I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 156 The Second Tail

Da da da da,

Amid the roar of artillery fire, the CH-47 transport helicopter drove towards the position marked with blood hakama.

But this also angered or stimulated the demon tide. A large number of demons rushed over. Although they were immediately intercepted by the surrounding armed helicopters and large drones, many "flying sticks" still passed through the defense line and hit the helicopter.

Ding ding ding,

Amid the harsh metal collision sound, the large transport helicopter shook violently.

"Everyone, please go ahead."

Kafka kicked the door of the transport plane open, but did not leave first, but walked towards the cockpit.

"I'll be there soon."

"Let's go,"

Iori Ichika tilted his head, led Fuji Seiko and his extraordinary special police, and jumped out first.

Other extraordinary people also jumped out of the cabin. With their strength, this height of more than 100 meters is no different from the ground: as all the extraordinary people jumped down, the transport plane, which was hit by a large number of flying sticks, also fell crookedly to the side.


The explosion and flames engulfed the helicopter.

But Kafka, who strode out with two pilots, did not look injured at all.

"It's so powerful,"

Some people couldn't help but mutter, asking them to jump out of the plane to escape is no problem at all.

But it would be very difficult for them to save the pilots; it would be even more difficult to do it like this.

"Thank you,"

He put down the two pilots and pointed to the back.

"Go back quickly, be careful."

After saying that, Kafka turned his head and nodded to the extraordinary people.

"Let's go!"

As Kafka flew out first, many extraordinary people followed closely behind, forming an arrow formation: the speed was no less than that of arrows, rushing towards Mount Koya.

The flying speed of arrows in ancient times was mostly around 30-40 meters per second: that is to say, when they ran, they were so fast that even arrows could not catch up!

The flying demons immediately abandoned the army and rushed towards this team, densely packed, thousands of them, as if attracted by a magnet.

In an instant, the demons all over the battlefield were like a tide, flying and rushing towards this team, turning into a constantly gathering and roaring river: and the direction pointed by the front was exactly the extraordinary team that was attacking the Gaoye Mountains.

From a distance, it looked like a horizontal tornado that appeared out of thin air and covered the sky and the sun.

"Optical guidance, stop those demons!"

Missiles whizzed in and bombarded the demon torrent.

There were balls of flames and smoke, but in the blink of an eye they were drowned by more demons: when the number reached a certain level, it was also a terrifying attack.

Unfortunately, there are opponents who can ignore numbers:


When the torrent of monsters was about to catch up with the extraordinary team, it seemed to suddenly hit an invisible semicircular barrier: countless monsters in the front exploded, and circles of shock waves spread out, tearing and shattering a large number of monsters directly out of thin air. Turning into flying debris.

What a terrifying fist!

Ichigo Dai couldn't help but look back.

This kind of destruction scene that can only be caused by their joint use of "Yin Yang Jue" with fists and feet is simply a strong foul!

Fortunately, everyone is teammates now, and such power brings peace of mind.

"Sister, we will..."


The two siblings exchanged glances while speeding.

Their target is 'Master' Kainin. If they can kill 'Blood Hakama' with the help of Uncle Kafka, they can free the master from his restraints, and then the three of them will return to the village together: when the time comes, we will change 'Isugaya Village' to 'Kainin Village' and restore the glory of the 'Shadow Ninja' clan. As disciples, we have no choice but to do so!

Master, we are here.


"Why, are you scared?"

Yagyu Yunan, who was brought by his 'father' to participate in this battle and approached his friend Shixiong while speeding, teased the young monk who was chanting the Buddha's name subconsciously.

"Don't panic, I am the weakest one in the team."

The implication is that I am not afraid of a 'weak wolf' like you, so what are you afraid of as a 'strong tiger'?

After learning the 'family breathing method', Yagyu Yunan broke through the limitations and entered the 'wolf level' category: although he is not considered an extraordinary special police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, he is indeed the weakest one in the team, but looking at his demeanor, he is eager to try without fear of death.

It must be said that his 'father's' education method is still effective.

". Poor monk, I will protect you."

Monk Zhixiong felt both kind and envious of this good friend.

The other party has a carefree personality, the same experience and hobbies as him. At the same time, the other party's father is still alive. Although he is very strict, it can be seen that he loves him as well. On the other hand, although he has a lot of strength, he is still very strong.

"What are you talking about?"

"Protect yourself."

"You are the general who will fight head-on, and I am just a soldier wandering around the periphery. It's safe~~"

"Saito-kun, do you regret it?"


"It's just death"

Facing Yamagami Toru's question, Saito Jie, who was flying in the center of the team, answered subconsciously.

"No, I mean that girl: you kicked her out of the room yesterday."

Saitosuke answered nonchalantly, his figure flashing as he ran.

"We have no future"

"What if we can go back alive this time?"

Yamagami Toru interrupted Saitosuke's "repeat". He certainly knew that the two of them had a life-and-death experience, but if they could survive——

"If I can go back this time, I will..."

The girl named "Huan" flashed through Saitosuke's mind.

The other party's friendship was real, but Saitosuke had never accepted the girl because of his identity. If he could really go back alive this time, he would be ready to date her: with marriage as a prerequisite.

"Be alert!"

Iori Ichika, who was moving at high speed, turned his head and looked at the extraordinary special police behind him.

"You know the strength of General Kafka."

"That 'blood hakama' is obviously an onmyoji, and frontal combat is not his strong point; we will definitely win. No, we will definitely win!"

A group of extraordinary people who were unconsciously covered with "flags" all over their bodies moved at high speed and soon went deep into the Koya Mountains: the explosions and gunfire around them disappeared rapidly, replaced by the sound of countless buzzing wings, and:

The monsters coming from all directions!

"Leave it to us. Save your spiritual power first."

Yizhi Yihua raised his hand and waved. A dozen extraordinary special police dispersed to the left and right, and then:

They took out a seal scroll and slapped it on their belts.


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,

A series of exoskeleton power armors more than two meters high appeared behind them out of thin air. As these extraordinary lieutenants whose "spiritual power" had reached the "wolf level" jumped back, they jumped into the open cockpit.


In a series of mechanical sealing sounds, these power armors automatically closed, seamlessly, and merged into one.

Then their hands and feet moved like ordinary people.

"We will open the way!"

After putting on the power armor, the two "armored special police" in front immediately pulled out the cubic boron nitride bonded cutting knife and swung it and chopped it: as a weapon that can cut metal and is second only to diamond in hardness, these ordinary monsters will really die if they touch it, and will be injured if they touch it.


The ‘armored special police’ guarding the left and right sides of the team raised their arms. Behind them were huge fuel tanks filled with compressed high-inflammable agents. As long as the five fingers were clenched, the nozzle above the back of the hand would spit out blazing flames, forming a 50-meter-long column of fire.

America is very experienced in weapons such as flamethrowers: in the island war, they cleared out the island army hiding in tunnels, caves, and bunkers one by one.

As the party being ‘burned’, the island country has also accumulated a lot of experience, and the flamethrowers it has produced are also very powerful.

The armored special police in front rushed and slashed fiercely, and the armored special police on both sides sprayed fire and burned.

The Metropolitan Police Department also spent a lot of money.

“Okay, rush to the destination in one breath!”


Seeing that the number was not enough to drown the team, the monsters began to merge and turned into huge synthetic beasts to block the way. Next, it was their turn:

"Son, let's go!"

Yori Ichika, who also "transformed" on the spot through the seal scroll and was wearing power armor, led the remaining few extraordinary special police officers to go up.

At the same time, some extraordinary people also took action:

"Breath of the Wind·Water Moon Sword!"

A flash of light, the afterimage remained in place, and the blue figure had appeared behind a synthetic beast.

This is a very classic "shrinking the earth into an inch" in the island country. In essence, it is a technique of surprise and short burst: but with the blessing of extraordinary power and "breathing method", it has achieved a scene that was once only seen in movies and animations.


In the sound of limbs being torn apart, the "synthetic beast" that had not had time to show its power began to dislocate from the top of its head.

A crack went straight through the body, cutting it in half from the middle!

"You are worthy of being my father."

Pulling out the alloy long sword at his waist, Yusuke Yagyu also rushed out, wrapped in a swirling gust of wind and galloping across the sky, his feet not touching the ground.

Although he doesn't have the might of 'Yagyu Hara Shige' who can kill the synthetic beast with one sword, he can still deal with it.

Is this the 'breathing method'?

Iori Ichika, who was wearing power armor, had a flash of light in his eyes.

The Yagyu family learned the 'breathing method' from the ancient family books, which caused a sensation in the supernatural circle.

It's still the same old saying: the biggest problem of artificial supernaturals is that they can't use the 'spiritual power' in their bodies.

Those who can mobilize spiritual power to attack are all top human beings: Colonel Gu Lie, Ichika himself, and some martial artists.

For 'ordinary' artificial supernaturals who want to mobilize spiritual power, in addition to sufficient talent, it seems that there are only three types of Yin-Yang magic, Buddhist magic, and samurai breathing.

Let's not talk about Yin-Yang magic. Only the Ashiya lineage represented by the Isugaya family and Yu Jun are family secrets, and they will definitely not be taught easily; Buddhist magic. Although Master Shixiong also knows it, he relies more on 'instrument initiation' and has almost no practice experience.

Only the 'breathing method' of the Yagyu family can be taught and taught: Unfortunately, the only people who have mastered the breathing method are the current head of the family, Yagyu Hara Shige.

And his son Yagyu Yuo.

He is very strong, but.

Iori Ichika always has a lingering doubt. This 'Yagyu Hara Shige' gives her a familiar feeling.

Forget it, let's fight seriously.

The titanium alloy shield covered with explosive counterattacks in his hand blocked the claws of the synthetic beast.


The next second, the explosive device exploded due to the impact, and the synthetic beast staggered.

Without giving the other party a chance to adjust their body shape, the sharp 'cubic boron nitride bonded cutting blade' in the other hand of the power armor tore the synthetic beast in half!



"Very close."

"Keep going, the target is ahead!"

The sharp blade tore the exoskeleton with a crisp sound, the flames raged and exploded after burning, even though they were trapped in the tide of thousands of monsters, this extraordinary team still went upstream and killed the location detected by the drone disguised as a 'monster' before.

I hope the other party has not left? !

The eyes were empty, Yizhi Yihua looked up, and there was no trace of the monster in front.

This is certainly not because they have killed all the monsters, but because:

"Not bad, you can kill me here."

The hoarse voice sounded, which shocked the extraordinary who kept rushing into this 'clearing'.

This is a hemispherical clearing on the top of a mountain, the size of a football field, surrounded by countless monsters flying around, but dare not cross the line. Because their master is here:

In the middle of the open space, more than one meter above the ground, there floated a mysterious man dressed as an onmyoji, with a white scarf and black characters covering his face.

Blood hakama!

This extraordinary existence that has been secretly active for two years, maybe half a year, is the culprit of all the disasters in ‘Wakayama Prefecture’!

In addition to the blood hakama floating more than one meter high, there is also a slim female ninja beside him.


The Isugaya siblings who broke through here were delighted and subconsciously took a few steps forward.

They stopped abruptly because of the blood hakama.

If they rushed forward, they would only become a burden to the master as before.


A figure flashed, and Kafka, wearing a military coat, finally appeared in this square, his eyes locked on ‘blood hakama’.

“Are you the mastermind behind all this?”

“It’s me.”

‘Blood hakama’ turned his head and sneered.

"You brought these ants here to bury you?"

After saying that, his 'gaze' stayed on Yamagami Toru and Saitosuke.

"And these two little demons,"

"I gave you power, but you are hindering me?"

"Sorry, Lord Blood Hakama."

Yamagami Toru stepped forward and bowed.

"We are human beings."

This sentence is the answer.

"Very good, then I will take back your power, and that's also--"

Of course!

As the 'Blood Hakama' raised his hand and pointed, Yamagami Toru and Saitosuke immediately screamed and fell to the ground, their bodies visibly flattened and withered:

Snap, X2

At this moment, Kafka stepped forward and put his hands on their shoulders.

"Hold on!"

While warning in a stern voice, the flesh and blood of Kafka's arms kept squirming, melting, and then transferred to Yamagami Toru and Saitosuke: It looked like he was using flesh and blood to fill the gaps between the two.


Putting down his finger, 'Blood Hakama' was surprised.

"So it's the 'Rashomon Devil', no wonder you dare to bring them here."

As the 'curse seal holder', Jūgo's blood can heal them: just like Jūgo healed the two pillars whose internal organs were blown away.

"Huff, fufu, fufu~~~"

As Blood Hakama put down his hand, Yamagami Toru and Saitosuke gasped heavily. Just at that moment, they felt that their demon power and flesh were being drained away. If it weren't for Kafka Lujiang using his own power to fill it, they would have died long ago.

"You are lucky to have met the 'Ibaraki' of the demon clan."

'Blood Hakama' waved his hand, seemingly not caring about it.

"Since he is willing to use his flesh and blood essence to save you, I am not an unromantic person."

"You are - free."

After saying that, Blood Hakama changed the subject.

"But you will soon understand that freedom also has a price."

After saying that, countless dark words suddenly appeared on the ground, forming circles that spread out and covered the entire battlefield.

"Resurrection, the eighth tail of the master——"

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