I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 115: Showing off muscles


The giant half-meter-thick alloy door in front of him slid open silently.

In front of them is a metal corridor fifty meters long, five meters wide and three meters high: when Yuu and others stepped into the passage, the silver-white zinc magnetic plates on the walls began to play their due role, a faint White light shoots out from above, eliminating any viruses and bacteria present on everyone's body.

"It's very technological,"

"A group of 'zombies' or even 'tyrants' won't jump out in the next second, right?"

"Brother Yuu, this is Chiyoda Underground."

Iori Ichika replied with a rant,

"Even if there was such an experiment, it would not be placed in a place like this."

"Then what else is there to see?"

Facing Yu who looked 'disappointed', Izori Ichika twitched the corner of his mouth and pointed forward.

"Just follow me and you'll find out."

Everyone followed the Metropolitan Police Department personnel through the long metal corridor: it seemed to only have a disinfection function now, but everyone understood that as long as necessary, this passage would become a dangerous place to bury lives.

As the heavy metal door at the end of the corridor slid open automatically, everyone was shocked.

What appeared in front of them was a space the size of a football field!

This area is sunken down for more than ten meters. There are streets, houses, and dummies inside. It looks like a testing ground for Sim City?

Such a gesture made everyone's eyes move slightly,

You know, this is the underground of Chiyoda, Tokyo.

"Below the Metropolitan Police Department, there is a place like this: Could it be a converted air-raid shelter?"

"Is there any fighting arena under the Tokyo Dome?"

"Brother You, you are really right."

In this regard, Yiori Yihua has nothing to hide.

"Back then, after the heavy bombing here, the dignitaries who returned to Tokyo built a large number of underground air raid shelters, refuge facilities and the like: now it's time to put them to use."

The ‘big bombing’ Yihua calls is the famous ‘Li Mei Fire Attack’. Over 100,000 people died overnight, millions of people fled to the countryside, and "acquaintances" were everywhere. The frightened senior leaders of the island country naturally built a large number of air defense facilities underground when they rebuilt Tokyo.

This is how the underground space in front of you came to be.

Of course, these are not important, what is important is the purpose of coming here:

"Welcome everyone."

"Sorry, the meeting took up time."

Director Zhuya hurried over from the other side, followed by a group of white coats.

"You are summoned here today to discuss the next extraordinary cooperation. But before that, I would like to invite you to observe an exercise."

As Director Zhuya raised his hand to signal, everyone's eyes fell on the 'Sim City' below: with bursts of clicking sounds, one side of the metal wall of the simulated space opened, and several tall and thin figures walked out.


"Earth Spider"

"And there are extraordinary prisoners?!"

That's right, what came out of the metal wall were minotaur-shaped monsters, giant truck-like spiders, and people wearing black and white stripes: it was obvious that they were extraordinary beings secretly captured by the Metropolitan Police, and look at these guys Ji's arrogant look probably means he is unwilling to submit to the island government.

"The appearance of Niugui in Sendai City caused a total of 6 police officers to die in the line of duty, 24 civilian casualties, and caused huge economic losses."

Director Zhuya pushed up his glasses and turned to look at the combination of the uncle and the female high school student.

"Thanks to Mr. Sakuma, otherwise the casualties would have been greater."

"This is what I should do."

The bookish middle-aged man does not take any credit;

“When faced with a crisis, someone has to stand up: not to mention I’m still a teacher.”

"But it is still worthy of praise. On behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department, I am here to thank Mr. Sakuma."

After speaking, Director Zhuya turned to look at those ‘extraordinary beings’ and continued:

"The earth spider appeared in Shiga Prefecture and Mount Ibuki. By the time we discovered it, it had already eaten all 642 people in the nearby Ibuki Village. It is a heinous crime!"

"The extraordinary person Mizuno Kuto, after gaining extraordinary powers, raped and killed six girls and 32 of their relatives in succession."

"The Extraordinary."

As Director Zhuya came one by one, everyone had a certain understanding of the 'great achievements' of these extraordinary beings below.

In fact, these ‘crimes’ are just that!

After all, in human society, winners and losers have always been victorious. For Admiral Li Mei, who burned 100,000 people in Tokyo, injured countless people, and displaced millions of people, the island country also issued the "First Class Rising Sun Ribbon" for him. Woolen cloth.

However, the American general dismissed it and was even willing to wear Maozi's Patriotic War Medal.

The reason why these extraordinary people appear in this testing ground is simply because they:

Not only failed!

And he is unwilling to be loyal to the powerful.

Then there is only——

"let's start."

Following the instructions from Director Zhuya,

The door on the other side of the testing ground slowly opened with a pop.

? !

Two teams of extraordinary SWAT officers wearing exoskeleton armor, not revealing an inch of skin, stepped out; suspended in the sky were vehicles the size of a car with four propellers, looking like an enlarged version of a 'drone'; and an aircraft three meters high and ten meters long, A war man who looks like a giant scorpion?

These were like things from a 'science fiction' movie, which stunned the many extraordinary beings who were standing above the experimental site and watching.

Could it be

"The experiment begins,"

"Disable all extraordinary targets."

"Repeat it."

The cold electronic sound rang out above the test site, causing those supernatural beings who had just been released to raise their heads.

They had already seen many people not far above: in addition to the damned Metropolitan Police Department, there were also some men, women, old and young: it was not difficult to judge from their fearless and curious expressions that they were all supernatural beings.

And the prompt that sounded now was not saying:

"Damn it, is the Metropolitan Police Department using us to scare the monkeys?!"

A young man in prison uniform cursed bitterly, "Isn't it just killing a few bitches? Why are they not allowed to surrender?"

Who made him rape and kill those girls, one of whom was the daughter of a congressman.

The other party wanted him to die even if he had to sacrifice his future!

After he said this, the other prisoners also reacted: the Metropolitan Police Department, which had lost its patience, was ready to take them for the operation.


The whistling sound from the side made several supernatural prisoners dodge in embarrassment.

"What's wrong with this guy?!"

The one who attacked them was the giant 'earth spider': not only them, but also other 'ghosts' and the like.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~~"

Using the foot sword to disperse these 'little bugs' that made it feel dangerous, the giant spider immediately crawled towards a house, ready to start spinning silk and weaving a nest there.

Buzz, buzz, buzz,

However, a strange 'flying insect' has come from the sky, making the giant 'earth spider' feel a severe threat.


Raising its upper body, the earth spider tried to scare the 'flying insect';

However, what it didn't know was that in the face of technological creations, such an action would make it a target:

There were four propellers in the sky, which looked like the belly of an enlarged version of a drone, and the flat muzzle flashed.


There was no roar of cannons, nor flames soaring into the sky, but the air was severely distorted and deformed along the trajectory of this cannon, and you could faintly see lightning flickering in the air, making a 'sizzling' sound of electricity; and after being hit by this cannon, half of the long legs of the earth spider, along with the building under its feet, suddenly collapsed and turned into powder all over the sky!

"This is the magnetic cannon carried by the 'Falcon',"

As the second aircraft code-named 'Falcon' fired, the long legs on the other side of the earth spider were also blasted into powder. This large monster had not done anything before it became a bachelor and fell in the smoke and dust.

". Magnetizing and decomposing all substances with a strong magnetic field, this is a destructive force at the molecular level, enough to completely destroy the genetic chain of organisms."

"No organism, no matter how strong its body is or how high its self-healing ability is, can't bear it!"

Director Zhu Ya's meaning is very clear, and Chaofan can't either.

Of course, maybe those 'big monsters' can resist, but everyone present:

At least from the slightly changed faces of those yellow-haired young men and rich second-generations, it is not difficult to see that they are definitely unstoppable.


Seeing the 'earth spider' lying down instantly and standing on two feet, the humanoid 'cow ghost' roared and thrust his hands into the ground.

The next second, a giant piece of earth and stone was unscientifically dug out by it and then lifted up.

Swish, X2

Without waiting for the cow ghost to throw the giant rock, two aircraft code-named 'Falcon' immediately pulled up to a higher altitude, with much higher flexibility than ordinary helicopters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the other side, several extraordinary special police officers who flew over the roof of the building aimed and fired.

The whistling bullets made the cow ghost's eyes shrink, and he no longer cared about the 'iron bird' in the sky, but blocked the giant piece of earth and stone in front of him.

Puff puff puff puff,

A series of earth and stone splashed.

If it weren't for this giant rock blocking, even the cow ghost's body couldn't stop the 20mm caliber armor-piercing bullet.


The old trick was used again, pushing the huge earth and rocks forward.

Besides this trick of 'digging', the cow ghost has no other extraordinary abilities, but as long as it gets close to those two-legged beasts, the situation can be--

Swish, swish,

However, how is it possible?

Two missiles the size of arms were fired from the abdomen of the 'Falcon' that followed and accurately hit the rolling boulder.

Boom! ! Boom! !

The violent explosion turned into a fireball, and the strong wind that rolled up stirred in this football field-sized test field, making the hair of You and others who were standing high to witness all this fly, and many people's faces were already not looking good.


The earth and rocks as big as a truck were blown into slag, and the cow ghost, who was blown away by the blast wave, fell to the ground dizzy.

If it were an ordinary person, it would not be like this. If it were an ordinary cow in his position, it would have been killed by the shock wave and its internal organs would have been shattered; but the cow ghost was extraordinary after all, shaking its huge head and trying to get up.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amid the familiar sound of gunfire, several extraordinary special police officers wearing exoskeleton armor have already rushed over, firing their guns repeatedly, accurately hitting the limbs of the cow ghost.

The cow ghost, whose hands and feet had just grown back not long ago, fell into his own blood again.

"The cow ghost has lost his ability to move,"

"Next target!"

In front of these high-tech creations that work in harmony, ordinary extraordinary beings can only be said to be: they collapse at the first touch.

Even those extraordinary people -

Dada dada dada dada dada,

Accompanied by the roar of machinery, a robot that is three meters tall and ten meters long, with a body similar to a spider, but with a tail raised high like a scorpion; is crawling across the street at a high speed with four several-meter-long mechanical legs, and the mechanical compound eyes at the front are flashing a large number of cold positioning lasers.

There are heavy "Vulcan" cannons on the left and right sides of its body, which are releasing firepower like crazy. More than 7,000 rounds per minute, a warhead muzzle velocity of 1030 meters per second, and a 20 mm caliber armor-piercing projectile are like steel whips that tear everything apart. He chased an extraordinary prisoner fiercely.

Although the man was running with all his strength, he was still locked by the laser phase control matrix, and then the "whip" of bullets came to bite him.


As soon as it passed by, the upper body of this extraordinary prisoner immediately exploded like a watermelon, and then the half of his lower body that was still flying slowly fell to the ground.

Killed someone

No, is it killing Chaofan? !

Just when the 'audience' looked horrified, a supernatural prisoner rushed towards the scorpion robot.

Puff puff,

The bullet chain swept past, leaving only ripples in circles on his body.

A closer look revealed that his body had turned into liquid: although all the armor-piercing bullets penetrated without any hindrance, the bullet holes disappeared instantly as if they hit the water. It only caused his whole body to continuously twist and deform like jelly, but it could not be stopped. His progress.

The art of hydration!

This is the secret technique of the Ghost Lantern clan. Although it is not a blood stain, it has the powerful effect of being 'immune' to physical attacks, making it quite invincible.

Yuu's eyes moved slightly while watching the battle. In addition to being able to easily avoid attacks in melee combat, the hydration technique can also sneak into buildings and carry out attacks in a liquefied state. It has great flexibility. But when encountering Thunder Escape, the caster will be let go.

"Hahahaha, my ability is invincible!"

The extraordinary prisoner laughed wildly and rushed towards the robot, looking invincible despite the hail of bullets.


Just as he approached the scorpion-shaped robot at high speed, the robot's scorpion-like tail lifted up, and an arc of light suddenly flashed from the end.


Jumping high-voltage current radiates from the 'scorpion tail',

A fan-shaped area was drawn in the sky, and wherever it went, a dazzling array of iron trees and silver flowers spread out.

? ? ?

Before he even had time to say the classic 'Nani', this extraordinary prisoner with the power of hydration was struck by the electric light. He immediately twitched and jumped wildly. Under the gaze of Yu and others, the skin all over his body quickly dried up and carbonized! The body truly 'shrunk', turning into a charred and twisted shape in just a few seconds.

Da da da,

With a sweep of the machine cannon, the charred body was immediately torn into countless smoking pieces, but no trace of blood could be seen.

In just a few seconds, the robot's high-voltage electricity had completely evaporated the water in the extraordinary prisoner's body through a chemical reaction, turning him into a mummy.

"This is an experimental all-round first-generation 'anti-supernatural' robot developed in cooperation with America."

Under the gaze of the horrified rich second generation, the little girl, the middle-aged man, Huang Mao., the thoughtful Yuu, and the expressionless Isotani siblings, Director Zhuya introduced to everyone:

"The cost of one unit is as high as 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, codename——"


As the electronic sound of 'experiment ended' sounded, the rich second generation swallowed his saliva and retreated under the wings of the giant eagle next to him.

"Uncle Zhuya. Director, what are you doing?"

Not only him, but the other 'audiences', regardless of their expressions, all the chakra in their bodies boiled: the hands hidden in the cuffs of the Ikariya siblings had already taken out several talisman papers and scrolls.

"Don't panic,"

Only Yuu spoke calmly in the audience,

"Director Zhuya is just flexing his muscles on behalf of the government."

"If you want to deal with us, these 'secret weapons' should not be exposed. Besides-"

Touching his chin, Yuu withdrew his interested gaze from the testing ground below.

"With this distance, is the director planning to perform a state-of-the-art unparalleled performance?"

"Hahaha~~I'm just a civilian employee."

Director Zhuya smiled and waved his hand,

"As this Yu-kun said, at this distance, my life is in your hands."

"As for flexing muscles or something like that, it's too rude. This is just the government showing its 'sincerity'."

After speaking sincerely, the director pushed up his glasses.


At least most of the extraordinary people were shocked!

Not just the new weapons developed by the government, but also the determination to ‘kill’ extraordinary beings.


PS: Recommend a book of the same type "Tokyo: I Am God", a book written by a level 5 author, the quality should be guaranteed~~

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