietly and secretly. There is no need to make a big fuss:

"If the commander-in-chief is alerted"

"Wait! The assassination some time ago was not done by you, right?"

Originally, Dr. Ramley did not doubt his own people, but the old dog's wanton expansionism in front of him might...

"You are slandering!"

"My loyalty to His Majesty can be witnessed by the stars!"

Old Edgar couldn't sit still on the spot. Although he longed to establish the "Father's" country on earth, he also understood that the real commander was the "Secret Lady". How could he dare to assassinate the commander-in-chief privately?

You must know that the "Secret Lady" arranged the "Day Plan" and prepared to "replace" the commander-in-chief at the right time.

He sent someone to assassinate the commander-in-chief at this time. And it failed. Isn't this courting death?

Beep, beep,

Just as the two were arguing,

The personal computer on Dr. Ramley's wrist suddenly made a hurried sound.

"Doctor, Edgar is here too?"

On the screen, old Anderson's serious face, which seemed to be cast in steel, appeared.


"One of our 'priests' has been killed."

? !

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