"Wow wow wow wow wow~~"

The red and blue lights combined with the sirens are enough to deter the scoundrels.

However, several policemen still looked as if they were facing a great enemy, with their hands on their waists, ready to draw their weapons at any time.

"Wow wow wow~~"

Two junior high school girls squatted on the side of the road, buried their heads and cried.

Another junior high school boy was pale and blank, as if he had seen a ghost!

"What do you think?!"

After understanding the situation, the patrol chief who led the team was full of anger.

"What's the point of holding a 'test of courage' at this time? Do you want to die--"

Are you embarrassed to say it?

"We. We didn't expect that there would be so many evil spirits here~~"

A brown-haired girl with a 'technological' face raised her head, tears drew lines on her face, washed away her makeup, and made the elderly patrol chief feel stinging in the eyes.

Forget it, young people of this era are like this.

"How many people do you have?"

While asking patiently, the patrol chief looked up at the hill in front of him.

This hill is only a dozen meters away from the road at the foot. As an old policeman who has lived in this town for decades: before the arrival of the extraordinary, the patrol chief often came to this hill to walk and breathe the air in the forest in his spare time.

So seriously, this is actually a "place for rest and exercise" in the town.

But that was more than half a year ago.

Since the arrival of the extraordinary, who has time to run here to exercise?

The newly opened gyms in the town are enough to sweat profusely.

Especially their police system, which is running 24 hours a day. Even if there is no task, they have to collect local "county governance", "village motto", "family letters" and other antique records to file and enter the network for emergency use.

In just half a year, the hill where many people once came to walk, climb and exercise has become desolate.

And the abandoned church on the hill was rarely visited even in the past.

Who knew these young people would come here?

The patrol chief knew that these students were not really looking for death.

After the initial chaos, the islanders who had adapted to the "super strong" disaster found that ordinary evil spirits were not deadly.

After all, evil spirits are also transformed from people: if evil spirits are generally stronger than people, then everyone should just cut their throats and become evil spirits collectively. Why live?

As long as they muster up the courage, people can repel evil spirits: plus these people are junior high school students, they are the age of fearlessness, young and strong, theoretically even if they encounter evil spirits, it is not difficult to escape. But——

"Don't you know that there are "new evil spirits" now?!"

Faced with the questioning, the two girls squatting on the ground just cried, which made the patrol chief quite helpless.

"Minister, it's like this"

A subordinate came over and reported to him the information he had asked from the junior high school boy who had recovered a little.

"One of their members saw the news, but..."

Because of the urging of his companions, he didn't take it to heart.

"At the same time, according to the description, there should be a 'new evil spirit' in this mountain."

It was the new evil spirit in the appearance of an 'old man' that attacked the leader among them, causing the team to fall apart and flee.

"According to them, there are three junior high school students trapped in the mountain, namely"

The patrol chief looked at the hill in front of him again,

multiple evil spirits,

and a new evil spirit.

They, the police, are naturally not afraid of ordinary evil spirits, but the 'new evil spirits'. It is said that this kind of evil spirit has wisdom close to that of humans, and knows how to use tactics, ambushes, traps and other means - there have even been cases where new evil spirits have led police into buildings and then created natural gas explosions!

Facing an evil spirit that can think, the degree of danger suddenly soared a hundred times.

As for the three junior high school students trapped inside?

They died long ago.


? !

"Be alert!"

Just as the police were hesitating, there was a noise in the forest ahead.

They all drew their guns and aimed at them!

This is

"I am a human,"

A girl walked out of the forest with her hands raised high.

"I am not an evil spirit, look, police officer. I have two feet."

Facing the gun pointed at her, the short-haired girl 'Xiaomei' was extremely nervous, just like when she encountered an evil spirit before.

She was just a flesh and blood body, and could not stop the bullet. She didn't want to survive the disaster, but fell under the muzzle of the police.

After hearing the girl's words, the police next to the police car,

and the three 'classmates' who escaped, all looked at her feet.

It was indeed a real pair of feet.

In addition to those evil spirits that were obviously 'ancient people' at a glance, who could only scream and chase people; there were also some 'modern' evil spirits that looked like ordinary people at first glance. But if you look closely, the feet of all evil spirits are more and more illusory as they go down.

This is also one of the main ways to distinguish evil spirits.


The patrol minister stepped forward.

"Is it Dong classmate?"

Dong Xiaomei is the full name of the short-haired girl.

"Ah, yes."

"You can put your hands down now."

Putting away the gun in his hand, the inspector made a gesture with his hands hidden behind his back while calming the other party with a friendly expression.

'Call the experts! '

For fear that his subordinates didn't see clearly,

He even did it three times!

The so-called ‘experts’ are naturally the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department.

Unfortunately, the people in the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department disappeared collectively during this period, and the patrol chief had no idea whether the higher-ups would send people over.

“Mr. Dong, the other two.”

“They are all dead,”

The short-haired girl Dong Xiaomei lowered her eyes.

On the way down the mountain, she saw the body of her yellow-haired girlfriend.

“Can you describe their apologies?”

Seeing the girl nervously put her hands on her chest, the patrol chief’s eyes swept over the girl’s neck, and he couldn’t help raising his hand to straighten the brim of his hat.

“The wound on your neck.”


The girl subconsciously covered her neck, her eyes wandering.


Are you kidding me!

Can falling make your neck purple?

As a police officer for decades, the patrol chief recognized it at a glance. It was the mark of suicide!

But he also understood that if he continued to ask, he would probably tear his face on the spot.

"Then, can we go to the police station to record a statement?"


As the girl came over, the middle-aged patrol chief couldn't help sweating at his temples.

"Mr. Police?"

"Ah, follow me."

Leading the obviously 'problematic' girl into the police car, the patrol chief sat in the passenger seat under the doubtful eyes of the deputy.

"Go back to the police station."


The journey was peaceful,

There was no restricted scene such as 'sudden murder',

The patrol chief got out of the car, took the girl into the police station, and then:

"Is the new interrogation room free?"

? !

Hearing the words of the patrol chief, the passing female police officer was stunned, and then immediately answered.


"Mr. Dong, this way."

While the patrol chief led the girl to the interrogation room, the passing female police officer immediately trotted to the police chief's office.

The so-called 'new interrogation room' is a place for interrogating extraordinary people. Since that place was separated, it has not been used: Since the inspector general asked this question, it proves that he believes that the girl he brought back is an extraordinary existence!

No, maybe the inspector general was kidnapped?

In this case, it is natural to report immediately.

The police chief of the police station, that is, the director here, also immediately reported to the higher authorities and simultaneously transmitted the picture of the 'interrogation room'.


In the interrogation room,

"Let's start,"

"Go through the name, family, and address first."

The inspector general, whose vest was already wet, forced himself to remain calm and began to question the girl opposite according to the procedure.

Although she looked like an ordinary timid and pretty girl, in the inspector general's heart, the other party was no different from a flood and a beast.

Extraordinary existence!

Not only the strange 'strangulation mark' on the girl's neck, but also her attitude when she went down the mountain.

Facing the muzzles of the police, the other party showed normal fear: but she did not show any fear or observation towards the "behind".

You should know that the other three junior high school students who ran out to call the police first looked at the church hill with fear and avoidance.

There are only two situations in this situation:

Either the girl in front of you has solved those evil spirits.

Then she is the evil spirit!

". After falling, you got up and ran outside, and then got rid of those evil spirits?"


This kind of flawed statement is underestimating our police!

In the girl's description, the first half is consistent with the testimony of the other three junior high school students: they were going to the abandoned church to play the "test of courage", deliberately choosing the daytime, and the mountain was not deep, so the danger was not great: if they did not encounter new evil spirits.

Then they met it unlucky!

Those ordinary evil spirits were obviously driven and used by the "new evil spirits".

They were driven to the ambush place, and then the evil spirit disguised as an ordinary 'old man' suddenly attacked and attacked the 'strongest' one in their small group, causing them to flee.

The problem was in the escape: According to the girl, she fell and separated from her companions.

And then she ran out like this?

What a lie!

Not to mention the time is not right, just the girl's appearance.

The patrol chief then put down the recorder and quickly scanned the girl's body: there were indeed traces of falling, but they were all tidied up.

In a dangerous place with evil spirits chasing behind, there was still time to stop and tidy up her appearance?

Too fake!

"Excuse me, can I leave?"

In the eyes of the patrol chief, the timid girl in front of him was already an evil spirit that could attack and hurt people at any time! But——

Hearing the order from the headset, the patrol chief stood up and nodded.


"We need to take you home"

"No, I can walk back by myself."

It's just a small town, and it won't take long to walk home.

"Inspector, why——"

When the girl Azuma Takami walked out of the police station, the patrol chief immediately rushed to the chief's office and saw:

A heroic, mature policewoman, and a junior high school boy?

"Let me introduce you,"

Since the mature policewoman and the junior high school boy were standing behind him, the inspector sitting at the desk was very nervous and spoke.

"These two are experts from the Tokyo Paranormal Countermeasures Department,"

The experts have arrived? !

The inspection director subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, and immediately followed up with a hurried suggestion.

"You two, please stop that person immediately."

"We know."

Fuji Seiko raised his hand to interrupt the anxious words of the inspection chief,

"That girl has traces of 'Ping Yi Ling' on her body."

Well, this is the judgment made by Yu-kun who watched the interrogation screen in Tokyo.


"Don't be nervous, we'll take care of it."

Fuji Seiko's eyes moved away from the computer on the desk and fell on the short-haired girl who had walked out of the police station.

Observe secretly first. If there is no malice towards ordinary people, you can consider incorporating it into the supernatural family; if it is an evil spirit that does evil, or even sucks life force and devours souls, then -

He raised his eyebrows,

Although her 'Uranium Wave Fist' only has a special attack on living creatures, it can kill several evil spirits with ease.

‘Go quickly, go quickly~~’

"What's wrong, Sister Yiyue?"

Urged by the voice in her head to leave the police station, Higashimi couldn't help but ask doubtfully.


A long sigh came from the short-haired girl's mouth,

"How scary!"

The voice was still the same, but the tone had changed drastically.

"There are strong men in that police station!"

"Sister Yiyue, don't use my body casually. What kind of strong person is that?"

The curious voice came from the girl's mouth, like a person talking to himself in two tones: but in fact, it was two souls talking to each other.

"How do I know?"

"It just felt like the other person could kill me with one finger."

"What, Xiaomei, are you planning to let the other party kill me?"


"How come,"

As she walked home, the girl shook her head.

"It was Sister Yiyue who saved me. I haven't helped you fulfill your wish yet."

How could you do such an ungrateful thing?

Although two ‘people’ share the same body,

"So hungry,"

After rubbing her belly, Dong Xiaomei felt unusually hungry. That was because:

"You just fought with your body, of course you will be hungry."

"Huh? Chaofan will do this too?"


The girl was talking to herself all the way, completely unaware that the newly installed monitors in the streets and alleys were quietly pointed at her.


The hill where the abandoned church is located.

"This is it,"

Fuji Seiko and the junior high school boy came to a forest.

It is not difficult to tell from the marks on the ground that someone fell here not long ago.

"Naoto, let your brother see the scene."

"Yes, Chief Fuji."

Naoto Murakami nodded. Since he had been noticed by the Metropolitan Police Department, he naturally joined the staff immediately and started working!

read? What book to read!

After reading it, I had to take the establishment test with a group of people. Now I can join directly and start the police department!

The starting point is the end point for ordinary people.

Of course, the young man would rather not take this kind of position that his brother got in exchange for it.

"elder brother,"

"Well, there was a fierce battle here."

From Naoto Murakami's body, emerged a boy whose facial features were very similar to his, but more mature.

Murakami Masato died at the hands of a surging evil spirit in order to protect his younger brother.

Now, he has also become an evil spirit, no, a guardian spirit.

Murakami flew around the woods, looking here and there, and even stretched out his fingers to trace through some empty spaces.

"Here are 14 evil spirits killed, etc."

As a spirit, Murakami can see the traces of the spirit dissipating.

"There is also an existence that you call a 'new type of evil spirit'. His remaining aura will not be weaker than mine!"

Murakami Makoto, who was already a spirit, frowned. If he could kill this 'new type of evil spirit', he would naturally be able to kill him as well: If he encountered it, how could he protect his younger brother?


Turning his head to look at the bushes next to him, humans naturally couldn't see anything, but Murakami saw a remaining trace.

"Are there any traces of something being swept?"

After all, he was just a junior high school student, so it was unrealistic to expect him to become a famous detective on the spot.

However, this information alone is enough.

"It seems that Higashi Hyomi met another 'new type of evil spirit' here, and"

Have you reached some kind of cooperative relationship with them?

Ouch, headache.

Teng Shengzi couldn't help but rub his eyebrows. Extraordinary existences are troublesome enough, and now even evil spirits have come to interfere: and compared with the 'rare' number of extraordinary beings, the number of evil spirits is uncountable!

Just thinking about how many people have died in the island country in the past thousand years is horrifying!

What's more, there have been many cases showing that people who die now have a certain chance of becoming evil spirits.

Guardian spirit, support, and...

Seiko Teng felt,

Soon a new 'supernatural power' will appear in the island country.

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