I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 207: Sudden Stop

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh——

Missiles dragged long white tracks, drew a large number of dense lines in the air, and whistled towards the south of Wakayama Prefecture.

These missiles were from the island country, the Russians, the Type 81, and the dagger. Some were launched from missile launchers and missile silos; some were launched from warships and naval bases; and there were also various types of fighter jets: missiles of various models and specifications gathered from all directions as if they were free.

In a normal war, public opinion, reconstruction, and even cost-effectiveness must be considered.

But this time, the island country and the Russians have spent a lot of money. As long as they are anti-aircraft missiles, they are all thrown madly to the south of Wakayama Prefecture!

On the one hand, the senior officials they sent to the trilateral talks were all chopped down, and they had to respond; of course, this was just an excuse. The most important reason is that if they lose this time, the island country, which has lost most of its extraordinary power, can only shrink under the shining of the Tokyo Sacred Tree and survive.

Can't lose, can't afford to lose!

In addition to nuclear bombs, almost all anti-aircraft weapons were used. The sky in the south of Wakayama Prefecture was illuminated by endless explosions. Countless "baby monsters" were involved in the explosions, and their bodies were blown to pieces, and their limbs and bodies fell like rain.


"These baby monsters?"

"They are no longer breaking through to the south!"

Under the bombardment that was said to be the full strength of the country, millions of baby monsters also seemed a little weak; even the Wu family who were deployed on the two islands found that these baby monsters no longer tried to break through, but turned to kill everyone.

"Blood Hakama has given up summoning baby monsters to help."

"He merged with the "sea snake"?

"Other people here can hold on, we may be able to help if we go over there!"

Simply baby monsters and "synthetic beasts" are no match for these Wu family masters who mastered the "breathing method", and their consumption is not too great.

As the armored ‘Tokugawa Mitsunari’ waved his hand, Yagyu Onoda, Honda II, Takagi Miwa, Hattori Hanzo, Koga Takeo and others turned around and flew towards the southern sea.


“Everyone in the family, take the secret medicine!”


On the huge ground-effect aircraft, the ‘apprentice onmyoji’ of the Isugaya family took out military ration pills and swallowed them.

These ‘apprentice onmyoji’ can only make some detonating talismans, military ration pills and the like, and they don’t even have a decent ‘onmyoji’, but they are enough as ‘human batteries’: their role is to provide spiritual power for the Isugaya siblings, so that the two siblings can use the extreme effect of the technique.

But this is not enough,

The Isugaya siblings also took out a green pill,


Seeing the pills in their hands, Hai Ninja frowned slightly.

"Master, you take a rest first."

"Please watch, this is our awakening!"

After saying that, the two swallowed the pills in their hands, and groaned in pain at the same time.

This is the "three-color pill" of the Akimichi family. After taking it, you can get explosive power: the price is severe pain all over the body, comparable to taking extraordinary potions, and it is considered a superior product of "military ration pills".

"I shouldn't teach you this knowledge."

In the sigh of Hai Ren, her sister Dai Igu, whose face was twisted by severe pain, turned around, raised her thumbs, and tried to smile.

"Master. Hai Ren sister,"

"People always have goals to fight for, aren't you the same?"


‘Thousands of years ago’, the goal of the Sea Ninja was to become the strongest Shadow Ninja, and then sign a contract with the Onmyoji to slay demons together.

“In that case, I won’t stop you.”


After getting the master’s approval, the drug-addled Isugaya family burst out with the greatest power: even if it was just one move, as long as it could affect the battle situation and show their determination, it would be enough.

“Three-headed Water Dragon Bomb!”

Boom, boom, boom!

Three giant dragons made of sea water raised their heads from the sea and roared towards the ‘Sea Viper’.

“A trifle,”

When the ‘Sea Viper’ opened his mouth, raging flames gushed out of his mouth.

The current ‘Sea Viper’ is not just a super giant monster, but an extraordinary monster that can use magic under the control of the ‘Blood Hakama’.

Even if a group of cannon fodders who only reached the level of ‘genin’ by taking drugs, plus the Isogai siblings who were also ‘taking drugs’, could not hurt him with their combined large-scale ninjutsu——

“Freeze it!”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh,

Three white lights shot out and froze the sea under ‘Sea Viper’.


Affected by this,

A water dragon hit the fire dragon, while the other two water dragons, one on the left and one on the right, went around from both sides and pounced on ‘Sea Viper’, entangling it.

“Roar! Get out of the way——”

However, no matter how much it exploded, two water dragons could not restrain Sea Viper!

Sea Viper raised its head and shook violently, and the water dragons collapsed on the spot!

In the ground-effect aircraft in the distance, everyone in the Isogai family had blood oozing from their mouths and noses and collapsed to the ground.

“Woo~~Too strong.”

Is it still not working?


The sea ninja who had taken a short break appeared behind the two children and lifted them up one by one.

"Your attack has achieved its effect."

Under the joint siege of the two 'Onmyoji families', the actions of the Sea Viper became so slow that it was difficult to escape, and this was enough:

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you fighting the forces of the 'Nine-Tailed Fox' again?"

Half of Kafka's face showed a domineering look. It was obvious that the 'Ibaraki' in his body had been awakened.

"Sorry, Ibaraki."

"Ha, if it's the one who fights the Kyuubi, I'll be happy to help!"

While communicating with one person and one monster, Kafka had completely entered the "immortal-like" mode.

He was not the scrupulous Jugo. With all his strength, 'blowholes' appeared on his back, and purple demonic power surged out, instantly pushing Kafka from extreme stillness to extreme movement!

At the same time, behind the raised left elbow joint, a large number of 'blow holes' instantly sprouted backwards, and purple demonic power also spewed out, making the power of this punch soar, continuously increase, and become unstoppable——

? ? ? ?


"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Facing the charged 'Ibaraki', the 'Xue Hakama' who had been repelled by him also had a surge of energy and blood, and he drove the 'Sea Hyena' and shook his head suddenly, preparing to fight head-on!

Ordinary extraordinary beings on the battlefield could not see Kafka's figure. They could only see the super-giant 'sea hyena' swinging its head and sweeping across, suddenly stopping:

For a moment, the huge sea hyena seemed to freeze, maintaining its sweeping posture.

Immediately afterwards, a circle of purple-black light ball expanded.

This is the collision of two huge chakras.


The ball of light expanded to hundreds of meters and exploded. The huge explosion immediately swallowed up everything, forming an ever-expanding sphere!

The sea below instantly 'sunken' into a deep hole. After being still for a second, huge waves spread out in all directions! Immediately afterwards, seawater poured back into this huge cavity, causing a fierce whirlpool and tsunami.

Even the clouds in the sky were torn apart by the shock wave rising into the sky, forming circles of white that spread outward.

After a fight, the color of the world changes!

"Quickly avoid——"



The shock wave roared out with a huge wave hundreds of meters high, which was enough to instantly overturn the aircraft carrier, submerge a modern fleet, and make the faces of everyone who were 'watching' change dramatically.

Before the huge wave came, the large ground-effect aircraft tilted and lost its balance.


Before the frightened boys and girls of the Itoya family could react, the flower-like shadow had already wrapped around them, and then rolled and pulled, gathering everyone together.

"Water wall——"

The sea ninja slashed the long sword in his hand, and a water ball with a diameter of ten meters enveloped everyone.

The next second, the huge waves easily crushed and shattered the 'ground effect aircraft', turning it into parts flying in the sky, and then it was instantly submerged by the sea water.

But this water polo was like a ping-pong ball without any force, allowed to be pushed by the waves, and flew away into the distance. Obviously, the sea ninja took action to save the people of the Isotani family: otherwise, the group would be wiped out in one fell swoop.


The faces of Yagyu Onoda and others who had just come from afar and encountered a tsunami also changed.

Above the sea, with nowhere to hide, Yagyu Onoda drew out his two swords and took a deep breath.

"Wind Barrier——"

The two swords were slashed forward with all their strength, forming a 'V' shaped wind wall.

Rumble~~! ! !

The triangular wall of wind pierced into the waves. Although it could not last more than a second and was shattered on the spot, it was enough.

The waves, which were originally crushing everything like mountains, were torn open.

And this allowed the three of them to escape.

The reason why there are three people:

'Honda Nidai', who soared into the sky to avoid the waves, looked down at his ankles.

"Ahem, give me a hand"

Hattori Hanzo, who was holding the girl's armor ankle, laughed awkwardly.

The girl didn't pay attention to the 'pendant' on her leg, but looked up:

As soon as the shock wave spread out, many people were already looking at the center of the battlefield, eager to know: Who won this fight?

"Tsk, Ibaraki."

A hoarse voice filled with hatred sounded,

In the sea, the huge 'sea jackal' with a sinuous body shook its head, and half of its head disappeared!

On the other side, Kafka fell on the sea, seemingly unscathed?

No, that's not right!

"General Kafkallu is injured."

After flying several thousand meters away, Pegasus, who possesses the 'God's Eye', wishes to speak.

She could see clearly that Kafka seemed to be completely unscathed, but the 'spiritual power' flowing in his left hand was messy and shapeless, obviously not what he looked like.

Looking at the other side:


In a silent squirming,

Groups of black 'spiritual power' emerged from the sea hyena's damaged head, which was quickly refilled and repaired as before.

"He's just a human using the power of 'Ibaraki'."

Saying this, the sea hyena or blood hakama, which was twisting and coiling in the turbulent sea and assuming a snake-like 'defensive' posture, obviously did not dare to underestimate the other party.

After all, this is Ibaraki, the second-in-command under the three demon kings, Shuten.

Even if it is sealed in a human body, it still cannot be underestimated.



Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a large milk cat flew over on the choppy northern horizon, with a little girl riding on its back who turned around frequently.

Behind the cat-girl was a young monk who was chasing after her in large strides.

Wherever he sets his foot, a golden chakra lotus blooms; he chases after him through the air like a real "lotus growing at every step", with the posture of an Arhat descending into the world.

‘Talent of the Immortal Clan’ can materialize chakra to attack, and it is not difficult to temporarily condense a lotus in the air.

Although this ‘cool’ way of rushing consumes a lot of ‘mana’, Master Zhixiong can’t care about it.

“Amitabha, I’m late.”

Rushing into the battlefield on the ‘Golden Lotus’, Master Zhixiong glanced at the turbulent sea and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the situation is not too bad.

“Master Zhixiong, you came at the right time.”

Kafka smiled as he looked at the young monk who fell from the sky and landed on the sea.

After breaking through in the ‘Yellow Spring Crack’ incident, this monk also reached the level of a great demon. No, it’s a ghost: the island country specially set up a level of ‘Vajra Monk’ for him to avoid everyone calling him ‘ghost level’.

In this way, the human side has three top combat forces!

“Sorry, Sister Zhiwu.”

Riding the Nekomata ‘Photon’ to Zhiwu’s side, Takahashi Ai Ling lowered her head.

"I couldn't stop him."

Although Takahashi Ai Ling's ability is amazing, her own strength is still a little weak, and Master Zhixiong restrains her very well: once the Hundred-Handed Guanyin is activated, she can only fight head-on.

Even the immortal duo sent by the Akatsuki organization to deal with Di Lu were first hung up and beaten; after Di Lu consumed a lot of chakra and could not maintain the all-round defense, Feidan seized the opportunity to take blood and then cursed him.

It is normal for Takahashi Ai Ling, who has many means but lacks offensive power, to lose.

You can't ask the monk 'Kafka' to fight against him, right?

"It's okay,"

Patting the other party's head, Zhiwu smiled and comforted the little girl.

"Little Ai Ling is already very powerful."

"I came at the right time?"

Another cold voice sounded, and a white crane carried a famous boy from the southern sea.

The boy was dressed in white and had white hair, a pair of gray-white pupils, and was exactly:

Hinata Toneri!

One side had many human extraordinarys, and the other side had several great demons.

On the sea, the two sides were clearly divided.

"Tsk, so many strong people."

"The existence gathered here is enough to destroy the country, right?"

Walking towards the battlefield on the sea, Takagi Sanhe held back his tongue: the other side was the great demon blood hakama, sea snake, Toneri, paper dance. And Takahashi Ailing.

Our side was led by Kafka Lujiang, Shixiong Master, Hanakaiin Yuura, Tenma Aimei, several tiger-level, many wolf-level.

Dog-level, this level, is not even qualified to approach.

Even these wolf-level who have learned the "breathing method" dared to stand on the periphery.


Hyuga Toneri's eyes fell on Tenma Nozomi.

"Amaterasu bloodline,"

"Didn't they say that the royal family is cut off?"


Tenma Nozomi scratched his hair, looking helpless.

"Actually, I am considered to be living among the people"

"It doesn't matter,"

Hyuga Toneri's gray pupils swept over and instantly judged the situation.

"Three great demons,"

As for the rest, they are just small fry.

"Are you coming one by one, or all together?"

As soon as this person appeared,

Is he preparing to challenge everyone?



emerged from the head of the 'sea snake', and the blood hakama with a curtain covering his face 'swept' a circle of the battlefield.

"Toneri, put the battle aside for now."

"Don't forget our goal, which is to revive the master."

"What do you mean?"

Facing Hyuga Toneri who turned his head to look at him, the hoarse voice of the blood hakama spoke calmly.

"I have collected almost all the souls I need,"

"There is no need to waste time with them,"

"Let's go to the sea country first and take the 'Yashakani no Magatama'."

"If someone gets the 'Yashakani no Magatama', we would have swept the entire island country long ago."

After saying that, he 'glanced' at someone.


"Without the jade, I am not afraid of anyone."

To this, Hyuga Toneri could only respond with a cold snort.

It was originally his job to seize the ‘Yasakani no Magatama’, but——

It has been so long, and he has not taken the artifact from ‘Hai Ming’.

The arrogant young man had nothing to say.

? !

In the surprised eyes of the human side, the blood hakama slapped down with one hand.

“Lord of the Demons, come here!”


A huge ‘Monster’ appeared out of thin air in the rising smoke.

This monster also consists of huge eyeballs and organs like a brain, the only difference is:

There are a lot of holes on her body, and with the regular wriggling, monsters come out from them, which is obviously the existence of ‘hatching’ monsters!

“It’s the source of monsters.”

“Kill it——”

What a joke!

Let alone killing the other party, it’s good not to be killed.

“Humans, enjoy this rare moment of peace.”

Landing on the huge ‘Monster Lord’, the blood hakama finally ‘looked’ at everyone.

"When my master returns, the world will be turned upside down!"

After saying that, he turned around in the 'Demon Lord'.

"Let's go,"


Hyuga Toneri also waved his sleeves,

"Hee, no need to fight, this is not bad."

Paper Dance landed on the cat-shaped 'Photon' and pointed at the other two colleagues.

"Little Ai Ling, follow me."


As for the stupid 'Sea Viper' in the sea, after being stunned for a while, it also turned around and dived into the sea.

Is this the end?


You complained after pressing the headset,

"The other party's goal is to revive that existence, not to fight us to the death."

"Since we are a tough 'hard bone', let's go to other places to collect souls easily and happily: by the way, we can also seize artifacts or something~~"


Non-concierge, Australia.

No matter! In other words:

"Did we win?"

"Everyone, we won!!"

With the sound of disbelief on the battlefield, it finally turned into a sea of ​​cheers.

Although we dare not say that we have defeated the other party, at least we let the other party retreat: this is an unprecedented victory for the island country!

In the past, when facing the extraordinary, we were almost always at a disadvantage. This time, we were able to achieve a balance of power, which only made the other party afraid to act rashly, but it was still a huge breakthrough.

However, when everyone cheered, Director Takeya pushed his glasses and closed his eyes without any joy.

The island country's extraordinary people can maintain "cooperation" until now because of the pressure of the Nine-Tailed Forces.

Now, the other party is gone; the real "turmoil" is coming.

This time, it is not an external enemy.


Internal division!


PS: I recommend a book from a friend in the group, "Naruto: All my simulation objects have come to me", which is a Naruto and simulator type. I don't think I will be sacrificed again.

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