I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 175 The Development of Supernatural Powers


Da da da da,

A transport plane flew in,

Hovering over the abandoned town.

"Wow~~Captain Matthew, you can actually kill a 'super assassin'?"

"This is a big deal"


As the helicopter parked in the parking lot outside the town, several foreign mercenaries with the same blond hair and blue eyes jumped out of the cabin chewing gum: after seeing the mercenary team's 'trophies', they all started shouting.

"If I had such ability, would I still need to be a mercenary?"

The black mercenary captain glanced at the other party angrily, waved his hand, and motioned for his teammates to carry the wounded onto the transport plane.

The other mercenaries had their fingers on the triggers. Although the muzzles of their guns were pointed downward, they were obviously on alert.

"Hey, don't be so nervous, we are a professional Vulture transport team."

Seeing that the mercenary team was faintly surrounding him, the mercenary who jumped off the transport plane shrugged, glanced at the 'ninja' corpse on the ground covertly, suppressed the greed in it, and waved.

"Come on, let's get out of this damn place."

This is the body of the 'Super Assassin',

In monetary terms, that's a reward worth millions of dollars.

Moreover, you can also obtain precious military ‘merits’, which can be exchanged for various precious high-tech weapons, and even extraordinary potions!


This mercenary team is quite complete.

And the vigilance is very high. There are only a few people on the transport plane and they dare not play tricks.

Faced with millions of dollars in profit, what makes these transport teams dare not act rashly is the opponent's force.


"A ninja corpse with the ability to 'hide and seek'?!"

Wait for this mercenary team to return to the base in Gojo City and hand over the mummified ninja with missing parts to the Island Self-Defense Force. The other party was shocked and immediately reported to his superiors: Soon, a group of white coats hurried over and pulled the body away.

Forget about the other corpses, this extraordinary corpse with the ability to 'hide and seek' is the primary target that the island government has recently tried to analyze.

After all, Takahashi Ai Ling is still 'resurrecting' cats everywhere, and one day the other party will confront the government again——

Just imagine a dense army of cats with the ability to 'hide and seek' rushing over.

All armies are left with nothing but despair.

If it can be cracked, even if it can only interfere with the opponent's ability, it will be unprecedented progress, so:

"You guys did a great job,"

Facing the Major General of the Island Self-Defense Force who raised his hand to pat his shoulder, the black mercenary captain bent down so that the other party could reach his shoulder.

"It's my pleasure, sir."


The major general felt quite happy, thinking that the Army Self-Defense Force was once at the bottom of the contempt chain.

America Lao Bai, America Lao Hei, Hai Zi, Kong Zi, and then their Lu Zi. And now, who dares to look down on their Lu Zi:

Have you asked Kafka about General Kafka’s fist?

"With my authority, I can grant you up to 20 meritorious deeds."

"Cheers, boys!"

The middle-aged General Lu clapped his hands,

"Use these meritorious deeds to exchange for what you want: money that you will never earn in a lifetime, the right to live in Tokyo, or even..."

Extraordinary potion!

He had wanted to do this for a long time, just like the generals in America.

To hell with so-called ‘restrained’!

"Okay, I'll redeem-"

The black mercenary spoke without hesitation:

"A pair of mechanical prosthetics."

? !

The mercenaries who were cheering behind him were stunned.

The first reaction of almost all of them was to exchange for the 'extraordinary potion'. Who would have thought that the captain was actually going to exchange for a mechanical prosthetic limb?

Where there is a demand, there is a market: things like mechanical prosthetics have existed before; the main reason why there are no breakthrough developments is that no one invests in research funds!

No matter what kind of research it is, it is definitely very expensive. As for things like mechanical prosthetics, to put it bluntly, the market is too small! It is simply not cost-effective to invest a lot of money; essentially, like mechanical exoskeletons, there are cheaper alternatives.

And now that there is demand, naturally a large number of companies are willing to invest money, manpower, and energy in research.

Because in the battlefield of Koyasan, corpses and various wounded people are constantly being produced every day: many of these wounded people are owners who are not short of money, which naturally stimulates the development of mechanical prostheses.

Just like the 'power armor' that the Metropolitan Police Department is constantly updating, it is so expensive that ordinary people can't even drive it, and it's not as good as a tank in the plains. But because of the needs of artificial extraordinary beings, scientific researchers have obtained sufficient funds. , immediately immersed himself in continuous research and development of new models——

Although money is not everything, having money can definitely achieve countless ‘miracles’.


"Wait, Captain!"

Several other team members quickly spoke to stop them.

“We’ll talk about mechanical prosthetics later, but now is a great opportunity!”

"Franky will understand. What's the point of exchanging him for a pair of mechanical prosthetics?"

"Yes, exchange for extraordinary potions - as long as you become an extraordinary person, are we still afraid that we won't be able to earn back the money?"

The other team members spoke one after another, all urging the captain to redeem the extraordinary potion and then let him drink it: leading the team to continue hunting.


Seeing that the members trusted him so much, the black captain nodded.

"I won't let you down."


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The base is specially set up in a 'laboratory' where people can take extraordinary potions.

The black captain, who was tied to the heavy alloy operating table, struggled violently and roared in pain. The muscles under his skin continued to surge and swell, making his already burly figure become more and more inhuman.

"Those who took the medicine developed a mutated reaction"

"Don't panic, inject ten milliliters of XXX"

"Have the suppression team on standby."

In the laboratory, a group of "well-informed" medical staff said: It's a small scene.

Those who dare to drink extraordinary potions are basically the elites among humans who are physically and mentally superior, but they cannot say that they will be 100% successful: after all, no one knows their own limits.

Some seemingly dull-witted guys can drink all kinds of over-standard medicines as water; some people who are obviously very strong will suddenly collapse due to a minor illness.

As for whether the will is strong or not, it is a very idealistic question. So the failure scenario——

They've seen a lot.


At this moment, the skin on the shoulder of the black mercenary captain who was lying on the hospital bed suddenly swelled and exploded, revealing a huge bloody eye.

White teeth,

I’ve never seen this before!

"Suppression team, enter the laboratory immediately——"

"Wait, it seems the situation has stabilized?"

Just when the 'chief doctor' of the laboratory was about to order the destruction of the 'guest', he discovered that the black mercenary captain on the operating table had begun to stabilize his various indicators.


What's happening here?

Mutation, parasitism? Symbiosis? still.


Just when the 'attending doctor' was about to step forward to check, the black mercenary captain broke free from his restraints and sat up amid the sound of metal breaking.

"Did I succeed?"

Mercenary captain Matthew clenched his fist. This kind of punch could kill someone.

Although he didn't know exactly how strong it was, he felt that he could now fight the 'synthetic beast' hand-to-hand!

"Well, it's considered a success."

Regarding this, the ‘attending doctor’ looked hesitant to speak.

The mercenary captain in front of him had bulging muscles all over his body, and his height had suddenly reached two meters. There was an eyeball on his shoulder that was rolling around. If he hadn't been conscious clearly, the suppression team would have broken through the door.

"We'll give you a full physical examination first."


"Wow, cool!"

"So cool, Captain!"

When the black mercenary captain walked out of the laboratory, the team members waiting anxiously outside had excited faces, and some even whistled.

".I don't think there's anything good about having an extra eye!"

Matthew, the black mercenary captain, had a black line on his face. No, with his skin color, there was no such thing as a "black line" at all, but his unhappy expression was still very obvious.

"Why does this happen?"

Can extraordinary potions also be fake? !

"Mr. Matthew, it's good that we didn't charge you any extra surgery fees."

The 'attending doctor' in charge here glanced at him, and after some examination, he proved that the other party was still a human, but with an extra 'symbiotic organ' on his shoulder, and his physical fitness was exaggerated, almost reaching the level of a 'strong dog' 'Extraordinary.

The residue of the medicine given to him has been quickly sent for examination to see if it is a problem with the medicine or with Mr. Matthew's physical condition.

or it could be--

"You're in luck,"

"A small number of lucky people who take the 'third-level extraordinary potion' may also gain 'dog-level' power."

"And you directly gained the strength of a powerful dog at the price of just..."

There is an extra 'symbiosis organ' and a height of twenty centimeters out of thin air. Damn it! Why hasn't this good thing happened to him?

".Hmm, that makes sense."

After thinking about it, Captain Matthew, whose image had changed drastically, also accepted this reality.

In this extraordinary world, as long as you have power, what's the point of worrying about appearance? Besides, isn’t he still in human form~~

"Hehehe, what a strong abdominal muscles, captain~~"

"Captain, let me touch your eyes."

"Go away and touch your ass!"

After accepting this form, Captain Matthew looked out the window in the direction of Mount Koya.

"Come on, let's go do a few more things and first redeem Franky's mechanical prosthesis."

I have to say that although he is an old black man, the mercenary captain named 'Matthew' is still very reliable.

"The captain has become extraordinary, and our tactics need to be adjusted."

The eyes of the remaining team members were shining one by one. They hunted monsters and became extraordinary. Then they expanded their hunting and there were more and more extraordinary members. This is how many extraordinary mercenary groups rose.

Now, it's finally their turn!

Standing at the forefront of the times,

Pigs can also take off!


While the little people are fighting for their lives for the future, the big people are also closely discussing the future:

"Is there still no whereabouts of Master Zhixiong?"

"terribly sorry."

Raising his hand to interrupt his subordinate, Director Zhuya turned his head and looked at the other side of the screen.

"Unfortunately, the Metropolitan Police Department has tried its best."

But if you can't find it, you can't find it. The island country is not big or small, but it still has 378,000 square kilometers. What's more, there are 6,800 large and small islands, as well as forests occupying 67% of the total land area: How is it possible to find a transcendent who deliberately hides in this kind of terrain?

Half of the island country’s population is concentrated in the three major metropolitan areas.

The rest of the place should not be too much in the wilderness.

Not to mention other factors:

"First, we can't make a big deal about it."

How could Master Zhixiong escape from the battlefield because of mental breakdown? How could it be brought to the table?

"Second, whether Master Zhixiong can fly, it is the 'Three Cobalt Pestle' in his hand that can take people to fly. In this case."

Radar can’t detect humans flying at low altitudes!

"Hey, how could Master Zhixiong do this?"

Across the screen, the Prime Minister of the island nation had an incomprehensible tone.

Look at other extraordinary beings. Not only will they fight to the death, but they will at least suffer repeated defeats.

Why did this Buddhist Master Zhixiong fall into the ‘inner demon’ so easily?

Glancing at the senior cabinet officials behind the screen, Director Zhuya pushed up his flat-light glasses: It is indeed 'easier to say than to do'. If these senior cabinet officials are allowed to go to the battlefield, they will probably be even more miserable than Master Zhixiong.

"That's it, next topic."

After the picture on the screen disappeared, Director Zhuya sighed.

"The situation is getting more and more complicated,"

The Self-Defense Forces, headed by General Kafka, are actively lobbying, hoping that the cabinet will increase military spending: especially the army's military spending.

The Yagyu family summoned other samurai families to teach them the 'breathing method'. The superficial reason was to 'rebuild the glory of the samurai family', but how could Director Zhuya not know that his purpose was to expel the beautiful beasts.

The Isotani family openly intervened in the elections of Shizuoka Prefecture, determined to win the position of 'governor'; at the same time, they constantly armed their forces. Although they were incomparable with the government, they secretly selected young students to join the 'Onnyang Ryo'. It can be said to be completely treasonous.

Compared with these extraordinary forces who are ‘unwilling to be alone’,

Yujun, who still insists on going to class every day, represents the Hanakaiyuan family, which is so peaceful that it makes people cry.

"What do you mean by me as the police chief? Yihua."

Subconsciously call your right-hand man, and then:

"Director, Section Chief Yihua is based in the Imperial Palace. Do you need me to contact her?"

Hearing Teng Seiko's answer, Director Zhuya was stunned, and then showed a wry smile.


Even Yihua left,

She transferred herself to another position on the grounds of protecting her 'hope of life'.

Now she also holds the position of 'Head of the Imperial Palace Police Headquarters' and is stationed in the Imperial Palace for a long time. She is trying every means to help her good friend improve her strength.

Although the strength of Yihua's 'God's Eye' has continued to grow with the efforts of Yihua and the diligent training of the 'Hope Aiming', at the same time, the influence has also grown: the old princes of the Imperial Household Agency ', the old 'princess', all united around 'Hope Ai Ming'.

He also looked like he wanted to recreate the ‘royal majesty’.

Even his beloved son, Prince, worshiped ‘Hope Aiming’ as his teacher.

Regardless of whether we can learn anything, we are really like a ‘family’ now.

At least among the media in the island country, no one dares to point fingers at the royal family anymore, accusing it of "overstepping" at every turn.

I heard that recently many powerful figures from the chaebol have gone to 'visit' to wish for their wives' lives. It's hard to say whether they have expressed their loyalty to them in private.

"Hey, it's so stormy~~"

Thinking of this, Director Zhuya, who was trying to maintain the situation, closed his eyes in pain.

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