I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 209 Living in Fengdu is not easy



Prime Minister's official residence.

"Mr. Special Envoy, please believe that this matter has nothing to do with our government."

"Shet - it has nothing to do with it? Do you think the great America will accept this kind of rhetoric?!"

The American diplomat slapped his hands heavily on the table, his face turned purple with anger, and the island country couldn't help but curse.

I heard that this American diplomat was once a member of the swimming team; now that I see it, it’s true.

"3421 people!"

"3421 American brave officers and soldiers!"

The red-faced American diplomat banged the table and roared, spittle flying.

"Overnight, so many good guys were lying in body bags! Such huge losses have exceeded the total casualties in all our military operations in America in the past fifty years! This is still a naked provocation and means war"

"Mr. Envoy!"

The newly appointed foreign minister of the island suddenly raised his voice, interrupting the American diplomat's rant.

"I already said it,"

"This matter has nothing to do with the island government."

"The extraordinary people under the government have just experienced the 'Victory of Chuandao' and are almost all resting."

"And those who attacked your military base were more than fifty extraordinary assassins."

The new Foreign Minister raised his head and looked him directly in the eyes.

"We have no reason and no ability to do this!"


"Then go check it out!"

The American diplomat, whose face turned purple with anger, slapped the table again, leaned forward and roared.

"Three days, you only have three days!"

"America must be given an explanation for this matter!"

"No way,"

The new foreign minister of the island country is also angry.

"Mr. Special Envoy, this is a covert operation of the 'unknown supernatural' force. What can be found in three days?"

In fact, as a newly appointed senior cabinet official, and one of the dozen or so people with the most power in the island country, the Foreign Minister vaguely knows the truth: the force that can bring out so many extraordinary beings to carry out 'assassinations' is one of the few in the island country. Countable.

Excluding those that have no conflict with America, the answer becomes obvious.

Those Wu family bastards who play 'walk alone'!

Even if he is angry in his heart, he must be 'uninformed' on the surface.

"I repeat,"

“This matter has nothing to do with the island government!”

"Or are all the babies in your military base? You can't even protect yourself. You have to track down the murderer. Please do it!"

The Foreign Minister, who had lost his patience, raised his hand in the direction of the door and made a 'please' gesture.

"We still need to deal with the extraordinary disaster of the 'Underworld Evil Ghost'."


The American diplomat, whose face looked like that of 'Thanos', pointed at the other party with trembling fingers, but in fact he already knew in his heart: the time has come for a break.


Putting his finger down, the anger on the purple face turned into undisguised hatred.

"America's sanctions will arrive soon."


The island's foreign minister didn't waste any time and raised his hand to point to the door.

He didn't say "go away" directly, which was the last of the island country's "subtle" demeanor.

\u0026quot;Negotiations broke down,\u0026quot;

After the American diplomats left, the new foreign minister came to the large conference room next to him. The prime minister of the island country, other senior cabinet officials, and Director Zhuya sat in a circle and were working overtime to discuss various matters.

The people outside are still celebrating the ‘Victory of Chuandao’, but they at the top level have a myriad of things to deal with.

Clearing up the remaining ‘Biyou’ in Wakayama Prefecture, rebuilding the ‘Koyasan Esoteric Buddhism’, cooperation with Omao, and facing America——


Everyone in the large conference room was not surprised when they heard the report from the new Foreign Minister.

It would be better to say that there was no direct 'declaration of war', which made them a little confused and a little relieved.

"America, weakened."

"If it were before, the aircraft carrier fleet would have already entered Tokyo Bay, right?"

"Haha, now America's aircraft carrier formation still dares to set foot in this sea area."

Although the island nation suffered millions of casualties due to extraordinary disasters, which can be said to be no less than most of the 'wars of annihilation' in history; but the existence of the 'sea anion' also made warships of all countries avoid it, to a certain extent. , can it be regarded as 'protecting' the island country?

Although this 'protection' caused heavy losses to the island country itself, the Naval Self-Defense Force was almost disabled.

You must know that the headquarters of the island country is in Yokosuka! Back then, 'Hai Ming' not only destroyed America's 7th Fleet, but also took away most of the warships of the island country.

"This is also the reason why Hainan is preparing to transform, but next, we will definitely face large-scale sanctions from America."

As the Minister of Defense spoke, his eyes fell on the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

"Start rebuilding the production line now,"

"Within five years, we will be able to be self-sufficient in most parts. But raw materials."

"Raw materials are imported from Damao and other countries."

The Minister of Restoration took over the topic,

"Not all countries are willing to obey America's orders."

"We have extraordinary resources, and there will always be trade partners coming to our door!"

The island country is a big import and export country and needs to import about 24 million tons of food every year; it relies heavily on imports of oil, natural gas, and coal, as well as a large number of high-tech chips, parts, etc.

In the past, many of them were imported from America, but now that they have fallen out, they must be gone.

Fortunately, the island country has always had a very excessive "crisis awareness" and stored a large amount of food and energy, so people would not starve to death on the spot.

"The situation in the island countries will be very difficult in the next period of time."

"I also ask you to work hard and live up to the trust of the people."

The Prime Minister concluded that after the extraordinary disaster has left, what the island country needs to face immediately is 'internal and external troubles': externally there is the shock caused by the breakup of America, and internally there are forces represented by various top extraordinary beings. 'It's the military family headed by Yagyu, and the cabinet is also pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Not to mention the strength of these martial arts families, Yagyu Onoda is a good brother of Master Shixiong, and no one in the entire island country dares to say a word.

In addition to the cabinet, the media and news industry in the entire island country are also tight-lipped!

What American military base was assassinated?


Who dares to say nonsense, I am the one in Tokyo Bay!

“The next step is to have in-depth cooperation with Damao.”

The Kyuubi's power is gone, but for this group of senior officials, things have become more and more complicated. How to maintain this situation is their job.

"Minister of Foreign Affairs, please do your best."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

The newly appointed Foreign Minister nodded, but couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

I had known that this position would be difficult to sit in, but I didn’t expect that as soon as I took office, I would have to face America and Da Mao.

Maybe it would be easier to close your eyes like your predecessor?


A gray, dim fog shrouded everything, and I could barely see ten meters away.

There are endless rocks under your feet, and everything you look at is desolate.

"Hiss, it's so cold."

Just when the new Foreign Minister is ‘envying’ his predecessor, his predecessor is:

"You two, we can't continue to wander around like this."

The former Foreign Minister was a woman in her sixties. As a pure civil servant, she did not even drink the extraordinary potion. She was just an ordinary person. It should be said now, an ordinary spirit.

"Ms. Kamikawa, what do you think we should do?"

General Sergei, who was wearing a military uniform and a standard Slavic mustache, looked to the left and right with a look of helplessness.

"We don't know how long we have been wandering here, except for evil spirits or evil spirits."

There are also some dilapidated buildings from various eras of the island country, but:

Buildings built to provide shelter from wind and rain are often the 'nests' of evil spirits.

In this boundless and desolate world, their three 'spirit bodies' could only wander aimlessly.

“The world we live in now is undoubtedly a ‘golden spring’.”

The third man's well-developed muscles made his military uniform bulge, and he was none other than Brigadier General Thomas!

Compared to the other two, as a transcendent, he was equally powerful after death. The 'evil spirits' he encountered along the way were all beaten away by him with three punches and two kicks.


"If this continues, Ms. Kamikawa will soon turn into an evil spirit."

I have to say that the 'sea ninja' really kept his promise: if he said he would send them to hell, he would send them to hell.

The three of them have been wandering in this 'underworld' for several days. Ms. Kamikawa, the 'former foreign minister' of the island country, has begun to show signs of being broken and transparent in her body, and her spirit is also in a trance, looking like she will turn into an evil spirit at any time. .

General Sergei seems to be able to hold on, but it is only a matter of time before something changes.

As for Brigadier General Thomas, he also clearly felt the loss of his 'spiritual energy': if he continued, sooner or later he would turn into one of those mindless evil spirits wandering around.

“I don’t know what’s going on in the real world.”

"Relax, ma'am."

Everyone has fallen into hell, or hell, and the past grudges have been put aside for the time being.

Brigadier General Thomas spoke to comfort the ‘former island foreign minister’.

"The fact that we did not encounter a large number of 'fresh spirits' shows that there was no large-scale death in the island country during this period."

"What Mr. Thomas said makes sense."

Although this comfort is very 'hell', if you think about it carefully, if the islanders really died on a large scale, how many of them should they encounter?

In other words, have you survived this life?

"There's movement!"

Thomas, the former extraordinary man, suddenly turned his head and took a stance towards a fog.

"Don't be nervous~~"

In the crisp voice, a little girl wearing a white robe appeared jumping from the mist.

"I am 'White Boy', am I responsible?"

The little girl stopped introducing herself and looked around the three of them up and down.

"Are you looking like high-ranking officials in this outfit?"

"Ahem, Ms. Kamikawa."

The two generals set their sights on the 'former foreign minister' of the island country. No matter how they looked or dressed, they all looked like 'foreign officers'. This kind of problem of communicating with the 'local hell' naturally had to be left to the locals.

"Little girl, I am."

"Wow, Minister of Foreign Affairs, you are so awesome~~"

After listening to the explanation, the little girl opened her big eyes with an innocent look on her face.

Abbreviation: Mingjueli.


When the three of them were speechless, the little girl looked at them again.

"Although your spiritual body is a bit strong"

"Forget it, come with me."

The little girl turned around and waved to the three of them.

"I will take you to Fengdu, and then let the elder sister from the Ministry of Personnel assign you work."

Work. Work?

The three of them were stunned.

After all, they had all been top-notch officials, but when they suddenly heard about "distributing work," they felt a little uncomfortable.


"Let's go,"

Brigadier General Thomas tilted his chin towards the little girl's back, and then took a long step forward.

General Sergey of Da Mao and former Foreign Minister of the island country Shangchuan followed immediately without much hesitation.

There is no doubt that they are all dead. This is the 'Underworld', and the evil spirits encountered can testify: If you don't want to end up like that, following this little girl to the 'Fengdu' she calls is the only way at the moment.

"That is?!"

"Sacred tree——"

When he faced the golden light in the mist and saw the giant golden tree towering over the sky in front of him, the former Foreign Minister Shangchuan was stunned, as if he had returned to the present world.


"That tree is called the 'Sara Twin Tree', and it was planted by my lord."

Thomas' eyes flashed slightly when he heard the words of the little girl 'White Boy' who was leading the way.

Don't look at his blond hair, blue eyes, muscles, and a classic American 'tough guy' look: How could he be just a simple reckless man when he could sit in the position of brigadier general and manage extraordinary matters in America?

According to Buddhist myths and legends, the ‘World Honored Sakyamuni’ entered nirvana and attained enlightenment under the two Salo trees.

This tree is also a Zen metaphor, implying that it is ‘alaya consciousness’.

The owner here.

"My body?"

As the three people moved forward under the leadership of 'White Boy', the former Foreign Minister Kamikawa was surprised to find that his tattered and transparent body had solidified again!

"Under the illumination of the twin trees of Sara, all spiritual bodies will be continuously replenished."

The little girl in front explained as she walked:

"However, our underworld does not support idle people."

"Everyone needs to work. If they don't work, they will be kicked out of Fengdu and end up wandering in the wilderness and turning into evil spirits."

? !

These words made the three of them tremble.

I didn't expect that I would have to work after death. It was really a mixed bag.

"Xiaojiu, you're back."

As soon as they entered the city, an old man outside a blacksmith shop raised his hand to say hello and glanced behind the little girl in white:

"Hey, you brought three 'big shots'?"

The teasing tone in his tone made the three former high-ranking officials feel bad.

"Grandpa Tsukamate, I'm at work: please call me 'White Boy'."

"Okay, Kobato."

"Follow me,"

For this old grandfather, 'White Boy' Xiaojiu has lost her mind to argue with him: as she said, she is at work now.



"Age of Death,"

"What kind of specialties do you have?"

Led by the little girl, three 'former' senior officials came to an antique 'office'.

A female clerk began to register them carefully.

"Command the army?"

"Sorry, there is no army for you to command here: the captains of the Sixth Division do not need anyone else to command them except your lord."

After rejecting General Sergey's words, the clerk's eyes fell on Ms. Kamikawa.

"I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the island."

"Sorry, we have no 'diplomatic' business in the underworld for the time being."

"I am a transcendent being and can fight."

Brigadier General Thomas took a step forward, his muscles and confidence on full display.

The female clerk nodded and wrote and drew on the three people's forms.

"Mr. Thomas, with this document, you can go to the 'Blacksmith Shop' to receive a 'Spiritual Knife'."

"As long as you go out of the city to hunt ten evil spirits, you will be considered as passing the test: by then, all six and twelve teams will definitely welcome warriors like you to join."

As for the other two, after they exited the building:

"Carrying stones?"

Holding his 'recommendation document', General Sirgay was speechless.

"I never thought that I would have such a day?"

“This is simply”

Kamikawa's 'former foreign minister' next to him had an even brighter expression, because the 'recommendation document' in her hand was:


As for the salaries of the three people, they are even more different.

"It seems that this afterlife world is in the 'early stage of development'."

Thomas was thoughtful. From the conversation with the clerk just now, it is not difficult to see that what is most needed here are combatants, then technical personnel related to cold weapon combat, and finally various service industries.

"Next, I have to say goodbye for a while."

After waving the document in his hand, Brigadier General Thomas immediately went to the blacksmith shop to get weapons to hunt evil spirits.

"I hope you two can have new development in this world."

Move stones and sweep the streets.

You must find a way to improve your strength and become a member of the ‘Six Divisions’!

This thought flashed through the minds of General Sergei and Foreign Minister Kamikawa. As former high-ranking officials, even if they fell into decline, their experience and vision were still there.

This world after death is obviously in the early stages of development. If we can seize the opportunity, we may be able to reach the top again: even further!

After all, this is the extraordinary world after death!

Immortality or something

It’s not impossible!

When I think about it, my whole body is filled with energy and energy.

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