I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 170 See you again in Huangquan

"Is this a monk's robe?"

Ishikawa, who was on guard at the back, slowly approached and glanced at what his companion was holding.

What the hell?

The island nation believes in Buddhism, and there are more than 70,000 temples. But there are no temples in the mountains where they are, let alone monks.

On the other hand, there are many shrines in Izumo: the legendary "Okuninushi" who once blocked Amaterasu from ruling the earth is enshrined in Izumo Taisha: However, Izumo City and Matsue City where they are located are located in the north and south, around Shimane Prefecture, and are separated by more than ten days' journey: if you walk.

It only takes an hour to take the Shinkansen, mainly because there are too many mountains.

"Why would there be monk's robes in such a place."

Ishikawa frowned and thought of the topic just now.

"Could it be a 'noderabo'?"

The so-called 'noderabo' is a monster transformed from a monk in the island nation: Legend has it that if no one offers incense to a temple, the abbot will die of anger and become a monster; if someone stays in this temple, the noderabo will bite off the throat of the traveler.

"We have walked this mountain so many times, but we haven't even seen a tile. Where is the temple?"

The old hunter who picked up the monk's robe took a glance and noticed the broken bushes next to him.

"This way--"

"Hey, hey, hey, brother."

Ishikawa behind him lowered his voice and hurried to stop the old hunter in front.

"For this kind of weird situation, let's call the police first."

"You want to ask those little ghosts sitting in the office of the police station to come over?"

The old hunter in front rolled his eyes at his companion and took the lead to move forward lightly.

"I would rather believe the guy in my hand."


Thinking of the young policemen outside the mountains who only know how to issue tickets, mediate quarrels between neighbors, and even persuade otakus to go out, Ishikawa stopped talking.

It's better to believe in the hunting rifle in your hand than to believe in those little ghosts.

The two old hunters stopped talking, bent their waists and walked forward, walking lightly in the woods: walking like a nimble cheetah or an old wolf patrolling the mountains; although they are over 60 years old, with their physique, they are better than a bunch of civil servants in their thirties.

Soon, the two followed the traces of broken bushes and fallen weeds and tracked to a col.


The cheerful water flowed through the rocks, washing them into an oval shape, forming streams: a shape that can be crossed in one step.

Raised his hand and made a warning gesture to Ishikawa behind him.

The two came quietly behind a big tree and used it as a cover.

The leading old hunter glanced at the stream and immediately locked onto a figure:

It was a young man, wearing an ordinary T-shirt and trousers, curled up behind a huge rock, sleeping.

He was indeed sleeping. From his curled posture, frowning brows, and unconscious turning over, he looked like a human sleeping. But——

Who would come to this mountain forest to sleep!


It's not impossible.

Thinking of a possibility, the old hunter sighed silently.


The suicide rate of the island country has always been among the highest in the world, and more than 20,000 people committed suicide last year. Among them, men accounted for 14,000: in traditional culture, men should take care of the family. No matter how hard or tired they are outside, they cannot go home to complain, otherwise they are not "mature" enough.

Coupled with the "introverted" character of the islanders, under the accumulation of pressure, once they encounter layoffs, illness, and cheating.

People who have no desire to live will go into the forest and find a quiet place to end their lives.

Don't cause trouble to others, which is also one of the "cores" of island education.


"No, it may be a monster. Now it is called a supernatural being?"

The old hunter named Ishikawa also cautiously stretched his head to observe.


Subconsciously raised his hand, trying to stop his old friend who put down the gun and moved forward.

"You stay alert here,"

The old hunter with a shotgun pointed to the ground and strode out. After a few jumps between the rocks washed out by the stream, he came to the young man huddled under the rock.

This is indeed a young man: short hair (monks in the island country do not need to shave their heads), white face, looks like a student who has just entered society and can be seen everywhere. His frowning brows seemed to be entangled by some nightmare, and he held a vajra in his arms. Even in his sleep, his ten fingers tightly grasped it.

"No, I didn't run away."

"I'm not a coward, I'm a coward."

The unconscious murmur came from the mouth of the young man lying on the ground, and he instinctively shrank back again.

"Young man,"

"Young man, young man."

? !


The young man suddenly bounced up from the ground, and he got up so quickly: even with a bang, he overturned the rocks behind him.

It was indeed extraordinary,

but not an extraordinary existence, but an extraordinary person.

"Calm down, young man."

The muzzle of the gun was still pointed at the ground, and it was in a posture that could be raised at any time to shoot. The old hunter spoke calmly.

"There are no enemies here, and no one will hurt you."


After a few seconds of stunned, the young man who subconsciously raised the "vajra" came back to his senses.


"Follow me,"

The old hunter waved his hand, as if he was facing a familiar junior.

"There's a 'Forest Patrol House' nearby,"

"Whatever you want to say, let's have a drink first, this is such a horrible weather."

The young man licked his lips subconsciously,

"Come on,"

When the old hunter waved again,

The embarrassed young man took steps in a daze.



Bunkyo District.

"Aunt Miyashita,"

Passing the pickled plum in his hand to the woman who opened the door, the boy in a straight school uniform nodded and saluted.

"This is the prunes made by my mother herself, please don't dislike it."

"Ah, thank you very much."

The woman took the prune and bowed in return, her eyes falling on the boy's schoolbag.

There is an umbrella hanging on it, an umbrella with a bear pattern.

"Jun-kun, you."

"It's been a year since that incident."

The woman was very satisfied with her daughter's childhood sweetheart: he was good at both morals and academics, quiet and calm, and even so infatuated. However, due to an accident, her daughter could never realize her wish, leaving only a young man who blamed himself. .

"If Liangzi knew, she would definitely not want to see you torture yourself like this."

It took a year for the woman to recover from her grief.

But the young man in front of her still carried the umbrella of her former daughter; and the woman also heard that he walked alone every day without a single friend.

If things continue like this, it's hard not to have bad thoughts in her: You know, there are five to six hundred students in the island country who commit suicide every year!

"You misunderstood, Aunt Miyashita."

Jun Kishida, who was in junior high school, showed a gentle smile.

"I won't commit suicide, don't worry. At the same time, please—"

"If you wait patiently, it won't take long."

The young man who realized that he had made a mistake bowed his head and closed his mouth.

"I take my leave."


Could it be

Watching Kishida Jun leave, the middle-aged woman shook her head slightly.

Junjun, do you think there is a chance to save Liangzi when the extraordinary comes?

It's impossible, we are just ordinary people, not the high-ranking big shots in the Sacred Tree District.

No matter what kind of miracle it is, it always happens to big people: because they have the qualifications and ability to stand in front of the miracle.


"I was a little rash just now,"

Walking on the road, the boy whispered to himself;

"Now is the most critical time. We must not make any mistakes. We must be cautious and cautious."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to cover the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but beat.

Right away, right away, right away.

Jun Kishida,

There is no trace of the ‘Rain Girl’ in the extraordinary archives of the island country so far, and she is the object of countless big shots who are eager to get in touch with her!

Because behind 'her', standing is 'Ghost Bai' from the underworld.

That's the underworld~~

What do big people fear most?

Of course I'm afraid of death! There is great terror between life and death.

When they think of working hard all their lives to finally be on top of tens of thousands of people and win gold and silver, but in the end it all comes to nothing, they become furious, irritable, and so angry that they go crazy!

Throughout the ages, countless emperors, generals, celebrities, and even scientists have

They were obviously wise and powerful when they were young, but in their old age, they fell into ignorance and were capable of doing anything.

It's not that they have really become stupid, but as spring goes and autumn comes, they feel the passage of time and the approach of death: the stronger the person, the less willing they are to 'accept their fate'. So they have to resist: build mausoleums, search for elixirs of longevity, and even use all kinds of unbelievable methods, just to extend their lives for even one second.

After knowing that behind the 'Rain Girl' was the underworld, the island country's dignitaries launched a frantic pursuit, trying to find out the whereabouts of the 'Rain Girl', but all failed.

Jun Kishida is really too cautious!

Every time he goes out, he wraps himself in an umbrella and water.

As soon as the battle started, the fog immediately covered it; after the battle, the water washed away the battlefield, and there was no need to wait for the police to wash the ground.

Every time I either walked through the river or went into the sewer. In addition, after acquiring the ability of "water body", he was able to achieve a perfect "alibi"; countless criminal investigators scratched their heads, but they were unable to locate his true body.

In the secret, Jun Kishida has secretly killed many 'extraordinary beings' and has mastered water control.

Finally, 'Gui Jibai' finally gave him a new mission!

As long as this task is completed,

He can see Liangzi again and hold up the umbrella that we couldn't walk together that day again, so:

"Even if I go to hell, I will have no regrets!"

Returning to his room, the young man glanced at the smiling photo on the table and sat down cross-legged.

"The Underworld Turning Technique——"

start up!


The art of turning around in the underworld,

It is the barrier ninjutsu of the four sound ninjas.

Different from the defensive 'Four Purple Flame Formation', this is a 'die together' ninjutsu.

Once activated, it can create a barrier, or illusion, to force the enemy's soul out of the body. Then there is a soul-level battle with the opponent in the illusion. Whoever's soul loses will naturally die with his body.

If it weren't for Kabuto Yakushi, the 'Master of Dreams', the four sound ninjas wouldn't have the chance to use this move again.

It is a pity that when they were reincarnated by the dirty soil, the 'Konoha Xiaoqiang' of the year were no longer what they used to be. Even at the soul level, they defeated the four sound ninjas again, making them convinced of their defeat.

Jun Kishida activated this 'spell' obtained from 'Kijibai' without hesitation.

Even if it is a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​fire, a pool of blood and purgatory, what do you have to fear?

As the spell is activated,

Jun Kishida felt an inexplicable pulling force, as if his soul was about to leave his body.

No, not as if! He could clearly ‘see’ his sight rising higher and higher, surrounded by his room, and below him sat a familiar figure cross-legged: it was him!


The next second, the pulling force from the void became stronger and stronger, causing Jun Kishida’s soul to fly in a certain direction.

Instantly crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, he was thrown into a mysterious space——


“To, you will never get rid of me in your whole life, next life, or the next life.”

The girl’s silver bell-like laughter came to his ears, making Jun Kishida, who was half squatting on the ‘ground’, shook his head while the world was spinning.

When his sight was focused, he looked in the direction where the sound came from: a young man who looked like a college student was being held on the back by a high school girl, with her hands around his neck.

At the feet of the helpless young man, there were two dogs: a Shiba Inu lying on the ground and wagging its tail, and a military dog ​​with its ears erected and alert.

The dark clouds above blocked out the sun, and the ground below was filled with lingering dust and fog, as if the boundary between heaven and earth merged into one, and everything was dark.

There were messy piles of stones all around, and in the distance were shadowy buildings: modern single-family houses, old wooden houses with brick walls, and extremely simple thatched earth. The dark waves stretched out like graves, and there were also several dry trees on the side of the road, with messy dead branches like ghost claws.

"Hoshino, someone is coming."

Patting the girl hanging on his back, the young man looked at Jun Kishida who stood up from the ground.

"You were also summoned by Lord 'Ghost Envoy Bai'?"

"Hello, my name is-"

"Tani Mura Wataru,"

Before the young man introduced himself, the boy who looked like a good boy spoke first.

"We are old acquaintances. The first extraordinary battle, the first time I killed someone."

? !

"You are——"

"My name is Jun Kishida,"

The boy felt it first, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the bear umbrella fell into his palm.


The umbrella opened and held it above his head.

"The island government calls me the 'Rain Girl'."

? ? ?


Not only Tanimura Wataru, but even the girl on his back, 'Tanimura Hoshino', was surprised.

"You... aren't you a boy?"

A college student and a high school student pointed at a middle school student in doubt.


"The real 'Rain Girl' is my girlfriend: Miyashita Ryoko."

"Originally I should have been killed by her, but she let me go; she even gave me the power, so——"

"In order to revive Ryoko, I once killed you, Tanimura Wataru."

They are not only old acquaintances, but also 'old enemies': Tanimura Wataru died at the hands of Jun Kishida in the Shibuya incident!

"I'm sorry, but——"

Holding the familiar umbrella, water appeared out of thin air around him.

"If you want to prevent me from resurrecting Ryoko, then I can only 'kill' you once more."

! !

"Gurgle~~" X2

The souls of the two ninja dogs suddenly stood up, growling and ready to pounce.

"Everyone, please be patient--"

Just when the atmosphere was solemn, a soft voice sounded.

The next moment, a man wearing a white plain hunting robe, a white plain finger-hole, a white tall hat, flowing white hair, a face as white as snow, and unusually soft features appeared in the middle of the three people and two dogs.

"My lord," X3

As the 'ghost messenger Bai' appeared,

the three people bowed their heads, and the bleak atmosphere instantly disappeared.

They are all extraordinary people who have signed a contract with this existence in the underworld; for their love!

Now, Tanimura Wataru and Tanimura Hoshino have met, which makes Kishida Jun tremble slightly: it is true, he can really meet Ryoko again.

"My Lord, this is."

Facing Tanimura Wataru's doubt, the ghost messenger Bai opened his arms.

"As you can see, this is——"

"Yozen Hirasaka!"


PS: I recommend a new book, "Previous Life Simulator, I'm Really Not Your Husband". You can tell from the title that I won't be sacrificed again, right? (Probably)

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