I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 118 Negotiation

Night falls,

Yuluo left with his head full of bruises,

".Yu-sama, this is the situation."

In the living room, Yuu was sitting on the sofa, and a middle-aged man wearing an onmyoji costume stood respectfully next to him.

After the man named 'Hakuin Hidemoto' finished speaking, he took a step back and waited quietly for Yuu to digest the information.

The experiment was wrong. Teaching Hanakaiyuan Yuro was just casual, but it could not be without cost. If it was of no use to the Hanakaiyuan family, then that would be it: it was still in the testing phase, and the teaching had not started yet.

It's not like other people use chakra and ninjutsu directly.

I just didn't expect that part of the reason why Anbei Qingming took the blame lies with the middle-aged man in front of him, or the "Huakaiyuan" family.

"Mr. Hanakaiyuan,"

"Yes, Master Yu."

The middle-aged man has the respectful attitude of a 'retainer',

"Just call me 'Xiuyuan'."

"Xiuyuan, is what you said true?"

According to this middle-aged man’s explanation, his family kept an ancient book from a thousand years ago, which recorded the battle between ‘Ashiya Michitoshi’ and ‘Ampere Seimei’ in front of the palace:

After witnessing Abe Seimei stealing a corpse in a cemetery, Ashiya Michito decided that Seimei was an evil person. When he and Abe Seimei were fighting in front of the emperor, he secretly put the body of the little boy that Seimei had dug up before into a suitcase in an attempt to expose Seimei. However, he lost because Seimei used the soul-returning technique to temporarily resurrect the little boy. Lost the test and was expelled.

"The version I heard is that the emperor put tangerines in the box. Master Domo guessed the tangerines first, and then was transformed into a mouse by Abe Seimei, so he lost the game."

"Sir, it was the Tsuchimikado clan that had tampered with the facts."

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan answered seriously,

"The Anbei family was ungrateful and expelled the Kamo family from the Onnyangryo. After taking charge of the astronomical and calendar affairs, they were given the surname "Tsuchimikado" and monopolized the Onnyangdao for hundreds of years."

There are no eternal friends or eternal enemies in the world, only interests are eternal.

It stands to reason that Abe Seimei learned skills from the head of the Kamo family, and his eldest son also became a disciple of his senior brother Kamo Yasunori. It can be said that they are truly like a family.

However, human desires are endless. Hundreds of years later, the Abe family completely excluded the Kamo family from Onnyangliao, and monopolized the rights to revise and interpret the island country's astronomy and calendar. This completely established the status of the island country’s ‘number one’ Onmyoji family.

With the Tokugawa family personally giving the surname "Tsuchimikado", it could be said that it was unparalleled for a while.

It is a pity that Tokugawa succeeded and failed. After the Meiji Restoration, the Onnyōryo was abolished and the Tsuchimikado family disappeared.

But it is undeniable that in the intervening hundreds of years, the Anbei family, or the Tsuchimikado family, was very powerful, especially they were in charge of astronomy and calendaring. It is normal to tamper with documents, but——

I haven’t even picked out ‘reincarnation in dirty soil’ yet.

The thousand-year-old Abe Seimei performed well and resurrected the little boy on the spot? !

There is no doubt that thousands of years ago, it was not only the Ampei family who helped their ancestors 'brag', but also the Ashiya family.

"Also, the Metropolitan Police arrested a descendant of Tsuchimikado who tried to commit suicide and seized a large number of ancient books from his residence, which proves this fact."

Hanakain Hidemoto continued, if it was in the past, he would have been a 'religious lunatic' at most; but now that there is no doubt that he is extraordinary, he has become a 'Tsuchimikado with a grudge, trying to summon his ancestors to come, although It was caught in time by the Metropolitan Police Department, but its flaws were also exposed. ’

"The man behind the recent chaos in the island country is Abe Seimei!"

Must be, absolutely!

In this way, not only can the legendary "poor reputation" ancestor Ashiya Michimi turn around, but it can also put the Hanakain family back on the road to transcendence.

If it weren't for Huakaiyuan's family running around actively, where could they get the 'extraordinary potion'?

"The great Onmyoji from thousands of years ago has fallen and wants to return to the world to cause chaos."

Facing the 'distressed' Hanakain Hidemoto, Yuu touched his chin.

I really didn’t expect that the government was secretly ‘imagining’ such a thousand-year drama.

Even the descendants of Abe and Ashiya helped the government 'fill' all the loopholes so that everything could be justified.

It’s really ridiculous,

"Yes, it cleared up a lot of my questions."

"Yes, it is my honor to share your worries with you."

Turning to look at the man who regarded himself as a 'retainer', Yuu shook his head slightly.

"Xiuyuan, we have only known each other for a day. If I say how loyal you are to me, even if I believe it, do you believe it?"

"But it doesn't matter. I also need you to help me pay attention to the government's trends: I still want to go to school quietly, but I don't want to be involved in some thousand-year conspiracy. Can I do it?"

"Please leave it to me, my lord!"

The middle-aged man knelt down on one knee. He also understood that it was very difficult to gain the trust of someone like him who took the initiative to come to the "separate family".

But in this extraordinary era, if you cannot seize the opportunity, life and death will become uncontrollable.

During this period, there were quite a few Yakuza and politicians in the island country who were secretly killed!

With extraordinary power, there are only a few people who are still willing to lie dormant.

If one day someone who wants to become famous comes to the door of the "Huakaiyuan" family, the "Huakaiyuan" family who is engaged in business and politics will not be able to resist the extraordinary power.

"Go ahead."

Waving the middle-aged man to leave,

Yuu tapped his fingers on the table in front of him, thinking to himself.

It seems that the island government has determined that ‘Abe Seimei’ is the mastermind behind the extraordinary incident. As a magician who has mastered the secret technique of 'Ashiya Domitsu', it is logical to take him under his command when faced with his 'common people' who are loyal to him. Although it is a bit hasty, but...

I am a "high school student\

,"What happened to doing whatever you want?


"The master has something to do, and the disciple will do his duty."

From now on, let 'Hanakaiyuan Yura' be the thug!

It also saves the Metropolitan Police Department from calling all the time: it can also take the opportunity to accumulate experience as a ‘Kiyaro’.


at the same time,


Faced with the request made by the Ibutani siblings who came to their door, Director Zhuya subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to pick his ears.

"Maybe I've been working too much overtime recently. Can you say what you just said again?"

"We want to buy your 'exoskeleton armor'."

My sister Igaya Dai repeated what she just said seriously.

"Child Igaya Dai,"

Next to him, Yiori Ichika put down the document in his hand and scratched his head irritably.

"This is the Metropolitan Police Department, not a convenience store."

"Those exoskeleton armors are not for sale and cannot be sold to you. Besides, the price."

His eyes swept over the two primary school students. Although he didn't say it out loud, Yiori Ichika's meaning was obvious:

Do you have that much money?

"Don't underestimate us,"

"Of course we know this stuff is expensive."

While talking, my sister Igaya Dai took out from her wide cuffs:

A scroll?

Yes, it is the kind of cylindrical paper equipped with a 'shaft' to roll up calligraphy and paintings.

"We'll exchange it for a 'magic weapon'."


Under the confused gazes of Director Zhuya and Iori Ika, the girl knelt down, opened the scroll, and laid it flat on the ground.

The densely packed text in the scroll was revealed, as well as a huge black word 'sealing' in the center of the 'magic circle' drawn by these words.

Shouldn't it be.


As Igogudai raised his index and middle fingers together and whispered a word, smoke rose from the scroll with a bang.

The smoke disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a wooden barrel!

? ?

"This is?"

"Sealing Scroll,"

The curly black-haired Fugu Dai knocked on the barrel and made a bang-bang-bang sound, proving that this was not a deception.

"Able to seal objects in scrolls and take them out when needed."

This thing seems inconspicuous, but it is very important!

Puppet masters almost always use seal scrolls to carry a large number of puppets, so most of them wear wide robes and long sleeves with piles of scrolls in their sleeves, except for a certain guy who likes to use puppets to dress up as himself.

Other ninjas also need it: for example, Tiantian, who spreads blades everywhere, if it weren't for the seal scroll, just the blades she carries would be destined to miss out on 'covert operations'.

In the world of Naruto, I have never seen any ninja who is "big and small". They all go to the battlefield in light clothes: the sealing scroll is indispensable.

"This kind of scroll can be taken out and stored as long as spiritual power is injected into it. Even 'artificial' extraordinary ones can use it."

The girl deliberately emphasized the word "artificial", which meant she was contemptuous of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But it fell into the ears of Director Zhuya who suddenly stood up and the wide-eyed Iori Kazuka.

It is simply like the sound of nature!

"Okay! Okay, cough~~"

What's this?

This is ‘space folding technology’! !

It is the ‘space folding’ technology that the island nation and America have longed for, and used to drool with envy.

I originally thought that as the 'Puppet Master' self-destructed, there was no chance of seeing him again, but unexpectedly he appeared again.

Raising his hand and coughing, Director Zhuya tried to cover up his overly excited attitude.

"Do you want to use this sealing scroll to exchange for exoskeleton armor?"


Director Zhu Ya agreed immediately, his mind racing, and he resisted the urge to rush over and snatch the scroll.

"How about just exoskeleton armor and a sealing scroll?"


However, Idai, who looked like a boy, laughed playfully, knelt down and put away the scroll.

"It's a seller's market now, and we have the final say on the price."

? ? ?

"Are you really elementary school students?"

Director Zhuya couldn't help but rub his eyebrows, and Director Zhuya had a headache.

Should we say that the current education is too good, allowing children to know so much? Or should we say that education is too poor, allowing children to understand so much?

"Hmph, hey, you told me not to underestimate us: we know that as soon as the production line is opened, the technological creations will come down from the assembly line with a clatter."

"No, it's not as simple as you say."

Director Zhuya put down his hand helplessly.

"There is no production line for exoskeleton armor at all because there is not such a big demand."

How much does a soldier's life cost? How is it possible to go to the battlefield carrying a set of equipment worth millions of dollars?

Things like exoskeleton armor have taken shape decades ago, but there has been little development. It’s not that the technology isn’t enough, it’s simply that it’s not ‘cost-effective’!

Technologies such as jet packs, ground-effect vehicles, and infrasonic weapons were mature as early as the Cold War, and were then abandoned because they were not cost-effective: something worth millions is worth an armor-piercing bullet costing $8,000. efficient.

In war, logistics is all about fighting!

Even in 'modern' warfare, human flesh detection is normal.

This situation often occurs on the battlefields of the big and small: if you have the ability, you can use artillery shells to blow up the soldiers, which is a huge profit for the big guys in the rear!

Why are drones so popular on the battlefield? It's because they are cheap and cost-effective.

". So, we don't have a dedicated production line."

"Then open one,"

Isugaya Dai waved her hand,

"Mr. Director, I don't know how much it costs to open a production line."

"But I believe that the 'sealed scroll' in our hands must be of great value to you."

The girl who rolled up the scroll shook it mischievously.

"The ecstasy on your face just now, even a child like me can see it~~"

"So, you are really elementary school students?"

Why do those guys in the Ministry of Education and Science let elementary school students play with mobile phones - look at what they have learned!


The next day,

"Master, please have some tea."

"Master, put it down~~"

"Master, let me make breakfast!"

Arriving at You's house early in the morning, Hanakaiin Yuura began to fulfill her duties as an 'apprentice', and she was a little uncomfortable with her busy schedule.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm actually studying home economics well~~"

The short-haired girl was very motivated.

Although she was not very good at 'cultural' subjects, sports were her specialty;

Plus, there were cooking and sewing classes in girls' middle schools, so these housework were a piece of cake for her.

"Yuura, don't you have to go to school?"

Since there was nothing to do, You simply chatted with her.


"My father has already helped me with the transfer procedures."

But she is only 13 years old this year, and she is still a middle school student. It is impossible for her to go to high school like You or Qiong.

"If the master thinks it affects my practice, I can drop out."

"No, just combine work and rest, anyway-"

There will be a time for you to go to the battlefield in the future!

Now that the ‘blood hakama’ has appeared, his exclusive ‘little brothers’ should also appear, so that the extraordinary people of the island country can ‘level up’ in battle: if they don’t work hard to improve, who will unlock more ninjutsu for You?

It’s not that You doesn’t want to do a ‘big’ one, but if you send out a powerful clone at this time, there will be no opponent at all!

In the end, it’s too boring to fight each other.

“Yuzu Luo,”

“Come so early?”

Sister Qiong came down from the second floor and found that the person who made breakfast today had changed.

“Of course, I am the master’s disciple now: serving tea and water, greeting and keeping watch are my duties.”

“. There is no need to be so exaggerated,”

At this point, Sister Qiong rarely walked into the kitchen.

“Well, I’ll help too.”

Although it is natural to rely on her brother, Qiong has recently come up with the idea of ​​giving You a ‘surprise’.

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